2. Setting Up Mercurial

There is a little to configure on Mercurial in Smalltalk/X. Mercurial repositories are automatically detected in your package path and all repository-specific settings like push/pull urls are read right from the repository and its configuration.

Figure 1.4, “Mercurial Settings Dialog” show settings dialog for Mercurial.

Show in Menus

When checked, Mercurial-related menus are shown in tools like class browser or file browser. If unchecked, menus are not visible (and thus does not pollute your menus if Mercurial is not at all used). If you plan to use Mercurial, check this on.

'hg' command

Path to a hg command line client. If left empty, Mercurial executable is searched in standard places. Press Test to check whether specified or autodetected command line client matches versions supported by Smalltalk/X Mercurial library.

Use shared repositories (EXPERIMENTAL)

When checked, temporary working copy for commit is not a clone of work-tree directory (as created by hg clone command) but rather shared (as created by hg share). This is required to enable commit amending.

Automatically push changes to upstream repository

When checked, changes are automatically pushed to a default upstream repository on each commit. Although this is not recommended, it may be used to support a workflow similar to centralized source code management systems such as CVS or SVN.


Also, make sure that you have selected either Inline or Compat menu layout in system browser settings (in settings dialog, go to ToolsSystem Browser.

Figure 1.4. Mercurial Settings Dialog

Mercurial Settings Dialog