changeset 3 46c322c66a29
parent 2 8fedb5e096fc
child 4 5ef74750c3bc
--- a/compiler/	Fri Jan 11 10:12:41 2013 +0000
+++ b/compiler/	Fri Jan 11 13:40:41 2013 +0000
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 		topLevelDefinition tryStatement type typeArguments typeList
 		typeParameter typeParameters unaryExpression
 		userDefinableOperator variableDeclaration'
-	classVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:'Debugging'
@@ -885,6 +885,931 @@
 	^declaredIdentifier , (((',' asParser) , identifier) star)
 ! !
+!Parser class methodsFor:'initialization'!
+debugging: aBoolean
+    Debugging := aBoolean
+    "
+        JavaParser debugging: true.
+        JavaParser debugging: false.
+    "
+    "Created: / 11-01-2013 / 11:32:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Invoked at system start or when the class is dynamically loaded."
+    "/ please change as required (and remove this comment)
+    Debugging := false.
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 11:32:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^compilationUnit , (TokenParser for: #EOF).
+    "Created: / 11-01-2013 / 13:19:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'grammar'!
+        ^ (multiplicativeExpression , ((additiveOperator , multiplicativeExpression) star))
+        / ((TokenParser for: #super) , ((additiveOperator , multiplicativeExpression) plus))
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 09:59:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^ ('+' asParser)
+	/ ('-' asParser)
+	^ (namedArgument , (((',' asParser) , namedArgument) star))
+	/ (expressionList , (((',' asParser) , namedArgument) star))
+	^('(' asParser) , (argumentList optional) , (')' asParser)
+        ^ (primary , (((arguments star) , assignableSelector) plus))
+        / ((TokenParser for: #super) , assignableSelector)
+        / identifier
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:00:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^ (('[' asParser) , constantExpression , (']' asParser))
+	/ (('.' asParser) , identifier)
+	^ ('=' asParser)
+	/ ('*=' asParser)
+	/ ('/=' asParser)
+	/ ('~/=' asParser)
+	/ ('%=' asParser)
+	/ ('+=' asParser)
+	/ ('-=' asParser)
+	/ ('<<=' asParser)
+	/ (('>' asParser) , ('>' asParser) , ('>' asParser) , ('=' asParser))
+	/ (('>' asParser) , ('>' asParser) , ('=' asParser))
+	/ ('&=' asParser)
+	/ ('^=' asParser)
+	/ ('|=' asParser)
+        ^ (equalityExpression , ((('&' asParser) , equalityExpression) star))
+        / ((TokenParser for: #super) , ((('&' asParser) , equalityExpression) plus))
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:00:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^ ('&' asParser)
+	/ ('^' asParser)
+	/ ('|' asParser)
+	^ (bitwiseXorExpression , ((('|' asParser) , bitwiseXorExpression) star))
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#super) , ((('|' asParser) , bitwiseXorExpression) plus))
+	^ (bitwiseAndExpression , ((('^' asParser) , bitwiseAndExpression) star))
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#super) , ((('^' asParser) , bitwiseAndExpression) plus))
+	^('{' asParser) , statements , ('}' asParser)
+	^(TokenParser for:#catch) , ('(' asParser) , declaredIdentifier , (((',' asParser) , declaredIdentifier) optional) , (')' asParser) , block
+	^ ((TokenParser for:#class) , identifier , (typeParameters optional) , (superclass optional) , (interfaces optional) , ('{' asParser) , (classMemberDefinition star) , ('}' asParser))
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#class) , identifier , (typeParameters optional) , (interfaces optional) , (TokenParser for:#native) , (TokenParser for:#string) , ('{' asParser) , (classMemberDefinition star) , ('}' asParser))
+	^ (declaration , (';' asParser))
+	/ (constructorDeclaration , (';' asParser))
+	/ (methodDeclaration , functionBodyOrNative)
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#const) , factoryConstructorDeclaration , functionNative)
+        ^( ((TokenParser for: #'#!!') optional) , (directive star) , (topLevelDefinition star) )
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 13:18:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^ listLiteral
+	/ mapLiteral
+	^logicalOrExpression , ((('?' asParser) , constantExpression , (':' asParser) , constantExpression) optional)
+	^identifier , ((('=' asParser) , constantExpression) optional)
+	^declaredIdentifier , ((('=' asParser) , constantExpression) optional) , (((',' asParser) , constInitializedIdentifier) star)
+	^(TokenParser for:#const) , qualified , formalParameterList
+	^ (assignableExpression , assignmentOperator , constantExpression)
+	/ conditionalExpression
+	^ (identifier , formalParameterList , ((redirection / initializers ) optional))
+	/ (namedConstructorDeclaration , ((redirection / initializers ) optional))
+	^ (constantConstructorDeclaration , ((redirection / initializers ) optional))
+	/ (functionDeclaration , redirection)
+	/ (namedConstructorDeclaration , redirection)
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#abstract) , specialSignatureDefinition)
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#abstract) , functionDeclaration)
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#static) , (TokenParser for:#final) , (type optional) , staticFinalDeclarationList)
+	/ (((TokenParser for:#static) optional) , constInitializedVariableDeclaration)
+	^ ((TokenParser for:#final) , (type optional) , identifier)
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#var) , identifier)
+	/ (type , identifier)
+	^(label optional) , (((TokenParser for:#case) , constantExpression , (':' asParser)) star) , (TokenParser for:#default) , (':' asParser) , statements
+	^normalFormalParameter , ((('=' asParser) , constantExpression) optional)
+	^('#' asParser) , identifier , arguments , (';' asParser)
+	^ (relationalExpression , ((equalityOperator , relationalExpression) optional))
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#super) , equalityOperator , relationalExpression)
+	^ ('==' asParser)
+	/ ('!!=' asParser)
+	/ ('===' asParser)
+	/ ('!!==' asParser)
+        ^ (assignableExpression , assignmentOperator , expression)
+        / conditionalExpression
+    "Created: / 11-01-2013 / 13:22:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^('(' asParser) , constantExpression , (')' asParser)
+	^constantExpression , (((',' asParser) , constantExpression) star)
+	^(TokenParser for:#factory) , qualified , (typeParameters optional) , ((('.' asParser) , identifier) optional) , formalParameterList
+	^(TokenParser for:#factory) , type
+	^(finalVarOrType optional) , (TokenParser for:#this) , ('.' asParser) , identifier
+	^(((TokenParser for:#this) , ('.' asParser)) optional) , identifier , ('=' asParser) , conditionalExpression
+	^ ((TokenParser for:#final) , (type optional))
+	/ (TokenParser for:#var)
+	/ type
+	^(TokenParser for:#finally) , block
+	^ (initializedVariableDeclaration , (';' asParser))
+	/ ((constantExpression optional) , (';' asParser))
+	^ (forInitializerStatement , (constantExpression optional) , (';' asParser) , (expressionList optional))
+	/ (declaredIdentifier , (TokenParser for:#in) , constantExpression)
+	/ (identifier , (TokenParser for:#in) , constantExpression)
+	^ (('(' asParser) , (namedFormalParameters optional) , (')' asParser))
+	/ (('(' asParser) , normalFormalParameter , (normalFormalParameterTail optional) , (')' asParser))
+	^ (('=>' asParser) , constantExpression , (';' asParser))
+	/ block
+	^ ((TokenParser for:#native) , functionBody)
+	/ functionNative
+	/ functionBody
+	^(returnType optional) , identifier , formalParameterList
+	^(((returnType optional) , identifier) optional) , formalParameterList , functionExpressionBody
+	^ (('=>' asParser) , constantExpression)
+	/ block
+	^(TokenParser for:#native) , ((TokenParser for:#string) optional) , (';' asParser)
+	^(returnType optional) , identifier
+	^(TokenParser for:#typedef) , functionPrefix , (typeParameters optional) , formalParameterList , (';' asParser)
+	^ (TokenParser for:#get)
+	/ (TokenParser for:#set)
+        ^ (TokenParser for:#identifier_no_dollar)
+        / (TokenParser for:#identifier)
+        / (TokenParser for:#abstract)
+        / (TokenParser for:#assert)
+        / (TokenParser for:#class)
+        / (TokenParser for:#extends)
+        / (TokenParser for:#factory)
+        / (TokenParser for:#get)
+        / (TokenParser for:#implements)
+        / (TokenParser for:#import)
+        / (TokenParser for:#interface)
+        / (TokenParser for:#is)
+        / (TokenParser for:#library)
+        / (TokenParser for:#native)
+        / (TokenParser for:#negate)
+        / (TokenParser for:#operator)
+        / (TokenParser for:#set)
+        / (TokenParser for:#source)
+        / (TokenParser for:#static)
+        / (TokenParser for:#typedef)
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 13:25:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^(((TokenParser for:#identifier) , (':' asParser)) optional) , (TokenParser for:#string)
+	^importReference , (((',' asParser) , importReference) star) , ((',' asParser) optional)
+        ^ ('++' asParser)
+        / ('--' asParser)
+    "Created: / 11-01-2013 / 13:27:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^identifier , ((('=' asParser) , constantExpression) optional)
+	^initializedIdentifier , (((',' asParser) , initializedIdentifier) star)
+	^declaredIdentifier , ((('=' asParser) , constantExpression) optional) , (((',' asParser) , initializedIdentifier) star)
+	^(':' asParser) , superCallOrFieldInitializer , (((',' asParser) , superCallOrFieldInitializer) star)
+	^(TokenParser for:#interface) , identifier , (typeParameters optional) , (superinterfaces optional) , (factorySpecification optional) , ('{' asParser) , (interfaceMemberDefinition star) , ('}' asParser)
+	^ ((TokenParser for:#static) , (TokenParser for:#final) , (type optional) , initializedIdentifierList , (';' asParser))
+	/ (functionDeclaration , (';' asParser))
+	/ (constantConstructorDeclaration , (';' asParser))
+	/ (namedConstructorDeclaration , (';' asParser))
+	/ (specialSignatureDefinition , (';' asParser))
+	/ (variableDeclaration , (';' asParser))
+	^(TokenParser for:#implements) , typeList
+	^(TokenParser for:#is) , (('!!' asParser) optional)
+	^ ((TokenParser for:#while) , ('(' asParser) , constantExpression , (')' asParser) , statement)
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#do) , statement , (TokenParser for:#while) , ('(' asParser) , constantExpression , (')' asParser) , (';' asParser))
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#for) , ('(' asParser) , forLoopParts , (')' asParser) , statement)
+	^identifier , (':' asParser)
+	^(libraryImport optional) , (librarySource optional)
+	^(TokenParser for:#library) , ('{' asParser) , libraryBody , ('}' asParser)
+	^(TokenParser for:#import) , ('=' asParser) , ('[' asParser) , (importReferences optional) , (']' asParser)
+	^(TokenParser for:#source) , ('=' asParser) , ('[' asParser) , (sourceUrls optional) , (']' asParser)
+        ^libraryDefinition end
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:07:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^('[' asParser) , ((expressionList , ((',' asParser) optional)) optional) , (']' asParser)
+        ^ (TokenParser for: #null)
+        / (TokenParser for: #true)
+        / (TokenParser for: #false)
+        / (TokenParser for: #number)
+        / (TokenParser for:#string)
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:08:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^bitwiseOrExpression , ((('&&' asParser) , bitwiseOrExpression) star)
+	^logicalAndExpression , ((('||' asParser) , logicalAndExpression) star)
+	^('{' asParser) , ((mapLiteralEntry , (((',' asParser) , mapLiteralEntry) star) , ((',' asParser) optional)) optional) , ('}' asParser)
+	^(TokenParser for:#string) , (':' asParser) , constantExpression
+	^ factoryConstructorDeclaration
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#static) , functionDeclaration)
+	/ specialSignatureDefinition
+	/ (functionDeclaration , (initializers optional))
+	/ (namedConstructorDeclaration , (initializers optional))
+	^ (unaryExpression , ((multiplicativeOperator , unaryExpression) star))
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#super) , ((multiplicativeOperator , unaryExpression) plus))
+	^ ('*' asParser)
+	/ ('/' asParser)
+	/ ('%' asParser)
+	/ ('~/' asParser)
+	^label , constantExpression
+	^identifier , ('.' asParser) , identifier , formalParameterList
+	^('[' asParser) , defaultFormalParameter , (((',' asParser) , defaultFormalParameter) star) , (']' asParser)
+	^ ('!!' asParser)
+	/ ('~' asParser)
+        ^ block
+        / (initializedVariableDeclaration , (';' asParser))
+        / iterationStatement
+        / selectionStatement
+        / tryStatement
+        / ((TokenParser for: #break) , (identifier optional) , (';' asParser))
+        / ((TokenParser for: #continue) , (identifier optional) , (';' asParser))
+        / ((TokenParser for: #return) , (constantExpression optional) , (';' asParser))
+        / ((TokenParser for: #throw) , (constantExpression optional) , (';' asParser))
+        / ((constantExpression optional) , (';' asParser))
+        / ((TokenParser for: #assert) , ('(' asParser) , conditionalExpression , (')' asParser) , (';' asParser))
+        / (functionDeclaration , functionBody)
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:09:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^ functionDeclaration
+	/ fieldFormalParameter
+	/ simpleFormalParameter
+	^ ((',' asParser) , namedFormalParameters)
+	/ ((',' asParser) , normalFormalParameter , (normalFormalParameterTail optional))
+	^ (assignableExpression , postfixOperator)
+	/ (primary , (selector star))
+	^ ('++' asParser)
+	/ ('--' asParser)
+	^ additiveOperator
+	/ negateOperator
+	^ primaryNoFE
+	/ primaryFE
+	^ functionExpression
+	/ primaryNoFE
+        ^ (TokenParser for:#this)
+        / ((TokenParser for:#super) , assignableSelector)
+        / literal
+        / identifier
+        / (((TokenParser for:#const) optional) , (typeArguments optional) , compoundLiteral)
+        / (((TokenParser for: #new) / (TokenParser for:#const) ) , type , ((('.' asParser) , identifier) optional) , arguments)
+        / expressionInParentheses
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:09:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^identifier , ((('.' asParser) , identifier) optional)
+	^(':' asParser) , (TokenParser for:#this) , ((('.' asParser) , identifier) optional) , arguments
+	^ (shiftExpression , (((isOperator , type) / (relationalOperator , shiftExpression) ) optional))
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#super) , relationalOperator , shiftExpression)
+	^ (('>' asParser) , ('=' asParser))
+	/ ('>' asParser)
+	/ ('<=' asParser)
+	/ ('<' asParser)
+        ^ (TokenParser for: #void)
+        / type
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:09:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+        ^ ((TokenParser for: #if) , ('(' asParser) , constantExpression , (')' asParser) , statement , (((TokenParser for: #else) , statement) optional))
+        / ((TokenParser for: #switch) , ('(' asParser) , constantExpression , (')' asParser) , ('{' asParser) , (switchCase star) , (defaultCase optional) , ('}' asParser))
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:10:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^ assignableSelector
+	/ arguments
+	^ (additiveExpression , ((shiftOperator , additiveExpression) star))
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#super) , ((shiftOperator , additiveExpression) plus))
+	^ ('<<' asParser)
+	/ (('>' asParser) , ('>' asParser) , ('>' asParser))
+	/ (('>' asParser) , ('>' asParser))
+	^ declaredIdentifier
+	/ identifier
+	^(TokenParser for:#string) , (((',' asParser) , (TokenParser for:#string)) star) , ((',' asParser) optional)
+        ^ (((TokenParser for:#static) optional) , (returnType optional) , getOrSet , identifier , formalParameterList)
+        / ((returnType optional) , (TokenParser for: #operator) , userDefinableOperator , formalParameterList)
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:10:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^(label star) , nonLabelledStatement
+	^statement star
+	^identifier , ('=' asParser) , constantExpression
+	^staticFinalDeclaration , (((',' asParser) , staticFinalDeclaration) star)
+	^ ((TokenParser for:#super) , arguments)
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#super) , ('.' asParser) , identifier , arguments)
+	/ fieldInitializer
+        ^(TokenParser for: #extends) , type
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:10:38 / Jan Vrany <>"
+        ^(TokenParser for: #extends) , typeList
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:10:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^(label optional) , (((TokenParser for:#case) , constantExpression , (':' asParser)) plus) , statements
+	^ classDefinition
+	/ interfaceDefinition
+	/ functionTypeAlias
+	/ (functionDeclaration , functionBodyOrNative)
+	/ ((returnType optional) , getOrSet , identifier , formalParameterList , functionBodyOrNative)
+	/ ((TokenParser for:#final) , (type optional) , staticFinalDeclarationList , (';' asParser))
+	/ (constInitializedVariableDeclaration , (';' asParser))
+        ^(TokenParser for: #try) , block , (((catchPart plus) , (finallyPart optional)) / finallyPart )
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:10:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^qualified , (typeArguments optional)
+	^('<' asParser) , typeList , ('>' asParser)
+	^type , (((',' asParser) , type) star)
+        ^identifier , (((TokenParser for: #extends) , type) optional)
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:11:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^('<' asParser) , typeParameter , (((',' asParser) , typeParameter) star) , ('>' asParser)
+	^ postfixExpression
+	/ (prefixOperator , unaryExpression)
+	/ (negateOperator , (TokenParser for:#super))
+	/ (('-' asParser) , (TokenParser for:#super))
+	/ (postfixOperator , assignableExpression)
+        ^ multiplicativeOperator
+        / additiveOperator
+        / shiftOperator
+        / relationalOperator
+        / bitwiseOperator
+        / ('==' asParser)
+        / ('~' asParser)
+        / (TokenParser for: #negate)
+        / (('[' asParser) , (']' asParser))
+        / (('[' asParser) , (']' asParser) , ('=' asParser))
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 10:11:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	^declaredIdentifier , (((',' asParser) , identifier) star)
+! !
+!Parser methodsFor:'initialization'!
+initializeStartingAt: aSymbol
+        | allVariableNames ignoredVariableNames productionIndexesAndNames debugger |
+        self initialize.        
+        Debugging ifTrue:[
+            PPDebugger notNil ifTrue:[
+                self assert: (Smalltalk loadPackage: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/devtools').
+                debugger := PPDebugger new
+            ].
+        ].
+        "find all the productions that need to be initialized"
+        allVariableNames := self class allInstVarNames
+                collect: [ :each | each asSymbol ].
+        ignoredVariableNames := self class ignoredNames
+                collect: [ :each | each asSymbol ].
+        productionIndexesAndNames := ((1 to: self class instSize)
+                collect: [ :index | index -> (allVariableNames at: index) ])
+                reject: [ :assoc | ignoredVariableNames includes: assoc value ].
+        "initialize productions with an undefined parser to be replaced later"
+        parser := PPUnresolvedParser named: aSymbol.
+        productionIndexesAndNames do: [ :assoc |
+                self instVarAt: assoc key put: (PPUnresolvedParser named: assoc value) ].
+        parser def: (self perform: aSymbol).
+        "resolve unresolved parsers with their actual implementation"
+        productionIndexesAndNames do: [ :assoc |
+                (self respondsTo: assoc value)
+                        ifFalse: [ self error: 'Unable to initialize ' , assoc value printString ]
+                        ifTrue: [ 
+                            | production |
+                            production := ((self perform: assoc value)  name: assoc value; yourself).
+                            Debugging ifTrue:[
+                                production := PPDebuggingParser parser: production  debugger: debugger
+                            ].
+                            (self instVarAt: assoc key) def: production.
+                                ] ]
+    "Created: / 12-03-2012 / 16:51:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 11:35:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
 !Parser::TokenParser class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
 for: tokenType
@@ -931,3 +1856,5 @@
     ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
 ! !
+Parser initialize!