author Jan Vrany <>
Sun, 20 Sep 2015 12:01:42 +0100
changeset 13 97090c2baa33
parent 9 569bf5707c7e
child 16 17a2d1d9f205
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixes/refactoring of scopes and bindings. Fixed initialization of scopes and bindings. Make typechecker to seed types.

"{ Package: 'jv:tea/compiler' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

TestCase subclass:#TSemanticAnalyserTests

!TSemanticAnalyserTests methodsFor:'running'!

    super setUp.
    environment := TEnvironment new

    "Modified: / 19-09-2015 / 05:54:33 / Jan Vrany <>"

    environment := nil.
    super tearDown.

    "Modified: / 19-09-2015 / 05:54:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!TSemanticAnalyserTests methodsFor:'tests'!

    | class method tree |

    class := TClassDefinition newClass name: 'tSIntegerW'.
    method := TMethodDefinition class: class selector: 'foo'.
    method source: 'foo <^ tSIntegerW> | a <tSIntegerW> | ^ a + 1'.
    tree := method parseTree.

    TSemanticAnalyser runOn: tree inEnvironment: environment.

    self assert: tree body temporaries first binding isLocalBinding.
    self assert: tree body statements first"^ node" value receiver"a node" binding == tree body temporaries first binding.
    self assert: tree body statements first"^ node" value arguments first"1 node" binding isConstantBinding.

    "Created: / 19-09-2015 / 06:33:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 19-09-2015 / 18:14:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | class method tree |

    class := TClassDefinition newClass name: 'TestClass'.
    method := TMethodDefinition class: class selector: 'foo'.
    method source: 'foo <^ TestClass> self do:[ :each <tSIntegerW> | each ]'.
    tree := method parseTree.

    TSemanticAnalyser runOn: tree inEnvironment: environment.

    self assert: tree scope parent isNil.
    self assert: tree scope node == tree.
    self assert: tree scope children isEmptyOrNil.
    self assert: tree scope variables size == 1"self".
    self assert: tree body scope == tree scope.

    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope parent isNil. "Not an inlined block"
    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope node == tree body statements first arguments first.
    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope children isEmptyOrNil.
    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope variables size == 1"each".
    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope variables anElement name = 'each'.

    "Created: / 19-09-2015 / 05:53:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | class method tree |

    class := TClassDefinition newClass name: 'TestClass'.
    method := TMethodDefinition class: class selector: 'foo'.
    method source: 'foo <^ TestClass> true ifTrue:[ false ifTrue:[ ] ]'.
    tree := method parseTree.

    TSemanticAnalyser runOn: tree inEnvironment: environment.

    self assert: tree scope parent isNil.
    self assert: tree scope node == tree.
    self assert: tree scope children size == 1"ifTrue: scope".
    self assert: tree scope variables size == 1"self".
    self assert: tree body scope == tree scope.

    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope parent == tree scope. 
    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope node == tree body statements first arguments first.
    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope children size == 1.
    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first scope variables isEmpty.

    self assert: tree body statements first arguments first "outer block"
                      body statements first arguments first "inner block" scope parent 
                 tree body statements first arguments first"outer block" scope.

    "Created: / 19-09-2015 / 06:11:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!TSemanticAnalyserTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !