author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 26 Jun 2013 23:47:46 +0200
changeset 182 556ad4c2c381
parent 167 394b26be9d47
child 183 4e6fc1b6c282
permissions -rw-r--r--
class: Builder::CoverageReportFormat

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/builder/reports' }"

"{ NameSpace: Builder }"

ReportFormat subclass:#CoverageReportFormat

CoverageReportFormat subclass:#Cobertura
	instanceVariableNames:'currentPackage currentClass currentMethod infos'

!CoverageReportFormat class methodsFor:'testing'!


    ^self == CoverageReportFormat

    "Created: / 04-08-2011 / 11:44:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-06-2013 / 01:26:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CoverageReportFormat::Cobertura class methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "Returns a collection of symbolic names for this format"

    ^ self shouldImplement
! !

!CoverageReportFormat::Cobertura class methodsFor:'documentation'!

" }

 Replace 'Object', 'NewClass1' and
 the empty string arguments by true values.

 Install (or change) the class by 'accepting',
 either via the menu or the keyboard (usually CMD-A).

 You can also change the category simply by editing
 the categoryString and accepting.

 To be nice to others (and yourself later), do not forget to
 add some documentation; preferably under the classes documentation
 (see the `create documentation stubs' item in the methodList menu;
  switch from instance to class to find this menu item.)

 Notice, that ST/X uses the convention to document the class using
 comment-only class methods (however, ST80 comments are supported and
 can be changed via the class-documentation menu).

! !

!CoverageReportFormat::Cobertura methodsFor:'accessing - defaults'!

    "superclass Builder::ReportFormat says that I am responsible to implement this method"

    ^ 'xml'

    "Modified: / 25-06-2013 / 02:02:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CoverageReportFormat::Cobertura methodsFor:'writing'!

write: instrumentedMethods
    | packageMap |

    packageMap := Dictionary new.
    infos := Dictionary new.
    instrumentedMethods do:[:method|
        | classMap methodMap |
        classMap := packageMap at: method package ifAbsentPut: [ Dictionary new ].
        methodMap := classMap at: method mclass ifAbsentPut: [ Dictionary new ].
        methodMap at: method selector put: method.

    packageMap keys asSortedCollection do:[:package|
        | classMap |            

        self writePackage: package with:[            
            ((classMap := packageMap at: package) keys asSortedCollection:[:a :b| a name < b name ]) do:[:class|
                | methodMap |
                self writeClass: class with:[
                    (methodMap := classMap at: class) keys asSortedCollection do:[:selector|
                        | method |

                        method := methodMap at: selector.
                        self writeMethod: method.

    "Created: / 25-06-2013 / 13:17:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

writeClass: class with: content

    | className classFileName classPathName |

    className := class name.
    classFileName := class isPrivate 
                        ifTrue:[(Smalltalk fileNameForClass: class topOwningClass) , '.st']
                        ifFalse:[(Smalltalk fileNameForClass: class) , '.st'].
    class package ~~ currentPackage ifTrue:[
        classFileName := ''
    classPathName := ((currentPackage copyReplaceAll: $: with: Filename separator) replaceAll: $/ with: Filename separator) 
                        , Filename separator , classFileName.

    stream nextPutAll:'        <class name="'; nextPutAll: className; nextPutAll: '" filename="'; nextPutAll: classPathName; nextPutLine:'" line-rate="1.0" branch-rate="1.0" complexity="1.0">'.
    stream nextPutLine:'          <methods>'.
    currentClass := class.
    content value.               
    currentClass := nil.
    stream nextPutLine:'          </methods>'.
    stream nextPutLine:'        </class>'

    "Created: / 25-06-2013 / 12:29:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 26-06-2013 / 17:46:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

    stream nextPutAll:'  </packages>

    "Modified: / 25-06-2013 / 11:57:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

    stream nextPutAll:'<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!!--DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM ""-->

<coverage line-rate="1.0" branch-rate="1.0" version="1.9" timestamp="'; nextPutAll: Timestamp now utcSecondsSince1970 printString; nextPutLine:'">'.
    stream nextPutLine:'  <sources>'.
    Smalltalk packagePath do:[:each|
            nextPutAll: '<source>';
            nextPutAll: each asFilename asAbsoluteFilename pathName;
            nextPutAll: '</source>';
    stream nextPutLine:'  </sources>'.
    stream nextPutLine:'  <packages>'.

    "Modified: / 26-06-2013 / 17:50:24 / Jan Vrany <>"

writeLine: lineNr hits: nhits

    stream nextPut:'            <line number="'; nextPutAll: lineNr printString; nextPutAll:'" hits="'; nextPutAll: nhits printString; nextPutLine:'" branch="false" />'.

    "Created: / 25-06-2013 / 13:04:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-06-2013 / 14:23:15 / Jan Vrany <>"

writeMethod: method

    | info firstCharOffset firstLineNr lastLineNr lines  |

    stream nextPutAll:'        <method name="'; nextPutAll: method selector; nextPutLine: '" signature="()" line-rate="1.0" branch-rate="1.0" complexity="1.0">'.
    stream nextPutLine:'          <lines>'.
    currentMethod := method.

    info := infos at: method mclass ifAbsentPut:[ReportSourceInfo for: method mclass].
    firstCharOffset := info offsetOfMethod: method.
    firstLineNr := (info lineAndColumnOfOffset: firstCharOffset) x.
    lastLineNr := (info lineAndColumnOfOffset: firstCharOffset + method source size) x.

    lines := Array new: lastLineNr - firstLineNr + 1 withAll: method methodInvocationInfo count.

    (method blockInvocationInfo copy sort:[:a :b | a startPosition < b startPosition]) do:[:eachBlockInfo |
        | startLine endLine |

        startLine := (info lineAndColumnOfOffset: firstCharOffset + eachBlockInfo startPosition - 1) x.
        endLine := (info lineAndColumnOfOffset: firstCharOffset + eachBlockInfo endPosition - 1) x.
        startLine to: endLine do:[:lineNr|
            lines at: (lineNr - firstLineNr + 1) put: ((lines at: (lineNr - firstLineNr + 1)) min: eachBlockInfo count)

    1 to: lines size do:[:i|
        self writeLine: (i + firstLineNr - 1) hits: (lines at: i)

    currentMethod := nil.
    stream nextPutLine:'          </lines>'.
    stream nextPutLine:'        </method>'

    "Created: / 25-06-2013 / 13:17:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-06-2013 / 14:51:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

writeMethod: method with: content

    stream nextPutLine:'        <method name="'; nextPutAll: method selector; nextPutAll: '" signature="" line-rate="1.0" branch-rate="1.0" complexity="1.0">'.
    stream nextPutLine:'          <lines>'.
    currentMethod := method.
    content value.          
    currentMethod := nil.
    stream nextPutLine:'          </lines>'.
    stream nextPutLine:'        </method>'

    "Created: / 25-06-2013 / 12:59:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 26-06-2013 / 18:22:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

writePackage: packageName with: aBlock

    stream nextPutAll:'    <package name="'; nextPutAll: packageName; nextPutLine: '" line-rate="1.0" branch-rate="1.0" complexity="1.0">'.
    stream nextPutLine:'      <classes>'.
    currentPackage := packageName.
    aBlock value.               
    currentPackage := nil.
    stream nextPutLine:'      </classes>'.
    stream nextPutLine:'    </package>'

    "Created: / 25-06-2013 / 11:55:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-06-2013 / 13:24:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CoverageReportFormat class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'
! !