sr@380: "{ Encoding: utf8 }" sr@380: sr@350: "{ Package: 'stx:goodies/builder/quickSelfTest' }" sr@350: sr@350: "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }" sr@350: sr@350: StandaloneStartup subclass:#RunUnitTestsStart sr@350: instanceVariableNames:'' sr@350: classVariableNames:'' sr@350: poolDictionaries:'' sr@350: category:'tests-Regression' sr@350: ! sr@350: sr@350: !RunUnitTestsStart class methodsFor:'documentation'! sr@350: sr@350: documentation sr@350: " cg@536: Only for standalone startup. sr@350: sr@350: [author:] cg@540: sr sr@350: sr@350: [instance variables:] sr@350: sr@350: [class variables:] sr@350: sr@350: [see also:] sr@350: sr@350: " sr@350: ! ! sr@350: sr@449: !RunUnitTestsStart class methodsFor:'startup'! sr@350: sr@380: main:argv sr@380: self verboseInfo:('starting application'). sr@380: self startStartBlockProcess. sr@380: cg@540: "install a global handler, cg@540: which suppresses the updating of the change file" sr@383: Processor activeProcess exceptionHandlerSet cg@540: on:(Class updateChangeFileQuerySignal) cg@540: do:[:ex | ex proceedWith:false]. sr@381: sr@383: "run the unit tests" sr@401: RunUnitTests runWithCompiledUnitTestClasses:true. sr@449: ! sr@449: sr@449: setupSmalltalkFromArguments:argv sr@449: (argv includes:'/?') ifTrue:[ cg@540: self usage. cg@540: AbortOperationRequest raise. sr@449: ]. sr@449: sr@449: ^ super setupSmalltalkFromArguments:argv cg@537: ! cg@537: cg@537: usage cg@537: Stderr cr. cg@537: Stderr nextPutLine:' --help............................this infromation'. cg@537: Stderr nextPutLine:' --settingsFile....................path to a stx settings file (may to set compiler options)'. cg@537: Stderr nextPutLine:' only expecco related test cases'. cg@537: Stderr nextPutLine:' --resultFile......................path to a file for storing the result as xml'. cg@537: Stderr nextPutLine:' --forceTestCase testName .........class name of a test case (only this test case will be executed)'. cg@537: Stderr nextPutLine:' --run testName ...................same, shorter'. cg@540: Stderr nextPutLine:' --skip testName ..................skip a test class'. cg@537: cg@537: "Modified: / 26-03-2019 / 18:47:53 / Claus Gittinger" sr@350: ! ! sr@350: sr@350: !RunUnitTestsStart class methodsFor:'documentation'! sr@350: sr@350: version sr@350: ^ '$Header$' sr@350: ! sr@350: sr@350: version_CVS sr@350: ^ '$Header$' sr@350: ! !