sr@360: # $Header$ sr@360: # sr@360: # DO NOT EDIT sr@360: # automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_builder_quickSelfTest. sr@360: # sr@360: # Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun sr@360: # stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost. sr@360: # sr@360: # This file is (currently) only used with win-95 / win-NT versions of STX. sr@360: # It lists the dll's which are to be loaded at startup time. sr@360: # Notice, lines starting with a "#" are comments. sr@360: # Lines starting with a "*" are treated as comments by the VM, but are usually loaded sr@360: # by the application at the very beginning. sr@360: # sr@360: # All classes loaded at startup time will be present as precompiled classes. sr@360: # Others might be autoloaded or loaded explicit using "Smalltalk loadPackage:xxx". sr@360: # sr@360: libstx_libbasic sr@505: libstx_goodies_regex sr@360: libstx_libbasic2 sr@360: libstx_libcomp sr@493: libstx_goodies_authentication sr@389: libstx_goodies_refactoryBrowser_parser sr@389: libstx_libbasic3 sr@360: libstx_libview sr@467: libexept_osi_asn1 sr@433: libstx_libboss sr@360: libstx_libui sr@467: libexept_libcrypt sr@360: libstx_libview2 sr@360: libstx_goodies_sunit sr@389: libstx_libwidg sr@433: libstx_libhtml sr@389: libstx_libwidg2 sr@389: libstx_libcompat sr@389: libstx_libtool sr@433: libstx_goodies_xml_vw sr@520: libstx_goodies_communication sr@520: libstx_goodies_webServer_ui sr@389: libstx_libjavascript sr@433: libstx_goodies_xml_stx sr@520: libstx_goodies_webServer_htmlTree sr@433: libstx_goodies_regression sr@493: libstx_goodies_webServer sr@360: