jan@56: # $Header$ jan@56: # jan@56: # DO NOT EDIT sv@120: # automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_goodies_builder_reports. jan@56: # jan@56: # Warning: once you modify this file, do not rerun jan@56: # stmkmp or projectDefinition-build again - otherwise, your changes are lost. jan@56: # jan@56: # This file contains specifications which are common to all platforms. jan@56: # jan@56: jan@56: # Do NOT CHANGE THESE DEFINITIONS jan@56: # (otherwise, ST/X will have a hard time to find out the packages location from its packageID, jan@56: # to find the source code of a class and to find the library for a package) jan@56: MODULE=stx jan@56: MODULE_DIR=goodies/builder/reports jan@56: PACKAGE=$(MODULE):$(MODULE_DIR) jan@56: jan@56: jan@56: # Argument(s) to the stc compiler (stc --usage). jan@56: # -headerDir=. : create header files locally jan@56: # (if removed, they will be created as common jan@56: # -Pxxx : defines the package jan@56: # -Zxxx : a prefix for variables within the classLib jan@56: # -Dxxx : defines passed to to CC for inline C-code jan@56: # -Ixxx : include path passed to CC for inline C-code jan@56: # +optspace : optimized for space jan@56: # +optspace2 : optimized more for space jan@56: # +optspace3 : optimized even more for space jan@56: # +optinline : generate inline code for some ST constructs jan@56: # +inlineNew : additionally inline new jan@56: # +inlineMath : additionally inline some floatPnt math stuff jan@56: # jan@56: # ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line(s) *** jan@56: # STCLOCALOPTIMIZATIONS=+optinline +inlineNew jan@56: # STCLOCALOPTIMIZATIONS=+optspace3 jan@56: STCLOCALOPTIMIZATIONS=+optspace3 jan@56: jan@56: jan@56: # Argument(s) to the stc compiler (stc --usage). jan@56: # -warn : no warnings jan@56: # -warnNonStandard : no warnings about ST/X extensions jan@56: # -warnEOLComments : no warnings about EOL comment extension jan@56: # -warnPrivacy : no warnings about privateClass extension jan@257: # -warnUnused : no warnings about unused variables jan@56: # jan@56: # ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next line(s) *** jan@56: # STCWARNINGS=-warn jan@56: # STCWARNINGS=-warnNonStandard jan@56: # STCWARNINGS=-warnEOLComments jan@56: STCWARNINGS=-warnNonStandard jan@56: jan@56: COMMON_CLASSES= \ jan@56: Builder::Report \ jan@56: Builder::ReportFormat \ jan@56: Builder::ReportRunner \ jan@169: Builder::ReportSourceInfo \ jan@56: stx_goodies_builder_reports \ jan@56: Builder::ChangeReport \ jan@169: Builder::CoverageReport \ jan@169: Builder::CoverageReportFormat \ jan@56: Builder::LintReport \ jan@56: Builder::LintReportFormat \ jan@205: Builder::ReportClassSourceInfo \ jan@205: Builder::ReportExtensionsSourceInfo \ jan@56: Builder::TestReport \ jan@56: Builder::TestReportFormat \ jan@56: jan@56: jan@56: jan@56: jan@56: COMMON_OBJS= \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__Report.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__ReportFormat.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__ReportRunner.$(O) \ jan@169: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__ReportSourceInfo.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)stx_goodies_builder_reports.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__ChangeReport.$(O) \ jan@169: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__CoverageReport.$(O) \ jan@169: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__CoverageReportFormat.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__LintReport.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__LintReportFormat.$(O) \ jan@205: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__ReportClassSourceInfo.$(O) \ jan@205: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__ReportExtensionsSourceInfo.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__TestReport.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)Builder__TestReportFormat.$(O) \ cg@110: $(OUTDIR_SLASH)extensions.$(O) \ jan@56: jan@56: jan@56: