jan@70: "{ Package: 'stx:goodies/builder/reports' }" jan@70: jan@283: "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }" jan@283: jan@70: LibraryDefinition subclass:#stx_goodies_builder_reports jan@70: instanceVariableNames:'' jan@70: classVariableNames:'' jan@70: poolDictionaries:'' jan@70: category:'* Projects & Packages *' jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: jan@70: !stx_goodies_builder_reports class methodsFor:'description'! jan@70: jan@70: excludedFromPreRequisites jan@70: "list all packages which should be ignored in the automatic jan@70: preRequisites scan. See #preRequisites for more." jan@70: jan@70: ^ #( jan@70: #'stx:goodies/monticello' "MCPatch - referenced by HDChangeReport>>changesFor: " jan@70: ) jan@70: jan@70: "Modified: / 08-03-2011 / 22:08:29 / Jan Vrany " jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@140: mandatoryPreRequisites jan@140: "list all required mandatory packages. jan@140: Packages are mandatory, if they contain superclasses of the package's classes jan@140: or classes which are extended by this package. jan@70: This list can be maintained manually or (better) generated and jan@140: updated by scanning the superclass hierarchies jan@165: (the browser has a menu function for that)" jan@140: jan@140: ^ #( jan@165: #'stx:goodies/sunit' "TestAsserter - extended " jan@165: #'stx:libbasic' "LibraryDefinition - superclass of stx_goodies_builder_reports " jan@140: ) jan@140: ! jan@140: jan@140: referencedPreRequisites jan@140: "list all packages containing classes referenced by the packages's members. jan@140: This list can be maintained manually or (better) generated and jan@140: updated by looking for global variable accesses jan@140: (the browser has a menu function for that) jan@140: However, often too much is found, and you may want to explicitely jan@140: exclude individual packages in the #excludedFromPreRequisites method." jan@70: jan@70: ^ #( jan@70: #'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/browser' "PackageEnvironment - referenced by Builder::LintReport>>setupForPackages: " sv@129: #'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/helpers' "BrowserEnvironment - referenced by Builder::LintReport>>setupForClasses: " jan@165: #'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/lint' "RBBasicLintRule - referenced by Builder::LintReport>>setUp " jan@165: #'stx:libcomp' "InstrumentationContext - referenced by Builder::TestReport>>runReport " jan@165: ) jan@165: ! jan@165: jan@165: subProjects jan@165: "list packages which are known as subprojects. jan@165: The generated makefile will enter those and make there as well. jan@165: However: they are not forced to be loaded when a package is loaded; jan@165: for those, redefine requiredPrerequisites" jan@165: jan@165: ^ #( jan@70: ) jan@70: ! ! jan@70: jan@70: !stx_goodies_builder_reports class methodsFor:'description - contents'! jan@70: jan@70: classNamesAndAttributes jan@70: "lists the classes which are to be included in the project. jan@70: Each entry in the list may be: a single class-name (symbol), jan@70: or an array-literal consisting of class name and attributes. jan@70: Attributes are: #autoload or # where os is one of win32, unix,..." jan@70: jan@70: ^ #( jan@70: " or ( attributes...) in load order" jan@289: (#'Builder::JUnitReportReader' autoload) jan@70: #'Builder::Report' jan@70: #'Builder::ReportFormat' jan@70: #'Builder::ReportRunner' jan@283: #'Builder::ReportSourceInfo' jan@70: #'stx_goodies_builder_reports' jan@70: #'Builder::ChangeReport' jan@283: #'Builder::CoverageReport' jan@283: #'Builder::CoverageReportFormat' jan@70: #'Builder::LintReport' jan@70: #'Builder::LintReportFormat' jan@283: #'Builder::ReportClassSourceInfo' jan@283: #'Builder::ReportExtensionsSourceInfo' jan@70: #'Builder::TestReport' jan@70: #'Builder::TestReportFormat' jan@70: ) jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: extensionMethodNames jan@70: "lists the extension methods which are to be included in the project. jan@70: Entries are 2-element array literals, consisting of class-name and selector." jan@70: jan@70: ^ #( jan@70: TestCase nameForHDTestReport jan@70: TestCase selectorForHDTestReport jan@70: 'TestCase class' isJUnitTestCaseProxy jan@70: 'TestCase class' isTestletTestCaseProxy sv@129: TestCase timeout jan@70: ) jan@70: ! ! jan@70: jan@70: !stx_goodies_builder_reports class methodsFor:'description - project information'! jan@70: jan@70: applicationIconFileName jan@70: "Return the name (without suffix) of an icon-file (the app's icon); will be included in the rc-resource file" jan@70: jan@70: ^ nil jan@70: "/ ^ self applicationName jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: companyName jan@70: "Return a companyname which will appear in .rc" jan@70: jan@70: ^ 'SWING Research Group & eXept Software AG' jan@70: jan@70: "Modified: / 21-07-2011 / 10:05:05 / Jan Vrany " jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: description jan@70: "Return a description string which will appear in vc.def / bc.def" jan@70: jan@70: ^ 'Report Runner for Jenkins CI Server' jan@70: jan@70: "Modified: / 21-07-2011 / 10:06:33 / Jan Vrany " jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: legalCopyright jan@70: "Return a copyright string which will appear in .rc" jan@70: jan@70: ^ 'Copyright Jan Vrany 2011\nCopyright eXept Software AG 2011' jan@70: jan@70: "Modified: / 21-07-2011 / 10:05:37 / Jan Vrany " jan@70: ! jan@70: sv@129: productInstallDirBaseName sv@129: "Returns a default installDir which will appear in .nsi. sv@129: This is usually not the one you want to keep" sv@129: sv@129: ^ (self package asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:':/') last sv@129: ! sv@129: jan@70: productName jan@70: "Return a product name which will appear in .rc" jan@70: jan@70: ^ 'ReportRunner' jan@70: jan@70: "Modified: / 21-07-2011 / 10:06:24 / Jan Vrany " jan@70: ! ! jan@70: jan@70: !stx_goodies_builder_reports class methodsFor:'description - startup'! jan@70: jan@70: startupClassName jan@70: "the name of the class which starts the show in its method. jan@70: Usually, the name of a subclass of StandAloneStartup." jan@70: jan@70: jan@70: ^ 'HDReportRunner' jan@70: jan@70: "Modified: / 21-07-2011 / 10:06:51 / Jan Vrany " jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: startupSelector jan@70: "the message that is sent to the startupClass to start the show" jan@70: jan@70: ^ #'start' jan@70: ! ! jan@70: jan@70: !stx_goodies_builder_reports class methodsFor:'description - svn'! jan@70: jan@70: svnRepositoryUrlString jan@70: "Return a SVN repository URL of myself. jan@70: (Generated since 2011-04-08) jan@70: " jan@70: jan@70: ^ '$URL$' jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: svnRevisionNr jan@70: "Return a SVN revision number of myself. jan@70: This number is updated after a commit" jan@70: jan@140: ^ "$SVN-Revision:"'exported'"$" jan@70: ! ! jan@70: jan@70: !stx_goodies_builder_reports class methodsFor:'documentation'! jan@70: jan@70: version jan@70: ^ '$Header$' jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: version_CVS jan@70: ^ '$Header$' jan@70: ! jan@70: jan@70: version_SVN jan@157: ^ '$Id$' jan@70: ! ! sv@129: