changeset 205 0aa4e27a9bfc
child 293 064fd167c58a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/analyzer/	Tue Mar 04 16:42:25 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/analyzer' }"
+PPProcessor subclass:#PPSearcher
+	instanceVariableNames:'answer'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitAnalyzer-Core'
+!PPSearcher methodsFor:'initialization'!
+setAnswer: anObject
+	answer := anObject
+! !
+!PPSearcher methodsFor:'private'!
+	^ answer
+! !
+!PPSearcher methodsFor:'public'!
+execute: aParser
+	"Perform the search rules of the receiver on aParser. Answer the result of the search."
+	^ self execute: aParser initialAnswer: nil
+execute: aParser initialAnswer: anObject
+	"Perform the search rules of the receiver on aParser. Inject anObject into the matches and answer the result."
+	| previous |
+	previous := context.
+	answer := anObject.
+	context := Dictionary new.
+	aParser allParsersDo: [ :each | 
+		self performRulesOn: each ].
+	context := previous.
+	^ answer
+! !
+!PPSearcher methodsFor:'rules'!
+matches: aParser do: anAnswerBlock
+	"Add a search expression aParser, evaluate anAnswerBlock with the matched node and the previous answer."
+	self addRule: (PPSearchRule searchFor: aParser thenDo: anAnswerBlock)
+matchesAnyOf: aCollectionOfParsers do: anAnswerBlock
+	"Add a collection of search expressions aCollectionOfParsers, evaluate anAnswerBlock with the matched node and the previous answer."
+	aCollectionOfParsers
+		do: [ :each | self matches: each do: anAnswerBlock ]
+! !
+!PPSearcher class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/analyzer/,v 1.1 2014-03-04 15:42:25 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/analyzer/,v 1.1 2014-03-04 15:42:25 cg Exp $'
+! !