changeset 438 20598d7ce9fa
parent 422 116d2b2af905
child 452 9f4558b3be66
--- a/compiler/	Tue Apr 21 17:20:11 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/	Thu Apr 30 23:43:14 2015 +0200
@@ -9,34 +9,24 @@
-!PPCForwardNode methodsFor:'compiling'!
-	^ (child name = self name and: [child suffix = self suffix]) ifTrue: [ 'referring to itself!!' ]
-compileWith: compiler effect: effect id: id
-	compiler startMethod: id.
-	compiler add: '^ '.
-	"child name = 'keyword' ifTrue: [ self halt ]."
-	compiler callOnLine: (child compileWith: compiler).
- ^ compiler stopMethod.	
+!PPCForwardNode methodsFor:'accessing'!
 	^ #fw
-rewrite: changeStatus
-	child name ifNil: [  
-		changeStatus change.
-		child name: self name.
-		^ child
-	].
-	(child name = self name) ifTrue: [ 
-		changeStatus change.
-		^ child
-	]
 ! !
+!PPCForwardNode methodsFor:'analysis'!
+	^ (self name notNil and: [ 
+		child name = self name and: [
+		child suffix = self suffix
+	]]) ifTrue: [ 'referring to itself!!' ]
+! !
+!PPCForwardNode methodsFor:'visiting'!
+accept: visitor
+	^ visitor visitForwardNode: self
+! !