changeset 435 3bc08fb90133
child 436 e1c44b571db9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/parsers/java/	Tue Apr 21 14:57:16 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,750 @@
+"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/parsers/java' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+PPCompositeParserTest subclass:#PPJavaLexiconTest
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitJava-Tests'
+PPJavaLexiconTest comment:''
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'accessing'!
+	^ PPJavaLexicon
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing'!
+	self
+		fail: 'super'
+		rule: #identifier
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-comments'!
+	self 
+		parse: '//'
+		rule: #comment
+	self 
+		parse: '//comment'
+		rule: #comment
+	self 
+		parse: '// comment'
+		rule: #comment
+	self 
+		parse: '/* comment */'
+		rule: #comment
+	self 
+		fail: '/* comment '
+		rule: #comment
+	self 
+		parse: '/* this comment /* // /** ends here: */'
+		rule: #comment
+	self 
+		parse: '/**
+     * @param args 
+     * @return void
+     */'
+		rule: #comment
+	self 
+		parse: '/* this comment */'
+		rule: #traditionalComment
+	self 
+		parse: '/* this comment / */'
+		rule: #comment
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-identifiers'!
+	self
+		parse: 'String'
+		rule: #identifier
+	self
+		parse: 'i3'
+		rule: #identifier
+	self
+		parse: 'αρετη'
+		rule: #identifier
+	self
+		parse: 'MAX_VALUE'
+		rule: #identifier
+	self
+		parse: 'isLetterOrDigit'
+		rule: #identifier
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-input'!
+	self parse: 'package testPackage;
+						class Test {
+        				public static void main(String[] args) {
+                			String hello = "Hello", lo = "lo";
+                			System.out.print((hello == "Hello") + " ");
+                			System.out.print((Other.hello == hello) + " ");
+                			System.out.print((other.Other.hello == hello) + " ");
+                			System.out.print((hello == ("Hel"+"lo")) + " ");
+                			System.out.print((hello == ("Hel"+lo)) + " ");
+                			System.out.println(hello == ("Hel"+lo).intern());
+        				}
+						}
+						class Other { static String hello = "Hello"; }'
+	rule: #input
+	self parse: 'package other;
+						public class Other { static String hello = "Hello"; }'
+	rule: #input
+	self parse: 'class Value { int val; }	
+						class Test {
+        				public static void main(String[] args) {
+              			int i1 = 3;
+                		int i2 = i1;
+                		i2 = 4;
+                		System.out.print("i1==" + i1);
+                		System.out.println(" but i2==" + i2);
+                		Value v1 = new Value();
+                		v1.val = 5;
+                		Value v2 = v1;
+                		v2.val = 6;
+                		System.out.print("v1.val==" + v1.val);
+                		System.out.println(" and v2.val==" + v2.val);
+        				}
+						}'
+	rule: #input
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-lineTerminators'!
+	self
+		parse: '\'
+		rule: #inputCharacter
+	self
+		fail: (Character cr asString)
+		rule: #inputCharacter
+	self
+		fail: (Character lf asString)
+		rule: #inputCharacter
+	self
+		parse: (Character lf asString)
+		rule: #lineTerminator
+	self
+		parse: (Character cr asString)
+		rule: #lineTerminator
+	self
+		parse: (Character cr asString , Character lf asString)
+		rule: #lineTerminator
+	self
+		fail: (Character space asString)
+		rule: #lineTerminator
+	self
+		fail: ('a' asString)
+		rule: #lineTerminator
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-literal-float'!
+	self 
+		parse: '1e1f'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0.0'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '3.14'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '1e-9d'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '1e137'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '2.f'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '.3f'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0f'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '3.14f'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '6.022137e+23f'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '1e1'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '2.'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '.3'
+		rule: #floatingPointLiteral
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-literals'!
+	self 
+		parse: 'true'
+		rule: #booleanLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: 'false'
+		rule: #booleanLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: 'null'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		fail: '0777 L'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		fail: '0777 0'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		fail: '0 x'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: '"This is a Java string"'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: 'false'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: '6.022137e+23f'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: '1e1'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: '0x100000000L'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: '0372'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: '0xDadaCafe'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: '0x00FF00FF'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: '0777L'
+		rule: #literal
+	self 
+		parse: 'null'
+		rule: #nullLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '""'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		fail: '"This is a \\
+				two lines Java string"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '"null"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '"\""'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '"This is a Java string"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		fail: '"This is a 
+				two lines Java string"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		fail: '"This is a \b
+				two lines Java string"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		fail: '"This is a \t
+				two lines Java string"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		fail: '"This is a \n
+				two lines Java string"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		fail: '"This is a \f
+				two lines Java string"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+	self 
+		fail: '"This is a \r
+				two lines Java string"'
+		rule: #stringLiteral
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-literals-characters'!
+	self 
+		parse: '''a'''
+		rule: #characterLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '''%'''
+		rule: #characterLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '''\t'''
+		rule: #characterLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '''\\'''
+		rule: #characterLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '''\'''''
+		rule: #characterLiteral
+	"not clear how this must be supported
+	(see"
+	"self 
+		parse: '''\u03a9'''
+		rule: #characterLiteral"
+	"not clear how this must be supported
+	(see"
+	"
+	self 
+		parse: '''\uFFFF'''
+		rule: #characterLiteral"
+	self 
+		parse: '''\177'''
+		rule: #characterLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '{'
+		rule: #separator
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-literals-integer'!
+	self 
+		parse: '0xC0B0L'
+		rule: #hexIntegerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '1996'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0x00FF00FF'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0l'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0777L'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0x100000000L'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '2147483648L'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0xC0B0L'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '2'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0372'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0xDadaCafe'
+		rule: #integerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '0777L'
+		rule: #octalIntegerLiteral
+	self 
+		parse: '>'
+		rule: #operator
+! !
+!PPJavaLexiconTest methodsFor:'testing-unicode'!
+	self
+		parse: '\u0000'
+		rule: #unicodeEscape
+	self
+		fail: '\u000'
+		rule: #unicodeEscape
+	self
+		fail: '\u00000'
+		rule: #unicodeEscape
+	self
+		parse: '\u0000'
+		rule: #unicodeInputCharacter
+	self
+		parse: '\'
+		rule: #unicodeInputCharacter
+	self
+		parse: 'µ'
+		rule: #unicodeInputCharacter
+	self
+		fail: '\\'
+		rule: #unicodeInputCharacter
+	self
+		parse: '\u2297'
+		rule: #unicodeInputCharacter
+	self
+		fail: '\u2H97'
+		rule: #unicodeInputCharacter
+"unicode value for \"
+	self
+		parse: '\u005a'
+		rule: #unicodeInputCharacter
+"Testing whiteSpace parser"
+	self
+		parse: (Character value: 12) asString
+		rule: #whiteSpace
+"Testing whiteSpace parser"
+	self
+		fail: 'WhiteSpace testing'
+		rule: #whiteSpace
+! !