changeset 173 44b2dcba820e
parent 126 558e35a13ce8
child 366 225737f7f83f
--- a/PPParser.st	Tue Mar 04 15:33:10 2014 +0100
+++ b/PPParser.st	Tue Mar 04 15:33:11 2014 +0100
@@ -18,6 +18,324 @@
 	^ self basicNew initialize
 ! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitanalyzer-enumerating'!
+	"Answer all the parse nodes of the receiver."
+	| result |
+	result := OrderedCollection new.
+	self allParsersDo: [ :parser | result addLast: parser ].
+	^ result
+allParsersDo: aBlock
+	"Iterate over all the parse nodes of the receiver."
+	self allParsersDo: aBlock seen: IdentitySet new
+allParsersDo: aBlock seen: aSet
+	"Iterate over all the parse nodes of the receiver, do not visit and follow the ones contained in aSet."
+	(aSet includes: self)
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
+	aSet add: self.
+	aBlock value: self.
+	self children
+		do: [ :each | each allParsersDo: aBlock seen: aSet ]
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitanalyzer-matching'!
+copyInContext: aDictionary
+	^ self copyInContext: aDictionary seen: IdentityDictionary new
+copyInContext: aDictionary seen: aSeenDictionary
+	| copy |
+	aSeenDictionary 
+		at: self 
+		ifPresent: [ :value | ^ value ].
+	copy := aSeenDictionary
+		at: self
+		put: self copy.
+	copy children do: [ :each |
+		copy
+			replace: each
+			with: (each copyInContext: aDictionary seen: aSeenDictionary) ].
+	^ copy
+match: aParser inContext: aDictionary
+	^ self match: aParser inContext: aDictionary seen: IdentitySet new
+match: aParser inContext: aDictionary seen: anIdentitySet
+	"This is the default implementation to match two parsers. This code can properly handle recursion. This is code is supposed to be overridden in subclasses that add new state."
+	(self == aParser or: [ anIdentitySet includes: self ])
+		ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
+	anIdentitySet add: self.
+	^ self class = aParser class and: [ self matchList: self children against: aParser children inContext: aDictionary seen: anIdentitySet ]
+matchList: matchList against: parserList inContext: aDictionary seen: aSet
+	^ self matchList: matchList index: 1 against: parserList index: 1 inContext: aDictionary seen: aSet
+matchList: matchList index: matchIndex against: parserList index: parserIndex inContext: aDictionary seen: aSet
+	| parser currentIndex currentDictionary currentSeen parsers |
+	matchList size < matchIndex
+		ifTrue: [ ^ parserList size < parserIndex ].
+	parser := matchList at: matchIndex.
+	parser class = PPListPattern ifTrue: [
+		currentIndex := parserIndex - 1.
+		[ currentDictionary := aDictionary copy.
+		currentSeen := aSet copy.
+		parserList size < currentIndex or: [ 
+			parsers := parserList copyFrom: parserIndex to: currentIndex.
+			(currentDictionary at: parser ifAbsentPut: [ parsers ]) = parsers and: [ 
+				(self
+					matchList: matchList
+					index: matchIndex + 1
+					against: parserList
+					index: currentIndex + 1
+					inContext: currentDictionary
+					seen: currentSeen)
+					ifTrue: [ 
+						currentDictionary keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | aDictionary at: key put: value ].
+						^ true ].
+				false ] ] ] whileFalse: [ currentIndex := currentIndex + 1 ].
+		^ false ].
+	parserList size < parserIndex
+		ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
+	(parser match: (parserList at: parserIndex) inContext: aDictionary seen: aSet)
+		ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
+	^ self
+		matchList: matchList
+		index: matchIndex + 1
+		against: parserList
+		index: parserIndex + 1
+		inContext: aDictionary
+		seen: aSet
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitanalyzer-named'!
+	"Answer all the named parse nodes of the receiver."
+	| result |
+	result := OrderedCollection new.
+	self allNamedParsersDo: [ :parser | result addLast: parser ].
+	^ result
+allNamedParsersDo: aBlock
+	"Iterate over all the named parse nodes of the receiver."
+	self allParsersDo: [ :each | 
+		each name notNil
+			ifTrue: [ aBlock value: each ] ]
+	"Answer the inner children of the receiver."
+	| result |
+	result := OrderedCollection new.
+	self innerChildrenDo: [ :parser | result addLast: parser ].
+	^ result
+innerChildrenDo: aBlock
+	"Iterate over the inner children of the receiver."
+	self innerChildrenDo: aBlock seen: IdentitySet new
+innerChildrenDo: aBlock seen: aSet
+	"Iterate over the inner children of the receiver."
+	self children do: [ :each |
+		(aSet includes: each)
+			ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
+		aSet add: each.
+		each name isNil ifTrue: [
+			aBlock value: each.
+			each innerChildrenDo: aBlock seen: aSet ] ]
+	"Answer the named children of the receiver."
+	| result |
+	result := OrderedCollection new.
+	self namedChildrenDo: [ :parser | result addLast: parser ].
+	^ result
+namedChildrenDo: aBlock
+	"Iterate over the named children of the receiver."
+	self namedChildrenDo: aBlock seen: IdentitySet new
+namedChildrenDo: aBlock seen: aSet
+	"Iterate over the named children of the receiver."
+	self children do: [ :each |
+		(aSet includes: each)
+			ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
+		aSet add: each.
+		each name isNil
+			ifTrue: [ each namedChildrenDo: aBlock seen: aSet ]
+			ifFalse: [ aBlock value: each ] ]
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitanalyzer-private'!
+cycleSet: aDictionary
+	"PRIVATE: Answer the children that could be part of a cycle-set with the receiver, subclasses might restrict the number of children returned. aDictionary is pre-calcualted first-sets."
+	^ self children
+cycleSet: aStack firstSets: aDictionary into: aSet
+	"PRIVATE: Try to find a cycle, where aStack contains the previously visited parsers. The method returns quickly when the receiver is a terminal, terminals cannot be part of a cycle. If aStack already contains the receiver, then we are in a cycle. In this case we don't process the children further and add the nodes to aSet."
+	| index |
+	self isTerminal
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self ].	
+	(index := aStack indexOf: self) > 0
+		ifTrue: [ ^ aSet addAll: (aStack copyFrom: index to: aStack size) ].
+	aStack addLast: self.
+	(self cycleSet: aDictionary)
+		do: [ :each | each cycleSet: aStack firstSets: aDictionary into: aSet ].
+	aStack removeLast
+firstSets: aFirstDictionary into: aSet
+	"PRIVATE: Try to add additional elements to the first-set aSet of the receiver, use the incomplete aFirstDictionary."
+	self children do: [ :parser | aSet addAll: (aFirstDictionary at: parser) ]
+followSets: aFollowDictionary firstSets: aFirstDictionary into: aSet
+	"PRIVATE: Try to add additional elements to the follow-set aSet of the receiver, use the incomplete aFollowDictionary and the complete aFirstDictionary."
+	self children do: [ :parser | (aFollowDictionary at: parser) addAll: aSet ]
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitanalyzer-querying'!
+	"Answer a set of all nodes that are within one or more cycles of left-recursion. This is generally not a problem if at least one of the nodes is memoized, but it might make the grammar very inefficient and should be avoided if possible."
+	| cycles |
+	cycles := IdentitySet new.
+	self cycleSet: OrderedCollection new firstSets: self firstSets into: cycles.
+	^ cycles
+	"Answer the first-set of the receiver. Note, this implementation is inefficient when called on different receivers of the same grammar, instead use #firstSets to calculate the first-sets at once."
+	^ self firstSets at: self
+	"Answer a dictionary with all the parsers reachable from the receiver as key and their first-set as value. The first-set of a parser is the list of terminal parsers that begin the parser derivable from that parser."
+	| firstSets |
+	firstSets := IdentityDictionary new.
+	self allParsersDo: [ :each |
+		firstSets at: each put: (each isTerminal
+			ifTrue: [ IdentitySet with: each ]
+			ifFalse: [ IdentitySet new ]).
+		each isNullable
+			ifTrue: [ (firstSets at: each) add: PPSentinel instance ] ].
+	[	| changed tally |
+		changed := false.
+		firstSets keysAndValuesDo: [ :parser :first |
+			tally := first size.
+			parser firstSets: firstSets into: first.
+			changed := changed or: [ tally ~= first size ] ].
+		changed ] whileTrue.
+	^ firstSets
+	"Answer the follow-set of the receiver starting at the receiver. Note, this implementation is inefficient when called on different receivers of the same grammar, instead use #followSets to calculate the follow-sets at once."
+	^ self followSets at: self
+	"Answer a dictionary with all the parsers reachable from the receiver as key and their follow-set as value. The follow-set of a parser is the list of terminal parsers that can appear immediately to the right of that parser."
+	| current previous continue firstSets followSets |
+	current := previous := 0.
+	firstSets := self firstSets.
+	followSets := IdentityDictionary new.
+	self allParsersDo: [ :each | followSets at: each put: IdentitySet new ].
+	(followSets at: self) add: PPSentinel instance.
+	[	followSets keysAndValuesDo: [ :parser :follow |
+			parser 
+				followSets: followSets
+				firstSets: firstSets
+				into: follow ].
+		current := followSets
+			inject: 0
+			into: [ :result :each | result + each size ].
+		continue := previous < current.
+		previous := current.
+		continue ] whileTrue.
+	^ followSets
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitanalyzer-testing'!
+	"Answer true if the receiver is a nullable parser, e.g. it can successfully parse nothing."
+	^ false
+	"Answer true if the receiver is a terminal or leaf parser, that means it does not delegate to any other parser."
+	^ self children isEmpty
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitanalyzer-transforming'!
+replace: aParser with: anotherParser
+	"Replace the references of the receiver pointing to aParser with anotherParser."
+transform: aBlock
+	"Answer a copy of all parsers reachable from the receiver transformed using aBlock."
+	| mapping root |
+	mapping := IdentityDictionary new.
+	self allParsersDo: [ :each |
+		mapping
+			at: each
+			put: (aBlock value: each copy) ].
+	root := mapping at: self.
+	[	| changed |
+		changed := false.
+		root allParsersDo: [ :each |
+			each children do: [ :old |
+				mapping at: old ifPresent: [ :new |
+					each replace: old with: new.
+					changed := true ] ] ].
+		changed ] whileTrue.
+	^ root
+! !
 !PPParser methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -90,6 +408,8 @@
 !PPParser methodsFor:'converting'!
+	"Answer the receiving parser."
 	^ self
 ! !
@@ -137,30 +457,12 @@
 	^ PPEndOfInputParser on: self
-max: anInteger
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at most anInteger times."
-	^ PPRepeatingParser on: self max: anInteger
 	"Answer a new memoized parser, for refraining redundant computations. This ensures polynomial time O(n^4) for left-recursive grammars and O(n^3) for non left-recursive grammars in the worst case. Not necessary for most grammars that are carefully written and in O(n) anyway."
 	^ PPMemoizedParser on: self
-min: anInteger
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at least anInteger times."
-	^ PPRepeatingParser on: self min: anInteger
-min: aMinInteger max: aMaxInteger
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at least aMinInteger and at most aMaxInteger times."
-	^ PPRepeatingParser on: self min: aMinInteger max: aMaxInteger
         "Answer a new parser consumes any input token but the receiver."
@@ -179,52 +481,6 @@
 	^ PPOptionalParser on: self
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver one or more times."
-	^ self min: 1
-plusGreedy: aParser
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver one or more times until it reaches aParser. This is a greedy non-blind implementation of the star operator. aParser is not consumed."
-	^ self , (self starGreedy: aParser) map: [ :first :rest | rest copyWithFirst: first ]
-plusLazy: aParser
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver one or more times until it reaches aParser. This is a lazy non-blind implementation of the star operator. aParser is not consumed."
-	^ self , (self starLazy: aParser) map: [ :first :rest | rest copyWithFirst: first ]
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver zero or more times. This is a greedy and blind implementation that tries to consume as much input as possible and it does not consider what comes afterwards."
-	^ PPRepeatingParser on: self
-starGreedy: aParser
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver zero or more times until it reaches aParser. This is a greedy non-blind implementation of the star operator. aParser is not consumed."
-	| parser |
-	parser := PPChoiceParser new.
-	parser setParsers: (Array
-		with: (self , parser map: [ :each :rest | rest addFirst: each; yourself ])
-		with: (aParser and ==> [ :each | OrderedCollection new ])).
-	^ parser ==> [ :rest | rest asArray ]
-starLazy: aParser
-	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver zero or more times until it reaches aParser. This is a lazy non-blind implementation of the star operator. aParser is not consumed."
-	| parser |
-	parser := PPChoiceParser new.
-	parser setParsers: (Array
-		with: (aParser and ==> [ :each | OrderedCollection new ])
-		with: (self , parser map: [ :each :rest | rest addFirst: each; yourself ])).
-	^ parser ==> [ :rest | rest asArray ]
 times: anInteger
 	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver exactly anInteger times."
@@ -292,42 +548,6 @@
 	^ PPFlattenParser on: self
-foldLeft: aBlock
-	"Answer a new parser that that folds the result of the receiver from left-to-right into aBlock. The argument aBlock must take two or more arguments."
-	| size args |
-	size := aBlock numArgs.
-	args := Array new: size.
-	^ self ==> [ :nodes |
-		args at: 1 put: (nodes at: 1).
-		2 to: nodes size by: size - 1 do: [ :index |
-			args
-				replaceFrom: 2 to: size with: nodes startingAt: index;
-				at: 1 put: (aBlock valueWithArguments: args) ].
-		args at: 1 ]
-foldRight: aBlock
-	"Answer a new parser that that folds the result of the receiver from right-to-left into aBlock. The argument aBlock must take two or more arguments."
-	| size args |
-	size := aBlock numArgs.
-	args := Array new: size.
-	^ self ==> [ :nodes |
-		args at: size put: (nodes at: nodes size).
-		nodes size - size + 1 to: 1 by: 1 - size do: [ :index |
-			args
-				replaceFrom: 1 to: size - 1 with: nodes startingAt: index;
-				at: size put: (aBlock valueWithArguments: args) ].
-		args at: size ]
-map: aBlock
-	"Answer a new parser that works on the receiving sequence an passes in each element as a block argument."
-	^ self ==> aBlock
 	"Answer a new parser that transforms the input to a token."
@@ -344,18 +564,168 @@
 	"Answer a new parser that consumes spaces before and after the receiving parser."
 	^ self trimSpaces
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'operators-convenience'!
+	"Filters out the separators from a parse result produced by one of the productions #delimitedBy: or #separatedBy:."
+	^ self ==> [ :items |
+		| result |
+		result := Array new: items size + 1 // 2.
+		1 to: result size do: [ :index | result at: index put: (items at: 2 * index - 1) ].
+		result ]
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'operators-mapping'!
+foldLeft: aBlock
+	"Answer a new parser that that folds the result of the receiver from left-to-right into aBlock. The argument aBlock must take two or more arguments."
+	| size args |
+	size := aBlock numArgs.
+	args := Array new: size.
+	^ self ==> [ :nodes |
+		args at: 1 put: nodes first.
+		2 to: nodes size by: size - 1 do: [ :index |
+			args
+				replaceFrom: 2 to: size with: nodes startingAt: index;
+				at: 1 put: (aBlock valueWithArguments: args) ].
+		args first ]
+foldRight: aBlock
+	"Answer a new parser that that folds the result of the receiver from right-to-left into aBlock. The argument aBlock must take two or more arguments."
+	| size args |
+	size := aBlock numArgs.
+	args := Array new: size.
+	^ self ==> [ :nodes |
+		args at: size put: nodes last.
+		nodes size - size + 1 to: 1 by: 1 - size do: [ :index |
+			args
+				replaceFrom: 1 to: size - 1 with: nodes startingAt: index;
+				at: size put: (aBlock valueWithArguments: args) ].
+		args at: size ]
+map: aBlock
+	"Answer a new parser that works on the receiving sequence an passes in each element as a block argument."
+	^ aBlock numArgs = 1
+		ifTrue: [ self ==> aBlock ]
+		ifFalse: [ self error: aBlock numArgs asString , ' arguments expected.' ]
+trim: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that consumes and ignores aParser repeatedly before and after the receiving parser."
+	^ PPTrimmingParser on: self trimmer: aParser
 	"Answer a new parser that consumes blanks before and after the receiving parser."
-	^ PPTrimmingParser on: self trimmer: #blank asParser
+	^ self trim: #blank asParser
 	"Answer a new parser that consumes spaces before and after the receiving parser."
-	^ PPTrimmingParser on: self trimmer: #space asParser
+	^ self trim: #space asParser
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'operators-repeating'!
+max: anInteger
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at most anInteger times."
+	^ self star setMax: anInteger
+max: anInteger greedy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at most anInteger times until it reaches aParser. This is a greedy non-blind implementation. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ (self starGreedy: aParser) setMax: anInteger
+max: anInteger lazy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at most anInteger times until it reaches aParser. This is a lazy non-blind implementation. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ (self starLazy: aParser) setMax: anInteger
+min: anInteger
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at least anInteger times."
+	^ self star setMin: anInteger
+min: anInteger greedy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at least anInteger times until it reaches aParser. This is a greedy non-blind implementation. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ (self starGreedy: aParser) setMin: anInteger
+min: anInteger lazy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at least anInteger times until it reaches aParser. This is a lazy non-blind implementation. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ (self starLazy: aParser) setMin: anInteger
+min: aMinInteger max: aMaxInteger
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at least aMinInteger and at most aMaxInteger times."
+	^ self star setMin: aMinInteger; setMax: aMaxInteger
+min: aMinInteger max: aMaxInteger greedy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at least aMinInteger and at most aMaxInteger times until it reaches aParser. This is a greedy non-blind implementation. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ (self starGreedy: aParser) setMin: aMinInteger; setMax: aMaxInteger
+min: aMinInteger max: aMaxInteger lazy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver at least aMinInteger and at most aMaxInteger times until it reaches aParser. This is a greedy non-blind implementation. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ (self starLazy: aParser) setMin: aMinInteger; setMax: aMaxInteger
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver one or more times."
+	^ self star setMin: 1
+plusGreedy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver one or more times until it reaches aParser. This is a greedy non-blind implementation of the star operator. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ (self starGreedy: aParser) setMin: 1
+plusLazy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver one or more times until it reaches aParser. This is a lazy non-blind implementation of the star operator. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ (self starLazy: aParser) setMin: 1
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver zero or more times. This is a greedy and blind implementation that tries to consume as much input as possible and it does not consider what comes afterwards."
+	^ PPPossessiveRepeatingParser on: self
+starGreedy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver zero or more times until it reaches aParser. This is a greedy non-blind implementation of the star operator. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ PPGreedyRepeatingParser on: self limit: aParser
+starLazy: aParser
+	"Answer a new parser that parses the receiver zero or more times until it reaches aParser. This is a lazy non-blind implementation of the star operator. aParser is not consumed."
+	^ PPLazyRepeatingParser on: self limit: aParser
 ! !
 !PPParser methodsFor:'parsing'!
@@ -367,7 +737,7 @@
 matchesIn: anObject
-	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver."
+	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Answered an OrderedCollection of the matched parse-trees."
 	| result |
 	result := OrderedCollection new.
@@ -383,8 +753,25 @@
 	((self and ==> aBlock , #any asParser) / #any asParser) star parse: anObject
+matchesSkipIn: anObject
+	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Answer an OrderedCollection of the matched parse-trees. Skip over matches."
+	| result |
+	result := OrderedCollection new.
+	self 
+		matchesSkipIn: anObject
+		do: [ :each | result addLast: each ].
+	^ result
+matchesSkipIn: anObject do: aBlock
+	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Evaluate aBlock for each match with the matched parse-tree as the argument. Skip over matches."
+	(self ==> aBlock / #any asParser) star parse: anObject
 matchingRangesIn: anObject
-	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver.  Answer an OrderedCollection of ranges of each match (index of first character to: index of last character)."
+	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Answer an OrderedCollection of ranges of each match (index of first character to: index of last character)."
 	| result |
 	result := OrderedCollection new.
@@ -395,16 +782,32 @@
 matchingRangesIn: anObject do: aBlock
-	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver.  Answer an OrderedCollection of ranges of each match (index of first character to: index of last character)."
+	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Evaluate aBlock with the range of each match (index of first character to: index of last character)."
+	self token
+		matchesIn: anObject
+		do: [ :token | aBlock value: (token start to: token stop) ]
+matchingSkipRangesIn: anObject
+	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Skip over matches. Answer an OrderedCollection of ranges of each match (index of first character to: index of last character)."
 	| result |
 	result := OrderedCollection new.
-	[ :stream | stream position + 1 ] asParser , self , [ :stream | stream position ] asParser
-		matchesIn: anObject
-		do: [ :value | aBlock value: (value first to: value last) ].
+	self
+		matchingSkipRangesIn: anObject
+		do: [ :value | result addLast: value ].
 	^ result
+matchingSkipRangesIn: anObject do: aBlock
+	"Search anObject repeatedly for the matches of the receiver. Skip over matches. Evaluate aBlock with the range of each match (index of first character to: index of last character)."
+	self token
+		matchesSkipIn: anObject
+		do: [ :token | aBlock value: (token start to: token stop) ]
 parse: anObject
 	"Parse anObject with the receiving parser and answer the parse-result or an instance of PPFailure."
@@ -440,18 +843,10 @@
 printOn: aStream
-    PPPrinter notNil ifTrue:[
-        PPPrinter new 
-            stream: aStream ;
-            visit: self
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        super printOn: aStream.
-        aStream nextPut: $(.
-        self printNameOn: aStream.
-        aStream nextPut: $)
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 11-01-2013 / 09:20:09 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+	super printOn: aStream.
+	aStream nextPut: $(.
+	self printNameOn: aStream.
+	aStream nextPut: $)
 ! !
 !PPParser methodsFor:'testing'!
@@ -464,17 +859,17 @@
 	^ false
 ! !
 !PPParser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.st,v 1.5 2013-01-11 12:31:10 vrany Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.st,v 1.6 2014-03-04 14:33:11 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.st,v 1.5 2013-01-11 12:31:10 vrany Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.st,v 1.6 2014-03-04 14:33:11 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '§Id: PPParser.st 2 2010-12-17 18:44:23Z vranyj1 §'
+    ^ '$Id: PPParser.st,v 1.6 2014-03-04 14:33:11 cg Exp $'
 ! !