changeset 421 7e08b31e0dae
parent 415 f30eb7ea54cd
child 422 116d2b2af905
--- a/compiler/	Wed Nov 19 10:52:37 2014 +0000
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Nov 24 00:09:23 2014 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Object subclass:#PPCCompiler
 	instanceVariableNames:'compilerStack compiledParser cache inlining debug profile
-		currentMethod lastMethod guards ids updateContextMethod tokenMode'
+		currentMethod guards ids tokenMode rootNode'
@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@
 	inlining := value
-	^ lastMethod 
 parameters: associations
 	| key value |
 	associations do: [ :ass |
@@ -55,12 +51,8 @@
 	profile := aBoolean 
-startInline: id
-	self push.
-	currentMethod := PPCInlinedMethod new.
-	currentMethod id: id.	
-	currentMethod profile: self profile.
+	^ rootNode
 ! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'cleaning'!
@@ -106,6 +98,10 @@
 	currentMethod add: string.
+addComment: string
+	currentMethod add: '"', string, '"'.
 addConstant: value as: name
 	compiledParser addConstant: value as: name.
@@ -138,15 +134,6 @@
 	currentMethod addOnLine: anotherMethod call.
-checkCache: id
-	| method value |
-	"Check if method is already compiled/hand written"
-	method := compiledParser compiledMethodAt: id ifAbsent: [ nil ].
-	method ifNotNil: [ ^ lastMethod := PPCCompiledMethod new id: id; yourself ].
-	^ (value := self cachedValue: id) ifNotNil: [ lastMethod := value ].
 	currentMethod dedent
@@ -159,19 +146,6 @@
 	currentMethod nl
-	| array |
-	array := compilerStack pop.
-	currentMethod := array first	
-	| array |
-	array := { currentMethod }.
-	compilerStack push: array.
-	(compilerStack size > 500 )ifTrue: [ self error: 'unless it is very complex grammar, there is an error somewhere' ]
 smartRemember: parser
 	^ self smartRemember: parser to: #memento 
@@ -194,41 +168,10 @@
 	^ 'context restore: ', mementoName, '.'.
-startMethod: id
-	|  sender |
-	(cache includesKey: id) ifTrue: [ self error: 'OOOUPS!!' ].
-	self push.
-	currentMethod := PPCMethod new.
-	currentMethod id: id.
-	currentMethod profile: self profile.	
-	self cache: id as: currentMethod.
-	sender := thisContext sender receiver.
-	self add: '"Method generated from ', sender asString, '"'.
 	tokenMode := true
-	| sender |
-	sender := thisContext sender receiver.
-	self add: '"Inlined by ', sender asString, '"'.
-	lastMethod := currentMethod.
-	currentMethod := nil.
-	self pop.
-	self cache: currentMethod methodName as: currentMethod.
-	lastMethod := currentMethod.
-	currentMethod := nil.
-	self pop.
 	tokenMode := false
 ! !
@@ -244,10 +187,24 @@
 idFor: object prefixed: prefix suffixed: suffix effect: effect
-	| body |
+	| body id |
+	"Halt if: [ (object isKindOf: PPCNode) and: [object name = #smalltalk_ws ] ]."
+"	((object isKindOf: PPCNode) and: [object name = #smalltalk_ws ])  ifTrue: [ Transcript crShow: 'st_ws' ].
 	^ ids at: object ifAbsentPut: [ 
 		((object isKindOf: PPCNode) and: [object name isNotNil]) ifTrue: [ 
-			 (object name, suffix) asSymbol
+			"Halt if: [ object name = #smalltalk_ws ]."
+"			(object name = #smalltalk_ws) ifTrue: [Transcript crShow: 'NEW st_ws'].
+			id := (object name, suffix) asSymbol.
+			"Make sure, that the generated ID is uniqe!!"
+			((ids values select: [ :e | e = id ]) isEmpty) ifTrue: [ id ]
+			ifFalse: [ 
+				body := ids size asString.
+				(id, '_', body) asSymbol 
+			]
 		] ifFalse: [ 
 			body := ids size asString.
 			(prefix asString, '_', body, suffix) asSymbol
@@ -255,6 +212,81 @@
 ! !
+!PPCCompiler methodsFor:'code generation - support'!
+checkCache: id
+	| method  |
+	"Check if method is hand written"
+	method := compiledParser compiledMethodAt: id ifAbsent: [ nil ].
+	method ifNotNil: [ ^ PPCCompiledMethod new id: id; yourself ].
+	^ self cachedValue: id
+        | retval |
+        retval := compilerStack pop.
+        compilerStack isEmpty ifFalse: [ currentMethod := compilerStack top ].
+        ^ retval
+    "Modified: / 21-11-2014 / 12:27:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
+        compilerStack push: currentMethod.
+        (compilerStack size > 500 )ifTrue: [ self error: 'unless it is very complex grammar, there is an error somewhere' ]
+    "Modified: / 21-11-2014 / 12:27:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+startInline: id
+	| sender |	
+	currentMethod := PPCInlinedMethod new.
+	currentMethod id: id.	
+	currentMethod profile: self profile.
+	self push.
+	sender := thisContext sender receiver.
+	self addComment: 'START inlining by ', sender asString.
+startMethod: id
+	|  sender |
+	(cache includesKey: id) ifTrue: [ self error: 'OOOUPS!!' ].
+	currentMethod := PPCMethod new.
+	currentMethod id: id.
+	currentMethod profile: self profile.	
+	self push.	
+	self cache: id as: currentMethod.
+	sender := thisContext sender receiver.
+	self addComment: 'START of method generated by ', sender asString.
+	| sender |
+	sender := thisContext sender receiver.
+	self addComment: 'STOP inlining by ', sender asString.
+	^ self pop.
+	| sender |
+	sender := thisContext sender receiver.
+	self addComment: 'END of method generated by ', sender asString.
+	self cache: currentMethod methodName as: currentMethod.
+	^ self pop.
+	^ compilerStack top
+! !
 !PPCCompiler methodsFor:'compiling'!
 compile: aPPParser as: name
@@ -272,18 +304,18 @@
 compileTree: compilerTree as: name parser: parser params: params
-        |  |
-        params do: [ :p | 
-                (p key = #guards) ifTrue: [ self guards: p value ].
-        ].      
+	|  |
+	params do: [ :p | 
+		(p key = #guards) ifTrue: [ self guards: p value ].
+	].	
-        ((Smalltalk respondsTo:#isSmalltalkX) and:[ Smalltalk isSmalltalkX ]) ifTrue:[
-                | rPackageOrganizer |
-                rPackageOrganizer := Smalltalk at: #RPackageOrganizer.
-                rPackageOrganizer notNil ifTrue:[
-                        rPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
-                ].
+	((Smalltalk respondsTo:#isSmalltalkX) and:[ Smalltalk isSmalltalkX ]) ifTrue:[
+		| rPackageOrganizer |
+		rPackageOrganizer := Smalltalk at: #RPackageOrganizer.
+		rPackageOrganizer notNil ifTrue:[
+			rPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
+		].
       compiledParser := (Smalltalk at: name ifAbsent: [ nil ]).
       compiledParser ifNil: [ 
@@ -295,32 +327,34 @@
                 compiledParser := Smalltalk at: name.
       ] ifNotNil: [ 
                 self clean: compiledParser 
-      ].                
-        ] ifFalse: [ 
-                RPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
-                compiledParser := (Smalltalk at: name ifAbsent: [ nil ]).
-                compiledParser ifNil: [ 
-                                                        PPCompiledParser subclass: name.
-                                                        compiledParser := Smalltalk at: name.
-                                                        compiledParser category: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'                                                      
-                                                        ] ifNotNil: [ 
-                                                                self clean: compiledParser 
-                                                        ].      
-        ].
-        compiledParser constants removeAll.
+      ].      		
+	] ifFalse: [ 
+		RPackageOrganizer default registerPackageNamed: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
+		compiledParser := (Smalltalk at: name ifAbsent: [ nil ]).
+		compiledParser ifNil: [ 
+							PPCompiledParser subclass: name.
+							compiledParser := Smalltalk at: name.
+							compiledParser category: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'							
+							] ifNotNil: [ 
+								self clean: compiledParser 
+							].	
+	].
+	compiledParser constants removeAll.
+	rootNode := compilerTree.
+	self precomputeFirstSets: rootNode.
+	self precomputeFollowSets: rootNode.
+	self precomputeFollowSetsWithTokens: rootNode.
+	self startMethod: #start.
+	self add: '^ '.
+	self callOnLine: (compilerTree compileWith: self).
+	self stopMethod.
-        self startMethod: #start.
-        self add: '^ '.
-        self callOnLine: (compilerTree compileWith: self).
-        self stopMethod.
+	self installVariablesAndMethods.
-        self installVariablesAndMethods.
-        compiledParser referringParser: parser.
-        ^ compiledParser
-    "Modified: / 05-11-2014 / 23:17:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	compiledParser referringParser: parser.
+	^ compiledParser
 copy: parser
@@ -334,11 +368,9 @@
 installVariables: class
-        | string |
-        string := class constants keys inject: '' into: [:r :e | r, ' ', e  ].
-        PPCompiledParser subclass: class name instanceVariableNames: string classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries:'' category: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
-    "Modified: / 26-10-2014 / 22:01:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+	| string |
+	string := class constants keys inject: '' into: [:r :e | r, ' ', e  ].
+	PPCompiledParser subclass: class name instanceVariableNames: string classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PetitCompiler-Generated'.
@@ -356,8 +388,6 @@
     compiledParser := Smalltalk at: compiledParserClassName.
     self installMethods: compiledParser.
-    "Created: / 30-10-2014 / 23:15:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
 optimize: parser params: params
@@ -367,6 +397,36 @@
 	^ retval
+precomputeFirstSets: root
+	| firstSets |
+	firstSets := root firstSets.
+	root allNodesDo: [ :node |
+		node firstSet: (firstSets at: node).
+	]
+precomputeFollowSets: root
+	| followSets |
+	followSets := root followSets.
+	root allNodesDo: [ :node |
+		node followSet: (followSets at: node).
+	]
+precomputeFollowSetsWithTokens: root
+	| followSets |
+	followSets := root followSetsSuchThat: [:e | e isTerminal or: [ e isKindOf: PPCTrimmingTokenNode ]].
+	root allNodesDo: [ :node |
+		node followSetWithTokens: (followSets at: node).
+	]
 toCompilerTree: parser
 	^ parser asCompilerTree
 ! !
@@ -429,7 +489,7 @@
 	super initialize.
 	compilerStack := Stack new.
 	cache := IdentityDictionary new.
-	ids := IdentityDictionary new.
+	ids := Dictionary new.
 	tokenMode := false.
 	inlining := true.
@@ -437,20 +497,6 @@
 	guards := true.
 ! !
-!PPCCompiler methodsFor:'ppcmethod protocol'!
-	^ PPCBridge on: lastMethod methodName.
-	^ lastMethod call
-	^ lastMethod canInline
-! !
 !PPCCompiler class methodsFor:'documentation'!