changeset 348 9a04cc03d392
parent 347 c797456a8819
--- a/gui/	Tue Mar 04 22:19:46 2014 +0100
+++ b/gui/	Tue Mar 04 22:19:47 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/gui' }"!
+!PPAndParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ 'and'
+! !
+!PPAndParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+! !
+!PPChoiceParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+	"If there is already a lot written, try to pick an empty possiblity."
+	aStream position > 512 ifTrue: [
+		(parsers anySatisfy: [ :each | each isNullable ])
+			ifTrue: [ ^ self ] ].
+	parsers atRandom exampleOn: aStream
+! !
+!PPChoiceParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger
+	^ self morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger do: [ :cc |
+		| morph |
+		morph := self newColumnMorph 
+			cellInset: 5;
+			yourself.
+		self children do: [ :each | 
+			morph addMorphBack: (self newRowMorph
+				hResizing: #spaceFill;
+				addMorphBack: (cc value: each);
+				addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+					hResizing: #spaceFill;
+					addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph height: 10);
+					addMorphBack: ((LineMorph from: 0 @ 0 to: 20 @ 0 color: Color black width: 1)
+						hResizing: #spaceFill;
+						minWidth: 20;
+						yourself);
+					yourself);
+				yourself) ].
+		morph fullBounds.
+		self newRowMorph
+			addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+				addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph height: 10);
+				addMorphBack: (LineMorph from: 0 @ 0 to: 20 @ 0 color: Color black width: 1);
+				yourself);
+			addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+				addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph width: 1; height: 10);
+				addMorphBack: (LineMorph from: 0 @ 0 to: 0 @ (morph height - 23) color: Color black width: 1);
+				yourself);
+			addMorphBack: morph;
+			addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+				addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph width: 1; height: 10);
+				addMorphBack: (LineMorph from: 0 @ (morph height - 23) to: 0 @ 0 color: Color black width: 1)
+					makeForwardArrow;
+					width: 1;
+				yourself);
+			yourself ]
+! !
+!PPDelegateParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ nil
+! !
+!PPDelegateParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+	parser exampleOn: aStream
+! !
+!PPDelegateParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger
+	^ self morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger do: [ :cc |
+		self displayDescription isNil
+			ifTrue: [ cc value: parser ]
+			ifFalse: [
+				self newRowMorph
+					addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+						addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph height: 10);
+						addMorphBack: (LineMorph from: 0 @ 0 to: 20 @ 0 color: Color black width: 1);
+						yourself);
+					addMorphBack: (self newRowMorph
+						color: (self backgroundForDepth: anInteger);
+						addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+							addMorphBack: (cc value: parser);
+							addMorphBack: (self newRowMorph
+								hResizing: #spaceFill;
+								addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph
+									width: 20;
+									yourself);
+								addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+									hResizing: #spaceFill;
+									listCentering: #center;
+									addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph);
+									addMorphBack: (StringMorph new
+										contents: self displayDescription;
+										yourself);
+									yourself);
+								yourself);
+							yourself);		
+						addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+							addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph height: 10);
+							addMorphBack: (LineMorph from: 0 @ 0 to: 20 @ 0 color: Color black width: 1);
+							yourself);
+						yourself);
+					yourself ] ]
+! !
+!PPEndOfInputParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ 'end of input'
+! !
+!PPEpsilonParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ 'epsilon'
+! !
+!PPEpsilonParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger
+	^ self morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger do: [ :cc |
+		self newRowMorph
+			addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+				addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph height: 10);
+				addMorphBack: (LineMorph from: 0 @ 0 to: 20 @ 0 color: Color black width: 1);
+				yourself);
+			yourself ]
+! !
+!PPFailingParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ Color red
+! !
+!PPFailingParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ message
+! !
+!PPLiteralParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ literal printString
+! !
+!PPLiteralSequenceParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+	aStream nextPutAll: literal
+! !
+!PPNotParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ 'not'
+! !
+!PPNotParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+backgroundForDepth: anInteger
+	^ Color gray: 1.0 - (anInteger / 20.0)
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ self isTerminal
+		ifTrue: [ Color r: 0.5 g: 0.0 b: 0.5 ]
+		ifFalse: [ Color blue ]
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ self name isNil
+		ifFalse: [ self name asString ]
+		ifTrue: [ self class name asString ]
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ String streamContents: [ :stream | self exampleOn: stream ] limitedTo: 1024
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui'!
+gtInspectorParserInspectorIn: composite
+	<gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 30>
+	composite custom: (
+		PPParserInspector new 
+			title: 'Inspector';
+			startOn: self)
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+	^ self newRowMorph
+		layoutInset: 4;
+		addMorphBack: (self newRowMorph
+			layoutInset: 4;
+			addMorphBack: (StringMorph new
+				contents: self displayName;
+				emphasis: TextEmphasis bold emphasisCode;
+				yourself);
+			yourself);
+		addMorphBack: (self morphicShapeSeen: IdentitySet new depth: 0);
+		addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+			addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph);
+			addMorphBack: (LineMorph from: 0 @ 0 to: 20 @ 0 color: Color black width: 1)	
+				makeForwardArrow;
+			yourself);
+		yourself
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+	^ self newRowMorph
+		addMorphBack: (self newColumnMorph
+			addMorphBack: (self newSpacerMorph);
+			addMorphBack: (LineMorph from: 0 @ 0 to: 20 @ 0 color: Color black width: 1)	
+				makeForwardArrow;
+			yourself);
+		addMorphBack: (self newRowMorph
+			borderWidth: 1;
+			layoutInset: 3;
+			color: Color white;
+			addMorphBack: (StringMorph new
+				contents: self displayName;
+				color: self displayColor;
+				yourself);
+			yourself);
+		yourself
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger
+	^ self morphicShapeDefault
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger do: aBlock
+	" avoid recursion "
+	(aSet includes: self)
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self morphicShapeDefault ].
+	" display nice name when possible "
+	(anInteger > 0 and: [ self name notNil ]) 
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self morphicShapeDefault ].
+	" don't do it too deep "
+	(anInteger > 10)
+		ifTrue: [ ^ self morphicShapeDefault ].
+	aSet add: self. 
+	^ aBlock value: [ :parser |
+		parser 
+			morphicShapeSeen: aSet 
+			depth: anInteger + 1 ]
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-mondrian'!
+    | result |
+    result := OrderedCollection new.
+    self namedParsersDo: [ :parser | result addLast: parser ].
+    ^ result
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-mondrian'!
+namedParsersDo: aBlock
+    self namedParsersDo: aBlock seen: IdentitySet new
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-mondrian'!
+namedParsersDo: aBlock seen: aSet
+    self children do: [ :each | 
+        (aSet includes: each)
+            ifFalse: [
+		        aSet add: each.
+		        each name isEmptyOrNil
+		            ifFalse: [ aBlock value: each ]
+		            ifTrue: [ each namedParsersDo: aBlock seen: aSet ] ] ]
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic-creational'!
+	^ AlignmentMorph newColumn
+		cellPositioning: #topLeft;
+		color: Color transparent;
+		listCentering: #topLeft;
+		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+		layoutInset: 0;
+		yourself
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic-creational'!
+	^ AlignmentMorph newRow
+		cellPositioning: #topLeft;
+		color: Color transparent;
+		listCentering: #topLeft;
+		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+		layoutInset: 0;
+		yourself
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic-creational'!
+	^ Morph new
+		color: Color transparent;
+		borderWidth: 0;
+		extent: 7 @ 7;
+		yourself
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-mondrian'!
+	| view |
+	view := MOViewRenderer new.
+	self viewAllNamedParsersOn: view.
+	view open
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-mondrian'!
+viewAllNamedParsersOn: view
+	view shape rectangle text: #displayName; withoutBorder. 
+	view nodes: (self allParsers select: [:each |  each name isEmptyOrNil not ]).
+	view edgesToAll: #namedParsers.
+	view horizontalDominanceTreeLayout layered
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-mondrian'!
+viewAllNamedParsersWithSelection: aCollectionOfNames on: view
+	self viewAllNamedParsersWithSelection: aCollectionOfNames previewing: [ :each | each name ] on: view
+! !
+!PPParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-mondrian'!
+viewAllNamedParsersWithSelection: aCollectionOfNames previewing: aBlock on: view
+	view shape label 
+		color: [:each | (aCollectionOfNames includes: each name) ifFalse: [Color black] ifTrue: [Color red]];
+		text: [:each |each displayName].
+	view interaction popupText: aBlock.
+	view interaction item: 'Explore' action: #explore.
+	view nodes: (self allParsers select: [:each |  each name isEmptyOrNil not ]).
+	view edges: (self allParsers select: [:each |  each name isEmptyOrNil not ])from: #yourself toAll: #namedParsers.
+	view horizontalDominanceTreeLayout verticalGap: 10; layered
+! !
+!PPPluggableParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ String streamContents: [ :stream | block decompile shortPrintOn: stream ]
+! !
+!PPPredicateParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ predicateMessage
+! !
+!PPPredicateParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+	"Produce a random character that is valid. If there are characters in the alpha-numeric range prefer those over all others."
+	| valid normal |
+	valid := Character allCharacters
+		select: [ :char | self matches: (String with: char) ].
+	normal := valid
+		select: [ :char | char asInteger < 127 and: [ char isAlphaNumeric ] ].
+	aStream nextPut: (normal isEmpty
+		ifTrue: [ valid atRandom ]
+		ifFalse: [ normal atRandom ])
+! !
+!PPRepeatingParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ String streamContents: [ :stream |
+		min = 0 
+			ifFalse: [ stream print: min; nextPutAll: '..' ].
+		max = SmallInteger maxVal
+			ifTrue: [ stream nextPut: $* ]
+			ifFalse: [ stream print: max ] ]
+! !
+!PPRepeatingParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+	"Perform the minimal repeatitions required, and a random amount of more if possible and if not that much output has been produced yet."
+	min timesRepeat: [ 
+		super exampleOn: aStream ].
+	(max - min min: 5) atRandom timesRepeat: [
+		aStream position > 512
+			ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
+		super exampleOn: aStream ]
+! !
+!PPSequenceParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+	parsers do: [ :each | each exampleOn: aStream ]
+! !
+!PPSequenceParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-morphic'!
+morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger
+	^ self morphicShapeSeen: aSet depth: anInteger do: [ :cc |
+		self children
+			inject: self newRowMorph
+			into: [ :result :each | 
+				result 
+					addMorphBack: (cc value: each);
+					yourself ] ]
+! !
+!PPTrimmingParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+exampleOn: aStream
+	super exampleOn: aStream.
+	aStream nextPut: Character space
+! !
+!PPUnresolvedParser methodsFor:'*petitgui-accessing'!
+	^ Color red
+! !
+!Refactoring methodsFor:'*petitgui-utilities'!
+checkCompositeParser: aClass
+        ^ (RBCondition isMetaclass: aClass) not
+        "&  RBCondition isSubclass: class of: self compositeParserClass"
+        & (RBCondition new
+                type: (Array with: #subclass with: self compositeParserClass with: aClass)
+                block: [ aClass includesClass: self compositeParserClass ]
+                errorString: aClass printString , ' is <1?:not >a subclass of ' , self compositeParserClass printString)
+! !
+!Refactoring methodsFor:'*petitgui-utilities'!
+        ^ self classObjectFor: #PPCompositeParser
+! !
+!stx_goodies_petitparser_gui class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/gui/,v 1.2 2014-03-04 21:19:47 cg Exp $'
+! !