author Jan Vrany <>
Sun, 26 Oct 2014 01:03:31 +0000
changeset 391 553a5456963b
child 392 9b297f0d949c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Ported PetitCompiler-(Tests). Name: PetitCompiler-JanKurs.41 Author: JanKurs Time: 25-10-2014, 03:30:28 AM UUID: 105186d1-1187-4ca6-8d66-3d2d47def4d3 Repository: Name: PetitCompiler-Tests-JanKurs.4 Author: JanKurs Time: 25-10-2014, 03:30:58 AM UUID: 3e798fad-d5f6-4881-a583-f0bbffe27869 Repository: In addition, fixed some problems to make it compilable under Smalltalk/X: * Fixed PPCTokenNode>>initialize - there's no children instvar, it's initialization removed. * Fixed PPCContextMemento>>propertyAt:ifAbsent: - removed return-in-return, not compilable under Smalltalk/X (C issues) * Fixed PPCContextMemento>>hash - there's no stream instvar, access to it removed. * Fixed PPCAbstractCharacterNode>>compileWith:effect:id: - removed dot after method selector (stc does not like it)

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"

PPParser subclass:#PPCompiledParser
	instanceVariableNames:'startSymbol context failure error'

PPCompiledParser class instanceVariableNames:'parsers constants referringParser'

 No other class instance variables are inherited by this class.

PPCompiledParser comment:''

!PPCompiledParser class methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

addConstant: value as: id
	self constants at: id ifPresent: [ 
		((self constants at: id) = value) ifFalse: [self error: 'ooups']].	
	self constants at: id put: value.

addParser: aPPParser as: id
	"(self parsers includesKey: id) ifTrue: [self error: 'Ooups' ]."
	self parsers at: id put: aPPParser.

	constants ifNil: [ constants := IdentityDictionary new ].
	^ constants

parse: input
	^ self new parse: input

	parsers ifNil: [ parsers := IdentityDictionary new ].
	^ parsers

	^ referringParser 

referringParser: aPPParser
	referringParser := aPPParser
! !

!PPCompiledParser methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!

callParser: id
	| retval |
	retval := (self class parsers at: id) parseOn: context.
	retval isPetitFailure 	ifTrue: [ self error: retval message at: retval position ]
									ifFalse: [ self clearError ].
	^ retval

	error := false.

	^ self error: '' at: context position

error: message
	^ self error: message at: context position

error: aMessage at: position
	failure position < position ifTrue: [
		failure message: aMessage.
		failure position: position
	error := true.
	^ failure

	super initialize.
	self class constants keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
		self instVarNamed: key put: value.

	startSymbol := #start.



	^ true

	^ error

parse: input rule: symbol
	startSymbol := symbol.
	^ self parse: input.

	^ self subclassResponsibility

startSymbol: aSymbol
	startSymbol := aSymbol

updateContext: aPPContext
	self class referringParser allParsersDo: [ :p | p updateContext: aPPContext ].
! !

!PPCompiledParser methodsFor:'parsing'!

parseOn: aPPContext
	| retval |
"	context := aPPContext asCompiledParserContext."
	context := aPPContext.
	context compiledParser: self.
	failure := PPFailure new message: nil; context: context; position: -1.
	context noteFailure: failure.
	error := false.

	retval := self perform: startSymbol.
	(retval isPetitFailure) ifTrue: [ aPPContext noteFailure: failure ].
	error ifTrue: [ aPPContext noteFailure: failure. retval := failure ].
"	aPPContext position: context position."
	^ retval
! !