author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 13:39:38 +0100
changeset 517 9a7fa841f12e
parent 516 3b81c9e53352
child 525 751532c8f3db
permissions -rw-r--r--
Portability: override #new for PPCScannerCodeGenerator. Not all smalltalks send #initialize by default.

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

Object subclass:#PPCScannerCodeGenerator
	instanceVariableNames:'codeGen fsa backlinkStates backlinkTransitions arguments openSet
		incommingTransitions methodCache id resultStrategy fsaCache'

!PPCScannerCodeGenerator class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return an initialized instance"

    ^ self basicNew initialize.
! !

!PPCScannerCodeGenerator methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ arguments 

arguments: anObject
    arguments := anObject

    ^ codeGen 

    ^ self codeGen 
! !

!PPCScannerCodeGenerator methodsFor:'analysis'!

    backlinkTransitions := fsa backTransitions.
    backlinkStates := IdentityDictionary new.
    backlinkTransitions do: [ :t |
        (self backlinksTo: (t destination)) add: t.

    (fsa hasDistinctRetvals) ifTrue: [
        resultStrategy := PPCDistinctResultStrategy new
            codeGen: codeGen;
    ] ifFalse: [ 
        resultStrategy := PPCUniversalResultStrategy new
            codeGen: codeGen;
            tokens: fsa retvals asArray;

    | transitions |
    transitions := fsa allTransitions.
    incommingTransitions := IdentityDictionary new.
    (self incommingTransitionsFor: fsa startState) add: #transitionStub.
    transitions do: [ :t |
        (self incommingTransitionsFor: t destination) add: t.

backlinksTo: state
    ^ backlinkStates at: state ifAbsentPut: [ OrderedCollection new ] 

containsBacklink: state
    state transitions do: [ :t |
        (self isBacklink:  t) ifTrue: [ ^ true ]

    ^ false

hasMultipleIncommings: state
    ^ (incommingTransitions at: state ifAbsent: [ self error: 'should not happen']) size > 1

incommingTransitionsFor: state
    ^ incommingTransitions  at: state ifAbsentPut: [ IdentitySet new ]

isBacklink: transition
    ^ backlinkTransitions includes: transition

isBacklinkDestination: state
    ^ (self backlinksTo: state)  isEmpty not

startsSimpleLoop: state
    |   |

        This accepts more or less something like $a star
        for now.. might extend later
    ((self incommingTransitionsFor: state) size == 2) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    ^ (state transitions select: [ :t | t destination == state ]) size == 1
! !

!PPCScannerCodeGenerator methodsFor:'caching'!

cache: anFsa method: method
    fsaCache at: anFsa put: method

cachedValueForIsomorphicFsa: anFsa
    | key |
    key := fsaCache keys detect: [ :e | e isIsomorphicTo: anFsa ].
    ^ fsaCache at: key

isomorphicIsCached: anFsa
    ^ fsaCache keys anySatisfy: [ :e | e isIsomorphicTo: anFsa ]
! !

!PPCScannerCodeGenerator methodsFor:'code generation'!

    | method |
    self assert: fsa isDeterministic.
    self assert: fsa isWithoutEpsilons.
    self assert: fsa checkConsistency.

    (self isomorphicIsCached: fsa) ifTrue: [ 
        ^ self cachedValueForIsomorphicFsa: fsa 

    self analyzeBacklinks.
    self analyzeTransitions.
    self analyzeDistinctRetvals.
    openSet := IdentitySet new.
    codeGen startMethod: (codeGen idFor: fsa).
    codeGen codeComment: (Character codePoint: 13) asString, fsa asString.
    resultStrategy reset.

    self generateFor: fsa startState.

    method := codeGen stopMethod.	
    self cache: fsa method: method.
    ^ method.


generate: aPEGFsa
    fsa := aPEGFsa.

    self assert: fsa isDeterministic.
    self assert: fsa isWithoutPriorities.
    fsa minimize.
    fsa checkSanity.
    ^ self generate

    self generate.
    ^ self compile

generateAndCompile: aPEGFsa
    fsa := aPEGFsa.

    fsa minimize.
    fsa checkSanity.
    ^ self generateAndCompile

generateFinalFor: state
    ^ self generateFinalFor: state offset: 0

generateFinalFor: state offset: offset
    state retvalsAndInfosDo: [:retval :info |
        info isFinal ifTrue: [ 
            info isFsaFailure ifTrue: [ 
                resultStrategy recordFailure: retval offset: offset
            ] ifFalse: [ 
                resultStrategy recordMatch: retval offset: offset

generateFor: state
    codeGen cachedValue: (codeGen idFor: state) ifPresent: [ :method | 
        "if state is already cached, it has multiple incomming links.
     	 In such a case, it is compiled as a method, thus return immediatelly"
        ^ codeGen codeAbsoluteReturn:  method call

    (self startsSimpleLoop: state) ifTrue: [ 
        ^ self generateSimpleLoopFor: state
    ^ self generateStandardFor: state

generateForSingleTransition: t from: state
    (self isJoinPoint: t destination) ifTrue: [ self removeJoinTransition: t ].
    codeGen codeAssertPeek: t ifFalse: [ 
        resultStrategy returnResult: state 
"	(self isBacklink: t) ifTrue: [ 
        codeGen add: 'true'
    ] ifFalse: [ 
        self generateFor: t destination.
    self generateFor: t destination

generateForTransition: t from: state		
"	(self isBacklink: t) ifTrue: [ 
        codeGen codeAssertPeek: (t characterSet) ifTrue: [ 
            codeGen add: 'true'
    ] ifFalse: [ 
        codeGen codeAssertPeek: (t characterSet) ifTrue: [.
            self generateFor: t destination.
    codeGen codeAssertPeek: t ifTrue: [
        self generateFor: t destination.
    codeGen codeIfFalse.

generateNextFor: state
    state transitions isEmpty ifTrue: [  ^ self ].
    codeGen codeNextChar.

generateReturnFor: state
    codeGen codeNl.
    resultStrategy returnResult: state.

generateSimpleLoopFor: state
    | selfTransition |
    selfTransition := state transitions detect: [ :t | t destination == state ].
    codeGen codeStartBlock.
    codeGen codeNextChar.
    codeGen codeNl.
    codeGen codeAssertPeek: selfTransition.
    codeGen codeEndBlockWhileTrue.

    "Last transition did not passed the loop, therefore, we have to record succes with offset -1"
    self generateFinalFor: state offset: 1.
    self generateTransitions: (state transitions reject: [ :t | t == selfTransition  ]) for: state.

generateStandardFor: state
    self generateStartMethod: state.
    self generateFinalFor: state.
    self generateNextFor: state.
    self generateTransitionsFor: state.

    self generateStopMethod: state.

generateStartMethod: state
    id := codeGen idFor: state.

    codeGen codeComment: 'START - Generated from state: ', state asString.

    (self hasMultipleIncommings: state) ifTrue: [ 
        codeGen startMethod: id.
    ] ifFalse: [ 
        codeGen  startInline: id.

generateStopMethod: state
    |  |
    (self hasMultipleIncommings: state) ifTrue: [ 
        codeGen codeAbsoluteReturn: codeGen stopMethod call.
    ] ifFalse: [ 
        codeGen code: codeGen stopInline call.
    codeGen codeComment: 'STOP - Generated from state: ', state asString.

generateTransitions: transitions for: state
    (transitions size = 0) ifTrue: [  
        self generateReturnFor: state.
        ^ self	

"	(state transitions size = 1) ifTrue: [  
        self generateForSingleTransition: state transitions anyOne from: state.
        ^ self

    codeGen codeNl.
    transitions do: [ :t |
        self generateForTransition: t from: state

    codeGen indent.
    self generateReturnFor: state.
    codeGen dedent.
    codeGen codeNl.
    transitions size timesRepeat: [ codeGen addOnLine: ']' ].
    codeGen addOnLine: '.'.

"	self closedJoinPoints isEmpty ifFalse: [ 
        | jp |
        self assert: self closedJoinPoints size == 1.

        jp := self closedJoinPoints anyOne.
        self removeJoinPoint: jp.
        self generateFor: jp.

generateTransitionsFor: state
    ^ self generateTransitions: state transitions for: state

    codeGen addConstant: codeGen idGen numericIds size as: #MaxSymbolNumber 

    | tokens |
    tokens := Array new: codeGen idGen numericIdCache size.
    codeGen idGen numericIdCache keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
        tokens at: value put: key

    codeGen addConstant: tokens as: #Tokens 
! !

!PPCScannerCodeGenerator methodsFor:'compiling'!

    ^ self compileScannerClass new

    | builder |
    self setMaxNumericId.
    self setTokens.
    builder := PPCClassBuilder new.
    builder compiledClassName: arguments scannerName.
    builder compiledSuperclass: PPCScanner.
    builder methodDictionary: codeGen methodDictionary.
    builder constants: codeGen constants.

    ^ builder compileClass.	
! !

!PPCScannerCodeGenerator methodsFor:'initialization'!

    super initialize.
    codeGen := PPCFSACodeGen new.
    arguments := PPCArguments default.
    fsaCache := IdentityDictionary new.
! !

!PPCScannerCodeGenerator class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !