author Jan Vrany <>
Mon, 24 Aug 2015 15:34:14 +0100
changeset 524 f6f68d32de73
parent 515 b5316ef15274
child 525 751532c8f3db
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merged in PetitCompiler-JanVrany.170, PetitCompiler-Tests-JanKurs.116, PetitCompiler-Extras-Tests-JanKurs.29, PetitCompiler-Benchmarks-JanKurs.19 Name: PetitCompiler-JanVrany.170 Author: JanVrany Time: 24-08-2015, 03:19:51.340 PM UUID: c20a744f-3b41-4aaa-bb8a-71ce74a2a952 Name: PetitCompiler-Tests-JanKurs.116 Author: JanKurs Time: 24-08-2015, 11:37:54.332 AM UUID: 549e0927-358a-4a1b-8270-050ccfcb4217 Name: PetitCompiler-Extras-Tests-JanKurs.29 Author: JanKurs Time: 24-08-2015, 11:36:52.503 AM UUID: ea1dbb67-f884-4237-8f34-adb0677c0954 Name: PetitCompiler-Benchmarks-JanKurs.19 Author: JanKurs Time: 24-08-2015, 11:48:47.045 AM UUID: 1c342fdb-8ddd-4104-9c47-a8f589c51694

"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

Object subclass:#PEGFsa
	instanceVariableNames:'states startState name distances priorities'

!PEGFsa class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return an initialized instance"

    ^ self basicNew initialize.
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ self allTransitions: IdentitySet new

allTransitions: collection
    self states do: [ :s | collection addAll: s transitions  ].
    ^ collection

    | backTransitions |
    backTransitions := self backTransitions.
    ^ self allTransitions reject: [ :t | backTransitions includes: t ]

    | priority |
"	defaultPriority := self states size negated.
    self finalStates isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ defaultPriority ].
    ^ (self finalStates collect: [ :e | e priorityIfNone: defaultPriority  ]) min
    priority := -1.
    self allTransitions do: [ :t | t isEpsilon ifTrue: [ priority := priority + t priority ] ].
    ^ priority

    ^ name 

name: anObject
    name := anObject

    ^ (self finalStates flatCollect: [ :e | e retvals collect: #value ]) asIdentitySet

    self assert: (states includes: startState).
    ^ startState

stateNamed: stateName
    ^ states detect: [ :e | e name = stateName ]

    ^ states

states: whatever
    states := whatever

transitionFrom: from to: to
    ^ from transitions detect: [ :t | t destination = to ]

transitionsFor: state
    self assert: (states includes: state).
    ^ state transitions
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'analysis'!

    |  transitionSet |
    transitionSet := IdentitySet new.
    self computeDistances.
    self backTransitionsFrom: startState openSet: IdentitySet new transitionSet: transitionSet.
    ^ transitionSet

backTransitionsFrom: state openSet: openSet transitionSet: transitionSet
    (openSet includes: state) ifTrue: [  
        ^ self
    openSet add: state.
    state transitions do: [ :t | 
        ((openSet includes: t destination) and: [self is: state furtherThan: t destination]) ifTrue: [  
            transitionSet add: t		
        self backTransitionsFrom: t destination openSet: openSet copy transitionSet: transitionSet

    | queue openSet |
    distances := IdentityDictionary new.
    queue := OrderedCollection with: startState.
    openSet := IdentitySet new.

    distances at: startState put: 0.
    [ queue isEmpty not ] whileTrue: [ 
        | state |
        state := queue removeFirst.
        openSet add: state.
        state transitions do: [ :t |
            (openSet includes: (t destination)) ifFalse: [ 
                distances at: (t destination ) put: ((distances at: state) + 1).
                queue addLast: (t destination)

    ^ distances

    | queue openSet |
    self flag: 'not working...'.
    priorities := IdentityDictionary new.
    queue := OrderedCollection with: startState.
    openSet := IdentitySet new.

    priorities at: startState put: (startState priorityIfNone: 0).
    [ queue isEmpty not ] whileTrue: [ 
        | state |
        state := queue removeFirst.
        openSet add: state.
        state transitions do: [ :t |
            (openSet includes: (t destination)) ifFalse: [ 
                priorities at: (t destination ) put: ((priorities at: state) + t priority).
                queue addLast: (t destination)

    ^ priorities

epsilonDestinationsFrom: state
    | openSet |
    openSet := IdentitySet new.
    self epsilonDestinationsFrom: state openSet: openSet.
    ^ openSet

epsilonDestinationsFrom: state openSet: openSet.
    (openSet includes: state) ifTrue: [ 
        ^ self 

    openSet add: state.
    ((self transitionsFor: state) select: [ :t | t isEpsilon ]) do: [ :t |
        self epsilonDestinationsFrom: t destination openSet: openSet

    ^ self states select: [ :s | s isFinal ]

    | finalStates retvals |
    finalStates := self finalStates.

    (finalStates anySatisfy: [ :s | s isMultivalue  ]) ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
    retvals := finalStates collect: [:s | s retval].

    (finalStates size == 1) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].

    (retvals asSet size == 1) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
    "final states leads only to final states with the same retval"
    (finalStates allSatisfy: [ :s | 
        (self statesReachableFrom: s) allSatisfy: [ :rs | rs retval value isNil or: [ rs retval value == s retval value ] ]
    ]) ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
    ^ false

    ^ self finalStates isEmpty

is: state furtherThan: anotherState

    ^ (distances at: state) >= (distances at: anotherState)

isBackTransition: t
    ^ self backTransitions includes: t

    ^ self states allSatisfy: [ :s | 
        s hasPriority not or: [ 
            s stateInfos allSatisfy: [ :i | i priority == 0 ]

    ^ self joinTransitions collect: [ :t | t destination ]

    | joinTransitions transitions  size |
    joinTransitions := IdentitySet new.

    transitions := self allTransitions asOrderedCollection.
    size := transitions size.

    (1 to: size - 1) do: [ :index1 |
        (index1 + 1 to: size)  do: [ :index2 | 
            ((transitions at: index1) destination == (transitions at: index2) destination) ifTrue: [ 
                joinTransitions add: (transitions at: index1).
                joinTransitions add: (transitions at: index2).

    ^ joinTransitions


    ^ self states reject: [ :s | s isFinal ]

    ^ self statesReachableFrom: startState

    |  pairs ordered |
    pairs := OrderedCollection new.
    ordered := self states asOrderedCollection.
    1 to: (ordered size - 1) do: [ :index1 |
        (index1 + 1) to: ordered size do: [ :index2 |
            pairs add: (PEGFsaPair with: (ordered at: index1) with: (ordered at: index2))

    self assert: (pairs allSatisfy: [ :e | e class == PEGFsaPair ]).
    ^ pairs

statesReachableFrom: state
    | openSet |
    self assert: state isNil not.
    openSet := IdentitySet new.
    self statesReachableFrom: state openSet: openSet.
    ^ openSet

statesReachableFrom: state openSet: openSet
    (openSet contains: [:e | e == state]) ifTrue: [ 
        ^ self 

    openSet add: state.
    (self transitionsFor: state) do: [ :t |
        self statesReachableFrom: t destination openSet: openSet

    | collection |
    collection := OrderedCollection new.
    self statesReachableFrom: startState openSet: collection.
    ^ collection
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'comparing'!

= anotherFsa
        Please note what the compare does. IMO nothing useful for now.
        For comparing if two FSA's are equivalent, use isIsomorphicTo:

    (self == anotherFsa)  ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
    (self class == anotherFsa class) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    (startState = anotherFsa startState) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    (name = anotherFsa name) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    (states size = anotherFsa states size) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    states do: [:s |
        (anotherFsa states contains: [ :e | e = s ]) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    ^ true

    ^ states hash bitXor: (startState hash bitXor: name hash)

isIsomorphicTo: anotherFsa
    | topologicalOrder anotherTopologicalOrder  |
        Please not that this version of comparison is sensitive to the order
        in which the transitions in state are ordered.
    topologicalOrder := self topologicalOrder.
    anotherTopologicalOrder := anotherFsa topologicalOrder.
    topologicalOrder size == anotherTopologicalOrder size ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
    topologicalOrder with: anotherTopologicalOrder do: [ :s1 :s2 |
        (s1 canBeIsomorphicTo: s2) ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
    ^ true
    transitions := topologicalOrder flatCollect: [ :s | s transitions ].
    anotherTransitions := anotherTopologicalOrder flatCollect: [ :s | s transitions ].
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'copying'!

    | map |
    super postCopy.
    map := IdentityDictionary new.
    states do: [ :s |
        map at: s put: s copy.
    states := map values asIdentitySet.
    startState isNil ifFalse: [ 
        startState := map at: startState.
    states do: [ :s |
        s transitions do: [:t |
            t destination: (map at: t destination)
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'ids'!

    ^ #fsa

    ^ name isNil not

    ^ 'scan'

    ^ nil
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'initialization'!

    states := IdentitySet new.
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'modifications'!

addState: state
    self assert: (states includes: state) not.
    states add: state

addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState 
    | transition |
    self assert: (states includes: fromState).
    self assert: (states includes: toState).
    transition := PEGFsaEpsilonTransition new 
        destination: toState;
        priority: 0;
    fromState addTransition: transition.

addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState on: character
    self addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState on: character priority: 0

addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState on: character priority: priority
    | transition |
    transition := PEGFsaCharacterTransition new 
        addCharacter: character;
        destination: toState;
        priority: priority;
    fromState addTransition: transition

addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState onCharacterSet: characterSet
    self addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState onCharacterSet: characterSet priority: 0

addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState onCharacterSet: characterSet priority: priority
    | transition |
    transition := PEGFsaCharacterTransition new 
        characterSet: characterSet;
        destination: toState;
        priority: priority;

    fromState addTransition: transition

addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState onPredicate: block priority: priority
    | transition |
    transition := PEGFsaPredicateTransition new 
        predicate: block;
        destination: toState;
        priority: priority;
    fromState addTransition: transition

addTransitionFrom: fromState to: toState priority: priority
    | transition |
    "should not use minus priority epsilons any more"
    self assert: (priority == 0).	
    self assert: (states includes: fromState).
    self assert: (states includes: toState).
    transition := PEGFsaEpsilonTransition new 
        destination: toState;
        priority: priority;
    fromState addTransition: transition.

adopt: fsa
    states addAll: fsa reachableStates.

    ^ self decreasePriorityBy: 1

decreasePriorityBy: value
    self states select: [ :s | s hasPriority ] thenDo: [ :s |
        s decreasePriorityBy: value.

    self allTransitions do: [ :t |
        t decreasePriorityBy: value

finalState: state
    self assert: state isFinal not.
    state final: true.
    state priority: 0.

    self finalStates do: [ :s |
        s hasPriority ifFalse: [ s priority: 0 ]

    ^ PEGFsaMinimizator new minimize: self

    self finalStates do: [ :s |
        s final: false

    self states select: [ :s| s hasPriority ] thenDo: [ :s |
        s priority: 0

    self allTransitions do: [ :t |
        t priority: 0

removeState: state
    self assert: (states includes: state).
    states remove: state.

replace: state with: anotherState
    | transitions  |
    self assert: (state isKindOf: PEGFsaState).
    self assert: (anotherState isKindOf: PEGFsaState).
    transitions := self allTransitions.

    transitions do: [ :t |
        (t destination == state) ifTrue: [ 
            t destination: anotherState.

    state == startState ifTrue: [ startState := anotherState ].
    states remove: state.
    states add: anotherState.

retval: returnValue
    self finalStates do: [ :s |
        self assert: s retval isNil.
        s retval: returnValue

startState: state
    self assert: (states includes: state).
    startState := state
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'modifications - determinization'!

    ^ PEGFsaSequenceDeterminizator new determinize: self.

determinize: joinDictionary
    self error: 'deprecated'.
    self removeEpsilons.
    self removeUnreachableStates.
    self removeLowPriorityTransitions.
    self mergeTransitions.
    states := self topologicalOrder asOrderedCollection.
    states do: [ :state |
        state determinize: joinDictionary.
    states	 := startState reachableStates.

    self removeUnreachableStates.
    self removeLowPriorityTransitions.
    self mergeTransitions.

    ^ PEGFsaChoiceDeterminizator new determinize: self.

    ^ PEGFsaDeterminizator new determinize: self.
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'modifications - epsilons'!

removeEpsilonTransition: transition source: state
    ^ self removeEpsilonTransition: transition source: state openSet: IdentitySet new

removeEpsilonTransition: transition source: source openSet: openSet
    | destination |
    (openSet includes: transition) ifTrue: [ self error: 'loop in epsilons?!!' ].
    openSet add: transition.
    destination := transition destination.
    "First Remove Recursively"
    ((self transitionsFor: destination ) select: [ :t | t isEpsilon  ]) do: [ :t |
        self removeEpsilonTransition: t source: destination openSet: openSet

    self assert: transition isEpsilon.
    self assert: transition priority = 0.
    (destination transitions) do: [ :t |
        source addTransition: (t copy)

    source mergeInfo: destination into: source.

    destination isFinal ifTrue: [ 
        source final: true.
        source retval: destination retval.

    source removeTransition: transition.

    "First, remove the negative values from epsilons"
    self removeNegativeEpsilons.
    states do: [ :state |
        self removeEpsilonsFor: state

removeEpsilonsFor: state
    (self transitionsFor: state) copy do: [ :t |
        (t isEpsilon and: [ t destination isStub not ]) ifTrue: [ 
            self removeEpsilonTransition: t source: state

removeNegativeEpsilonTransition: transition source: state
    ^ self removeNegativeEpsilonTransition: transition source: state openSet: IdentitySet new

removeNegativeEpsilonTransition: transition source: source openSet: openSet
    | destination |
    (openSet includes: transition) ifTrue: [ self error: 'loop in epsilons?!!' ].
    openSet add: transition.
    destination := transition destination.
    "First Remove Recursively"
    ((self transitionsFor: destination ) select: [ :t | t isEpsilon  ]) do: [ :t |
        self removeNegativeEpsilonTransition: t source: destination openSet: openSet
    "JK: Problem alert: if two different epsilons point to the same state,
        it will decreas the state priority two times!! I don't know how to handle
        this situation properly and I make sure during FSA generation that there
        are no two paths to one state (except for loops).
    (self statesReachableFrom: destination) do: [ :s |
        s decreasePriorityBy: transition priority abs.
        s transitions do: [ :t | t decreasePriorityBy: transition priority abs  ]

    transition priority: 0.

        This will remove only negative values from epsilons, the epsilons itself will not
        be removed!!
    states do: [ :state |
        self removeNegativeEpsilonsFor: state

removeNegativeEpsilonsFor: state
    (self transitionsFor: state) copy do: [ :t |
        t isEpsilon ifTrue: [ 
            self removeNegativeEpsilonTransition: t source: state
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'printing'!

    | stream  |
    stream := WriteStream on: ''.
    self topologicalOrder do: [ :state |
        state printOn: stream.
        stream nextPutAll: '> '.
        (self transitionsFor: state) do: [ :transition |
            stream nextPut: (Character codePoint: 13).
            stream nextPut: (Character codePoint: 9).
            transition printOn: stream.
        stream nextPut: (Character codePoint: 13).
"	stream nextPutAll: 'finals: '.
    (states select: [:s | s isFinal ]) do: [:e | e printOn: stream ].
    stream nextPut: (Character codePoint: 13).
    ^ stream contents.
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'testing'!

    ^ true

    self assert: (states includes: startState).
    states do: [ :s | s transitions do: [ :t |
        self assert: (states includes: t destination).
    ] ].
    ^ true

    self assert: (self finalStates allSatisfy: #hasPriority)

    self checkConsistency.
    self checkTransitionsIdentity.
    self checkTransitionsPriority.
    self checkFinalStatesPriorities.

    | bag set |
    bag := IdentityBag new.
    set := IdentitySet new.
    bag := self allTransitions: bag.
    set := self allTransitions: set.	
    self assert: bag size == set size.

    self finalStates do: [ :fs |
        fs isMultivalue ifFalse: [ 
            fs transitions allSatisfy: [ :t | fs priority >= t priority ]

    self reachableStates do: [ :state |
        state transitionPairs do: [ :pair | 
            ((pair first intersection: pair second) includes: true) ifTrue: [ 					
                ^ false
    ^ true

isReachableState: state
    ^ self reachableStates includes: state

isStartState: state
    ^ startState == state

    self reachableStates do: [ :state | 
        state transitions do: [ :t | 
            t isEpsilon ifTrue: [ ^ false ]
    ^ true
! !

!PEGFsa methodsFor:'transformations'!

    self error: 'deprecated?'

    |  |
    self reachableStates do: [ :state |
        state mergeTransitions.

    states do: [ :state |
        self removeLowPriorityTransitionsFor: state

removeLowPriorityTransitionsFor: state
    | transitions |
    state hasPriority ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
    state isFinal ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
    "TODO JK: I can probably cut some transitions from multivalu as well"
    state isMultivalue ifTrue: [ ^ self ].

    transitions := state transitions copy.
    transitions do: [ :t |
        (t priority < state priority) ifTrue: [ 
            state removeTransition: t

    | reachable toRemove |
    reachable := self reachableStates.
    toRemove := OrderedCollection new.

    states do: [ :s |
        (reachable includes: s) ifFalse: [ 
            toRemove add: s		

    toRemove do: [ :s | states remove: s ]
! !