initial checkin
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:14:30 +0100
changeset 330 d807737e23f8
parent 329 a5bd27e8e4c1
child 331 33ef8249a32b
initial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gui/	Tue Mar 04 22:14:30 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/gui' }"
+GLMCompositePresentation subclass:#PPParserBrowser
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitGui-Core'
+!PPParserBrowser class methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
+openOn: aParserClass 
+	^ self new openOn: aParserClass
+! !
+!PPParserBrowser methodsFor:'building'!
+	"self openOn: PPArithmeticParser"
+	| browser |
+	browser := GLMTabulator new.
+	browser title: [:each | each name].
+	browser 
+		row: [:r | r column: #productions ; column: #workspace span: 2];
+		row: #inspector.
+	browser transmit to: #productions; andShow: [:a | 
+	 	self productionsIn: a ]. 
+	browser transmit to: #workspace; fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #productions; andShow: [:a | 
+		self workspaceIn: a ]. 
+	browser transmit to: #inspector; fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #productions; passivelyFrom: #outer port: #sampleText; andShow: [:a |
+		self inspectorIn: a ].
+	browser transmit from: #inspector port: #sampleText; toOutsidePort: #sampleText; when: [:arg | arg notNil ].
+	browser transmit from: #workspace; toOutsidePort: #productionToSelect; 
+		transformed: [:parser | parser name ];
+		when: [:parser | parser name notNil ].
+	browser transmit fromOutsidePort: #productionToSelect; to: #productions port: #selection.
+	^ browser
+	"self openOn: PPArithmeticParser"
+	self title: [:each | each name].
+	self tabulator with: [ :tabulator |
+		tabulator 
+			row: [:r | r column: #productions ; column: #workspace span: 2];
+			row: #inspector.
+		tabulator transmit to: #productions; andShow: [:a | 
+		 	self productionsIn: a ]. 
+		tabulator transmit to: #workspace; fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #productions; andShow: [:a | 
+			self workspaceIn: a ]. 
+		tabulator transmit to: #inspector; fromOutsidePort: #entity; from: #productions; passivelyFrom: #outer port: #sampleText; andShow: [:a |
+			self inspectorIn: a ].
+		tabulator transmit from: #inspector port: #sampleText; toOutsidePort: #sampleText; when: [:arg | arg notNil ].
+		tabulator transmit from: #workspace; toOutsidePort: #productionToSelect; 
+			transformed: [:parser | parser name ];
+			when: [:parser | parser name notNil ].
+		tabulator transmit fromOutsidePort: #productionToSelect; to: #productions port: #selection ]
+! !
+!PPParserBrowser methodsFor:'private building'!
+exampleIn: composite
+	composite text
+		title: 'Example';
+		useExplicitNotNil;
+		display: [ :class :productionSelector | (self production: productionSelector from: class) example ];
+		act: [:text | text update] icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRefresh entitled: 'Generate another one'
+firstIn: composite
+	composite list
+		title: 'First';
+		useExplicitNotNil;
+		display: [ :class :productionSelector | (self production: productionSelector from: class) firstSet ];
+		format: [ :parser | parser displayName ]
+followIn: aBrowser
+	aBrowser list
+		title: 'Follow';
+		useExplicitNotNil;
+		format: [ :parser | parser displayName ];
+		display: [ :class :productionSelector | 
+			| parser |
+			parser := class new.
+			parser followSets
+				at: (parser productionAt: productionSelector)
+				ifAbsent: [ Array with: nil asParser ] ]
+graphIn: composite
+	composite morph
+		title: 'Graph';
+		useExplicitNotNil;
+		display: [ :class :selector |
+			| morph |
+			morph := ScrollPane new.
+			morph color: Color white.
+			morph scroller addMorph: (self production: selector from: class) morphicProduction.
+			morph ]
+inspectorIn: composite
+	composite dynamic
+		allowNil;
+		display: [ :class :productionSelector :sampleText | 
+					| wrapperBrowser |
+					wrapperBrowser := GLMTabulator new.
+					wrapperBrowser allowNil.
+					wrapperBrowser column: #wrapped.
+					wrapperBrowser transmit
+						to: #wrapped;
+						andShow: [ :a | a custom: (PPParserInspector new noTitle) ].
+					wrapperBrowser transmit
+						from: #wrapped port: #sampleText;
+						toOutsidePort: #sampleText.
+					wrapperBrowser transmit
+						fromOutsidePort: #sampleText;
+						to: #wrapped port: #sampleText.
+					wrapperBrowser startOn: ([(self production: productionSelector from: class) end] on: Error do: [:e | nil]) .
+					(wrapperBrowser pane port: #sampleText) value: (sampleText ifNil: [ '' ] ifNotNil: [ sampleText ]).
+					wrapperBrowser
+					]
+mapIn: composite
+	self class environment at: #GLMRoassalPresentation ifPresent: [ :cls |
+		composite roassal
+			title: 'Map';
+			useExplicitNotNil;
+			painting: [ :view :class :selector |
+				(self production: #start from: class)
+					viewAllNamedParsersWithSelection: (Array with: selector)  
+					previewing: [:eachParser | self sourceCodeFrom: class selector: eachParser name ]
+					on:  view ] ]	
+productionsIn: composite
+	"Doru: These menus should be built dynamically: title and enabled status should adapt" 
+	"enabled: RBRefactoryChangeManager instance hasRedoableOperations"	" , RBRefactoryChangeManager instance redoChange"	"enabled: RBRefactoryChangeManager instance hasUndoableOperations"	" , RBRefactoryChangeManager instance undoChange "
+	composite list
+		title: [ :class | class name ];
+		format: [ :class | class asString ];
+		display: [ :class | self productionSelectorsFrom: class ];
+		shouldValidate: true;
+		act: [ :list :class | 
+					RBRefactoryChangeManager instance redoOperation.
+					list pane browser update ]
+			icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRedo
+			entitled: 'Redo';
+		act: [ :list :class | 
+					RBRefactoryChangeManager instance undoOperation.
+					list pane browser update ]
+			icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousUndo
+			entitled: 'Undo';
+		selectionAct: [ :list  :class | 
+					| oldName refactoring |
+					oldName := list selection.
+					refactoring := PPRefactoringUtils new performRenameProduction: oldName from: class.
+					refactoring changes changes notEmpty ifTrue: [
+						list update.
+						list selection: refactoring changes changes first newName asSymbol ] ]
+			on: $r
+			entitled: 'Rename (r)';
+		selectionAct: [ :list :class | 
+					PPRefactoringUtils new performRefactoring: (PPRemoveProdcutionRefactoring onClass: class production: list selection).
+					list pane browser update ]
+			on: $x
+			entitled: 'Remove (x)';
+		selectionAct: [ :list :class | Smalltalk tools browser fullOnClass: class selector: list selection ]
+			on: $b
+			entitled: 'Browse (b)';
+		selectionAct: [ :list :class | (self production: list selection from: class) explore ]
+			on: $I
+			entitled: 'Explore (I)'
+sourceIn: composite
+	composite smalltalkCode
+		title: 'Source';
+		useExplicitNotNil;
+		display: [ :class :production | self sourceCodeFrom: class selector: production ];
+		smalltalkClass: [ :class | class ];
+		selectionAct: [ :text :class :production | 
+				| selector refactoring |
+				selector := UIManager default
+					request: 'Production name to extract to:'
+					initialAnswer: ''
+					title: 'Extract production'.
+				selector isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [
+					selector := selector asSymbol.
+					refactoring := PPExtractProdcutionRefactoring
+						onClass: class
+						production: production
+						interval: text selectionInterval
+						to: selector.
+					PPRefactoringUtils new performRefactoring: refactoring.
+					text pane browser update.
+					(text pane port: #productionToSelect) value: selector ] ]
+			on: $e
+			entitled: 'Extract production';		
+		act: [ :text :class :production | 
+				| selector refactoring |
+				refactoring := PPDefineProdcutionRefactoring 	
+						onClass: class 
+						source: text text asString 
+						protocols: #(grammar).
+				PPRefactoringUtils new performRefactoring: refactoring.
+				selector := refactoring changes changes last selector.
+				selector = production 
+					ifTrue: [text update]
+					ifFalse: [
+						text pane browser update.
+						(text pane port: #productionToSelect) value: selector ] ]
+			icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAccept
+			on: $s
+			entitled: 'Accept'
+workspaceIn: composite
+	self sourceIn: composite.
+	self graphIn: composite.
+	self mapIn: composite.
+	self exampleIn: composite.
+	self firstIn: composite.
+	self followIn: composite.
+! !
+!PPParserBrowser methodsFor:'private utilities'!
+production: selector from: class
+	| parser |
+	parser := class new.
+	^ selector isNil 
+		ifTrue: [ parser ]
+		ifFalse: [ parser productionAt: selector ]
+productionSelectorsFrom: class
+	^ (((class allInstVarNames copyWithoutAll: class ignoredNames)
+		collect: [ :each | each asSymbol ])
+			select: [ :each | class includesSelector: each ]) asSortedCollection add: #start; yourself
+sourceCodeFrom: class selector: production
+	^ class ultimateSourceCodeAt: (production ifNil: [ #start ]) ifAbsent: [ String new ]
+! !
+!PPParserBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/gui/,v 1.1 2014-03-04 21:14:30 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/goodies/petitparser/gui/,v 1.1 2014-03-04 21:14:30 cg Exp $'
+! !