Added static analysis of blocks when inlining. Allow inlining only when block is functional
authorJan Vrany <>
Mon, 27 Jul 2015 16:28:48 +0100
changeset 506 e5d63143737f
parent 505 19d830b74322
child 507 c5773c25eedc
Added static analysis of blocks when inlining. Allow inlining only when block is functional ...i.e., does not access any shared state (in instance or class variables). If the block does a self-send, the sent method has to be (transitively) functional too. To allow for self-sends in action blocks, copy (transitively) self-sent methods to target parser. This is safe as these self-sent methods are guarnateed to be functional.
--- a/compiler/Make.proto	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/Make.proto	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 # add the path(es) here:,
 # ********** OPTIONAL: MODIFY the next lines ***
-LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/analyzer -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/parsers/java -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/parsers/smalltalk -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic2 -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libview -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libwidg -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libwidg2
+LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/analyzer -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/parsers/java -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/parsers/smalltalk -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/sunit -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic2 -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libview -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libwidg -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libwidg2
 # if you need any additional defines for embedded C code,
@@ -136,11 +136,14 @@
 $(OUTDIR)PEGFsaPair.$(O) PEGFsaPair.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PEGFsaState.$(O) PEGFsaState.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PEGFsaTransition.$(O) PEGFsaTransition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPCASTUtilities.$(O) PPCASTUtilities.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCArguments.$(O) PPCArguments.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCBridge.$(O) PPCBridge.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/goodies/petitparser/PPParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCClassBuilder.$(O) PPCClassBuilder.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCodeBlock.$(O) PPCCodeBlock.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCodeGen.$(O) PPCCodeGen.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPCCompilationError.$(O) PPCCompilationError.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Error.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Exception.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPCCompilationWarning.$(O) PPCCompilationWarning.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Notification.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/UserNotification.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Warning.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCompiledMethod.$(O) PPCCompiledMethod.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCompiler.$(O) PPCCompiler.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCompilerTokenErrorStrategy.$(O) PPCCompilerTokenErrorStrategy.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)/stx/libbasic/Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
--- a/compiler/Make.spec	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/Make.spec	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -57,11 +57,14 @@
 	PEGFsaPair \
 	PEGFsaState \
 	PEGFsaTransition \
+	PPCASTUtilities \
 	PPCArguments \
 	PPCBridge \
 	PPCClassBuilder \
 	PPCCodeBlock \
 	PPCCodeGen \
+	PPCCompilationError \
+	PPCCompilationWarning \
 	PPCCompiledMethod \
 	PPCCompiler \
 	PPCCompilerTokenErrorStrategy \
@@ -165,11 +168,14 @@
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PEGFsaPair.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PEGFsaState.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PEGFsaTransition.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCASTUtilities.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCArguments.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCBridge.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCClassBuilder.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCCodeBlock.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCCodeGen.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCCompilationError.$(O) \
+    $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCCompilationWarning.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCCompiledMethod.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCCompiler.$(O) \
     $(OUTDIR_SLASH)PPCCompilerTokenErrorStrategy.$(O) \
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+Object subclass:#PPCASTUtilities
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitCompiler-Support'
+!PPCASTUtilities methodsFor:'checks'!
+checkNodeIsFunctional: anRBBlockNode inClass: aClaas
+    "Check whether the given node is purely functional or not. 
+     If no, raise an erorr. If not, this method is noop.
+     A block is purely functional if and only if:
+       (i) it does not refer to any instance or class variable or non-local variable
+      (ii) all self-sends within the block are to 'purely-functional' methods
+           (transitively)
+     (iiI) contains no super-sends.
+    "
+    | allDefinedVarNames allInstVarNames allClassVarNames cls |
+    allDefinedVarNames := anRBBlockNode allDefinedVariables.
+    allInstVarNames := Set new.
+    allClassVarNames := Set new.
+    cls := aClaas.
+    [ cls notNil ] whileTrue:[ 
+        allInstVarNames addAll: cls instanceVariables.
+        allClassVarNames addAll: cls classVariables.
+        cls := cls superclass.
+    ].
+    self withAllVariableNodesOf: anRBBlockNode  do: [ :node | 
+        (allDefinedVarNames includes: node name) ifFalse:[ 
+            (allInstVarNames includes: node name) ifTrue:[
+                PPCCompilationError new signalWith: 'code refers to an instance variable named `',node name,'`'.
+                ^ self.
+            ].
+            (allClassVarNames includes: node name) ifTrue:[
+                PPCCompilationError new signalWith: 'code refers to a class variable named `',node name,'`'.
+                ^ self.
+            ].
+            (Smalltalk includesKey: node name asSymbol) ifFalse:[ 
+                PPCCompilationError new signalWith: 'code refers to an unknown variable named `',node name,'`'.
+                ^ self.                    
+            ].
+        ]
+    ].
+    self withAllMessageNodesOf: anRBBlockNode sentToSelfDo:[:node |
+        | method |
+        method := aClaas lookupSelector: node selector.
+        method isNil ifTrue:[
+            PPCCompilationError new signalWith: 'code contains self-send to non-existent method'.        
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self checkNodeIsFunctional: method parseTree inClass: method methodClass.
+    ].      
+    self withAllSuperNodesOf: anRBBlockNode do: [ :node | 
+        PPCCompilationError new signalWith: 'code contains a super-send'.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 12:15:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-07-2015 / 14:43:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!PPCASTUtilities methodsFor:'enumerating'!
+withAllMessageNodesOf: anRBProgramNode do: aBlock
+    "Enumerate all chilren of `anRBProgramNode` (including itself)
+     and evaluate `aBlock` for each message node."
+    self withAllNodesOf: anRBProgramNode suchThat: [ :node | node isMessage ] do: aBlock.
+    "Created: / 18-06-2015 / 22:02:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 27-07-2015 / 11:26:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+withAllMessageNodesOf: anRBProgramNode sentToSelfDo: aBlock
+    "Enumerate all chilren of `anRBProgramNode` (including itself)
+     and evaluate `aBlock` for each message node which sends a message
+     to self (i.e., for self-sends)."
+    self withAllNodesOf: anRBProgramNode suchThat: [ :node | node isMessage and:[node receiver isSelf ] ] do: aBlock.
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:41:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
+withAllNodesOf: node suchThat: predicate do: action
+    "Enumerate all chilren of `node` (including itself)
+     and evaluate `aBlock` for each node for which `predicate` returns true."
+    (predicate value: node) ifTrue:[ 
+        action value: node.
+    ].
+    node children do:[:each | 
+        self withAllNodesOf: each suchThat: predicate do: action
+    ].
+    "Created: / 18-06-2015 / 22:02:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 27-07-2015 / 11:26:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+withAllSelfNodesOf: anRBProgramNode do: aBlock
+    "Enumerate all chilren of `anRBProgramNode` (including itself)
+     and evaluate `aBlock` for each `self` node."
+    self withAllNodesOf: anRBProgramNode suchThat: [ :node | node isSelf ] do: aBlock.
+    "Created: / 18-06-2015 / 22:02:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 27-07-2015 / 11:26:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+withAllSuperNodesOf: anRBProgramNode do: aBlock
+    "Enumerate all chilren of `anRBProgramNode` (including itself)
+     and evaluate `aBlock` for each `super` node."
+    self withAllNodesOf: anRBProgramNode suchThat: [ :node | node isSuper ] do: aBlock.
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:42:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
+withAllVariableNodesOf: anRBProgramNode do: aBlock
+    "Enumerate all chilren of `anRBProgramNode` (including itself)
+     and evaluate `aBlock` for each variable node.
+     This is a replacement for Smalltalk/X's RBProgramNode>>variableNodesDo:
+     which is not present in Pharo"
+    self withAllNodesOf: anRBProgramNode suchThat: [ :node | node isVariable and:[node isSelf not and:[node isSuper not]]] do: aBlock.
+    "Created: / 18-06-2015 / 22:02:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (comment): / 27-07-2015 / 11:27:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+TestCase subclass:#PPCASTUtilitiesTests
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:'SomeClassVariable'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitCompiler-Tests-Support'
+!PPCASTUtilitiesTests methodsFor:'methods under test'!
+    ^ 1
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 13:27:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
+methodWithArguments: arg1
+    (arg1 + 4) yourself isOdd ifTrue:[ 
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    ^ false not.
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 13:35:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ PPCASTUtilities new
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 13:28:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ SomeClassVariable
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:02:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ testSelector
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 13:29:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self methodSimple1
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 13:28:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self methodWithSelfSend1
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 13:34:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ self methodWithInstanceVariableReference
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:01:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ super yourself
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:02:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | tmp1 |
+    tmp1 := 3.
+    (tmp1 + 4) yourself isOdd ifTrue:[ 
+        | tmp2 |
+        tmp2 := tmp1 + 1.
+        ^ tmp1 + tmp2.
+    ].
+    ^ tmp1
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 13:33:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!PPCASTUtilitiesTests methodsFor:'tests'!
+    self shouldnt: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodSimple1) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+            raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    self shouldnt: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithSelfSend1) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+            raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    self shouldnt: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithSelfSend2) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+            raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    self shouldnt: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithClassReference) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+            raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    self shouldnt: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithTemporaries) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+            raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    self shouldnt: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithArguments:) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+            raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:00:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    self should: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithInstanceVariableReference) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+         raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    self should: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithClassVariableReference) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+         raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    self should: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithSelfSend3) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+         raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    self should: [ PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: (self class >> #methodWithSuperSend) parseTree inClass: self class ]
+         raise: PPCCompilationError.
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:00:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
--- a/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -191,21 +191,59 @@
 !PPCCodeGenerator methodsFor:'private'!
-withAllVariableNodesOf: anRBProgramNode do: aBlock
-    "Enumerate all chilren of `anRBProgramNode` (including itself)
-     and evaluate `aBlock` for each variable node.
-     This is a replacement for Smalltalk/X's RBProgramNode>>variableNodesDo:
-     which is not present in Pharo"
+checkBlockIsInlinable: block
+    "Check whether the given block could be inlined. If not, 
+     throw an error. If yes, this method is noop.
+     A block is inlineable if and only if it's a purely functional
+     (see PPCASTUtilities>>checkBlockIsPurelyFunctional:inClass: for 
+     details)
+     As a side-effect, copy all self-sent methods from the block
+     to the target class.          
+    "
+    | blockNode |
-    anRBProgramNode isVariable ifTrue:[ 
-        aBlock value: anRBProgramNode.
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    anRBProgramNode children do:[:each | 
-        self withAllVariableNodesOf: each do: aBlock
+    blockNode := block sourceNode.
+    "In Smalltalk implementation which use cheap-block optimization (Smalltalk/X) it may
+     happen that home context of the block is nil (in case of cheap blocks)"
+    block home notNil ifTrue:[ 
+        | blockClass |
+        blockClass := block home receiver class.
+        PPCASTUtilities new checkNodeIsFunctional: blockNode inClass: blockClass.
+        "The above code should raise an error when block is not functional (i.e., when not
+         inlineable, so if the control flow reach this point, block is OK and we can safely 
+         copy self-sent methods."
+        self copySelfSentMethodsOf: blockNode inClass: blockClass
-    "Created: / 18-06-2015 / 22:02:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:40:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-07-2015 / 15:52:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
+copySelfSentMethodsOf: anRBProgramNode inClass: aClass
+    PPCASTUtilities new withAllMessageNodesOf: anRBProgramNode sentToSelfDo: [ :node|
+        | method source |
+        method := aClass lookupSelector: node selector.
+        method isNil ifTrue:[
+            PPCCompilationError new signalWith: 'oops, no method found (internal error)!!'.        
+        ].
+        source := method source.
+        source isNil ifTrue:[ 
+            PPCCompilationError new signalWith: 'unavailable source for method ', method printString ,'!!'.        
+        ].
+        "Following actually copies the method to the target class,
+         though the APU is not nice. This has to be cleaned up"
+        (compiler cachedValue: node selector) isNil ifTrue:[ 
+            compiler cache: node selector as: (PPCMethod new id: node selector; source: source; yourself).
+            "Now compile self-sends of the just copied method"
+            self copySelfSentMethodsOf: method parseTree inClass: aClass
+        ].
+    ]
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 14:50:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
 !PPCCodeGenerator methodsFor:'support'!
@@ -311,6 +349,7 @@
 visitActionNode: node
     | blockNode blockBody blockNodesVar blockNeedsCollection blockMatches childValueVars |
+    self checkBlockIsInlinable: node block.
     blockNode := node block sourceNode copy.
     self assert: blockNode arguments size == 1.
     blockNodesVar := blockNode arguments first .
@@ -335,7 +374,7 @@
         blockNeedsCollection := false.
         blockMatches := IdentityDictionary new."Must use IDENTITY dict as nodes have overwritten their #=!!!!!!"
         childValueVars := node child preferredChildrenVariableNames.
-        self withAllVariableNodesOf: blockBody do:[:variableNode| 
+        PPCASTUtilities new withAllVariableNodesOf: blockBody do:[:variableNode| 
             variableNode name = blockNodesVar name ifTrue:[ 
                 "Check if variable node matches..."
                 variableNode parent isMessage ifTrue:[ 
@@ -366,7 +405,7 @@
     blockNeedsCollection ifTrue:[
         "Bad, we have to use the collection.
          Replace all references to blockNodeVar to retvalVar..."
-        self withAllVariableNodesOf: blockBody do:[:variableNode| 
+        PPCASTUtilities new withAllVariableNodesOf: blockBody do:[:variableNode| 
             variableNode name = blockNodesVar name ifTrue:[ 
                 variableNode name: self retvalVar.
@@ -404,7 +443,7 @@
         compiler code: blockBody.    
-    "Modified: / 19-06-2015 / 07:05:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-07-2015 / 15:49:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
 visitAndNode: node
@@ -536,6 +575,7 @@
 visitMappedActionNode: node
     | child blockNode blockBody |
+    self checkBlockIsInlinable: node block. 
     child := node child.
     blockNode := node block sourceNode copy.
     blockBody := blockNode body.
@@ -569,7 +609,7 @@
         | blockArg |
         blockArg := blockNode arguments first.
-        self withAllVariableNodesOf: blockBody do:[:variableNode| 
+        PPCASTUtilities new withAllVariableNodesOf: blockBody do:[:variableNode| 
             variableNode name = blockArg name ifTrue:[ 
                 variableNode name: self retvalVar.
@@ -595,7 +635,7 @@
     "Created: / 02-06-2015 / 17:28:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified: / 19-06-2015 / 07:06:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 27-07-2015 / 15:49:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
 visitMessagePredicateNode: node
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+Error subclass:#PPCCompilationError
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitCompiler-Exceptions'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+Warning subclass:#PPCCompilationWarning
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'PetitCompiler-Exceptions'
--- a/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -7,11 +7,15 @@
 PEGFsaPair PEGFsaPair stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-FSA' 0
 PEGFsaState PEGFsaState stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-FSA' 0
 PEGFsaTransition PEGFsaTransition stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-FSA' 0
+PPCASTUtilities PPCASTUtilities stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Support' 0
+PPCASTUtilitiesTests PPCASTUtilitiesTests stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Tests-Support' 1
 PPCArguments PPCArguments stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Core' 0
 PPCBridge PPCBridge stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Core' 0
 PPCClassBuilder PPCClassBuilder stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Core' 0
 PPCCodeBlock PPCCodeBlock stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Compiler-Codegen' 0
 PPCCodeGen PPCCodeGen stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Compiler-Codegen' 0
+PPCCompilationError PPCCompilationError stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Exceptions' 1
+PPCCompilationWarning PPCCompilationWarning stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Exceptions' 1
 PPCCompiledMethod PPCCompiledMethod stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Core' 0
 PPCCompiler PPCCompiler stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Compiler' 0
 PPCCompilerTokenErrorStrategy PPCCompilerTokenErrorStrategy stx:goodies/petitparser/compiler 'PetitCompiler-Compiler' 0
--- a/compiler/bc.mak	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/bc.mak	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser\analyzer -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser\parsers\java -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser\parsers\smalltalk -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\parser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic2 -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libview -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libwidg -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libwidg2
+LOCALINCLUDES= -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser\analyzer -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser\parsers\java -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser\parsers\smalltalk -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\refactoryBrowser\parser -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\sunit -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic2 -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libview -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libwidg -I$(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libwidg2
@@ -83,11 +83,14 @@
 $(OUTDIR)PEGFsaPair.$(O) PEGFsaPair.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PEGFsaState.$(O) PEGFsaState.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PEGFsaTransition.$(O) PEGFsaTransition.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPCASTUtilities.$(O) PPCASTUtilities.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCArguments.$(O) PPCArguments.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCBridge.$(O) PPCBridge.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\goodies\petitparser\PPParser.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCClassBuilder.$(O) PPCClassBuilder.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCodeBlock.$(O) PPCCodeBlock.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCodeGen.$(O) PPCCodeGen.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPCCompilationError.$(O) PPCCompilationError.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Error.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Exception.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
+$(OUTDIR)PPCCompilationWarning.$(O) PPCCompilationWarning.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\GenericException.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Notification.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\UserNotification.$(H) $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Warning.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCompiledMethod.$(O) PPCCompiledMethod.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCompiler.$(O) PPCCompiler.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
 $(OUTDIR)PPCCompilerTokenErrorStrategy.$(O) PPCCompilerTokenErrorStrategy.$(H): $(INCLUDE_TOP)\stx\libbasic\Object.$(H) $(STCHDR)
--- a/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -33,11 +33,14 @@
--- a/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
         #'stx:goodies/petitparser'    "PPActionParser - extended"
         #'stx:goodies/petitparser/parsers/java'    "PPJavaWhitespaceParser - extended"
         #'stx:goodies/petitparser/parsers/smalltalk'    "PPSmalltalkGrammar - extended"
+        #'stx:goodies/sunit'    "TestAsserter - superclass of PPCASTUtilitiesTests"
         #'stx:libbasic'    "Character - extended"
@@ -117,11 +118,15 @@
+        PPCASTUtilities
+        (PPCASTUtilitiesTests autoload)
+        PPCCompilationError
+        PPCCompilationWarning
--- a/compiler/tests/	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/tests/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -143,6 +143,20 @@
     "Created: / 16-06-2015 / 07:22:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    node := ((#letter asParser , #letter asParser) 
+            ==> [:nodes | self createStringFromCharacters: nodes ]) asCompilerTree.
+    node child markForInline.
+    self compileTree:node.
+    self assert:parser parse:'ab' to:'ab'.
+    self assert:parser parse:'cz' to:'cz'.
+    self assert:parser fail:''.
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 15:48:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
     node := PPCForwardNode new
         child: PPCAnyNode new;
@@ -1109,6 +1123,14 @@
     self assert: parser parse: '' to: nil.
 ! !
+!PPCCodeGeneratorTest methodsFor:'utilities'!
+createStringFromCharacters: characters
+    ^ String withAll: characters
+    "Created: / 27-07-2015 / 15:47:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
 !PPCCodeGeneratorTest class methodsFor:'documentation'!
--- a/compiler/tests/extras/	Mon Jul 27 10:21:41 2015 +0100
+++ b/compiler/tests/extras/	Mon Jul 27 16:28:48 2015 +0100
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 !PPCompiledSmalltalkParserTests class methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
-    ^ (OrderedCollection with: PPCompiledSmalltalkParserResource)
-        addAll: super resources;
-        yourself
+    ^ Array with: PPCompiledSmalltalkParserResource
+    "Modified: / 27-07-2015 / 15:58:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
 !PPCompiledSmalltalkParserTests methodsFor:'as yet unclassified'!
@@ -29,11 +29,901 @@
 parserInstanceFor: aSymbol
     ^ (Smalltalk at: #PPCompiledSmalltalkParser) new startSymbol: aSymbol
+! !
+!PPCompiledSmalltalkParserTests methodsFor:'testing'!
+    self 
+        parse: '{}'
+        rule: #array
+    self 
+        parse: '{self foo}'
+        rule: #array
+    self 
+        parse: '{self foo. self bar}'
+        rule: #array
+    self 
+        parse: '{self foo. self bar.}'
+        rule: #array
+    self 
+        parse: '1'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: 'a := 1'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: 'a := b := 1'
+        rule: #expression
+    PPSmalltalkGrammar allowUnderscoreAssignment
+        ifTrue: [ self parse: 'a _ 1' rule: #expression ]
+        ifFalse: [ self fail: 'a _ 1' rule: #expression ]
+    PPSmalltalkGrammar allowUnderscoreAssignment
+        ifTrue: [ self parse: 'a _ b _ 1' rule: #expression ]
+        ifFalse: [ self fail: 'a _ b _ 1' rule: #expression ]
+    self 
+        parse: 'a := (b := c)'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1"one"+2'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 "one" +2'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1"one"+"two"2'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1"one""two"+2'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1"one"	"two"+2'
+        rule: #expression
+    "This test asserts that all subclasses override all test methods."
+    self class allSubclasses do: [ :subclass |
+        self class testSelectors do: [ :selector |
+            self 
+                assert: (selector = #testCompleteness or: [ subclass selectors includes: selector ])
+                description: subclass printString , ' does not test ' , selector printString ] ]
+    self 
+        parse: 'negated ^ 0 - self'
+        rule: #method
+    "Spaces at the beginning of the method."
+    self 
+        parse: '	  negated ^ 0 - self'
+        rule: #method
+    "Spaces at the end of the method."
+    self 
+        parse: '	negated ^ 0 - self  '
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'foo: bar
+    foo:= bar'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: '| a | 1 . 2'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '1'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '1 . 2'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '1 . 2 . 3'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '1 . 2 . 3 .'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '1 . . 2'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '1. 2'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '. 1'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '.1'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: ''
+        rule: #statements
+    self 
+        parse: '| a |'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '| a b |'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: '| a b c |'
+        rule: #sequence
+    self 
+        parse: 'trueBinding'
+        rule: #primary
+    self 
+        parse: 'falseBinding'
+        rule: #primary
+    self 
+        parse: 'nilly'
+        rule: #primary
+    self 
+        parse: 'selfish'
+        rule: #primary
+    self 
+        parse: 'supernanny'
+        rule: #primary
+    PPSmalltalkGrammar allowUnderscoreAssignment ifFalse: [
+        self 
+            parse: 'super_nanny'
+            rule: #primary ]
+    PPSmalltalkGrammar allowUnderscoreAssignment ifFalse: [
+        self 
+            parse: '__gen_var_123__'
+            rule: #primary ]
+! !
+!PPCompiledSmalltalkParserTests methodsFor:'testing-blocks'!
+    self 
+        parse: '[ :a | ]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ :a :b | ]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ :a :b :c | ]'
+        rule: #block
         parse: '[]'
         rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ :a | | b | c ]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[:a||b|c]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ ]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ nil ]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ :a ]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ nil ]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ | a | nil ]'
+        rule: #block
+    self 
+        parse: '[ | a b | nil ]'
+        rule: #block
 ! !
+!PPCompiledSmalltalkParserTests methodsFor:'testing-literals'!
+    self 
+        parse: '#()'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#((1 2) #(1 2 3))'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#([1 2] #[1 2 3])'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#(1)'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#(1 2)'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#(true false nil)'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#($a)'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#(1.2)'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#(size #at: at:put: #''=='')'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#(''baz'')'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#((1) 2)'
+        rule: #arrayLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#[]'
+        rule: #byteLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#[0]'
+        rule: #byteLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#[255]'
+        rule: #byteLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#[ 1 2 ]'
+        rule: #byteLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#[ 2r1010 8r77 16rFF ]'
+        rule: #byteLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '$a'
+        rule: #charLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '$ '
+        rule: #charLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '$$'
+        rule: #charLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '0'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '10r10'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '8r777'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '16rAF'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '16rCA.FE'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '3r-22.2'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '0.50s2'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '0.1'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '123'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '123.456'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '-0'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '-0.1'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '-123'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '-125'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '-123.456'
+        rule: #numberLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: 'true'
+        rule: #trueLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: 'false'
+        rule: #falseLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: 'nil'
+        rule: #nilLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: ''''''
+        rule: #stringLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '''ab'''
+        rule: #stringLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '''ab''''cd'''
+        rule: #stringLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#foo'
+        rule: #symbolLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#+'
+        rule: #symbolLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#key:'
+        rule: #symbolLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#key:value:'
+        rule: #symbolLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '#''testing-result'''
+        rule: #symbolLiteral
+    PPSmalltalkGrammar allowUnderscoreAssignment ifFalse: [
+        self 
+            parse: '#__gen__binding'
+            rule: #symbolLiteral ]
+    self 
+        parse: '# fucker'
+        rule: #symbolLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '##fucker'
+        rule: #symbolLiteral
+    self 
+        parse: '## fucker'
+        rule: #symbolLiteral
+! !
+!PPCompiledSmalltalkParserTests methodsFor:'testing-messages'!
+    self 
+        parse: '1 + 2'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 + 2 + 3'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 // 2'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 -- 2'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 ==> 2'
+        rule: #expression.
+    self 
+        parse: '+ a'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: '+ a | b |'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: '+ a b'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: '+ a | b | c'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: '-- a'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: '1 abs; negated'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 abs negated; raisedTo: 12; negated'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 + 2; - 3'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: 'foo'
+        rule: #identifierToken
+    self
+        parse: '  foo'
+        rule: #identifierToken
+    self 
+        parse: '1 to: 2'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 to: 2 by: 3'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 to: 2 by: 3 do: 4'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: 'to: a'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'to: a do: b | c |'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'to: a do: b by: c d'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'to: a do: b by: c | d | e'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: '1 abs'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: '1 abs negated'
+        rule: #expression
+    self 
+        parse: 'abs'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'abs | a |'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'abs a'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'abs | a | b'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'abs | a |'
+        rule: #method
+! !
+!PPCompiledSmalltalkParserTests methodsFor:'testing-pragmas'!
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: bar>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: true>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: false>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: nil>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: ()>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: #()>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method < + 1 >'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo> <bar>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method | a | <foo>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo> | a |'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo> | a | <bar>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: 1>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: 1.2>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: ''bar''>'
+        rule: #method
+    self 
+        parse: 'method <foo: #''bar''>'
+        rule: #method
+! !