flyByHelpSpec -> helpSpec cvs_MAIN
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Tue, 16 Jan 2018 22:25:41 +0100
changeset 1064 aa8b465f26ac
parent 1063 4cb3da95f65f
child 1065 56015ef51e76
flyByHelpSpec -> helpSpec
--- a/	Tue Jan 02 20:03:15 2018 +0100
+++ b/	Tue Jan 16 22:25:41 2018 +0100
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License. 
+version 2.1 of the License.
 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2.1 of the License. 
+version 2.1 of the License.
 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 !CriticsWindow class methodsFor:'help specs'!
     "This resource specification was automatically generated
      by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-    ^ super flyByHelpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
+    ^ super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
 'Apply this rule on more code.'
@@ -97,80 +97,80 @@
     <resource: #canvas>
-    ^ 
+    ^
        name: windowSpec
-       window: 
+       window:
-         label: 'SmalllintRuleDetail'
-         name: 'SmalllintRuleDetail'
-         min: (Point 10 10)
-         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 563 384)
-         backgroundColor: (Color 100.0 100.0 75.0)
-         forceRecursiveBackgroundOfDefaultBackground: true
+	 label: 'SmalllintRuleDetail'
+	 name: 'SmalllintRuleDetail'
+	 min: (Point 10 10)
+	 bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 563 384)
+	 backgroundColor: (Color 100.0 100.0 75.0)
+	 forceRecursiveBackgroundOfDefaultBackground: true
-       component: 
+       component:
-         collection: (
-          (ActionButtonSpec
-             label: 'closeIcon'
-             name: 'Button4'
-             layout: (AlignmentOrigin 0 1 0 0 1 0)
-             visibilityChannel: notCloseOnLeave
-             hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
-             translateLabel: true
-             model: closeRequest
-           )
-          (HTMLViewSpec
-             name: 'Rationale'
-             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 20 0 0 1 -65 1)
-             level: 0
-             visibilityChannel: rationaleVisibleHolder
-             hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
-             hasVerticalScrollBar: true
-             miniScrollerHorizontal: true
-             miniScrollerVertical: true
-             htmlText: ruleRationaleAndFixesHTMLHolder
-             postBuildCallback: setupHTMLView:
-           )
-          (LinkButtonSpec
-             label: 'Disable this Rule'
-             name: 'Button3'
-             layout: (LayoutFrame -1 0 -59 1 -16 1 -30 1)
-             activeHelpKey: disableRule
-             level: 0
-             translateLabel: true
-             labelChannel: disableRuleString
-             adjust: left
-             model: disableLintRule
-             keepSpaceForOSXResizeHandleH: true
-           )
-          (LinkButtonSpec
-             label: 'Apply this Rule In...'
-             name: 'Button5'
-             layout: (AlignmentOrigin 0 1 -59 1 1 0)
-             activeHelpKey: applyRuleIn
-             level: 0
-             translateLabel: true
-             labelChannel: applyRuleInString
-             resizeForLabel: true
-             adjust: left
-             model: applyLintRuleIn
-             keepSpaceForOSXResizeHandleH: true
-           )
-          (LinkButtonSpec
-             name: 'Button1'
-             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 -29 1 -16 1 0 1)
-             activeHelpKey: browseRule
-             level: 0
-             translateLabel: true
-             labelChannel: ruleNameAspect
-             adjust: left
-             model: browseLintRule
-             keepSpaceForOSXResizeHandleH: true
-           )
-          )
+	 collection: (
+	  (ActionButtonSpec
+	     label: 'closeIcon'
+	     name: 'Button4'
+	     layout: (AlignmentOrigin 0 1 0 0 1 0)
+	     visibilityChannel: notCloseOnLeave
+	     hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
+	     translateLabel: true
+	     model: closeRequest
+	   )
+	  (HTMLViewSpec
+	     name: 'Rationale'
+	     layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 20 0 0 1 -65 1)
+	     level: 0
+	     visibilityChannel: rationaleVisibleHolder
+	     hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
+	     hasVerticalScrollBar: true
+	     miniScrollerHorizontal: true
+	     miniScrollerVertical: true
+	     htmlText: ruleRationaleAndFixesHTMLHolder
+	     postBuildCallback: setupHTMLView:
+	   )
+	  (LinkButtonSpec
+	     label: 'Disable this Rule'
+	     name: 'Button3'
+	     layout: (LayoutFrame -1 0 -59 1 -16 1 -30 1)
+	     activeHelpKey: disableRule
+	     level: 0
+	     translateLabel: true
+	     labelChannel: disableRuleString
+	     adjust: left
+	     model: disableLintRule
+	     keepSpaceForOSXResizeHandleH: true
+	   )
+	  (LinkButtonSpec
+	     label: 'Apply this Rule In...'
+	     name: 'Button5'
+	     layout: (AlignmentOrigin 0 1 -59 1 1 0)
+	     activeHelpKey: applyRuleIn
+	     level: 0
+	     translateLabel: true
+	     labelChannel: applyRuleInString
+	     resizeForLabel: true
+	     adjust: left
+	     model: applyLintRuleIn
+	     keepSpaceForOSXResizeHandleH: true
+	   )
+	  (LinkButtonSpec
+	     name: 'Button1'
+	     layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 -29 1 -16 1 0 1)
+	     activeHelpKey: browseRule
+	     level: 0
+	     translateLabel: true
+	     labelChannel: ruleNameAspect
+	     adjust: left
+	     model: browseLintRule
+	     keepSpaceForOSXResizeHandleH: true
+	   )
+	  )
 ! !
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
      (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."
     ^ #(
-        #ruleHolder
+	#ruleHolder
 ! !
@@ -248,34 +248,34 @@
     cls := codeView textView editedClass.
     cls notNil ifTrue:[
-        pkg := cls package
-    ].    
+	pkg := cls package
+    ].
     dialog := Tools::SearchDialog new
-        currentClass:cls;
-        currentPackage:pkg;
-        setupToAskForMethodSearchTitle:(resources string:'Apply rule in:')
-        forBrowser:nil
-        searchWhat:nil searchArea:#everywhere
-        withCaseIgnore:false withMatch:false
-        withMethodList:false
-        allowFind:false allowBuffer:false allowBrowser:true
-        withTextEntry:false.
+	currentClass:cls;
+	currentPackage:pkg;
+	setupToAskForMethodSearchTitle:(resources string:'Apply rule in:')
+	forBrowser:nil
+	searchWhat:nil searchArea:#everywhere
+	withCaseIgnore:false withMatch:false
+	withMethodList:false
+	allowFind:false allowBuffer:false allowBrowser:true
+	withTextEntry:false.
-        dialog askThenDo:[
-            |classes methods keepResultList browser|
+	dialog askThenDo:[
+	    |classes methods keepResultList browser|
-            classes := dialog classesToSearch.
-            "/ methods := dialog methodsToSearch.
-            browser := Tools::NewSystemBrowser new.
-            browser allButOpen.
-            browser
-                smalllintRun:ruleHolder value
-                onEnvironment:(ClassEnvironment new
-                                classes:classes;
-                                label:'Lint on more classes').
-            browser openWindow.                
-        ].    
+	    classes := dialog classesToSearch.
+	    "/ methods := dialog methodsToSearch.
+	    browser := Tools::NewSystemBrowser new.
+	    browser allButOpen.
+	    browser
+		smalllintRun:ruleHolder value
+		onEnvironment:(ClassEnvironment new
+				classes:classes;
+				label:'Lint on more classes').
+	    browser openWindow.
+	].
     ] valueWithRestart.
     self hide.
@@ -309,11 +309,11 @@
     "/ if multiple rules complained, an anonymous composite rule is created;
     "/ then disable them all
     rule isComposite ifTrue:[
-        rule rules do:[:each |
-            SmalltalkChecker disableRule:each class.
-        ].
+	rule rules do:[:each |
+	    SmalltalkChecker disableRule:each class.
+	].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        SmalltalkChecker disableRule:rule class.
+	SmalltalkChecker disableRule:rule class.
     self close.
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
     "return/create the 'ruleHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
     ruleHolder isNil ifTrue:[
-        ruleHolder := ValueHolder with: (RBDebuggingCodeLeftInMethodsRule new)
+	ruleHolder := ValueHolder with: (RBDebuggingCodeLeftInMethodsRule new)
     ^ ruleHolder
@@ -357,16 +357,16 @@
     |oldValue newValue|
     ruleHolder notNil ifTrue:[
-        oldValue := ruleHolder value.
-        ruleHolder removeDependent:self.
+	oldValue := ruleHolder value.
+	ruleHolder removeDependent:self.
     ruleHolder := something.
     ruleHolder notNil ifTrue:[
-        ruleHolder addDependent:self.
+	ruleHolder addDependent:self.
     newValue := ruleHolder value.
     oldValue ~~ newValue ifTrue:[
-        self update:#value with:newValue from:ruleHolder.
+	self update:#value with:newValue from:ruleHolder.
@@ -376,29 +376,29 @@
     (holder := builder bindingAt:#ruleNameAspect) isNil ifTrue:[
-        holder := BlockValue
-                    with:[:h |
-                        |text rules|
+	holder := BlockValue
+		    with:[:h |
+			|text rules|
-                        text := ''.
-                        rules := h isComposite ifTrue:[ h rules ] ifFalse:[ { h } ].
-                        rules 
-                            do:[:each |
-                                |anchor|
+			text := ''.
+			rules := h isComposite ifTrue:[ h rules ] ifFalse:[ { h } ].
+			rules
+			    do:[:each |
+				|anchor|
-                                "/ h displayString , ' ' , (('[browse]' actionForAll:[ self browseLintRule]) colorizeAllWith:Color blue)
-                                anchor := ('Browse Rule Class (%1)' 
-                                            bindWith:each class name)
-                                                asActionLinkTo:[ self browseLintRule:each ].
-                                text := text , anchor.
-                            ]
-                            separatedBy:[
-                                text := text , '<br>'
-                            ].
-                        text.
-                    ]
-                    argument: self ruleHolder.
-        builder aspectAt:#ruleNameAspect put:holder.
+				"/ h displayString , ' ' , (('[browse]' actionForAll:[ self browseLintRule]) colorizeAllWith:Color blue)
+				anchor := ('Browse Rule Class (%1)'
+					    bindWith:each class name)
+						asActionLinkTo:[ self browseLintRule:each ].
+				text := text , anchor.
+			    ]
+			    separatedBy:[
+				text := text , '<br>'
+			    ].
+			text.
+		    ]
+		    argument: self ruleHolder.
+	builder aspectAt:#ruleNameAspect put:holder.
     ^ holder.
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
     "return/create the 'ruleRationaleAndFixesHTMLHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
     ruleRationaleAndFixesHTMLHolder isNil ifTrue:[
-        ruleRationaleAndFixesHTMLHolder := ValueHolder new.
+	ruleRationaleAndFixesHTMLHolder := ValueHolder new.
     ^ ruleRationaleAndFixesHTMLHolder
@@ -421,118 +421,118 @@
 generateHTMLForRule: rule on: stream
     | flattenedRules collectedFixes putCollectedFixes
-      previousRuleClass already|    
+      previousRuleClass already|
     rule isComposite ifTrue:[
-        already := Set new.
-        flattenedRules := OrderedCollection new.
-        rule flatten do:[:each | 
-            (already includes:each) ifFalse:[
-                already add:each.
-                flattenedRules add:each
-            ].
-        ].
+	already := Set new.
+	flattenedRules := OrderedCollection new.
+	rule flatten do:[:each |
+	    (already includes:each) ifFalse:[
+		already add:each.
+		flattenedRules add:each
+	    ].
+	].
-        "/ often, multiple instances of the same rule match in a line.
-        "/ avoid, generating long lists, which all look the same.
-        "/ so first, sort them by name.
-        flattenedRules sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].
-        "/ then in the code below, skip over repeated descriptions
+	"/ often, multiple instances of the same rule match in a line.
+	"/ avoid, generating long lists, which all look the same.
+	"/ so first, sort them by name.
+	flattenedRules sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].
+	"/ then in the code below, skip over repeated descriptions
     ] ifFalse:[
-        flattenedRules := { rule }.
-    ].    
+	flattenedRules := { rule }.
+    ].
-    putCollectedFixes := 
-        [
-            collectedFixes notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                stream nextPutAll: '<p>'.
-                collectedFixes size > 1 ifTrue:[
-                    stream nextPutAll: '<br>'.
-                    stream nextPutLine: 'Possible fixes:'.
-                ].
-                stream nextPutLine:'<ul indent="0">'.
-                collectedFixes withIndexDo:[:fix :index|
-                    stream
-                        nextPutAll:'<li>';
-                        nextPutAll:'<a action="doit: linkActionPerformer doQuickFix:';
-                        nextPutAll: index printString;
-                        nextPut:$";
-                        "/ nextPutAll:' info="',(fix rule class name),'"';
-                        nextPut:$>;
-                        nextPutAll: fix label;
-                        nextPutAll:'</a>';
-                        nextPutAll:' (',(fix rule class name),')';
-                        nextPutAll:'</li>'.
-                ].
-                stream nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
-            ].
-        ].
+    putCollectedFixes :=
+	[
+	    collectedFixes notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+		stream nextPutAll: '<p>'.
+		collectedFixes size > 1 ifTrue:[
+		    stream nextPutAll: '<br>'.
+		    stream nextPutLine: 'Possible fixes:'.
+		].
+		stream nextPutLine:'<ul indent="0">'.
+		collectedFixes withIndexDo:[:fix :index|
+		    stream
+			nextPutAll:'<li>';
+			nextPutAll:'<a action="doit: linkActionPerformer doQuickFix:';
+			nextPutAll: index printString;
+			nextPut:$";
+			"/ nextPutAll:' info="',(fix rule class name),'"';
+			nextPut:$>;
+			nextPutAll: fix label;
+			nextPutAll:'</a>';
+			nextPutAll:' (',(fix rule class name),')';
+			nextPutAll:'</li>'.
+		].
+		stream nextPutLine:'</ul>'.
+	    ].
+	].
     previousRuleClass := nil.
     collectedFixes := OrderedCollection new.
-    flattenedRules 
-        do:[:eachRule |
-            |fixesForMe editedMethod editedClass editedSelector resultMethod|
-            editedMethod := codeView editedMethod.
+    flattenedRules
+	do:[:eachRule |
+	    |fixesForMe editedMethod editedClass editedSelector resultMethod|
+	    editedMethod := codeView editedMethod.
+	    eachRule class == previousRuleClass ifFalse:[
+		collectedFixes notEmpty ifTrue:[
+		    putCollectedFixes value.
+		    collectedFixes := OrderedCollection new
+		].
+		previousRuleClass notNil ifTrue:[
+		    stream nextPutLine: '<hr>'
+		].
+		stream
+		    "/ nextPutAll:'<I>',eachRule class name,':</I><BR>';
+		    nextPutAll:'<B>',eachRule name,'</B>';
+		    nextPutAll:'<P>'.
+		(editedMethod notNil
+		and:[ eachRule result includesSelector:editedMethod selector in:editedMethod mclass ]) ifTrue:[
+		    stream nextPutLine:(eachRule rationaleWithAnchorForMethod:editedMethod)
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    stream nextPutLine: eachRule rationale.
+		].
+	    ].
-            eachRule class == previousRuleClass ifFalse:[
-                collectedFixes notEmpty ifTrue:[
-                    putCollectedFixes value.
-                    collectedFixes := OrderedCollection new
-                ].
-                previousRuleClass notNil ifTrue:[
-                    stream nextPutLine: '<hr>'
-                ].    
-                stream 
-                    "/ nextPutAll:'<I>',eachRule class name,':</I><BR>'; 
-                    nextPutAll:'<B>',eachRule name,'</B>'; 
-                    nextPutAll:'<P>'.
-                (editedMethod notNil
-                and:[ eachRule result includesSelector:editedMethod selector in:editedMethod mclass ]) ifTrue:[
-                    stream nextPutLine:(eachRule rationaleWithAnchorForMethod:editedMethod)
-                ] ifFalse:[    
-                    stream nextPutLine: eachRule rationale.
-                ].
-            ].
-            "/ Generate fixes...
-            "/ BUG: because rules/transformations remember their result,
-            "/ after a run over a project, there might be changes for many many different classes
-            "/ in the rule's changes list.
-            "/ therefore, the fixer selects only those changes which affect the current method.
-            self breakPoint:#cg.
+	    "/ Generate fixes...
+	    "/ BUG: because rules/transformations remember their result,
+	    "/ after a run over a project, there might be changes for many many different classes
+	    "/ in the rule's changes list.
+	    "/ therefore, the fixer selects only those changes which affect the current method.
+	    self breakPoint:#cg.
-            "/ was 
-            "/  eachRule fixes: fixer
-            "/ changed to:
-            editedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
-                editedClass := editedMethod mclass.
-                editedSelector := editedMethod selector.
-                (editedClass isNil or:[editedSelector isNil]) ifTrue:[
-                    Transcript showCR:'CriticsWindow: code in editor is outdated'.
-                    ^ self
-                ].    
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self breakPoint:#cg.
-                ^ self.
-            ].    
-            eachRule 
-                addFixesForClass:editedClass
-                selector:editedSelector
-                to:fixer.
+	    "/ was
+	    "/  eachRule fixes: fixer
+	    "/ changed to:
+	    editedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+		editedClass := editedMethod mclass.
+		editedSelector := editedMethod selector.
+		(editedClass isNil or:[editedSelector isNil]) ifTrue:[
+		    Transcript showCR:'CriticsWindow: code in editor is outdated'.
+		    ^ self
+		].
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		self breakPoint:#cg.
+		^ self.
+	    ].
+	    eachRule
+		addFixesForClass:editedClass
+		selector:editedSelector
+		to:fixer.
-            fixesForMe := fixer fixesForRule: eachRule.
-            fixesForMe notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                collectedFixes addAll:fixesForMe.
-            ].
-            previousRuleClass := eachRule class.
-        ].
+	    fixesForMe := fixer fixesForRule: eachRule.
+	    fixesForMe notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+		collectedFixes addAll:fixesForMe.
+	    ].
+	    previousRuleClass := eachRule class.
+	].
     collectedFixes notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        putCollectedFixes value.
+	putCollectedFixes value.
     "Created: / 15-12-2014 / 16:49:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
@@ -545,8 +545,8 @@
     "Invoked when an object that I depend upon sends a change notification."
     changedObject == ruleHolder ifTrue:[
-         self updateRationaleAndFixes.
-         ^ self.
+	 self updateRationaleAndFixes.
+	 ^ self.
     super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
@@ -558,15 +558,15 @@
     rule := self ruleHolder value.
     rule isNil ifTrue:[
-        fixer := nil.
-        html :=  'No rule...'.
+	fixer := nil.
+	html :=  'No rule...'.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        fixer := SmalltalkQuickFixer forView: codeView.
+	fixer := SmalltalkQuickFixer forView: codeView.
-        html := 
-            String streamContents:[:s|
-                self generateHTMLForRule: rule on: s.
-            ].
+	html :=
+	    String streamContents:[:s|
+		self generateHTMLForRule: rule on: s.
+	    ].
     self ruleRationaleAndFixesHTMLHolder value: html
@@ -582,25 +582,25 @@
     (anEvent isPointerEnterLeaveEvent
     or:[ anEvent isFocusEvent
     or:[ anEvent view notNil and:[ anEvent view isComponentOf:codeView topView ]]]) ifTrue:[
-        self window raise.
+	self window raise.
     anEvent isKeyReleaseEvent ifTrue:[
-        anEvent key == #Escape ifTrue:[
-            self closeRequest. "/ closeDownViews.
-            ^true.
-        ].
+	anEvent key == #Escape ifTrue:[
+	    self closeRequest. "/ closeDownViews.
+	    ^true.
+	].
     "/ cg: if this is a modal dialog - do not exit on leave.
     "/ if used as a flyBy, set the closeOnLeave flag.
     self closeOnLeave ifTrue:[
-        anEvent isPointerLeaveEvent ifTrue:[
-            anEvent view == self window ifTrue:[
-                self closeRequest. "/ closeDownViews.
-                ^true.
-            ]
-        ].
+	anEvent isPointerLeaveEvent ifTrue:[
+	    anEvent view == self window ifTrue:[
+		self closeRequest. "/ closeDownViews.
+		^true.
+	    ]
+	].
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
 postBuildWith: aBuilder
     super postBuildWith:aBuilder.
     window := aBuilder window.
@@ -643,8 +643,8 @@
     rationalView := aView.
     rationalView linkActionPerformer:self.
     aView painter
-        leftMargin:20;
-        topMargin:5.
+	leftMargin:20;
+	topMargin:5.
     "Created: / 04-08-2011 / 18:00:36 / cg"
 ! !
@@ -667,4 +667,3 @@
     ^ '$Id$'
 ! !