changeset 424 2137dff405f0
child 451 a8da4f1924a4
equal deleted inserted replaced
423:ea6880a0e024 424:2137dff405f0
     1 "
     2  COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG / Thomas Zwick
     3               All Rights Reserved
     5  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
     6  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
     7  inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
     8  be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
     9  other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
    10  hereby transferred.
    11 "
    14 ApplicationModel subclass:#DirectoryView
    15 	instanceVariableNames:'directory selectedFileFilter readTask monitoring
    16 		monitoringTimeBlock fileDoubleClickAction fileSelectAction
    17 		fileFilterSelectAction fileAttributes'
    18 	classVariableNames:''
    19 	poolDictionaries:''
    20 	category:'Interface-Advanced-Tools'
    21 !
    23 Object subclass:#FileRow
    24 	instanceVariableNames:'fileName size modified iconKey group owner permissions baseName'
    25 	classVariableNames:''
    26 	poolDictionaries:''
    27 	privateIn:DirectoryView
    28 !
    30 !DirectoryView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
    32 copyright
    33 "
    34  COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG / Thomas Zwick
    35               All Rights Reserved
    37  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
    38  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
    39  inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
    40  be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
    41  other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
    42  hereby transferred.
    43 "
    45 !
    47 documentation
    48 "
    49     documentation to be added.
    50 "
    51 !
    53 history
    54     "Created: / 10.1.1998 / 10:59:49 / tz"
    55 ! !
    57 !DirectoryView class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
    59 openOnDirectory: aDirectory
    61     "self openOnDirectory: '/home'"
    63     ^self open directory: aDirectory
    65 ! !
    67 !DirectoryView class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
    69 windowSpec
    70     "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"
    72     "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to
    73      handle the specification if its corrupted."
    75     "
    76      UIPainter new openOnClass:DirectoryView andSelector:#windowSpec
    77      DirectoryView new openInterface:#windowSpec
    78     "
    79     "DirectoryView open"
    81     <resource: #canvas>
    83     ^
    85        #(#FullSpec
    86           #'window:' 
    87            #(#WindowSpec
    88               #'name:' 'Directory View'
    89               #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 194 0 152 0 593 0 451 0)
    90               #'label:' 'Directory View'
    91               #'min:' #(#Point 10 10)
    92               #'max:' #(#Point 1152 900)
    93               #'bounds:' #(#Rectangle 194 152 594 452)
    94               #'usePreferredExtent:' false
    95           )
    96           #'component:' 
    97            #(#SpecCollection
    98               #'collection:' 
    99                #(
   100                  #(#DataSetSpec
   101                     #'name:' 'filesDataSetView'
   102                     #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 22 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
   103                     #'model:' #selectionOfFile
   104                     #'hasHorizontalScrollBar:' true
   105                     #'hasVerticalScrollBar:' true
   106                     #'miniScrollerHorizontal:' true
   107                     #'dataList:' #listOfFiles
   108                     #'useIndex:' false
   109                     #'doubleClickSelector:' #fileDoubleClicked
   110                     #'columnHolder:' #fileAttributeColumns
   111                     #'valueChangeSelector:' #fileSelected
   112                     #'verticalSpacing:' 1
   113                 )
   114                  #(#ComboBoxSpec
   115                     #'name:' 'formatComboBox'
   116                     #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 22 0)
   117                     #'model:' #selectionOfFileFilter
   118                     #'immediateAccept:' false
   119                     #'acceptOnTab:' false
   120                     #'comboList:' #listOfFileFilters
   121                 )
   122               )
   123           )
   124       )
   125 !
   127 windowSpecOfFileAttributeColumns
   129     ^
   130      #(
   131        #(#DataSetColumnSpec
   132           #'label:' ''
   133           #'width:' 30
   134           #'height:' 22
   135           #'printSelector:' #'iconOn:'
   136           #'canSelect:' false
   137       )
   138        #(#DataSetColumnSpec
   139           #'label:' 'File name'
   140           #'minWidth:' 100
   141           #'model:' #baseName
   142           #'canSelect:' false
   143       )
   144        #(#DataSetColumnSpec
   145           #'label:' 'Size'
   146           #'width:' 50
   147           #'model:' #size
   148           #'canSelect:' false
   149       )
   150        #(#DataSetColumnSpec
   151           #'label:' 'Modified'
   152           #'model:' #modified
   153           #'canSelect:' false
   154       )
   155        #(#DataSetColumnSpec
   156           #'label:' 'Permissions'
   157           #'width:' 85
   158           #'model:' #permissions
   159           #'canSelect:' false
   160       )
   161        #(#DataSetColumnSpec
   162           #'label:' 'Owner'
   163           #'width:' 50
   164           #'model:' #owner
   165           #'canSelect:' false
   166       )
   167        #(#DataSetColumnSpec
   168           #'label:' 'Group'
   169           #'width:' 50
   170           #'model:' #group
   171           #'canSelect:' false
   172       )
   173     )
   175 ! !
   177 !DirectoryView methodsFor:'accessing'!
   179 directory: aDirectory
   181     directory := aDirectory asFilename asAbsoluteFilename name
   182 !
   184 fileAttributes: anArray
   186     fileAttributes := anArray
   187 !
   189 fileDoubleClickAction: anActionBlock
   191     fileDoubleClickAction := anActionBlock
   192 !
   194 fileFilterSelectAction: anActionBlock
   196     fileFilterSelectAction := anActionBlock
   197 !
   199 fileSelectAction: anActionBlock
   201     fileSelectAction := anActionBlock
   202 !
   204 listOfFileFilters: aCollection
   206     self listOfFileFilters contents: aCollection.
   207     self selectionOfFileFilter value: (self listOfFileFilters at: 1 ifAbsent: [nil]).
   208 !
   210 monitoring: aBoolean
   212     aBoolean
   213     ifTrue:
   214     [
   215         monitoringTimeBlock := [self readDirectory].
   216         self readDirectory.
   217     ]
   218     ifFalse:
   219     [
   220         monitoring ifTrue:
   221         [
   222             Processor removeTimedBlock:monitoringTimeBlock.
   223             monitoringTimeBlock := nil
   224         ]
   225     ].
   227     monitoring := aBoolean.
   229 ! !
   231 !DirectoryView methodsFor:'aspects'!
   233 fileAttributeColumns
   235     |holder|
   236     (holder := builder bindingAt:#fileAttributeColumns) isNil ifTrue:[
   237         |fileAttributeColumns|
   238         builder aspectAt:#fileAttributeColumns put:(holder := List new).
   239         fileAttributeColumns := self class windowSpecOfFileAttributeColumns collect: [:i| i decodeAsLiteralArray].
   240         holder add: fileAttributeColumns first.
   241         fileAttributeColumns do:
   242         [:col|
   243             (fileAttributes includes: col label) ifTrue: [holder add: col]
   244         ].
   245     ].
   246     ^ holder
   247 !
   249 listOfFileFilters
   251     |holder|          
   252     (holder := builder bindingAt:#listOfFileFilters) isNil ifTrue:[
   253         builder aspectAt:#listOfFileFilters put:(holder :=  List with: '*').
   254     ].
   255     ^ holder
   256 !
   258 listOfFiles
   260     |holder|
   261     (holder := builder bindingAt:#listOfFiles) isNil ifTrue:[
   262         builder aspectAt:#listOfFiles put:(holder :=  List new).
   263     ].
   264     ^ holder
   265 !
   267 selectionOfFile
   269     |holder|
   270     (holder := builder bindingAt:#selectionOfFile) isNil ifTrue:[
   271         builder aspectAt:#selectionOfFile put:(holder :=  ValueHolder new).
   272     ].
   273     ^ holder
   275 !
   277 selectionOfFileFilter
   279     |holder|
   280     (holder := builder bindingAt:#selectionOfFileFilter) isNil ifTrue:[
   281         builder aspectAt:#selectionOfFileFilter put:
   282         (holder := AspectAdaptor new subject:self; forAspect:#selectedFileFilter).
   283         selectedFileFilter := '*'.
   284     ].
   285     ^ holder
   286 ! !
   288 !DirectoryView methodsFor:'callbacks'!
   290 fileDoubleClicked
   292     fileDoubleClickAction notNil 
   293     ifTrue: 
   294     [
   295         fileDoubleClickAction numArgs = 0
   296         ifTrue:
   297         [
   298             fileDoubleClickAction value
   299         ].
   300         fileDoubleClickAction numArgs = 1
   301         ifTrue:
   302         [
   303             fileDoubleClickAction value: self selectionOfFile value baseName
   304         ]
   305     ]
   306 !
   308 fileSelected
   310     fileSelectAction notNil 
   311     ifTrue: 
   312     [
   313         fileSelectAction numArgs = 0
   314         ifTrue:
   315         [
   316             fileSelectAction value
   317         ].
   318         fileSelectAction numArgs = 1
   319         ifTrue:
   320         [
   321             fileSelectAction value: self selectionOfFile value baseName
   322         ]
   323     ]
   324 ! !
   326 !DirectoryView methodsFor:'initialization'!
   328 initialize
   330     super initialize.
   332     directory :=  directory ? '.' asFilename asAbsoluteFilename directoryName.
   333     monitoring := false.
   334     fileAttributes := #('File name' 'Size').
   335     self selectionOfFileFilter value: (self listOfFileFilters at: 1 ifAbsent: [nil]).
   337 ! !
   339 !DirectoryView methodsFor:'private'!
   341 readDirectory
   343     |readBlock|
   344     readTask notNil ifTrue: [readTask terminate].
   345     readBlock :=
   346     [
   347         |dir currentFilenames oldListOfFiles|
   348         dir := directory asFilename.
   349         currentFilenames := OrderedCollection new.
   350         (dir isReadable and:[dir isExecutable]) ifTrue:
   351         [
   352             self listOfFileFilters value do:
   353             [:filter|
   354                 (dir filesMatchingWithoutDotDirs: filter) do:
   355                 [:aFileName|
   356                     |file|
   357                     (file := dir construct: aFileName) isDirectory
   358                     ifFalse:
   359                     [
   360                         currentFilenames add: file
   361                     ]
   362                 ].
   363             ].
   364         ].
   365         oldListOfFiles := self listOfFiles copy.
   366         (currentFilenames asSortedCollection: [:f1 :f2| f1 baseName < f2 baseName]) asSet do: 
   367         [:fileName| 
   368             (oldListOfFiles detect: [:fileRow| fileRow fileName = fileName] ifNone: nil) isNil
   369             ifTrue:                                                                             
   370             [
   371                 |nearestFileRow r|
   372                 nearestFileRow := self listOfFiles indexOf: (self listOfFiles detect: [:fileRow| fileRow baseName > fileName baseName] ifNone: nil).
   373                 nearestFileRow = 0
   374                 ifTrue: [self listOfFiles add: (r := FileRow new fileName: fileName asFilename)]
   375                 ifFalse: [self listOfFiles add: (r := FileRow new fileName: fileName asFilename) beforeIndex: nearestFileRow].
   376                 monitoring ifTrue: [self selectionOfFile value: r].
   377             ]
   378         ].
   379         self listOfFiles reverseDo:
   380         [:fileRow|
   381             (currentFilenames includes: fileRow fileName)
   382             ifFalse: [self listOfFiles remove: fileRow]
   383         ]
   384     ].
   386     monitoring
   387     ifTrue:
   388     [
   389         readTask := readBlock forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority.
   390         Processor addTimedBlock: monitoringTimeBlock afterSeconds: 1
   391     ]
   392     ifFalse:
   393     [
   394         Cursor wait showWhile: [readBlock value]
   395     ]
   396 ! !
   398 !DirectoryView methodsFor:'selection'!
   400 selectedFileFilter
   402     ^selectedFileFilter
   404 !
   406 selectedFileFilter: aString
   408     aString size = 0 ifTrue: [self listOfFileFilters remove: selectedFileFilter ifAbsent: nil].
   409     selectedFileFilter := aString.
   410     (self listOfFileFilters includes: selectedFileFilter) not &
   411     selectedFileFilter notEmpty
   412     ifTrue:
   413     [
   414         self listOfFileFilters addFirst: selectedFileFilter
   415     ].
   416     (self listOfFileFilters includes: selectedFileFilter) &
   417     fileFilterSelectAction notNil 
   418     ifTrue: 
   419     [
   420         fileFilterSelectAction numArgs = 0
   421         ifTrue:
   422         [
   423             fileFilterSelectAction value
   424         ].
   425         fileFilterSelectAction numArgs = 1
   426         ifTrue:
   427         [
   428             fileFilterSelectAction value: selectedFileFilter
   429         ]
   430     ].       
   431     self readDirectory.
   432 ! !
   434 !DirectoryView methodsFor:'startup / release'!
   436 closeRequest
   438     self release.
   440     super closeRequest
   442 !
   444 release
   446     monitoring ifTrue:
   447     [
   448         Processor removeTimedBlock:monitoringTimeBlock.
   449         monitoringTimeBlock := nil
   450     ].
   452     super release
   454 ! !
   456 !DirectoryView::FileRow class methodsFor:'resources'!
   458 HFileIcon
   460     ^self hFileIcon
   461 !
   463 MakefileIcon
   464     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#MakefileIcon"
   466     <resource: #image>
   467     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 128 0 48 128 0 48 128 0 48 164 149 176 189 89 48 165 217 176 165 85 59 165 85 180 128 0 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   469 binaryFileIcon
   470     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#binaryFileIcon"
   472     <resource: #image>
   473     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 243 128 7 247 128 5 244 142 100 240 155 100 112 155 103 243 155 99 245 155 96 48 142 96 57 128 0 48 153 192 50 155 96 48 155 96 48 155 96 49 155 96 56 153 192 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 241]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   475 cFileIcon
   476     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#cFileIcon"
   478     <resource: #image>
   479     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 128 0 48 128 0 48 129 192 48 130 32 48 130 0 48 130 0 48 154 32 59 153 192 52 128 0 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   481 exeFileIcon
   482     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#exefileIcon"
   484     <resource: #image>
   485     ^(Depth2Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[85 85 85 85 85 64 0 0 21 85 64 0 0 17 85 64 0 0 16 85 64 0 0 16 21 65 85 85 85 85 65 170 170 165 85 65 85 85 85 5 65 255 255 253 5 65 255 255 253 5 65 255 255 253 5 65 255 255 253 5 65 255 255 253 5 65 255 255 253 5 65 85 85 85 5 64 0 0 0 5 64 0 0 0 5 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85]) ; colorMap:(((Array new:4) at:1 put:((Color white)); at:2 put:((Color black)); at:3 put:((Color red:0.0 green:49.9992 blue:49.9992)); at:4 put:((Color grey:66.9993)); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself
   486 !
   488 fileIcon
   489     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#fileIcon"
   491     <resource: #image>
   492     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 128 0 48 128 0 48 128 0 48 128 0 48 128 0 48 128 0 48 128 0 59 128 0 52 128 0 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   494 hFileIcon
   495     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#hFileIcon"
   497     <resource: #image>
   498     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 130 0 48 130 0 48 130 192 48 131 32 48 130 32 48 130 32 48 154 32 59 154 32 52 128 0 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   500 imageFileIcon
   501     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#imageFileIcon"
   503     <resource: #image>
   504     ^(Depth4Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(4 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 17 17 17 17 16 0 0 0 1 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 0 0 1 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 0 0 1 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 16 0 1 17 17 17 17 17 16 0 0 0 1 68 71 119 74 71 215 0 0 0 1 68 71 119 164 173 125 17 17 0 1 68 71 119 74 71 215 17 17 0 1 51 54 102 57 54 198 17 17 0 1 51 54 102 147 156 108 17 17 0 1 51 54 102 57 54 198 17 17 0 1 34 37 85 40 37 181 17 17 0 1 34 37 85 130 139 91 17 17 0 1 34 37 85 40 37 181 17 17 0 1 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 0 1 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color black); add:(Color white); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:49.9992 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9992 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:49.9992); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9992 blue:49.9992); add:(Color red:49.9992 green:49.9992 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:49.9992 green:0.0 blue:49.9992); add:(Color grey:49.9992); add:(Color grey:66.9993); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   506 imgFileIcon
   507     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#imgFileIcon"
   509     <resource: #image>
   510     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 130 0 48 128 0 48 134 209 176 130 170 176 130 170 176 130 170 176 154 170 187 154 169 180 128 0 176 128 3 176 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   512 linkedFileIcon
   513     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#linkedFileIcon"
   515     <resource: #image>
   516     ^(Depth2Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[85 85 85 85 85 64 0 0 21 85 64 0 0 17 85 64 0 0 16 85 64 0 0 16 21 64 0 0 21 85 64 0 0 5 85 64 0 0 0 5 64 0 0 8 5 64 0 0 10 5 64 0 10 170 133 64 0 42 170 133 64 0 160 10 5 66 170 128 8 5 66 170 0 0 5 64 0 0 0 5 64 0 0 0 5 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   518 lockedFileIcon
   519     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#lockedFileIcon"
   521     <resource: #image>
   522     ^(Depth2Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[85 85 85 85 85 104 0 0 21 85 74 0 0 17 85 66 128 0 16 85 64 160 0 16 21 64 40 0 149 85 64 10 2 133 85 64 2 138 0 5 64 0 168 0 5 64 0 168 0 5 64 2 138 0 5 64 10 2 128 5 64 40 0 160 5 64 160 0 40 5 66 128 0 10 5 74 0 0 2 133 104 0 0 0 165 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   524 protoFileIcon
   526     ^self MakefileIcon
   527 !
   529 rcFileIcon
   530     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#rcFileIcon"
   532     <resource: #image>
   533     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 128 0 48 128 0 48 130 152 48 131 36 48 130 32 48 130 32 48 154 36 59 154 24 52 128 0 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   535 sFileIcon
   536     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#sFileIcon"
   538     <resource: #image>
   539     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 128 0 48 128 0 48 129 128 48 130 0 48 131 0 48 129 128 48 152 128 59 155 0 52 128 0 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   541 stFileIcon
   542     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#stFileIcon"
   544     <resource: #image>
   545     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 128 16 48 128 16 48 129 188 48 130 16 48 131 16 48 129 144 48 152 144 59 155 12 52 128 0 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself!
   547 stcFileIcon
   548     "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#stcFileIcon"
   550     <resource: #image>
   551     ^(Depth1Image new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 255 249 128 7 240 128 5 242 128 4 240 128 4 112 128 7 240 128 3 248 128 32 48 128 32 48 129 243 48 130 36 176 131 36 48 129 164 48 152 164 187 155 51 52 128 0 48 128 0 48 255 255 240 255 255 240]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((ImageMask new) width: 20; height: 19; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[255 252 0 255 254 0 255 255 0 255 255 128 255 255 192 255 255 224 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 255 255 240 127 255 240]) ; yourself); yourself! !
   553 !DirectoryView::FileRow methodsFor:'accessing'!
   555 baseName
   557     ^baseName ? (baseName := fileName baseName)
   565 !
   567 fileName
   569     ^fileName
   570 !
   572 fileName: aFileName
   574     fileName := aFileName.
   575     self validateAttributes
   576 !
   578 group
   580     ^group
   581 !
   583 iconOn:aGC
   585     (aGC registeredImageAt:iconKey) isNil
   586     ifTrue:
   587     [
   588         ((iconKey == #imageFileIcon) and: [size < 50000])
   589         ifTrue:
   590         [
   591             Object errorSignal handle: [:ex|]
   592             do:
   593             [   
   594                 |image|
   595                 (image := Image fromFile: fileName name) notNil
   596                 ifTrue:
   597                 [
   598                     image extent y > 22
   599                     ifTrue:
   600                     [         
   601                         image := image magnifiedBy: 22/image extent y
   602                     ].
   603                     (aGC registeredImageAt: (iconKey := fileName name asSymbol)) isNil
   604                     ifTrue:
   605                     [
   606                         aGC registerImage: image key: iconKey
   607                     ]
   608                 ]
   609             ] 
   610         ]
   611         ifFalse:
   612         [  
   613             aGC registerImage: (self class perform: iconKey) key: iconKey
   614         ]
   615     ].
   616     ^aGC registeredImageAt: iconKey
   621 !
   623 modified
   625     ^modified
   626 !
   628 owner
   630     ^owner
   631 !
   633 permissions
   635     ^permissions
   636 !
   638 size
   640     ^size
   641 ! !
   643 !DirectoryView::FileRow methodsFor:'private'!
   645 validateAttributes
   647     |info mode|    
   648     permissions := String new:9 withAll:$-.
   650     (info := fileName info) isNil
   651     ifTrue:
   652     [
   653         iconKey := #lockedFileIcon.
   654         size    := owner := group := '?'.
   655       ^ self
   656     ].        
   657     size   := info size.
   658     modified := info modified printString.
   659     owner  := OperatingSystem getUserNameFromID: info uid.
   660     group  := OperatingSystem getGroupNameFromID: info gid.
   661     mode   := info mode.
   663     1 to:9 by:3 do:[:i|
   664         #((0 $x) (1 $w) (2 $r)) do:
   665         [:m|
   666             (mode bitAt:i + m first) == 1 ifTrue:[permissions at: 10 - m first - i put: m last]
   667         ]
   668     ].
   670     fileName isReadable
   671     ifTrue:
   672     [
   673         info type == #symbolicLink
   674         ifTrue:
   675         [
   676             ^iconKey := #linkedFileIcon
   677         ]
   678         ifFalse:
   679         [       
   680             ((DirectoryView::FileRow class implements: (iconKey := (fileName suffix, 'FileIcon') asSymbol))
   681             or:
   682             [DirectoryView::FileRow class implements: (iconKey := (fileName baseName, 'Icon') asSymbol)])
   683             ifFalse:
   684             [
   685                 iconKey := #fileIcon.
   686                 (Image isImageFileSuffix:fileName suffix)
   687                 ifTrue:
   688                 [
   689                     ^iconKey := #imageFileIcon
   690                 ].
   691                 (fileName suffix = 'o') | (fileName suffix = 'so')
   692                 ifTrue:
   693                 [
   694                     ^iconKey := #binaryFileIcon
   695                 ].
   697                 fileName isExecutableProgram
   698                 ifTrue:
   699                 [
   700                     ^iconKey := #exeFileIcon
   701                 ]
   702             ]
   703         ]
   704     ] 
   705     ifFalse:
   706     [
   707         ^iconKey := #lockedFileIcon
   708     ].
   711 ! !
   713 !DirectoryView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
   715 version
   716     ^ '$Header$'
   717 ! !