changeset 1840 57c23d1beb53
child 1846 65558eb9f4d3
equal deleted inserted replaced
1839:36b4fcf69f1c 1840:57c23d1beb53
     1 "
     2  COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by eXept Software AG
     3               All Rights Reserved
     5  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
     6  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
     7  inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
     8  be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
     9  other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
    10  hereby transferred.
    11 "
    13 "{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"
    15 SimpleDialog subclass:#ColorEditDialog
    16 	instanceVariableNames:'red green blue hue light saturation colorNameHolder'
    17 	classVariableNames:''
    18 	poolDictionaries:''
    19 	category:'Interface-UIPainter'
    20 !
    22 !ColorEditDialog class methodsFor:'documentation'!
    24 copyright
    25 "
    26  COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by eXept Software AG
    27               All Rights Reserved
    29  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
    30  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
    31  inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
    32  be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
    33  other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
    34  hereby transferred.
    35 "
    36 !
    38 documentation
    39 "
    40     An edit-dialog for colors.
    41 "
    42 !
    44 examples
    45 "
    46                                                                                 [exBegin]                                      
    47     |editor color|
    49     editor := ColorEditor new.
    50     editor color:(Color green).
    51     editor open.
    52     editor accepted ifTrue:[
    53         editor color inspect.
    54     ]
    55                                                                                 [exEnd]
    56 "
    57 ! !
    59 !ColorEditDialog class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
    61 windowSpec
    62     "This resource specification was automatically generated
    63      by the UIPainter of ST/X."
    65     "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
    66      the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
    68     "
    69      UIPainter new openOnClass:ColorEditor andSelector:#windowSpec
    70      ColorEditor new openInterface:#windowSpec
    71      ColorEditor open
    72     "
    74     <resource: #canvas>
    76     ^ 
    77      #(FullSpec
    78         name: windowSpec
    79         window: 
    80        (WindowSpec
    81           label: 'Define Color'
    82           name: 'Define Color'
    83           min: (Point 340 260)
    84           max: (Point nil 260)
    85           bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 453 260)
    86         )
    87         component: 
    88        (SpecCollection
    89           collection: (
    90            (VerticalPanelViewSpec
    91               name: 'RGBLabelPanel'
    92               layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 58 0 76 0)
    93               horizontalLayout: fit
    94               verticalLayout: spreadSpace
    95               horizontalSpace: 3
    96               verticalSpace: 3
    97               component: 
    98              (SpecCollection
    99                 collection: (
   100                  (LabelSpec
   101                     label: 'Red:'
   102                     name: 'RedLabel'
   103                     translateLabel: true
   104                     adjust: right
   105                     useDefaultExtent: true
   106                   )
   107                  (LabelSpec
   108                     label: 'Green:'
   109                     name: 'GreenLabel'
   110                     translateLabel: true
   111                     adjust: right
   112                     useDefaultExtent: true
   113                   )
   114                  (LabelSpec
   115                     label: 'Blue:'
   116                     name: 'BlueLabel'
   117                     translateLabel: true
   118                     adjust: right
   119                     useDefaultExtent: true
   120                   )
   121                  )
   123               )
   124             )
   125            (VerticalPanelViewSpec
   126               name: 'RGBSliderPanel'
   127               layout: (LayoutFrame 62 0 0 0 -166 1 76 0)
   128               horizontalLayout: fit
   129               verticalLayout: spreadSpace
   130               horizontalSpace: 3
   131               verticalSpace: 3
   132               component: 
   133              (SpecCollection
   134                 collection: (
   135                  (SliderSpec
   136                     name: 'RedSlider'
   137                     tabable: false
   138                     model: red
   139                     orientation: horizontal
   140                     stop: 255
   141                     step: 1
   142                     backgroundColor: (Color 100.0 0.0 0.0)
   143                     extent: (Point 225 16)
   144                   )
   145                  (SliderSpec
   146                     name: 'GreenSlider'
   147                     tabable: false
   148                     model: green
   149                     orientation: horizontal
   150                     stop: 255
   151                     step: 1
   152                     backgroundColor: (Color 0.0 100.0 0.0)
   153                     extent: (Point 225 16)
   154                   )
   155                  (SliderSpec
   156                     name: 'BlueSlider'
   157                     tabable: false
   158                     model: blue
   159                     orientation: horizontal
   160                     stop: 255
   161                     step: 1
   162                     backgroundColor: (Color 0.0 0.0 100.0)
   163                     extent: (Point 225 16)
   164                   )
   165                  )
   167               )
   168             )
   169            (VerticalPanelViewSpec
   170               name: 'RGBFieldPanel'
   171               layout: (LayoutFrame -161 1 0 0 -123 1 76 0)
   172               horizontalLayout: fit
   173               verticalLayout: spreadSpace
   174               horizontalSpace: 3
   175               verticalSpace: 3
   176               component: 
   177              (SpecCollection
   178                 collection: (
   179                  (InputFieldSpec
   180                     name: 'RedField'
   181                     model: red
   182                     type: numberInRange
   183                     numChars: 3
   184                     minValue: 0
   185                     maxValue: 255
   186                     acceptOnPointerLeave: false
   187                     extent: (Point 38 20)
   188                   )
   189                  (InputFieldSpec
   190                     name: 'GreenField'
   191                     model: green
   192                     type: numberInRange
   193                     numChars: 3
   194                     minValue: 0
   195                     maxValue: 255
   196                     acceptOnPointerLeave: false
   197                     extent: (Point 38 20)
   198                   )
   199                  (InputFieldSpec
   200                     name: 'BlueField'
   201                     model: blue
   202                     type: numberInRange
   203                     numChars: 3
   204                     minValue: 0
   205                     maxValue: 255
   206                     acceptOnPointerLeave: false
   207                     extent: (Point 38 20)
   208                   )
   209                  )
   211               )
   212             )
   213            (VerticalPanelViewSpec
   214               name: 'HLSLabelPanel'
   215               layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 86 0 58 0 163 0)
   216               horizontalLayout: fit
   217               verticalLayout: spreadSpace
   218               horizontalSpace: 3
   219               verticalSpace: 3
   220               component: 
   221              (SpecCollection
   222                 collection: (
   223                  (LabelSpec
   224                     label: 'Hue:'
   225                     name: 'Label1'
   226                     translateLabel: true
   227                     adjust: right
   228                     useDefaultExtent: true
   229                   )
   230                  (LabelSpec
   231                     label: 'Light:'
   232                     name: 'Label2'
   233                     translateLabel: true
   234                     adjust: right
   235                     useDefaultExtent: true
   236                   )
   237                  (LabelSpec
   238                     label: 'Sat:'
   239                     name: 'Label3'
   240                     translateLabel: true
   241                     adjust: right
   242                     useDefaultExtent: true
   243                   )
   244                  )
   246               )
   247             )
   248            (VerticalPanelViewSpec
   249               name: 'HLSSliderPanel'
   250               layout: (LayoutFrame 62 0 86 0 -166 1 163 0)
   251               horizontalLayout: fit
   252               verticalLayout: spreadSpace
   253               horizontalSpace: 3
   254               verticalSpace: 3
   255               component: 
   256              (SpecCollection
   257                 collection: (
   258                  (SliderSpec
   259                     name: 'Slider1'
   260                     tabable: false
   261                     model: hue
   262                     orientation: horizontal
   263                     stop: 359
   264                     step: 1
   265                     keyboardStep: 1
   266                     extent: (Point 225 16)
   267                   )
   268                  (SliderSpec
   269                     name: 'Slider2'
   270                     tabable: false
   271                     model: light
   272                     orientation: horizontal
   273                     step: 1
   274                     backgroundColor: (Color 66.9993 66.9993 66.9993)
   275                     keyboardStep: 1
   276                     extent: (Point 225 16)
   277                   )
   278                  (SliderSpec
   279                     name: 'Slider3'
   280                     tabable: false
   281                     model: saturation
   282                     orientation: horizontal
   283                     step: 1
   284                     backgroundColor: (Color 66.9993 66.9993 66.9993)
   285                     keyboardStep: 1
   286                     extent: (Point 225 16)
   287                   )
   288                  )
   290               )
   291             )
   292            (VerticalPanelViewSpec
   293               name: 'HLSFieldPanel'
   294               layout: (LayoutFrame -161 1 86 0 -123 1 163 0)
   295               horizontalLayout: fit
   296               verticalLayout: spreadSpace
   297               horizontalSpace: 3
   298               verticalSpace: 3
   299               component: 
   300              (SpecCollection
   301                 collection: (
   302                  (InputFieldSpec
   303                     name: 'EntryField1'
   304                     model: hue
   305                     type: numberInRange
   306                     numChars: 3
   307                     minValue: 0
   308                     maxValue: 359
   309                     acceptOnPointerLeave: false
   310                     extent: (Point 38 20)
   311                   )
   312                  (InputFieldSpec
   313                     name: 'EntryField2'
   314                     model: light
   315                     type: numberInRange
   316                     numChars: 3
   317                     minValue: 0
   318                     maxValue: 100
   319                     acceptOnPointerLeave: false
   320                     extent: (Point 38 20)
   321                   )
   322                  (InputFieldSpec
   323                     name: 'EntryField3'
   324                     model: saturation
   325                     type: numberInRange
   326                     numChars: 3
   327                     minValue: 0
   328                     maxValue: 100
   329                     acceptOnPointerLeave: false
   330                     extent: (Point 38 20)
   331                   )
   332                  )
   334               )
   335             )
   336            (ViewSpec
   337               name: 'Box1'
   338               layout: (LayoutFrame -117 1 4 0.0 -3 1.0 -39 1.0)
   339               level: 1
   340               component: 
   341              (SpecCollection
   342                 collection: (
   343                  (LabelSpec
   344                     label: 'Preview'
   345                     name: 'PreviewBox'
   346                     layout: (LayoutFrame 2 0.0 2 0.0 -2 1.0 -2 1.0)
   347                     level: -1
   348                     translateLabel: true
   349                   )
   350                  )
   352               )
   353             )
   354            (LabelSpec
   355               label: 'Color Name:'
   356               name: 'ColorNameLabel'
   357               layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 190 0 106 0 212 0)
   358               translateLabel: true
   359               adjust: right
   360             )
   361            (InputFieldSpec
   362               name: 'ColorNameField'
   363               layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 190 0 -123 1 212 0)
   364               model: colorNameHolder
   365               immediateAccept: true
   366               acceptOnReturn: true
   367               acceptOnTab: true
   368               acceptOnLostFocus: true
   369               acceptOnPointerLeave: false
   370             )
   371            (HorizontalPanelViewSpec
   372               name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
   373               layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -32 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
   374               horizontalLayout: fitSpace
   375               verticalLayout: centerMax
   376               horizontalSpace: 3
   377               verticalSpace: 3
   378               reverseOrderIfOKAtLeft: true
   379               component: 
   380              (SpecCollection
   381                 collection: (
   382                  (ActionButtonSpec
   383                     label: 'Cancel'
   384                     name: 'CancelButton'
   385                     translateLabel: true
   386                     resizeForLabel: false
   387                     tabable: true
   388                     model: cancel
   389                     useDefaultExtent: true
   390                   )
   391                  (ActionButtonSpec
   392                     label: 'OK'
   393                     name: 'OKButton'
   394                     translateLabel: true
   395                     resizeForLabel: false
   396                     tabable: true
   397                     model: accept
   398                     isDefault: true
   399                     defaultable: true
   400                     useDefaultExtent: true
   401                   )
   402                  )
   404               )
   405             )
   406            )
   408         )
   409       )
   410 ! !
   412 !ColorEditDialog methodsFor:'accessing'!
   414 color
   415     ^Color redByte:(red value) greenByte:(green value) blueByte:(blue value)
   416 !
   418 color:aColor 
   419     aColor notNil ifTrue:[
   420         self red value:aColor redByte.
   421         self green value:aColor greenByte.
   422         self blue value:aColor blueByte.
   423     ]
   424 !
   426 colorName
   427     ^ colorNameHolder value
   428 ! !
   430 !ColorEditDialog methodsFor:'actions'!
   432 colorChanged
   433     |box clr|
   435     box := self componentAt: #PreviewBox.
   436     box isNil ifTrue:[^ self "called before setup"].
   438     clr := self color.
   439     box backgroundColor:clr.
   440     box foregroundColor:(clr brightness < 0.5 
   441                             ifTrue:[Color white] 
   442                             ifFalse:[Color black]).
   443 !
   445 colorNameChanged
   446     "compute rgb and hls (if possible)"
   448     |clr h|
   450     clr := Color name:colorNameHolder value ifIllegal:nil.
   451     clr isNil ifTrue:[
   452         ^ self
   453     ].
   455     red   value:clr redByte withoutNotifying:self.
   456     green value:clr greenByte withoutNotifying:self.
   457     blue  value:clr blueByte withoutNotifying:self.
   459     h := clr hue.
   460     h notNil ifTrue:[
   461         hue        value:(h rounded) withoutNotifying:self.
   462     ].
   463     light      value:(clr light rounded) withoutNotifying:self.
   464     saturation value:(clr saturation rounded) withoutNotifying:self.
   466     self colorChanged
   467 !
   469 hlsSliderChanged
   470     "compute rgb"
   472     Color withRGBFromHue:hue value light:light value saturation:saturation value do:[:r :g :b |
   473         red    value:(r * 255 / 100) rounded withoutNotifying:self.
   474         green  value:(g * 255 / 100) rounded withoutNotifying:self.
   475         blue   value:(b * 255 / 100) rounded withoutNotifying:self.
   476     ].
   477     colorNameHolder value:'' withoutNotifying:self.
   478     self colorChanged
   479 !
   481 rgbSliderChanged
   482     "compute hls"
   484     |r g b|
   486     r := self red value.
   487     g := self green value.
   488     b := self blue value.
   490     Color withHLSFromRed:(r * 100 / 255) green:(g * 100 / 255) blue:(b * 100 / 255) do:[:h :l :s |
   491         h isNil ifTrue:[
   492             "/ achromatic
   493         ] ifFalse:[
   494             self hue    value:(h rounded) withoutNotifying:self.
   495         ].
   496         self light      value:(l rounded) withoutNotifying:self.
   497         self saturation value:(s rounded) withoutNotifying:self.
   498     ].
   499     self colorNameHolder value:'' withoutNotifying:self.
   500     self colorChanged
   501 ! !
   503 !ColorEditDialog methodsFor:'aspects'!
   505 blue
   506     blue isNil ifTrue:[
   507         blue := 0 asValue.
   508         blue addDependent:self.
   509     ].
   510     ^blue
   511 !
   513 colorNameHolder
   514     colorNameHolder isNil ifTrue:[
   515         colorNameHolder := '' asValue.
   516         colorNameHolder addDependent:self.
   517     ].
   518     ^colorNameHolder
   519 !
   521 green
   522     green isNil ifTrue:[
   523         green := 0 asValue.
   524         green addDependent:self.
   525     ].
   526     ^green
   527 !
   529 hue
   530     hue isNil ifTrue:[
   531         hue := 0 asValue.
   532         hue addDependent:self.
   533     ].
   534     ^hue
   535 !
   537 light
   538     light isNil ifTrue:[
   539         light := 0 asValue.
   540         light addDependent:self.
   541     ].
   542     ^light
   543 !
   545 red
   546     red isNil ifTrue:[
   547         red := 0 asValue.
   548         red addDependent:self.
   549     ].
   550     ^red
   551 !
   553 saturation
   554     saturation isNil ifTrue:[
   555         saturation := 0 asValue.
   556         saturation addDependent:self.
   557     ].
   558     ^saturation
   559 ! !
   561 !ColorEditDialog methodsFor:'change & update'!
   563 update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
   564     (changedObject == red
   565     or:[changedObject == green
   566     or:[changedObject == blue]]) ifTrue:[
   567         ^ self rgbSliderChanged
   568     ].
   570     (changedObject == hue
   571     or:[changedObject == light
   572     or:[changedObject == saturation]]) ifTrue:[
   573         ^ self hlsSliderChanged
   574     ].
   576     (changedObject == colorNameHolder) ifTrue:[
   577         ^ self colorNameChanged
   578     ].
   580     ^ super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
   581 ! !
   583 !ColorEditDialog methodsFor:'startup & release'!
   585 postBuildWith:aBuilder
   586     super postBuildWith:aBuilder.
   587     self colorChanged.
   589     "Modified: / 6.9.1998 / 22:55:25 / cg"
   590 ! !
   592 !ColorEditDialog class methodsFor:'documentation'!
   594 version
   595     ^ '$Header$'
   596 ! !