changeset 59 0a2b2ff030a0
parent 57 5af567f52811
child 60 7542ab7fbbfe
--- a/UIPainterView.st	Fri Feb 21 20:33:57 1997 +0100
+++ b/UIPainterView.st	Tue Feb 25 14:15:56 1997 +0100
@@ -1,1731 +1,12 @@
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-UIObjectView subclass:#UIPainterView
-	instanceVariableNames:'fontPanel viewProperties superclassName className methodName
-		categoryName'
-	classVariableNames:'HandCursor'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-UIPainter'
 Object subclass:#ViewProperty
 	instanceVariableNames:'aspectSelector changeSelector nameIndex view elementClass
-		labelSelector identifier tabable'
+		labelSelector identifier tabable defaultable menuSelector
+		initiallyInvisible'
-UIPainterView::ViewProperty subclass:#GroupProperties
-	instanceVariableNames:'controlledObjects group'
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	privateIn:UIPainterView
-!UIPainterView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    not yet finished, not yet published, not yet released.
-! !
-!UIPainterView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
-    "This message is the default yo be sent to the menuHolder to get a menu
-    "
-    ^ #menu
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    self halt.
-    ^ nil
-    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 00:46:44 / claus"
-    ^ className
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 18:41:30 / claus"
-    className := aString
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 18:47:17 / claus"
-className:aClassName superclassName:aSuperclassName selector:aSelector
-    className := aClassName.
-    superclassName := aSuperclassName.
-    methodName := aSelector.
-    ^ methodName
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 18:41:34 / claus"
-    methodName := aString
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 18:47:27 / claus"
-    |prop coll s|
-    (aStringOrCollection isNil or:[aStringOrCollection isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ self unselect
-    ].
-    (s := aStringOrCollection) isString ifFalse:[
-        s size == 1 ifTrue:[
-            s := s first
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            coll := OrderedCollection new.
-            s do:[:aName|
-                (prop := self propertyOfName:aName) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    coll add:(prop view)
-                ]
-            ].
-            coll size == 1 ifTrue:[ ^ self select:(coll at:1) ].
-            coll size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self unselect ].
-          ^ self select:coll.
-        ]
-    ].
-    prop := self propertyOfName:s.
-    prop isNil ifTrue:[^ self unselect]
-              ifFalse:[^ self select:(prop view)]
-! !
-!UIPainterView ignoredMethodsFor:'code manipulation'!
-    |box classNameHolder superclassNameHolder|
-    classNameHolder := (className ? 'MyClass') asValue.
-    superclassNameHolder := (superclassName ? 'ApplicationModel') asValue.
-    box := DialogBox new.
-    box addTextLabel:'class:'.
-    box addInputFieldOn:classNameHolder.
-    box addTextLabel:'super class:'.
-    box addInputFieldOn:superclassNameHolder.
-    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
-    box open.
-    box accepted ifTrue:[
-        className := classNameHolder value.
-        superclassName := superclassNameHolder value.
-    ].
-    | box names propList p n newName|
-    names := VariableArray new.
-    propList := VariableArray new.
-    viewProperties do:[:props |
-        n := props name.
-        n notNil ifTrue:[
-            names add:n.
-            propList add:props
-        ]
-    ].
-    box := BuilderVariablesBox new.
-    box list:names.
-    box selectAction:[:selection |
-        p := propList at:selection
-    ].
-    box okAction:[
-        newName := box enterValue.
-Transcript showCR:('renamed ' , (p name) , 'to:' , newName).
-        p name:newName
-    ].
-    box showAtPointer
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'creating subviews'!
-addProperties:properties for:aView
-    "set properties to a view and add properties to viewProperties.
-     In case that properties are nil properties are created
-    "
-    |name props|
-    (props := properties) isNil ifTrue:[
-        props := self propertiesForNewView:aView.
-    ].
-    viewProperties add:props.
-    name := props name.
-    (aView respondsTo:#label:) ifTrue:[
-        aView label:name
-    ].
-    aView name:name.
-  ^ props
-    |cls props index|
-    cls := aView class.
-    props := ViewProperty new.
-    props view:aView.
-    props elementClass:cls.
-    index := self variableIndexForClass:cls.
-    props nameIndex:index.
-    props name:(self variableNameForClass:cls index:index).
-"/    props initCode:nil.       --- add user-defined init code later
-    ^ props
-    "set default properties for a created object
-    "
-    |props|
-    props := self addProperties:nil for:anObject.
-    undoHistory transaction:#create text:(props name) do:[
-        self undoCreate:(props identifier).
-    ].
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'drag & drop'!
-    Transcript showCR:'canDrop'.
-    ^ true
-drop:anObjectOrCollection at:aPoint
-    Transcript showCR:'drop:anObjectOrCollection at:aPoint'.
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'event handling'!
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    <resource: #keyboard ( #Copy #Paste) >
-    key == #Copy ifTrue:[
-        ^ self copySelection
-    ].
-    key == #Paste ifTrue:[
-        ^ self pasteBuffer
-    ].
-    super keyPress:key x:x y:y
-! !
-!UIPainterView ignoredMethodsFor:'generating output'!
-    |defCode|
-    defCode := superclassName , ' subclass:#' , className , '\'.
-    defCode := defCode , '  instanceVariableNames:'''.
-    defCode := defCode , self subviewVariableNames , '''\'.
-    defCode := defCode , '  classVariableNames:''''\'.
-    defCode := defCode , '  poolDictionaries:''''\'.
-    defCode := defCode , '  category:''' , categoryName , '''\'.
-    defCode := defCode , Character excla asString , '\\'.
-    ^ defCode withCRs
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'generating output'!
-    "generate code for the windowSpec method"
-    |code|
-    code := ''.
-"/    (Smalltalk classNamed:className asSymbol) isNil ifTrue:[
-"/        code := code , self generateClassDefinition.
-"/    ].
-"/    code := code , self generateInitMethod.
-    code := code , self generateWindowSpecMethodSource.
-"/    code := code , self generateAspectMethods.
-    ^ code withCRs
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 20:57:53 / claus"
-! !
-!UIPainterView ignoredMethodsFor:'generating output'!
-    |code c name p objects outlets moreCode sym typ val|
-    " <name> := <GroupClass> in:<name-of-superview>"
-    code := ''.
-    p := self propertyOfGroup:aGroup.
-    name := p at:#variableName.
-    c := '  ' , name , ' := ' , (aGroup class name) , ' new.\'.
-    code := code , c withCRs.
-    " <name> <symbol>:<value>"
-    objects := p at:#controlledObjects ifAbsent:[nil].
-    objects notNil ifTrue:[
-        objects do:[:controlledObject |
-            c := c , name , ' add:' , (self variableNameOf:controlledObject) , '.\'
-        ]
-    ].
-    code := code , c withCRs
-    |code g c name p outlets moreCode sym typ val|
-    code := ''.
-    "generate code for groups"
-    viewProperties do:[:props |
-        g := props at:#group ifAbsent:[nil].
-        g notNil ifTrue:[
-            code := code , (self generateInitCodeForGroup:g)
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ code
-    |code c name p outlets moreCode sym typ val|
-    " <name> := <ViewClass> in:<name-of-superview>"
-    code := ''.
-    p := self propertyOfView:aView.
-    name := p at:#variableName.
-    c := '    ' , name , ' := ' ,
-         (aView class name) , ' in:' , (self variableNameOf:(aView superView)) , '.\'.
-    " <name> origin:(...) extent:(...)"
-    c := c , '    ' , name , ' origin:(', aView origin printString , ')'
-                    , ' extent:(', aView extent printString , ').\'.
-    moreCode := p at:#initCode ifAbsent:nil.
-    moreCode notNil ifTrue:[
-        c := c , moreCode , '\' withCRs
-    ].
-    code := code , c withCRs.
-    " <name> <symbol>:<value>"
-    outlets := p at:#outlets ifAbsent:[nil].
-    outlets notNil ifTrue:[
-        outlets do:[:selectorOutlet |
-            sym := selectorOutlet at:#selector.
-            typ := selectorOutlet at:#type.
-            val := selectorOutlet at:#value.
-            c :=  '    ' , name , ' ' , sym.
-            (typ == #number) ifTrue:[
-                c := c , val printString
-            ].
-            (typ == #string) ifTrue:[
-                c := c , '''' , val , ''''
-            ].
-            (typ == #text) ifTrue:[
-                c := c , '''' , val asString , ''''
-            ].
-            (typ == #strings) ifTrue:[
-                c := c , '#( '.
-                val asText do:[:aString |
-                    c := c , '''' , aString , ''' '
-                ].
-                c := c , ')'
-            ].
-            (typ == #block) ifTrue:[
-                c := c , val
-            ].
-            (typ == #color) ifTrue:[
-                c := c , '(Color name:''' , val , ''')'
-            ].
-            c := c , '.' , Character cr asString.
-            code := code , c
-        ]
-    ].
-    self subviewsOf:aView do:[:v |
-        code := code , (self generateInitCodeForView:v)
-    ].
-    ^ code.
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 20:06:07 / claus"
-    |defCode code|
-    defCode := Character excla asString ,
-               className , ' methodsFor:''initialization''' ,
-               Character excla asString , '\\'.
-    defCode := defCode , 'initialize\'.
-    defCode := defCode , '    super initialize.\'.
-    defCode := defCode , '    self setupSubViews.\'.
-    defCode := defCode , '    self setupLocalStuff\'.
-    defCode := defCode , Character excla asString , '\\'.
-    defCode := defCode , 'setupSubViews\'.
-    code := defCode withCRs.
-    self subviewsOf:self do:[:v |
-        code := code , (self generateInitCodeForView:v)
-    ].
-    code := code , (self generateInitCodeForOtherStuff).
-    code := code , '    ^ self\' withCRs.
-    defCode := Character excla asString , '\\'.
-    defCode := defCode , 'setupLocalStuff\'.
-    defCode := defCode , '    ^ self\'.
-    defCode := defCode , Character excla asString , ' ' ,
-                         Character excla asString , '\\'.
-    code := code , defCode withCRs.
-    ^ code.
-    ^ self
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'generating output'!
-    "generate a spec for a view or collection of views
-    "
-    |spec views|
-    something notNil ifTrue:[
-        something isCollection ifTrue:[views := something]
-                              ifFalse:[views := Array with:something].
-        spec := views collect:[:aView||topSpec|
-            aView specClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-            topSpec := aView specClass 
-                            fromView:aView 
-                            callBack:[:newSpec :view | self stuffPropertiesFrom:view intoSpec:newSpec].
-            topSpec
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ spec
-    |spec specArray str code|
-    subViews remove:inputView.
-    [
-        spec := FullSpec fromView:self callBack:[:newSpec :view | self stuffPropertiesFrom:view intoSpec:newSpec].
-    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
-        subViews addFirst:inputView.
-    ].
-    specArray := spec literalArrayEncoding.
-    str := WriteStream on:String new.
-    self prettyPrintSpecArray:specArray on:str indent:5.
-    code := Character excla asString 
-            , className , ' class methodsFor:''interface specs'''
-            , Character excla asString , '\\'
-            , methodName , '\'
-            , '    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"\\'
-            , '    "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to\'
-            , '     handle the specification if its corrupted."\\'
-            , '    "\'
-            , '     UIPainter new openOnClass:' , className , ' andSelector:#' , methodName , '\'
-            , '     ' , className , ' new openInterface:#' , methodName , '\'
-            , '    "\'.
-    methodName = 'windowSpec' ifTrue:[
-        code := code , '    "' , className , ' open"\'
-    ].
-    code := code 
-            , '\'
-            , '    <resource: #canvas>\\'
-            , '    ^\' 
-            , '     ', str contents
-            , '\'
-            , Character excla asString
-            , ' '
-            , Character excla asString
-            , '\\'.
-    ^ code withCRs
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 21:01:35 / claus"
-! !
-!UIPainterView ignoredMethodsFor:'generating output'!
-    ^ 'NewView'
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'generating output'!
-outletValueOf:aSymbol for:aView
-"/    |c name p outlets moreCode sym typ val|
-"/    p := self propertyOfView:aView.
-"/    outlets := p at:#outlets ifAbsent:[^ nil].
-"/    outlets notNil ifTrue:[
-"/        outlets do:[:selectorOutlet |
-"/            sym := selectorOutlet at:#selector.
-"/            (sym == aSymbol) ifTrue:[
-"/                typ := selectorOutlet at:#type.
-"/                val := selectorOutlet at:#value.
-"/                ^ val
-"/            ]
-"/        ]
-"/    ].
-    ^ nil
-prettyPrintSpecArray:spec on:aStream indent:i
-    "just for your convenience: prettyPrint a specArray to aStream - it looks better that way"
-    |what oneLine|
-    spec isArray ifFalse:[
-        spec isLiteral ifTrue:[
-            aStream nextPutAll:spec storeString
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self halt.
-        ].
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    spec isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        aStream nextPutAll:'#()'.
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    what := spec at:1.
-    what isArray ifTrue:[
-        aStream cr; spaces:i+2.
-        aStream nextPutAll:'#('.
-        "/ a spec-collection
-        spec do:[:element |
-            self prettyPrintSpecArray:element on:aStream indent:i+2.
-        ].
-        aStream cr.
-        aStream spaces:i+1.
-        aStream nextPutAll:')'.
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    oneLine := false.
-    (#(#LayoutFrame #LayoutOrigin #AlignmentOrigin 
-       #Rectangle #Point
-       #Color #ColorValue
-    ) 
-    includesIdentical:what) ifTrue:[
-        oneLine := true
-    ].
-    oneLine ifFalse:[
-        aStream cr.
-        aStream spaces:i+2.
-    ].
-    aStream nextPutAll:'#('.
-    aStream nextPutAll:what storeString.
-    oneLine ifFalse:[
-        aStream cr.
-        aStream spaces:i+4.
-    ].
-    2 to:spec size do:[:index |
-        aStream space.
-        self prettyPrintSpecArray:(spec at:index) on:aStream indent:i+4.
-        oneLine ifFalse:[
-            (index odd and:[index ~~ (spec size)]) ifTrue:[
-                aStream cr; spaces:i+4.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    oneLine ifFalse:[
-        aStream cr.
-        aStream spaces:i+1.
-    ].
-    aStream nextPutAll:')'.
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 17:44:20 / claus"
-    viewProperties do:[:p| p storeOn:aStream]
-stuffPropertiesFrom:view intoSpec:newSpec
-    "stuff any additional information (held in the properties) into the spec
-     which was just created from view"
-    |props aspectSelector changeSelector labelSelector name tabable|
-    props := self propertyOfView:view.
-    props isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    (aspectSelector := props aspectSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
-        newSpec model:aspectSelector
-    ].
-    (changeSelector := props changeSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
-        newSpec change:changeSelector
-    ].
-    (labelSelector := props labelSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
-        newSpec label:labelSelector
-    ].
-    (tabable := props tabable) notNil ifTrue:[
-        newSpec tabable:tabable
-    ].
-    (name := props name) notNil ifTrue:[
-        newSpec name:name
-    ].
-! !
-!UIPainterView ignoredMethodsFor:'generating output'!
-    |names|
-    names := ''.
-    viewProperties do:[:p| names := names , ' ' , (p name)].
-  ^ names
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'generating output'!
-subviewsOf:aView do:aBlock
-    |subs v|
-    (subs := aView subViews) notNil ifTrue:[
-        subs do:[:v|
-            (v ~~ inputView and:[v notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                (viewProperties detect:[:p | p view == v] ifNone:nil) notNil ifTrue:[ 
-                    (v superView == aView) ifTrue:[
-                        aBlock value:v
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'group manipulations'!
-    |props name index group objects|
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    self selectionDo:[:aView |
-        (aView isKindOf:EditField) ifFalse:[
-            self warn:'select EditFields only !!'.
-            ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    self selectionHiddenDo:[
-        group := EnterFieldGroup new.
-        props := GroupProperties new.
-        props elementClass:EnterFieldGroup.
-        props group:group.
-        index := self variableIndexForClass:EnterFieldGroup.
-        props nameIndex:index.
-        name := self variableNameForClass:EnterFieldGroup index:index.
-        props name:name.
-        objects := OrderedCollection new.
-        props controlledObjects:objects.
-        viewProperties add:props.
-        self selectionDo:[:aView |
-            objects add:aView.
-            group add:aView
-        ].
-    ]
-    |props name index group objects|
-    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    self selectionDo:[:aView |
-        (aView isKindOf:RadioButton) ifFalse:[
-            self warn:'select RadioButtons only !!'.
-            ^ self
-        ]
-    ].
-    self selectionHiddenDo:[
-        group := RadioButtonGroup new.
-        props := GroupProperties new.
-        props elementClass:RadioButtonGroup.
-        props group:group.
-        index := self variableIndexForClass:RadioButtonGroup.
-        props nameIndex:index.
-        name := self variableNameForClass:RadioButtonGroup index:index.
-        props name:name.
-        group groupID:name asSymbol.
-        objects := OrderedCollection new.
-        props controlledObjects:objects.
-        viewProperties add:props.
-        self selectionDo:[:aView |
-            aView turnOff.
-            objects add:aView.
-            group add:aView
-        ].
-    ]
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 16:06:15 / claus"
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    super initialize.
-    superclassName := 'ApplicationModel'.
-    className      := 'NewApplication'.
-    methodName     := 'windowSpec'.
-    categoryName   := 'Applications'.
-    viewProperties := OrderedCollection new.
-    HandCursor     := Cursor leftHand.
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 19:58:06 / claus"
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'interface to Builder'!
-addOutletDefinitionFor:outletSymbol type:type value:outletValue for:aView
-    |outletProps selectorProps viewProps|
-    viewProps := self propertyOfView:aView.
-"/    outletProps := viewProps at:#outlets ifAbsent:[nil].
-"/    outletProps isNil ifTrue:[
-"/        outletProps := Dictionary new.
-"/        viewProps at:#outlets put:outletProps
-"/    ].
-"/    selectorProps := outletProps at:outletSymbol ifAbsent:[nil].
-"/    selectorProps isNil ifTrue:[
-"/        selectorProps := Dictionary new.
-"/        outletProps at:outletSymbol put:selectorProps
-"/    ].
-"/    selectorProps at:#selector put:outletSymbol.
-"/    selectorProps at:#type put:type.
-"/    selectorProps at:#value put:outletValue
-    |spec builder|
-    spec := UISpecification from:specOrSpecArray.
-    builder := UIBuilder new.
-    builder componentCreationHook:[:view :spec :aBuilder |
-                self createdComponent:view forSpec:spec builder:aBuilder
-            ].
-    builder applicationClass:(Smalltalk classNamed:className).
-    spec setupView:self for:builder.
-    self realizeAllSubViews.
-    inputView raise.
-"/    viewProperties := OrderedCollection new.
-"/    self generatePropertiesFor:(self subViews select:[:v | v ~~ inputView]).
-    self changed:#tree.
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 23:36:55 / claus"
-    ^ className
-    self halt.
-    ^ nil
-    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 00:45:35 / claus"
-    |props aspect|
-    props := self propertyOfView:aView.
-    props isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ props aspectSelector
-    |props aspect|
-    props := self propertyOfView:aView.
-    props isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-"/    ^ props changeSelector
-    ^ nil
-createdComponent:newView forSpec:aSpec builder:aBuilder
-    "callBack from UISpec view building"
-    |props|
-    props := self propertiesForNewView:newView.
-    aSpec name notNil ifTrue:[
-        (self propertyOfName:(aSpec name)) isNil ifTrue:[
-            props name:aSpec name
-        ]
-    ].
-    props labelSelector:(aSpec labelSelector).
-    props aspectSelector:(aSpec modelSelector).
-    props tabable:(aSpec tabable).
-    viewProperties add:props.
-    "/ done as two loops, to get bread-first naming
-    aCollectionOfViews do:[:aView|
-        |props|
-        props := self propertiesForNewView:aView.
-        viewProperties add:props.
-        aView name:(props name).
-        aView geometryLayout isNil ifTrue:[
-            aView geometryLayout:(aView bounds asLayout).
-        ]
-    ].
-    aCollectionOfViews do:[:aView |
-        |subs|
-        subs := aView subViews.
-        subs notNil ifTrue:[
-            self generatePropertiesFor:subs
-        ]
-    ].
-    |p|
-    self singleSelectionDo:[:aView |
-        p := self propertyOfView:aView.
-        p inspect
-    ]
-    |s|
-    self singleSelectionDo:[:aView |
-        s := self generateSpecFor:aView.
-        s first inspect
-    ]
-setAspectSelector:aspectSymbol forView:aView
-    |props|
-    props := self propertyOfView:aView.
-    props notNil ifTrue:[
-        self transaction:#aspect selectionDo:[:aView|
-            |oldAspect|
-            oldAspect := props aspectSelector.
-            undoHistory addUndoBlock:[
-                props aspectSelector:oldAspect.
-                aView superView sizeChanged:nil
-            ]
-        ].
-        props aspectSelector:aspectSymbol
-    ]
-setChangeSelector:changeSymbol forView:aView
-    |props|
-    props := self propertyOfView:aView.
-    props notNil ifTrue:[
-        props changeSelector:changeSymbol
-    ]
-    self removeAll.
-    self addSpec:specOrSpecArray
-    |action|
-    fontPanel isNil ifTrue:[
-	fontPanel := FontPanel new 
-    ].
-    selection notNil ifTrue:[
-	action := [:family :face :style :size |
-		       self changeFontFamily:family face:face
-				       style:style size:size
-		  ].
-	fontPanel action:action.
-	fontPanel showAtPointer
-    ]
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'menu & submenus'!
-    testMode ifFalse:[
-        selection notNil ifTrue:[^ self menuSelection ]
-                        ifFalse:[^ self menuPainter   ]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "menu in case of non empty selection; for views
-    "
-    |menu gridMenu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( 
-                resources array:#(
-                                  'paste' 
-                                  '-' 
-                                  'undo'
-                                  'delete undo history'
-                                  '-'
-                                  'grid'
-                                 ) 
-                              )
-                   selectors:#( 
-                                #pasteBuffer
-                                nil 
-                                #undo
-                                #undoDeleteAll
-                                nil
-                                #grid
-                              )
-                   accelerators:#(
-                                  #Paste
-                                  nil
-                                  nil
-                                  nil
-                                  nil
-                                  nil
-                              )
-                     receiver:self.
-    (self canPaste:(self getSelection)) ifFalse:[
-        menu disable:#pasteBuffer
-    ].
-    undoHistory isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        menu disable:#undo
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        menu subMenuAt:#undo put:(undoHistory popupMenu)
-    ].
-    gridMenu := PopUpMenu labels:(
-                            resources array:#(
-                                    '\c show' 
-                                    '\c align'
-                                  )
-                                )
-                      selectors:#(
-                                    #gridShown:
-                                    #gridAlign:
-                                ).
-    gridMenu checkToggleAt:#gridShown: put:(self gridShown).
-    gridMenu checkToggleAt:#gridAlign: put:aligning.
-    menu subMenuAt:#grid put:gridMenu.
-  ^ menu
-    "menu in case of non empty selection; for views
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( resources array:#(
-                                  'copy' 
-                                  'cut' 
-                                  'paste' 
-                                  '-' 
-                                  'arrange'
-                                  'dimension'
-                                  'align'
-                                )
-                              )
-                   selectors:#(   #copySelection
-                                  #deleteSelection
-                                  #pasteBuffer
-                                  nil
-                                  #arrange
-                                  #dimension
-                                  #align
-                              )
-                   accelerators:#(#Copy
-                                  #Cut
-                                  #Paste
-                                  nil
-                                  nil
-                                  nil
-                                  nil
-                              )
-                     receiver:self.
-    (    (self canPaste:(self getSelection))
-     and:[self supportsSubComponents:selection]
-    ) ifFalse:[
-        menu disable:#pasteBuffer
-    ].
-    menu subMenuAt:#arrange   put:(self subMenuArrange).
-    menu subMenuAt:#dimension put:(self subMenuDimension).
-    menu subMenuAt:#align     put:(self subMenuAlign).
-  ^ menu
-    "returns submenu alignment
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:(
-                resources array:#(
-                                    'align left' 
-                                    'align right'
-                                    'align left & right'
-                                    'align top' 
-                                    'align bottom'
-                                    'align centered vertical'
-                                    'align centered horizontal'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'spread horizontal'
-                                    'spread vertical'
-                                    'center horizontal in frame'
-                                    'center vertical in frame'
-                                  )
-                         )
-              selectors:#(  
-                            alignSelectionLeft
-                            alignSelectionRight
-                            alignSelectionLeftAndRight
-                            alignSelectionTop
-                            alignSelectionBottom
-                            alignSelectionCenterHor
-                            alignSelectionCenterVer
-                            nil
-                            spreadSelectionHor
-                            spreadSelectionVer
-                            centerSelectionHor
-                            centerSelectionVer
-                         )
-               receiver:self.
-    ^ menu    
-    "returns submenu arrange
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( 
-                resources array:#(
-                                    'to front' 
-                                    'to back' 
-                                 )
-                              )
-                   selectors:#(
-                                    raiseSelection
-                                    lowerSelection
-                              )
-                     receiver:self.
-  ^ menu
-    "returns submenu dimension
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( 
-                resources array:#(
-                                    'default extent' 
-                                    'default width' 
-                                    'default height'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'copy extent'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'paste extent'
-                                    'paste width'
-                                    'paste height'
-                                 )
-                              )
-                   selectors:#(
-                                    setToDefaultExtent
-                                    setToDefaultWidth
-                                    setToDefaultHeight
-                                    nil
-                                    copyExtent
-                                    nil
-                                    pasteExtent
-                                    pasteWidth
-                                    pasteHeight
-                              )
-                     receiver:self.
-  ^ menu
-    "returns submenu dimension
-    "
-    |menu|
-    menu := PopUpMenu labels:( 
-                resources array:#(
-                                    'larger' 
-                                    'smaller'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'normal'
-                                    'bold'
-                                    'italic'
-                                    'bold italic'
-                                    '-'
-                                    'font panel'
-                                 )
-                              )
-                   selectors:#(
-                                    largerFont 
-                                    smallerFont
-                                    nil
-                                    normalFont
-                                    boldFont
-                                    italicFont
-                                    boldItalicFont
-                                    nil
-                                    showFontPanel
-                              )
-                     receiver:self.
-  ^ menu
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'menu actions'!
-    "copy the selection into the cut&paste-buffer
-    "
-    |specs|
-    specs := self generateSpecFor:selection.
-    specs notNil ifTrue:[
-        self setSelection:specs
-    ].
-    self unselect.
-    "delete the selection
-    "
-    |specs text|
-    self numberOfSelections ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        specs := self generateSpecFor:selection.
-        text  := self transactionTextFor:selection.
-        undoHistory transaction:#cut text:text do:[
-            super deleteSelection
-        ].
-        self setSelection:specs
-    ]
-    aBool ifTrue:[self alignOn]
-         ifFalse:[self alignOff]
-    aBool ifTrue:[self showGrid]
-         ifFalse:[self hideGrid]
-    self selectionDo:[:aView| aView lower ].
-    "add the objects in the paste-buffer
-    "
-    |paste builder frame pasteOrigin pasteOffset|
-    paste := self getSelection.
-    (self canPaste:paste) ifFalse:[ ^ self].
-    (paste isCollection)  ifFalse:[ paste := Array with:paste].
-    frame := self singleSelection.
-    (self supportsSubComponents:frame) ifFalse:[
-        frame := self
-    ].
-    self unselect.
-    builder     := UIBuilder new.
-    selection   := OrderedCollection new.
-    pasteOffset := 0@0.
-    pasteOrigin := self sensor mousePoint.
-    pasteOrigin := device translatePoint:pasteOrigin from:device rootView id to:frame id.
-    paste do:[:aSpec|
-        |v org|
-        builder componentCreationHook:[:view :spec :aBuilder |  
-            self createdComponent:view forSpec:spec builder:aBuilder.
-        ].
-        builder applicationClass:(Smalltalk classNamed:className).
-        v := aSpec buildViewWithLayoutFor:builder in:frame.
-        (frame bounds containsPoint:pasteOrigin) ifFalse:[
-            self moveObject:v to:pasteOffset.
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            self moveObject:v to:pasteOrigin + pasteOffset.
-        ].
-        v realize.
-        selection add:v.
-        pasteOffset := pasteOffset + 4.
-    ].
-    self transaction:#paste selectionDo:[:v|
-        self undoCreate:((self propertyOfView:v) identifier)
-    ].
-    selection size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        selection := selection at:1
-    ].
-    self showSelection.
-    self realizeAllSubViews.
-    inputView raise.
-    self changed:#tree
-    self selectionDo:[:aView|
-        aView raise.
-        inputView raise.
-    ].
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'misc'!
-changeFontFamily:family face:face style:style size:size
-    |f|
-    f := Font family:family
-                face:face
-               style:style
-                size:size.
-    f notNil ifTrue:[
-        self selectionHiddenDo:[
-            self selectionDo:[:aView |
-                aView font:f.
-                self elementChanged:aView.
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 12:13:27 / claus"
-changeVariableNameOf:aView to:newName
-    |prop|
-    prop := self propertyOf:aView.
-    prop isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self error:'no such view'
-    ].
-    ((aView respondsTo:#label:) and:[aView label = prop name]) ifTrue:[
-        self selectionHiddenDo:[
-            |layout|
-            layout := aView geometryLayout copy.
-            aView label:newName.
-            aView geometryLayout:layout.
-        ]
-    ].
-    prop  name:newName.
-    aView name:newName.
-    self changed:#widgetName
-    |max|
-    max := 0.
-    viewProperties do:[:p|
-        p elementClass == aClass ifTrue:[
-            max := max max:(p nameIndex)
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ max + 1
-variableNameForClass:aClass index:index
-    |n|
-    n := (aClass name) , index printString.
-    n at:1 put:(n at:1) asLowercase.
-  ^ n
-    |prop|
-    aView notNil ifTrue:[
-        prop := self propertyOf:aView
-    ].
-    prop notNil ifTrue:[^ prop name]
-               ifFalse:[^ 'self']
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'removing components'!
-    "remove something, anObject or a collection of objects from the contents
-     do redraw"
-    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
-	self removeObject:anObject
-    ]
-    "remove the argument, anObject"
-    self unselect.
-    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
-        subViews copy do:[:sub |
-            sub ~~ inputView ifTrue:[   
-                self removeTreeFrom:sub
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    viewProperties := OrderedCollection new.
-    undoHistory reinitialize.
-    self changed:#tree
-    "remove the argument, anObject"
-    self removeTreeFrom:anObject.
-    self changed:#tree
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 20:51:28 / claus"
-    "remove the argument, anObject and all of its children
-    "
-    |props|
-    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
-        (anObject subViews notNil) ifTrue:[
-            anObject subViews copy do:[:sub |
-                self removeTreeFrom:sub
-            ]
-        ].
-        props := self propertyOf:anObject.
-        props notNil ifTrue:[
-            self undoRemove:props.
-            viewProperties remove:props
-        ].
-        anObject destroy
-    ]
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'searching'!
-    "find the origin/corner of the currentWidget
-    "
-    |view|
-    view := super findObjectAt:aPoint.
-    view notNil ifTrue:[
-        "can be a view within a view not visible
-        "
-        [ (self propertyOfView:view) isNil ] whileTrue:[
-            (view := view superView) == self ifTrue:[^ nil]
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ view
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'seraching property'!
-    ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| (p view == something or:[p group == something])]
-                     ifNone:nil
-    ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p group == aGroup] ifNone:nil
-    ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p identifier == anIdentifier] ifNone:nil.
-    aString = 'self' ifFalse:[
-        ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p name = aString] ifNone:nil
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    aView == self ifFalse:[
-        ^ viewProperties detect:[:p| p view == aView] ifNone:nil
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'testing'!
-    (aComponent isKindOf:ScrollBar) ifTrue:[
-        ^ aComponent orientation == #horizontal
-    ].
-    (aComponent isKindOf:Scroller) ifTrue:[
-        ^ aComponent orientation == #horizontal
-    ].
-    (aComponent isKindOf:Slider) ifTrue:[
-        ^ aComponent orientation == #horizontal
-    ].
-    ^ true
-    (aComponent isKindOf:EditField) ifTrue:[
-        ^ false
-    ].
-    (aComponent isKindOf:ComboBoxView) ifTrue:[
-        ^ false
-    ].
-    (aComponent isKindOf:CheckBox) ifTrue:[
-        ^ false
-    ].
-    (aComponent isKindOf:ScrollBar) ifTrue:[
-        ^ aComponent orientation == #vertical
-    ].
-    (aComponent isKindOf:Scroller) ifTrue:[
-        ^ aComponent orientation == #vertical
-    ].
-    (aComponent isKindOf:Slider) ifTrue:[
-        ^ aComponent orientation == #vertical
-    ].
-    ^ true
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'transaction & undo'!
-transaction:aType objects:something do:aOneArgBlock
-    "opens a transaction and evaluates a block within the transaction; the
-     argument to the block is a view from derived from something
-    "
-    |text|
-    something notNil ifTrue:[
-        text := self transactionTextFor:something.
-        undoHistory transaction:aType text:text do:[
-            something isCollection ifTrue:[
-                something do:[:aView| aOneArgBlock value:aView ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                aOneArgBlock value:something
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "returns text used by transaction or nil
-    "
-    |props size|
-    anElementOrCollection notNil ifTrue:[
-        anElementOrCollection isCollection ifTrue:[
-            size := anElementOrCollection.
-            size == 0 ifTrue:[^ nil].
-            size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[^ 'a collection'].
-            props := self propertyOfView:(anElementOrCollection at:1).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            props := self propertyOfView:anElementOrCollection
-        ].
-        props notNil ifTrue:[ ^ props name ]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    undoHistory isTransactionOpen ifTrue:[
-        undoHistory addUndoBlock:[
-            |props|
-            props := self propertyOfIdentifier:aViewIdentifier.
-            props notNil ifTrue:[
-                self removeObject:(props view)
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
-    |clsName layout parent aView|
-    (propertyOfView notNil and:[undoHistory isTransactionOpen]) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
-    ].
-    aView   := propertyOfView view.
-    clsName := aView class.
-    layout  := aView geometryLayout.
-    parent  := aView superView.
-    parent ~~ self ifTrue:[
-        parent := (self propertyOf:parent) identifier.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        parent := nil
-    ].
-    propertyOfView view:nil.    
-    undoHistory addUndoBlock:[
-        |recreatedView props|
-        parent notNil ifTrue:[
-            props := self propertyOfIdentifier:parent.
-            props notNil ifTrue:[parent := props view]
-                        ifFalse:[parent := self]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            parent := self
-        ].
-        recreatedView := clsName in:parent.
-        recreatedView geometryLayout:layout.
-        propertyOfView view:recreatedView.    
-        self addProperties:propertyOfView for:recreatedView.
-        recreatedView realize.
-        inputView raise.
-    ].
-    aView := nil.
-! !
-!UIPainterView methodsFor:'update from Specification'!
-    "update current selected view from specification
-    "
-    self singleSelection notNil ifTrue:[
-        self selectionHiddenDo:[
-            self transaction:#specification selectionDo:[:aView|
-                |spec builder|
-                spec := (self generateSpecFor:aView) first.
-                undoHistory addUndoBlock:[
-                    builder := UIBuilder new.
-                    spec setAttributesIn:aView with:builder.
-                    aView superView sizeChanged:nil
-                ].
-                builder := UIBuilder new.
-                aSpec setAttributesIn:aView with:builder.
-                aView superView sizeChanged:nil.
-                (self propertyOfView:aView) tabable:aSpec tabable.
-            ].
-            self changed:#tree
-        ]
-    ]
-! !
 !UIPainterView::ViewProperty class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
@@ -1759,6 +40,16 @@
     changeSelector := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'defaultable' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ defaultable!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'defaultable' (automatically generated)"
+    defaultable := something.!
     "return the value of the instance variable 'elementClass' (automatically generated)"
@@ -1779,6 +70,16 @@
     ^ identifier
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'initiallyInvisible' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ initiallyInvisible!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'initiallyInvisible' (automatically generated)"
+    initiallyInvisible := something.!
     "return the value of the instance variable 'labelSelector' (automatically generated)"
@@ -1789,6 +90,16 @@
     labelSelector := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'menuSelector' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ menuSelector!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'menuSelector' (automatically generated)"
+    menuSelector := something.!
     "return the value of the instance variable 'name' (automatically generated)"
@@ -1838,30 +149,3 @@
     identifier := Identifier
 ! !
-!UIPainterView::GroupProperties methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "return the value of the instance variable 'controlledObjects' (automatically generated)"
-    ^ controlledObjects!
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'controlledObjects' (automatically generated)"
-    controlledObjects := something.!
-    "return the value of the instance variable 'group' (automatically generated)"
-    ^ group!
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'group' (automatically generated)"
-    group := something.! !
-!UIPainterView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header$'
-! !