changeset 350 28128eeb98f0
parent 346 38ea269664f8
child 364 c175e197f050
--- a/UISpecificationTool.st	Sat Oct 25 01:07:16 1997 +0200
+++ b/UISpecificationTool.st	Tue Oct 28 19:40:01 1997 +0100
@@ -65,77 +65,65 @@
   ^ super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
-'show or hide the first element into the hierarchical list.'
-'set/clear the useIndex flag. If set, the index of the selection is used otherwise the selected string.'
-'selector or holder of the middle button menu'
-'a holder, which keeps the label of the current selected tab or nil.'
-'gets a list or list holder'
-'a holder which keeps the document name to be shown.'
-'gets a hierarchical list or a holder which keeps a hierarchical list entry; the value must be a member of class TreeItem.'
-'set the maximum number of characters that are allowed in the editfield.'
 'action selector sent to the application when the button is activated. (either on-press or on-release; this depends on the setting of triggerOnDown flag). The selector may be for a one-arg message; in this case, the argument is passed (a string).'
-'after open the application specified by the clientKey, this selector if not nil will be evaluated,'
-'enable the view - selection changes are allowed.  This field specifies the name of the aspect (-method or binding) in your application, which is supposed to return a valueHolder holding on to the enable-flag.'
+'the class of the arbitrary component or an aspect selector which provides a widget class.'
-'called if the middle button is pressed; you can open a menu'
+'repeat the action as long as the button is pressed; to have this behavior the ''isTriggerOnDown'' state must be enabled.'
-'show or hide the open/closed indicator on nodes which contains children'
-'draw only one tab per line'
+'set the background color if the color-checkBox is turned on. Otherwise, the widget uses its default background color (which is specified in the styleSheet).'
-'set the default label which will be set if nothing selected.'
-'opens the hierarchical list editor, which generates and installs a hierarchical list.'
-'the widget class shown represented by the arbitrary component or a selector which returns a widget class.'
+'show/dont show a return-key image after the label'
-'enter the name of the field here. This ID can be used by the application to access components, using #componentAt:<ID>'
+'a boolean holder which keeps the state'
-'let the widget compute its size to include space for the default (return) image. Useful for buttons which are not default buttons initially, but may become a default button dynamically.'
-'the one which keeps the selection.'
+'width of the border'
 'gets a widget placed into the notebook'
-'set the level relative to its superView'
+'the argument to the selector or none'
+'after opening the application as specified by the clientKey,  this message will be sent'
+'returns an application which provides the builder. By default the application itself is used.'
+'the default label  (used, if nothing selected).'
+'a holder which keeps the document name.'
+'double click action which is evaluated on double click in  case of a non-nil selection.  If the selector ends with '':'' the method is invoked with the current selection as argument.'
-'name of the class which provides the window specification or in case of nil the application itself is used'
+'enable the view - selection changes are allowed. This field specifies the name of the aspect (-method or binding) in your application, which is supposed to return a valueHolder on to the boolean enable-flag.'
+'a holder, which keeps the pathname of the root directory (first entry in the list).'
+'set the font for the widget if the font-checkBox is turned on. Otherwise, the widget uses its default font (which is specified in the viewStyle).'
-'enable/disable multiple selections.'
+'set the foreground color if the color-checkBox is turned on. Otherwise, the widget uses its default foreground color (which is specified in the styleSheet).'
+'a list of tab labels'
+'a holder, which keeps the label of the current selected tab or nil.'
 'a holder, which keeps the specification of the current selected widget or nil.'
@@ -143,76 +131,147 @@
 'the list of selectors specify which interface specification should be used dependent on the tab pressed. Each selector must return an interfaceSpec. On default the #windowSpec method is used'
-'show/dont show a return-key image after the label'
+'gets a hierarchical list or a holder which keeps a hierarchical list entry; the value must understand the TreeItem protocol.'
+'opens the hierarchical list editor, which can be used to generate and install a hierarchical list.'
-'the argument to the selector or none'
+'specifies how components are to be arranged horizontally'
+'use a mini-horizontalScroller'
-'set the background color'
+'make the view horizontally scrollable'
+'the symbolic name of the component.  This ID can be used by the application to access components, using #componentAt:<ID>'
-'convert the fields string value to some object'
+'enable/disable multiple selections.'
-'show or hide lines'
+'if true, the action is evaluated when the button is pressed; otherwise, when released.'
 'the label of the widget. If ''label is image'' is off, this is the label string. Otherwise, it specifies the applications selector, which returns the label - either a string or a bitmap image.'
+'the 3D-level relative to its superView. If left blank, the components default is used.'
+'a list or a list holders aspect'
+'name of the class which provides the window specification. If left blank, the application itself is used.'
+'maximum number of characters that are allowed in the editfield.  If left blank, no limit is set.'
+'Those two fields specify the windows maximum size. The user will not be allowed to resize it to a larger size.'
+'the maximum width - the user will not be allowed to resize the topView to a larger width.'
+'the maximum height - the user will not be allowed to resize the topView to a larger height.'
+'open a menu editor on the specified menu selector.'
+'aspect selector or holder which provides the middle button menu'
+'the aspect of the menu. The application may respond to this message by returning a menu.'
+'aspect providing an object which gets the menu messages. If left blank, the menu sends its menuMessages to the application.'
+'called if the middle button is pressed; you can open a menu'
+'Those two fields specify the windows minimum size. The user will not be allowed to resize it to a smaller size.'
+'the minimum width - the user will not be allowed to resize the topView to a smaller width.'
+'the minimum height - the user will not be allowed to resize the topView to a smaller height.'
-'the selector specifies which interface specification to be used. The selector must return an interfaceSpec. On default the #windowSpec method is used'
+'the selector specifies which interface specification to be used. The selector must return an interfaceSpec. By default the #windowSpec method is used.'
+'draw only one tab per line'
+'the one which keeps the selection.'
+'set the maximum size from the topViews current size.'
+'set the minumum size from the topViews current size.'
+'show or hide the open/closed indicator on nodes which contains children'
 'show the frame'
-'repeat the action as long as the button is pressed; to have this behavior the ''isTriggerOnDown'' state must be enabled.'
-'a boolean holder which keeps the state'
+'show or hide lines'
-'pressing the button will open the menu editor on the specified menu selector.'
+'show or hide the first element of the hierarchical list.'
-'a list of tab labels'
+'let the widget compute its size to include space for the default (return) image. Useful for buttons which are not default buttons initially, but may become a default button dynamically.'
 'a list or list holder which provides the labels assigned to the tabs.'
-'a holder, which keeps the pathname of the root directory (first entry into the list).'
-'set the foreground color'
+'where to place the tabs'
 'select the tab style'
-'returns an application which provides the builder. On default the application itself is used.'
+'convert the fields string value to some other object. Needed if the aspectValue is not a string (typically numbers).'
+'set/clear the useIndex flag. If set, the index of the selection is stored into the model; otherwise the selected string.'
-'called whenever the selection changed. If the selector ends with '':'' the method is invoked with the current selection.'
+'name of a method in the application which is invoked whenever the selection changed. If the selector ends with '':'' the method is invoked with the current selection.'
-'set the font for the widget if the font-checkBox is turned on. Otherwise, the widget uses its default font (which is specified in the viewStyle).'
+'specifies how components are to be arranged vertically'
-'define the double click action which is evaluated on double click in case of a none nil selection. If the selector ends with '':'' the method is invoked with the current selection.'
+'use a mini-verticalScroller'
-'where to place the tabs'
+'make the view vertically scrollable'
+'aspect of the windows icon. This is supposed to provide a bitmap image, which is displayed by the windowManager if your applications gets iconified.'
-'if true, the action is evaluated when the button is pressed; otherwise, when released.'
+'the windows icon label. This will be displayed by most windowManagers in the icon if the topView is iconified.'
-'width of the border'
+'the windows label. This will be displayed by the windowManager in the windows frame.'
+    "Modified: / 27.10.1997 / 22:30:27 / cg"
 ! !
 !UISpecificationTool class methodsFor:'interface specs'!