changeset 2634 3f14301cec84
parent 2633 4a48f107431a
child 2635 8b62bd023558
--- a/	Tue Oct 20 21:48:02 2009 +0200
+++ b/	Tue Oct 20 21:51:54 2009 +0200
@@ -21,86 +21,40 @@
 !ProjectBuilder class methodsFor:'examples'!
-    Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:projects/helloWorldApp' asAutoloaded:true.
-    self new
-        package:'stx:projects/helloWorldApp';
-        build
-    |builder|
-    Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:clients/Demos/foxCalcApplication' asAutoloaded:true.
-    builder := self new.
-    builder package:'stx:clients/Demos/foxCalcApplication'.
-    builder build.
-    UserPreferences fileBrowserClass openOnDirectory:builder packageBuildDirectory.
 ! !
 !ProjectBuilder methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    ^ buildDirectory
+    builder build.
+    UserPreferences fileBrowserClass openOnDirectory:builder packageBuildDirectory.
-    package := aPackageIDOrSymbol asPackageId.
+    buildDirectory := something.
+uilder build.
+    UserPreferences fileBrowserClass openOnDirectory:builder packageBuildDirectory.
     "the directoray, where the deployable binary is created (xxxSetup.exe)"
     ^ buildDirectory / (package asPackageId module) / (package asPackageId directory)
-    projectDefinitionClass := something.
 ! !
 !ProjectBuilder methodsFor:'building'!
-    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
-    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).
-    |makeOutput stdOut stdErr lock|
-    lock := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
-    makeOutput := TextStream on:(Text new:10000).
-    stdErr := ActorStream new
-                    nextPutBlock:[:char |
-                        lock critical:[
-                            makeOutput emphasis:{#backgroundColor->Color red. #color->Color white.}.
-                            makeOutput nextPut:char.
-                            makeOutput emphasis:nil.
-                        ]
-                    ];
-                    nextPutAllBlock:[:char |
-                        lock critical:[
-                            makeOutput emphasis:{#backgroundColor->Color red. #color->Color white.}.
-                            makeOutput nextPutAll:char.
-                            makeOutput emphasis:nil.
-                        ]
-                    ].
-    stdOut := ActorStream new
-                    nextPutBlock:[:char |
-                        lock critical:[
-                            makeOutput nextPut:char.
-                        ]
-                    ];
-                    nextPutAllBlock:[:char |
-                        lock critical:[
-                            makeOutput nextPutAll:char.
-                        ]
-                    ].
-    self buildWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr.
-    TextView openWith:makeOutput contents.
+(package asPackageId module) / (package asPackageId directory)
 buildWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr
@@ -122,9 +76,11 @@
     module := package module.
     directory := package directory.
-    buildDirectory := PreviousBuildDirectory ifNil:[ UserPreferences current buildDirectory ].
     buildDirectory isNil ifTrue:[
-        buildDirectory := Filename tempDirectory construct:'stx_build'.
+        buildDirectory := PreviousBuildDirectory ifNil:[ UserPreferences current buildDirectory ].
+        buildDirectory isNil ifTrue:[
+            buildDirectory := Filename tempDirectory construct:'stx_build'.
+        ].
     buildDirectory := buildDirectory asFilename.
@@ -167,65 +123,27 @@
     self makeWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr.
-    |targetBuildDir|
-    targetBuildDir := buildDirectory / package module / package directory.
-    (projectDefinitionClass allPreRequisites)
-    do:[:eachPackageToFileout |
-        |packageId packageDef packageModule packageDirectory packageTargetDir
-         dllSource dllSourceDir libraryName dllRelativePath|
-        packageId := eachPackageToFileout asPackageId.
-        packageModule := packageId module.
-        packageDirectory := packageId directory.
-        packageTargetDir := (buildDirectory / packageModule / packageDirectory) recursiveMakeDirectory.
-        packageDef := packageId projectDefinitionClass.
-        libraryName := packageDef libraryName.
+    self copySupportFilesForLinkage.
+    self copyStartupFilesFromSmalltalk.
-        "/ mhmh - take them from my tree or from the projects/smalltalk execution directory ??
-        dllSourceDir := myTopDirectory / packageModule / packageDirectory.
-        OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
-"/            dllRelativePath := 'objvc','/',(libraryName,'.dll').
-"/            (dllSourceDir / dllRelativePath) exists 
-            false ifFalse:[
-                dllRelativePath := 'objbc','/',(libraryName,'.dll').
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            dllRelativePath := libraryName,'.so'.
-        ].
-        ((packageTargetDir / dllRelativePath) exists
-        and:[ (dllSourceDir / dllRelativePath) fileSize = (packageTargetDir / dllRelativePath) fileSize
-        and:[ (dllSourceDir / dllRelativePath) modificationTime < (packageTargetDir / dllRelativePath) modificationTime
-        "/ and:[ (dllSourceDir / dllRelativePath) sameContentsAs:(packageTargetDir / dllRelativePath) ]
-        ]]) ifFalse:[
-            (packageTargetDir / dllRelativePath) directory recursiveMakeDirectory.
+    self activityNotification:'Executing make...'.
+    self makeWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr.
+(packageTargetDir / dllRelativePath) directory recursiveMakeDirectory.
             (dllSourceDir / dllRelativePath) copyTo:(packageTargetDir / dllRelativePath).    
     "/ need rules in stx
     ((Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:'stx') asFilename construct:relativepath)
         recursiveCopyTo:(buildDirectory construct:'stx').
-    |targetDir targetFile|
-    targetDir := buildDirectory / 'stx' / subdir.
-    targetDir exists ifFalse:[
-        targetDir makeDirectory.
-    ].
-    (mySTXTopDirectory / subdir) directoryContentsAsFilenamesDo:[:eachFile |
-        eachFile isDirectory ifFalse:[
-            targetFile := targetDir / eachFile baseName.
-            (targetFile exists not
-            or:[ targetFile modificationTime < eachFile modificationTime ]) ifTrue:[
-                self activityNotification:'copying ',eachFile pathName,'...'.
+ification:'copying ',eachFile pathName,'...'.
                 eachFile copyTo:(targetDir construct:eachFile baseName)
@@ -233,41 +151,13 @@
     self activityNotification:nil
-    |module directory|
-    module := aPackage asPackageId module.
-    directory := aPackage asPackageId directory.
-    (myTopDirectory / module / directory / 'resources' ) exists ifTrue:[
-        (myTopDirectory / module / directory / 'resources' )
-            recursiveCopyTo:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
-    ].
-    (myTopDirectory / module / directory / 'styles' ) exists ifTrue:[
+tory / module / directory / 'styles' ) exists ifTrue:[
         (myTopDirectory / module / directory / 'styles' )
             recursiveCopyTo:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
-    |targetDir stc files|
-    targetDir := buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'stc'.
-    targetDir exists ifFalse:[ targetDir makeDirectory ].
-    stc := OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike 
-                ifTrue:[ 'stc.exe' ]
-                ifFalse:[ 'stc' ].
-    files := #( ) copyWith:stc.
-    files do:[:eachFile |
-        |sourceFile targetFile|
-        sourceFile := mySTXTopDirectory / 'stc' / eachFile.
-        targetFile := targetDir / eachFile.
-        (targetFile exists not
-        or:[ targetFile modificationTime < sourceFile modificationTime ]) ifTrue:[
+me ]) ifTrue:[
             self activityNotification:'copying ',sourceFile pathName,'...'.
             sourceFile copyTo:targetFile
@@ -275,119 +165,27 @@
     self activityNotification:nil
-    (buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' ) exists ifFalse:[
-        (buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' ) recursiveMakeDirectory.
-    ].
-    #( 'keyboard.rc' 'keyboardMacros.rc' 'display.rc' 'd_win32.rc'
-       'host.rc' 'h_win32.rc'  
+'host.rc' 'h_win32.rc'  
     ) do:[:fn |
         (myTopDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' / fn)
             copyTo: (buildDirectory / 'stx' / 'projects/smalltalk' / fn)
-    |files|
-    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
-        files := #( 
-                    'support/win32/borland/cs3245.dll' 
-                    'support/win32/X11.dll'
-                    'support/win32/Xext.dll'
-                    'librun/librun.dll'
-                    'libbc/librun.lib'
-                    'libbc/cs32i.lib'
-                    'librun/genDate.exe'
-                    'librun/main.c'
-                 ).
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        files := #(
-                    'librun/genDate'
-                    'librun/main.c'
-                    'librun/'
-                )
-    ].
-    files do:[:dllRelativePath |
-        ((buildDirectory / 'stx' / dllRelativePath) exists
-        and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / dllRelativePath) fileSize = (buildDirectory / 'stx' / dllRelativePath) fileSize
-        and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / dllRelativePath) modificationTime < (buildDirectory / 'stx' / dllRelativePath) modificationTime
-        "/ and:[ (mySTXTopDirectory / dllRelativePath) sameContentsAs:(targetBuildDir / dllRelativePath) ]
-        ]]) ifFalse:[
-            (buildDirectory / 'stx' / dllRelativePath) directory recursiveMakeDirectory.
+ry / 'stx' / dllRelativePath) directory recursiveMakeDirectory.
             (mySTXTopDirectory / dllRelativePath) copyTo:(buildDirectory / 'stx' / dllRelativePath).    
-createHeaderFileFor:aClass in:packageTargetDir
-    |instVarList classInstVarList classVarList bindings superclassFilename
-     template file newContents oldContents|
-    instVarList := StringCollection new.
-    aClass instVarNames do:[:v |
-        instVarList add:('OBJ %1;' bindWith:v)
-    ].
-    classInstVarList := StringCollection new.
-    aClass class instVarNames do:[:v |
-(v includes:$_) ifTrue:[self halt].
-        classInstVarList add:('OBJ %1;' bindWith:v)
-    ].
-    classVarList := StringCollection new.
-    aClass classVarNames do:[:v |
-        classVarList add:('extern OBJ %1_%2;' bindWith:aClass name with:v)
-    ].
-    bindings := Dictionary new.
-    bindings at:'ClassName' put:aClass name. 
-    aClass superclass isNil ifTrue:[
-        bindings at:'SuperclassName' put:'-'. 
-        bindings at:'SuperclassFileInclude' put:nil.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        bindings at:'SuperclassName' put:aClass superclass name. 
-        bindings at:'SuperclassFileName' put:(superclassFilename := Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass superclass).
-        bindings at:'SuperclassFileInclude' put:('#include "%1.STH"' bindWith:superclassFilename).
-    ].
-    bindings at:'InstVarList' put:instVarList asString. 
-    bindings at:'ClassVarList' put:classVarList asString. 
-    bindings at:'ClassInstVarList' put:classInstVarList asString. 
-    template := 
-'/* This file was generated by ProjectBuilder. */
-/* !!!!!!!! Do not change by hand !!!!!!!! */
-/* Class: %(ClassName) */
-/* Superclass: %(SuperclassName) */
-#ifdef _HEADER_INST_
-#endif /* _HEADER_INST_ */
-#ifdef _HEADER_CLASS_
-#endif /* _HEADER_CLASS_ */
-#endif /* _HEADER_CLASSINST_ */
-    newContents := template bindWithArguments:bindings.
-    file := packageTargetDir asFilename / ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass),'.STH').
+ename / ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass),'.STH').
     (file exists not
     or:[ (oldContents := file contents) ~= newContents ]) ifTrue:[
         file contents: newContents.
-    sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ check out / generate files there
-        self generateSourceFilesByCheckingOutUsing:sourceCodeManager
+self generateSourceFilesByCheckingOutUsing:sourceCodeManager
     ] ifFalse:[
         "/ local build
         "/ fileout the project
@@ -395,40 +193,7 @@
-    "/ will no longer be needed/supported
-    |repository stxRepository module directory|
-self halt.
-    "/ check out / generate files there
-    repository := (aSourceCodeManager repositoryNameForModule:module) ifNil:[aSourceCodeManager repositoryName].
-    stxRepository := aSourceCodeManager repositoryName.
-    (buildDirectory construct:'stx') exists ifFalse:[
-        (module ~= 'stx') ifTrue:[
-            OperatingSystem
-                executeCommand:('cvs -d ',stxRepository,' co stx')
-                inputFrom:nil
-                outputTo:Transcript
-                errorTo:Transcript
-                inDirectory:buildDirectory
-                onError:[:status| self error:'cvs update stx failed'].
-        ].
-    ].
-    ((buildDirectory construct:module) construct:'CVS') exists ifFalse:[
-        OperatingSystem
-            executeCommand:('cvs -d ',repository,' co -l ',directory)
-            inputFrom:nil
-            outputTo:Transcript
-            errorTo:Transcript
-            inDirectory:buildDirectory
-            onError:[:status| self error:'cvs update failed'].
-    ].
-    OperatingSystem
-        executeCommand:'cvs upd -d'
-        inputFrom:nil
         inDirectory:(buildDirectory construct:module)
@@ -436,80 +201,7 @@
 self halt.
-    "/ local build
-    "/ fileout the project
-    (package module ~= 'stx') ifTrue:[
-        (buildDirectory / package module) makeDirectory.
-    ].
-    "/ file out the package(s) which are to be built
-    ((Array with:package))
-    do:[:eachPackageToFileout |
-        |packageId packageModule packageDirectory packageTargetDir packageDef|
-        packageId := eachPackageToFileout asPackageId.
-        packageModule := packageId module.
-        packageDirectory := packageId directory.
-        packageTargetDir := (buildDirectory / packageModule / packageDirectory) recursiveMakeDirectory.
-        packageDef := packageId projectDefinitionClass.
-        (packageDef compiled_classNames_common ,
-        packageDef compiled_classNamesForPlatform) do:[:eachClassName |
-            |cls fileName newSource|
-            cls := Smalltalk classNamed:eachClassName.
-            self assert:cls isLoaded.
-            fileName := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass:cls),'.st'.
-            fileName := packageTargetDir asFilename construct:fileName.
-            fileName exists ifTrue:[
-                newSource := String streamContents:[:s | cls fileOutOn:s withTimeStamp:false].
-                newSource = fileName contentsAsString ifFalse:[
-                    fileName contents:newSource
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                cls fileOutIn:packageTargetDir withTimeStamp:false
-            ].
-        ].
-"/        (Smalltalk allClassesInPackage:eachPackageToFileout) do:[:cls |
-"/            cls isPrivate ifFalse:[
-"/                cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
-"/                    self halt.
-"/                    cls autoload.
-"/                ].
-"/                cls fileOutIn:packageTargetDir
-"/            ]
-"/        ].
-        projectDefinitionClass forEachFileNameAndGeneratedContentsDo:[:fileName :fileContents |
-            ((packageTargetDir / fileName) exists
-            and:[ (packageTargetDir / fileName) contents = fileContents ]) ifFalse:[
-                (packageTargetDir / fileName) contents:fileContents.
-            ].
-        ].    
-    ].
-    "/ generate header files in prerequisite packages...
-    (projectDefinitionClass allPreRequisites)
-    do:[:eachPackageToFileout |
-        |packageId packageDef packageModule packageDirectory packageTargetDir|
-        packageId := eachPackageToFileout asPackageId.
-        packageModule := packageId module.
-        packageDirectory := packageId directory.
-        packageTargetDir := (buildDirectory / packageModule / packageDirectory) recursiveMakeDirectory.
-        packageDef := packageId projectDefinitionClass.
-        (packageDef compiled_classNames_common ,
-        packageDef compiled_classNamesForPlatform) do:[:eachClassName |
-            |cls|
-            cls := Smalltalk classNamed:eachClassName.
-            "/ self assert:cls isLoaded.
-            cls isLoaded ifTrue:[    
-                self createHeaderFileFor:cls in:packageTargetDir
+or:cls in:packageTargetDir
         self copyResourcesForPackage:eachPackageToFileout.
@@ -518,32 +210,7 @@
 "/    stx_libbasic2 preRequisitesForBuilding#(#'stx:libbasic')
-makeWithOutputTo:stdOut errorTo:stdErr
-    |module directory|
-    module := package module.
-    directory := package directory.
-    projectDefinitionClass isLibraryDefinition ifTrue:[
-        OperatingSystem
-            executeCommand:(ParserFlags makeCommand,' classLibRule')
-            inputFrom:nil
-            outputTo:stdOut
-            errorTo:stdErr
-            inDirectory:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
-            onError:[:status| self error:'make failed'].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        OperatingSystem
-            executeCommand:(ParserFlags makeCommand,' exe')
-            inputFrom:nil
-            outputTo:stdOut
-            errorTo:stdErr
-            inDirectory:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
-            onError:[:status| self error:'make failed'].
-        OperatingSystem
-            executeCommand:(ParserFlags makeCommand,' setup')
-            inputFrom:nil
             inDirectory:(buildDirectory / module / directory)
@@ -551,57 +218,12 @@
-    buildDirectory exists ifFalse:[
-        buildDirectory recursiveMakeDirectory.
-    ].
-    (buildDirectory / 'stx') exists ifFalse:[
+(buildDirectory / 'stx') exists ifFalse:[
         (buildDirectory / 'stx') makeDirectory.
     self copyDirectoryForBuild:'include'.
     self copyDirectoryForBuild:'rules'.
-    ^ self.
-"/    [
-"/        |default directoryIsOKForMe stc |
-"/        default := (buildDirectory ?
-"/                          PreviousBuildDirectory)
-"/                          ifNil:[ UserPreferences current buildDirectory].
-"/        buildDirectory := Dialog requestDirectoryName:'Temporary Work-ROOT for build:'
-"/                                 default:default.
-"/        buildDirectory isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-"/        buildDirectory := buildDirectory asFilename.
-"/        directoryIsOKForMe := true.
-"/        buildDirectory exists ifFalse:[
-"/            Dialog warn:(self classResources string:'Work directory %1 does not exist.' with:buildDirectory).
-"/            directoryIsOKForMe := false.
-"/        ] ifTrue:[
-"/            (buildDirectory construct:'stx') exists ifFalse:[
-"/                Dialog warn:(self classResources stringWithCRs:'Work directory must contain an stx subDirectory,\which contains (at least) the stc and include subdirectories.').
-"/                directoryIsOKForMe := false.
-"/            ] ifTrue:[
-"/                stc := (OperatingSystem isMSDOSlike) ifTrue:['stc.exe'] ifFalse:['stc'].
-"/                (((buildDirectory construct:'stx')construct:'stc')construct:stc) exists ifFalse:[
-"/                    Dialog warn:(self classResources stringWithCRs:'Work directory must contain an stc compiler in the stx/stc subDirectory.').
-"/                    directoryIsOKForMe := false.
-"/                ].
-"/                ((buildDirectory construct:'stx')construct:'include') exists ifFalse:[
-"/                    Dialog warn:(self classResources stringWithCRs:'Work directory must have had a make run before (for include files to exists).').
-"/                    directoryIsOKForMe := false.
-"/                ].
-"/            ]
-"/        ].
-"/        directoryIsOKForMe
-"/    ] whileFalse
 ! !
 !ProjectBuilder class methodsFor:'documentation'!