changeset 3029 58cc0b402815
parent 3028 272d45da727d
child 3071 e69992cb4b24
--- a/	Tue Jul 09 21:55:06 2013 +0200
+++ b/	Tue Jul 09 22:07:04 2013 +0200
@@ -2586,7 +2586,7 @@
-    "open a browser on the callback method (create if not yet existing)"
+    "open a browser on the action callback method (create if not yet existing)"
     self doBrowseApplicationMethodFor:#itemValue
@@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@
     selector := (self aspectFor:aspect) value.
     selector isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        Dialog information:(resources string:'Please enter an action method name.').
+        Dialog information:(resources string:'Missing name for the action/aspect method.').
         ^ self
     (selector = 'true' or:[selector = 'false']) ifTrue:[^ self].
@@ -2620,10 +2620,12 @@
     browsedClass := cls.
     (cls includesSelector:selector) ifFalse:[
         (implClass := cls whichClassImplements:selector) notNil ifTrue:[
-            (Dialog confirm:(resources 
-                        stringWithCRs:'The application does not directly implement %1.\However it inherits this from %2.\\Create a redefinition in %1?'
-                        with:cls name
-                        with:implClass name))
+            (Dialog 
+                confirm:(resources 
+                            stringWithCRs:'The application does not directly implement %1.\However it inherits this from %2.\\Create a redefinition in %1?'
+                            with:cls name
+                            with:implClass name)
+                initialAnswer:false)
                 category := UserPreferences current categoryForMenuActionsMethods.
@@ -2643,6 +2645,12 @@
     "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 18:28:59 / cg"
+    "open a browser on the choice aspect method (create if not yet existing)"
+    self doBrowseApplicationMethodFor:#choice
     "open a browser on the enabled method (create if not yet existing)"
@@ -2651,6 +2659,12 @@
     "Created: / 21-10-2010 / 14:09:41 / cg"
+    "open a browser on the indicator aspect method (create if not yet existing)"
+    self doBrowseApplicationMethodFor:#indication
     "open a browser on the visibility method (create if not yet existing)"
@@ -4591,270 +4605,290 @@
     <resource: #canvas>
-    ^
+    ^ 
-	name: basicsEditSpec
-	window:
+        name: basicsEditSpec
+        window: 
-	  label: 'basicsEditSpec'
-	  name: 'basicsEditSpec'
-	  min: (Point 10 10)
-	  bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 340 340)
-	)
-	component:
+          label: 'basicsEditSpec'
+          name: 'basicsEditSpec'
+          min: (Point 10 10)
+          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 340 340)
+        )
+        component: 
-	  collection: (
-	   (LabelSpec
-	      label: 'Name Key:'
-	      name: 'nameKeyLabel'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 25 0 1 0.5)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsKey
-	      translateLabel: true
-	      resizeForLabel: true
-	      adjust: right
-	    )
-	   (InputFieldSpec
-	      name: 'nameKeyField'
-	      layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 15 0 -5 1.0 37 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsKey
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: nameKey
-	      group: inputGroup
-	      type: symbolOrNil
-	      immediateAccept: false
-	      acceptOnLeave: false
-	      acceptOnReturn: true
-	      acceptOnTab: true
-	      acceptOnLostFocus: false
-	      acceptChannel: acceptChannel
-	      modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
-	      acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-	    )
-	   (LabelSpec
-	      label: 'Label:'
-	      name: 'labelLabel'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 51 0 1 0.5)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsLabel
-	      translateLabel: true
-	      resizeForLabel: true
-	      adjust: right
-	    )
-	   (InputFieldSpec
-	      name: 'labelField'
-	      layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 40 0 -5 1.0 62 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsLabel
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: rawLabel
-	      group: inputGroup
-	      immediateAccept: false
-	      acceptOnReturn: true
-	      acceptOnTab: true
-	      acceptOnLostFocus: false
-	      acceptChannel: acceptChannel
-	      modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
-	      acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-	    )
-	   (LabelSpec
-	      label: 'Action:'
-	      name: 'valueLabel'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 82 0 1 0.5)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsAction
-	      translateLabel: true
-	      resizeForLabel: true
-	      adjust: right
-	    )
-	   (InputFieldSpec
-	      name: 'valueField'
-	      layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 71 0 -25 1.0 93 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsAction
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: itemValue
-	      group: inputGroup
-	      type: symbolOrNil
-	      immediateAccept: false
-	      acceptOnLeave: true
-	      acceptOnReturn: true
-	      acceptOnTab: true
-	      acceptOnLostFocus: true
-	      acceptChannel: acceptChannel
-	      modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
-	      acceptOnPointerLeave: true
-	    )
-	   (ActionButtonSpec
-	      label: 'browseActionImage'
-	      name: 'Button1'
-	      layout: (LayoutFrame -25 1 71 0 -5 1 93 0)
-	      hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
-	      translateLabel: true
-	      resizeForLabel: true
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: doBrowseActionMethod
-	      activeHelpKey: browseMethod
-	    )
-	   (LabelSpec
-	      label: 'Argument:'
-	      name: 'argumentLabel'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 107 0 1 0.5)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsArgument
-	      translateLabel: true
-	      resizeForLabel: true
-	      adjust: right
-	    )
-	   (InputFieldSpec
-	      name: 'argumentField'
-	      layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 96 0 -5 1.0 118 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsArgument
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: argument
-	      group: inputGroup
-	      type: smalltalkObjectOrNil
-	      immediateAccept: false
-	      acceptOnReturn: true
-	      acceptOnTab: true
-	      acceptOnLostFocus: false
-	      acceptChannel: acceptChannel
-	      modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
-	      acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-	    )
-	   (LabelSpec
-	      label: 'Indication:'
-	      name: 'indicationLabel'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 138 0 1 0.5)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsIndication
-	      translateLabel: true
-	      resizeForLabel: true
-	      adjust: right
-	    )
-	   (InputFieldSpec
-	      name: 'indicationField'
-	      layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 127 0 -5 1.0 149 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsIndication
-	      enableChannel: indicationEnabled
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: indication
-	      group: inputGroup
-	      type: symbolOrNil
-	      immediateAccept: true
-	      acceptOnReturn: false
-	      acceptOnTab: false
-	      acceptOnLostFocus: false
-	      modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
-	      acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-	    )
-	   (LabelSpec
-	      label: 'Choice:'
-	      name: 'choiceLabel'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 163 0 1 0.5)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsChoice
-	      translateLabel: true
-	      resizeForLabel: true
-	      adjust: right
-	    )
-	   (InputFieldSpec
-	      name: 'choiceField'
-	      layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 152 0 -5 1.0 174 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsChoice
-	      enableChannel: choiceEnabled
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: choice
-	      group: inputGroup
-	      type: symbolOrNil
-	      immediateAccept: true
-	      acceptOnReturn: false
-	      acceptOnTab: false
-	      acceptOnLostFocus: false
-	      modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
-	      acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-	    )
-	   (LabelSpec
-	      label: 'Value:'
-	      name: 'choiceValueLabel'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 188 0 1 0.5)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsChoiceValue
-	      translateLabel: true
-	      resizeForLabel: true
-	      adjust: right
-	    )
-	   (InputFieldSpec
-	      name: 'choiceValueField'
-	      layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 177 0 -5 1.0 199 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsChoiceValue
-	      enableChannel: choiceValueEnabled
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: choiceValue
-	      group: inputGroup
-	      type: smalltalkObjectOrNil
-	      immediateAccept: false
-	      acceptOnLeave: false
-	      acceptOnReturn: true
-	      acceptOnTab: true
-	      acceptOnLostFocus: false
-	      acceptChannel: acceptChannel
-	      modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
-	      acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-	    )
-	   (CheckBoxSpec
-	      label: 'Translate Label'
-	      name: 'translateLabelCheckBox'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 213 0 0 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsTranslateLabel
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: translateLabel
-	      translateLabel: true
-	    )
-	   (CheckBoxSpec
-	      label: 'Is Button'
-	      name: 'isButtonCheckBox'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 238 0 0 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: basicsIsButton
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: isButton
-	      translateLabel: true
-	    )
-	   (CheckBoxSpec
-	      label: 'Hide Menu after Activation'
-	      name: 'hideMenuOnActivated'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 263 0 0 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: hideMenuOnActivated
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: hideMenuOnActivated
-	      translateLabel: true
-	    )
-	   (CheckBoxSpec
-	      label: 'BusyCursor while Active'
-	      name: 'showBusyCursorWhilePerforming'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 288 0 0 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: showBusyCursorWhilePerforming
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: showBusyCursorWhilePerforming
-	      translateLabel: true
-	    )
-	   (CheckBoxSpec
-	      label: 'Trigger On Down'
-	      name: 'triggerOnDown'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 25 0.5 238 0 0 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: triggerOnDown
-	      enableChannel: hasNoDelayedMenuValue
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: triggerOnDown
-	      translateLabel: true
-	    )
-	   (CheckBoxSpec
-	      label: 'Send To Originating Widget'
-	      name: 'sendToOriginator'
-	      layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 313 0 0 0)
-	      activeHelpKey: sendToOriginator
-	      enableChannel: hasItemValue
-	      tabable: true
-	      model: sendToOriginator
-	      translateLabel: true
-	    )
-	   )
-	)
+          collection: (
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Name Key:'
+              name: 'nameKeyLabel'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 25 0 1 0.5)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsKey
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              adjust: right
+            )
+           (InputFieldSpec
+              name: 'nameKeyField'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 15 0 -5 1.0 37 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsKey
+              tabable: true
+              model: nameKey
+              group: inputGroup
+              type: symbolOrNil
+              immediateAccept: false
+              acceptOnLeave: false
+              acceptOnReturn: true
+              acceptOnTab: true
+              acceptOnLostFocus: false
+              acceptChannel: acceptChannel
+              modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Label:'
+              name: 'labelLabel'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 51 0 1 0.5)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsLabel
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              adjust: right
+            )
+           (InputFieldSpec
+              name: 'labelField'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 40 0 -5 1.0 62 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsLabel
+              tabable: true
+              model: rawLabel
+              group: inputGroup
+              immediateAccept: false
+              acceptOnReturn: true
+              acceptOnTab: true
+              acceptOnLostFocus: false
+              acceptChannel: acceptChannel
+              modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Action:'
+              name: 'valueLabel'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 82 0 1 0.5)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsAction
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              adjust: right
+            )
+           (InputFieldSpec
+              name: 'valueField'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 71 0 -25 1.0 93 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsAction
+              tabable: true
+              model: itemValue
+              group: inputGroup
+              type: symbolOrNil
+              immediateAccept: false
+              acceptOnLeave: true
+              acceptOnReturn: true
+              acceptOnTab: true
+              acceptOnLostFocus: true
+              acceptChannel: acceptChannel
+              modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: true
+            )
+           (ActionButtonSpec
+              label: 'browseActionImage'
+              name: 'Button1'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame -25 1 71 0 -5 1 93 0)
+              activeHelpKey: browseMethod
+              hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              tabable: true
+              model: doBrowseActionMethod
+            )
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Argument:'
+              name: 'argumentLabel'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 107 0 1 0.5)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsArgument
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              adjust: right
+            )
+           (InputFieldSpec
+              name: 'argumentField'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 96 0 -5 1.0 118 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsArgument
+              tabable: true
+              model: argument
+              group: inputGroup
+              type: smalltalkObjectOrNil
+              immediateAccept: false
+              acceptOnReturn: true
+              acceptOnTab: true
+              acceptOnLostFocus: false
+              acceptChannel: acceptChannel
+              modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Indication:'
+              name: 'indicationLabel'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 138 0 1 0.5)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsIndication
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              adjust: right
+            )
+           (InputFieldSpec
+              name: 'indicationField'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 127 0 -25 1.0 149 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsIndication
+              enableChannel: indicationEnabled
+              tabable: true
+              model: indication
+              group: inputGroup
+              type: symbolOrNil
+              immediateAccept: true
+              acceptOnReturn: false
+              acceptOnTab: false
+              acceptOnLostFocus: false
+              modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           (ActionButtonSpec
+              label: 'browseActionImage'
+              name: 'Button2'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame -25 1 127 0 -5 1 149 0)
+              activeHelpKey: browseMethod
+              hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              tabable: true
+              model: doBrowseIndicationMethod
+            )
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Choice:'
+              name: 'choiceLabel'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 163 0 1 0.5)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsChoice
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              adjust: right
+            )
+           (InputFieldSpec
+              name: 'choiceField'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 152 0 -25 1.0 174 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsChoice
+              enableChannel: choiceEnabled
+              tabable: true
+              model: choice
+              group: inputGroup
+              type: symbolOrNil
+              immediateAccept: true
+              acceptOnReturn: false
+              acceptOnTab: false
+              acceptOnLostFocus: false
+              modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           (ActionButtonSpec
+              label: 'browseActionImage'
+              name: 'Button3'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame -25 1 152 0 -5 1 174 0)
+              activeHelpKey: browseMethod
+              hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              tabable: true
+              model: doBrowseChoiceMethod
+            )
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Value:'
+              name: 'choiceValueLabel'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 107 0 188 0 1 0.5)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsChoiceValue
+              translateLabel: true
+              resizeForLabel: true
+              adjust: right
+            )
+           (InputFieldSpec
+              name: 'choiceValueField'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 110 0 177 0 -5 1.0 199 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsChoiceValue
+              enableChannel: choiceValueEnabled
+              tabable: true
+              model: choiceValue
+              group: inputGroup
+              type: smalltalkObjectOrNil
+              immediateAccept: false
+              acceptOnLeave: false
+              acceptOnReturn: true
+              acceptOnTab: true
+              acceptOnLostFocus: false
+              acceptChannel: acceptChannel
+              modifiedChannel: modifiedChannel
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+            )
+           (CheckBoxSpec
+              label: 'Translate Label'
+              name: 'translateLabelCheckBox'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 213 0 0 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsTranslateLabel
+              tabable: true
+              model: translateLabel
+              translateLabel: true
+            )
+           (CheckBoxSpec
+              label: 'Is Button'
+              name: 'isButtonCheckBox'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 238 0 0 0)
+              activeHelpKey: basicsIsButton
+              tabable: true
+              model: isButton
+              translateLabel: true
+            )
+           (CheckBoxSpec
+              label: 'Hide Menu after Activation'
+              name: 'hideMenuOnActivated'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 263 0 0 0)
+              activeHelpKey: hideMenuOnActivated
+              tabable: true
+              model: hideMenuOnActivated
+              translateLabel: true
+            )
+           (CheckBoxSpec
+              label: 'BusyCursor while Active'
+              name: 'showBusyCursorWhilePerforming'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 288 0 0 0)
+              activeHelpKey: showBusyCursorWhilePerforming
+              tabable: true
+              model: showBusyCursorWhilePerforming
+              translateLabel: true
+            )
+           (CheckBoxSpec
+              label: 'Trigger On Down'
+              name: 'triggerOnDown'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 25 0.5 238 0 0 0)
+              activeHelpKey: triggerOnDown
+              enableChannel: hasNoDelayedMenuValue
+              tabable: true
+              model: triggerOnDown
+              translateLabel: true
+            )
+           (CheckBoxSpec
+              label: 'Send To Originating Widget'
+              name: 'sendToOriginator'
+              layout: (AlignmentOrigin 7 0 313 0 0 0)
+              activeHelpKey: sendToOriginator
+              enableChannel: hasItemValue
+              tabable: true
+              model: sendToOriginator
+              translateLabel: true
+            )
+           )
+        )
-    "Modified: / 21-10-2010 / 14:14:49 / cg"
 ! !
 !MenuEditor::ActionItem class methodsFor:'interface-editor'!