changeset 1599 629a6e0ae68a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 05 17:31:29 2002 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"
+Object subclass:#Archiver
+	instanceVariableNames:'process temporaryDirectory fileName outStream errorStream
+		synchron'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'System-Support-FileFormats'
+Archiver subclass:#GZipArchive
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:Archiver
+Archiver subclass:#TarArchive
+	instanceVariableNames:'fileName'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:Archiver
+Archiver subclass:#TarGZipArchive
+	instanceVariableNames:'tarArchiver tarFile'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:Archiver
+!Archiver class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    | instance |
+    instance := self new.
+    instance fileName:aFilename.
+    ^ instance
+! !
+!Archiver class methodsFor:'classAccess'!
+    ^ GZipArchive
+    ^ TarArchive
+    ^ TarGZipArchive
+! !
+!Archiver class methodsFor:'common options'!
+    ^ $-
+    ^ $>
+! !
+!Archiver methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'errorStream' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ errorStream
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'errorStream' (automatically generated)"
+    errorStream := something.
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'fileName' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ fileName
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'fileName' (automatically generated)"
+    fileName := something.
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'outStream' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ outStream
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'outStream' (automatically generated)"
+    outStream := something.
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'process' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ process
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'process' (automatically generated)"
+    process := something.
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'synchron' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ synchron
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'synchron' (automatically generated)"
+    synchron := something.
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'temporaryDirectory' (automatically generated)"
+    temporaryDirectory isNil ifTrue:[
+        temporaryDirectory := Filename newTemporary.
+        temporaryDirectory makeDirectory.
+    ].
+    ^ temporaryDirectory
+! !
+!Archiver methodsFor:'actions'!
+    self subclassResponsibility.
+    self subclassResponsibility.
+    self subclassResponsibility.
+    self subclassResponsibility.
+! !
+!Archiver methodsFor:'actions private'!
+    | tmp |
+    temporaryDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
+        tmp := self temporaryDirectory.
+        (FileDirectory directoryNamed:(tmp directory)) removeDirectory:tmp baseName.
+        temporaryDirectory := nil.
+    ].
+    process notNil ifTrue:[
+        process terminateWithAllSubprocesses.
+        process waitUntilTerminated.
+    ].
+! !
+!Archiver methodsFor:'command execution'!
+executeCommand:cmd directory:aDirectory
+    synchron isNil ifTrue:[synchron := true].
+    synchron ifTrue:[
+         OperatingSystem 
+            executeCommand:cmd
+            inputFrom:nil
+            outputTo:outStream
+            errorTo:errorStream
+            inDirectory:aDirectory
+            lineWise:true
+            onError:[:status| false].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        process := Process for:[
+                [ 
+                     OperatingSystem 
+                        executeCommand:cmd
+                        inputFrom:nil
+                        outputTo:outStream
+                        errorTo:errorStream
+                        inDirectory:aDirectory
+                        lineWise:true
+                        onError:[:status| false].
+                ] 
+                valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+                    process := nil.
+                ].
+        ] priority:(Processor systemBackgroundPriority).
+        process name:('ArchivFileCommand command >', cmd).
+        process resume.
+    ]
+outStream:aOutStream errorStream:aErrorStream
+    outStream := aOutStream.
+    errorStream := aErrorStream.
+outStream:aOutStream errorStream:aErrorStream synchron:aBoolean
+    outStream := aOutStream.
+    errorStream := aErrorStream.
+    synchron := aBoolean
+! !
+!Archiver methodsFor:'initialization & release'!
+    self stopProcess.
+    self removeTemporaryDirectory.
+! !
+!Archiver::GZipArchive class methodsFor:'zip archiv command options'!
+    ^ 'f'
+    ^ 'gunzip'
+    ^ 'c'
+    ^ 'gzip'
+! !
+!Archiver::GZipArchive methodsFor:'actions'!
+    | cmd file newFile|
+    (aDirectory exists not) ifTrue:[
+        DialogBox warn:'cant unzip to not existing directory ', aDirectory asString.
+    ].
+    (aDirectory isDirectory not) ifTrue:[
+        DialogBox warn:'cant unzip to file ', aDirectory asString.
+    ].
+    file := self fileName.
+    (file directory asString = aDirectory asString) ifFalse:[
+        file copyTo:(aDirectory construct:(file baseName)).
+    ].
+    newFile := aDirectory construct:(file baseName).
+    cmd := self getUnzipCommandForFile:newFile.
+    self executeCommand:cmd directory:aDirectory. 
+zipFile:aFile to:newFile
+    | cmd directory|
+    directory := newFile directory.
+    (directory exists not) ifTrue:[
+        DialogBox warn:'cant unzip to not existing directory ', directory asString.
+    ].
+    (directory isDirectory not) ifTrue:[
+        DialogBox warn:'cant unzip to file ', directory asString.
+    ].
+    cmd := self getZipCommandForFile:aFile to:newFile.
+    self executeCommand:cmd directory:directory.
+    newFile exists ifTrue:[
+        self fileName:newFile.
+    ].
+! !
+!Archiver::GZipArchive methodsFor:'command strings'!
+    | stream cmd|
+    stream := WriteStream on:''.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class GZipArchivUnzipCommand.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:self fileName baseName.
+    cmd := stream contents.
+    stream close.
+    ^ cmd
+    | stream cmd|
+    stream := WriteStream on:''.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class GZipArchivUnzipCommand.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:aFileName asString.
+    cmd := stream contents.
+    stream close.
+    ^ cmd
+    | stream cmd|
+    stream := WriteStream on:''.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class GZipArchivZipCommand.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:aFileName asString.
+    cmd := stream contents.
+    stream close.
+    ^ cmd
+getZipCommandForFile:aFile to:newFile
+    | stream cmd|
+    stream := WriteStream on:''.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class GZipArchivZipCommand.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPut:self class MinusSign.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class GZipArchivWriteToStdioOption.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:aFile asString.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPut:self class PipeSign.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:newFile asString.
+    cmd := stream contents.
+    stream close.
+    ^ cmd
+! !
+!Archiver::TarArchive class methodsFor:'command strings'!
+    ^ 'r'
+    ^ 'tar'
+    ^ '--delete'
+    ^ 'f'
+    ^ 't'
+    ^ self TarArchivListContentsOption , self TarArchivVerboseOption 
+        , self TarArchivFileOption
+    ^ self TarArchivListContentsOption , self TarArchivVerboseOption 
+        , self TarArchivFileOption , self TarArchivZipOption
+    ^ '-C '
+    ^ 'x'
+    ^ 'v'
+    ^ 'z'
+! !
+!Archiver::TarArchive methodsFor:'actions'!
+    | cmd tempDir archivFile archivInTemp|
+    tempDir := self temporaryDirectory.
+    archivFile := self fileName.
+    archivInTemp := tempDir construct:(archivFile baseName).
+    "/ copy files to be added to tempDir
+    colOfFiles do:[ :file |
+        file recursiveCopyTo:(tempDir construct:(file baseName))
+    ].
+    "/ copy tar archiv to tempDir
+    archivFile copyTo:archivInTemp.
+    "/ addFiles to the tar archive
+    cmd := self getAddFilesToTarArchiveCommandForArchiv:archivInTemp with:colOfFiles.
+    self executeCommand:cmd directory:tempDir.
+    "/ copy tar archiv back
+    archivInTemp copyTo:(self fileName).
+    ^ self extractTo:aDirectory with:nil
+extractTo:aDirectory with:files
+    |execDir cmd|
+    execDir := self fileName directory.
+    cmd := self getExtractSelectedFilesCommandForDirectory:aDirectory withSelection:files.
+    self executeCommand:cmd directory:execDir.
+extractWithOutDirectoryTo:aDirectory with:files
+    |execDir tempDir tempFile|
+    execDir := self fileName directory.
+    tempDir := self temporaryDirectory.
+    self extractTo:tempDir with:files.
+    files do:[ : aFileString |
+        tempFile := self temporaryDirectory construct:aFileString.
+        tempFile exists ifTrue:[
+            tempFile recursiveCopyTo:(aDirectory construct:(aFileString fileName asFilename baseName)).
+        ].
+    ].
+    self listFilesFromArchiv:nil
+    | cmd dir|
+    self fileName isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self].
+    dir := self fileName directory.
+    cmd := self getFileListFromArchivCommand:newColOfFiles.
+    self executeCommand:cmd directory:dir 
+    |cmd|
+    cmd := self getRemoveFilesFromTarArchivFor:aColOfFiles.
+    self executeCommand:cmd directory:(self fileName directory). 
+! !
+!Archiver::TarArchive methodsFor:'command strings'!
+    |filename cmd stream|
+    filename := self fileName.
+    filename exists ifTrue:[
+        stream := WriteStream on:''.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivCommand.
+        stream space.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivAddOption.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivFileOption.
+        stream space.
+        stream nextPutAll:filename asString.
+        aColOfFiles do:[:el | 
+            stream space.
+            stream nextPutAll:(el asString)
+        ].
+        cmd := stream contents
+    ].
+    ^ cmd
+getAddFilesToTarArchiveCommandForArchiv:archivFile with:aColOfFiles 
+    | cmd stream|
+    archivFile exists ifTrue:[
+        stream := WriteStream on:''.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivCommand.
+        stream space.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivAddOption.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivFileOption.
+        stream space.
+        stream nextPutAll:archivFile asString.
+        aColOfFiles do:[:el | 
+            stream space.
+            stream nextPutAll:(el baseName)
+        ].
+        cmd := stream contents
+    ].
+    ^ cmd
+getExtractSelectedFilesCommandForDirectory:dir withSelection:sel 
+    | stream cmd|
+    stream := WriteStream on:''.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivCommand.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivUnpackOption.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivFileOption.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:self fileName asString.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivUnpackInDirectoryOption.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:dir asString.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+        sel do:[:el | 
+            stream space.
+            stream nextPutAll:(el fileName asString)
+        ].
+    ].
+    cmd := stream contents.
+    stream close.
+    ^ cmd
+    | stream cmd|
+    stream := WriteStream on:''.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivCommand.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivListOptions.
+    stream space.
+    stream nextPutAll:self fileName baseName.
+    aColOfFiles notNil ifTrue:[
+        aColOfFiles do:[:el | 
+            stream space.
+            stream nextPutAll:(el baseName)
+        ]
+    ].
+    cmd := stream contents.
+    stream close.
+    ^ cmd
+    | stream filename|
+    filename := self fileName.
+    filename exists ifTrue:[
+        stream := WriteStream on:''.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivCommand.
+        stream space.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivDeleteOption.
+        stream space.
+        stream nextPut:self class MinusSign.
+        stream nextPutAll:self class TarArchivFileOption.
+        stream space.
+        stream nextPutAll:filename asString.
+        sel do:[:el | 
+            stream space.
+            stream nextPutAll:el
+        ].
+        ^ stream contents
+    ]
+! !
+!Archiver::TarGZipArchive methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    | tempDir file gzipArchiver suffix|
+    super fileName:aFile.
+    " unzip file in tempDirectory and do all the things with tar file "
+    tempDir := self temporaryDirectory.
+    gzipArchiver := Archiver::GZipArchive with:(self fileName).
+    gzipArchiver unzipTo:tempDir.
+    suffix := self fileName suffix.
+    file := self fileName withoutSuffix.
+    file := file baseName.
+    suffix = 'tgz' ifTrue:[
+        file := file , '.tar'
+    ].
+    tarFile := self temporaryDirectory construct:file.
+    tarArchiver := TarArchive with:tarFile.
+! !
+!Archiver::TarGZipArchive methodsFor:'actions'!
+    self setCommandOptions.
+    tarArchiver addFilesToArchiv:colOfFiles.
+    self synchronize.
+    self extractTo:aDirectory with:nil.
+extractTo:aDirectory with:col
+    self setCommandOptions.
+    tarArchiver extractTo:aDirectory with:col.
+extractWithOutDirectoryTo:aDirectory with:files
+    self setCommandOptions.
+    tarArchiver extractWithOutDirectoryTo:aDirectory with:files.
+    self listFilesFromArchiv:nil
+    self setCommandOptions.
+    ^ tarArchiver listFilesFromArchiv:newColOfFiles.
+    self setCommandOptions.
+    tarArchiver removeFilesFromArchiv:aColOfFiles.
+    self synchronize.
+! !
+!Archiver::TarGZipArchive methodsFor:'actions private'!
+    tarArchiver outStream:(self outStream).
+    tarArchiver errorStream:(self errorStream).
+    tarArchiver synchron:(self synchron).
+    |gzipArchiver|
+    gzipArchiver := GZipArchive with:nil.
+    gzipArchiver zipFile:(tarArchiver fileName) to:(self fileName).
+! !
+!Archiver::TarGZipArchive methodsFor:'initialization & release'!
+    super release.
+    tarArchiver release.
+! !
+!Archiver class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !