changeset 3024 66a99ab06e19
parent 3023 8298397571eb
child 3090 ef71554ea9e9
--- a/	Tue Jun 25 12:42:03 2013 +0200
+++ b/	Tue Jun 25 19:11:56 2013 +0200
@@ -459,6 +459,11 @@
+            #label: 'Browse Senders'
+            #translateLabel: true
+            #value: #openBrowserOnSenderOfSelectedResultItem
+          )
+         #(#MenuItem
             #label: 'Browse Implementors'
             #translateLabel: true
             #value: #openBrowserOnSelectedResultItem
@@ -586,36 +591,56 @@
     "Modified: / 27-04-2012 / 15:05:53 / cg"
-isExpression: aString
-      "Return true or false depending on if the subString includes certain characters"
-(aString includesSubString:': ') ifTrue:[^true].
-(aString includesSubString:'+') ifTrue:[^true].
-(aString includesSubString:'-') ifTrue:[^true].
-(aString includesSubString:'*') ifTrue:[^true].
-(aString includesSubString:'/') ifTrue:[^true].
-(aString includesSubString:'>') ifTrue:[^true].
-(aString includesSubString:'<') ifTrue:[^true].
-(aString includesSubString:' new') ifTrue:[^true].
-(aString includesSubString:'[') &  (aString includesSubString:']') & (aString includesSubString:'.')
-                                ifTrue:[^false].
-(aString includesSubString:'.') ifTrue:[^true].
+    "Return true or false depending on if the subString includes certain characters"
+    (aString includesSubString:': ') ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (aString includes:$+) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (aString includes:$-) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (aString includes:$*) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (aString includes:$/) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (aString includes:$>) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (aString includes:$<) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (aString includesSubString:' new') ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    (aString includes:$[) 
+        & (aString includes:$]) 
+        & (aString includes:$.) ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
- ^false
+    (aString includes:$.) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    ^ false
-   "Return a cleaned up version of message answer taken from the messageAnswerEditor
-    as an association. The association has cleanedAnswerString as a key and the 
-    compiledAnswer as value."
-    |   aCleanedAnswerString   compiledAnswer  |
+    "Return a cleaned up version of message answer taken from the messageAnswerEditor
+     as an association. The association has cleanedAnswerString as a key and the
+     compiledAnswer as value."
+    |aCleanedAnswerString compiledAnswer|
-aCleanedAnswerString:=self cleanInputs: (messageAnswerEditor contents). 
-compiledAnswer:=Compiler evaluate: aCleanedAnswerString.
-((self isExpression:aCleanedAnswerString) or:[compiledAnswer isNil]) ifTrue:[
-                        aCleanedAnswerString:=compiledAnswer printString].
+    aCleanedAnswerString := self cleanInputs:(messageAnswerEditor contents).
+    compiledAnswer := Compiler evaluate:aCleanedAnswerString.
+    ((self isExpression:aCleanedAnswerString) or:[ compiledAnswer isNil ]) ifTrue:[
+        aCleanedAnswerString := compiledAnswer printString
+    ].
+    ^ aCleanedAnswerString -> compiledAnswer.
@@ -628,7 +653,7 @@
     classAndSelector isNil ifTrue:[
         ^ self
-    UserPreferences current systemBrowserClass
+    UserPreferences systemBrowserClass
         openInClass:classAndSelector key 
         selector:classAndSelector value   
@@ -670,83 +695,94 @@
     "Created: / 21-09-2012 / 11:05:46 / cg"
-   "Return a cleaned up version of receiver taken from the receiverEditor
-    as an association. The association has aCleanedRecieverString as a key and the 
-    compiledReceiver as value."
+    "on an item in the lower left list,
+     on all implementors of that message"
+    |selIndex selector|
-    |   aCleanedRecieverString   compiledReceiver  |
+    selIndex := self selectedImplementorsHolder value.
+    selIndex isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    selector := resultSelectors at:selIndex.
+    UserPreferences browserClass browseSendersOf:selector.
-aCleanedRecieverString:=self cleanInputs: (receiverEditor contents). 
-compiledReceiver:=Compiler evaluate: aCleanedRecieverString.
+    "Return a cleaned up version of receiver taken from the receiverEditor
+     as an association. The association has aCleanedRecieverString as a key and the
+     compiledReceiver as value."
+    |aCleanedRecieverString compiledReceiver|
-((self isExpression:aCleanedRecieverString) or:[compiledReceiver isNil]) ifTrue:[
-                        aCleanedRecieverString:=compiledReceiver printString].
+    aCleanedRecieverString := self cleanInputs:(receiverEditor contents).
+    compiledReceiver := Compiler evaluate:aCleanedRecieverString.
+    ((self isExpression:aCleanedRecieverString) or:[ compiledReceiver isNil ]) ifTrue:[
+        aCleanedRecieverString := compiledReceiver printString
+    ].
+    ^ aCleanedRecieverString -> compiledReceiver.
-"Do a search based on the input in the various text editors. Return the receiver."
-| tempReceiver tempAnswer tempArguments anArray resultArray receiverWithArgument mf|
-self resultHolder value: nil.                "reset the result list"
-self classOfResultHolder value: nil.        "reset the implementorOf list"
-self codeHolder value: nil.                  "reset the source"
-tempArguments:=self argumentEditorsContents.
-tempReceiver :=self receiverEditorContents .  
-tempAnswer:= self messageAnswerEditorContents.   
-"self cleanInputRec:tempReceiver arg:tempArguments ans:tempAnswer."
-anArray:=Array new:2.  "creates an array which is to be used as input for the method finder."
-receiverWithArgument:=self mergReciever: (tempReceiver value) WithArgument: (tempArguments values).
-anArray at:1 put:receiverWithArgument;
-        at:2 put: tempAnswer value.             
-"an array now holds the following array #(#(receiver argument) answer) or #(#(reciever) answer). which should
-be suitable input for the method finder."
-self withCursor:Cursor execute do:[
-    mf:= MethodFinder new.
-    resultArray:= mf load: anArray; findMessage. 
+    "Do a search based on the input in the various text editors. Return the receiver."
+    |tempReceiver tempAnswer tempArguments anArray resultArray receiverWithArgument mf|
-((resultArray at:  1 )includesSubString: 'no single') ifTrue:[
-                                self warn: (resultArray at:  1 ).
-                                ^self
-                                                              ].  
-"the following then replaces data1 and data2 created by the method finder to the appropriate arguments"
-resultArray keysAndValuesDo:[:key :value |   | newValue | 
-      newValue:= value replString: 'data1' withString:(tempReceiver key).
-(tempArguments size) >= 1 ifTrue:[
-      newValue:= newValue replString: 'data2' withString:(tempArguments keyAt:1)].
-(tempArguments size) > 1 ifTrue:[
-      newValue:= newValue replString: 'data3' withString:(tempArguments keyAt:2).].
+    self resultHolder value:nil.
+    self classOfResultHolder value:nil.
+    self codeHolder value:nil.
+    tempArguments := self argumentEditorsContents.
+    tempReceiver := self receiverEditorContents.
+    tempAnswer := self messageAnswerEditorContents.
+     "self cleanInputRec:tempReceiver arg:tempArguments ans:tempAnswer."
+    anArray := Array new:2.
+    receiverWithArgument := self mergReciever:(tempReceiver value)
+            WithArgument:(tempArguments values).
+    anArray
+        at:1 put:receiverWithArgument;
+        at:2 put:tempAnswer value.
+     "an array now holds the following array #(#(receiver argument) answer) or #(#(reciever) answer). which should
+     be suitable input for the method finder."
+    self withCursor:Cursor execute
+        do:[
+            mf := MethodFinder new.
+            resultArray := mf
+                    load:anArray;
+                    findMessage.
+        ].
+    ((resultArray at:1) includesSubString:'no single') ifTrue:[
+        self warn:(resultArray at:1).
+        ^ self
+    ].
+     "the following then replaces data1 and data2 created by the method finder to the appropriate arguments"
+    resultArray 
+        keysAndValuesDo:[:key :value | 
+            |newValue|
-(tempArguments size) > 2 ifTrue:[
-      newValue:= newValue replString: 'data4' withString:(tempArguments keyAt:3).].
-(tempArguments size) > 3 ifTrue:[ self halt:'unimplemented'. ].
-                        "    newValue:= value replString: 'data3' withString:(self messageAnswer key). " 
-      newValue:=newValue, ' --> ', (tempAnswer key).
-      newValue replaceAll:Character cr with:Character space.
-      resultArray at: key put: newValue.
-              ].
-self resultHolder value: resultArray.
-resultSelectors:= mf selectors.   "used to find implementors so we do not have to "
-receiver:=tempReceiver            "search the string for the selector found. Stored as an ordered collection"
+            newValue := value replString:'data1' withString:(tempReceiver key).
+            (tempArguments size) >= 1 ifTrue:[
+                newValue := newValue replString:'data2'
+                        withString:(tempArguments keyAt:1)
+            ].
+            (tempArguments size) > 1 ifTrue:[
+                newValue := newValue replString:'data3'
+                        withString:(tempArguments keyAt:2).
+            ].
+            (tempArguments size) > 2 ifTrue:[
+                newValue := newValue replString:'data4'
+                        withString:(tempArguments keyAt:3).
+            ].
+            (tempArguments size) > 3 ifTrue:[
+                self halt:'unimplemented'.
+            ].
+             "    newValue:= value replString: 'data3' withString:(self messageAnswer key). "
+            newValue := newValue , ' --> ' , (tempAnswer key).
+            newValue replaceAll:Character cr with:Character space.
+            resultArray at:key put:newValue.
+        ].
+    self resultHolder value:resultArray.
+    resultSelectors := mf selectors.
+    receiver := tempReceiver
     "Modified: / 26-09-2011 / 12:42:28 / cg"