changeset 1353 701e41f8ff9f
parent 1345 218b7fcff239
child 1376 ce3cf26e201e
--- a/	Wed Feb 16 09:59:22 2000 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Feb 16 11:19:25 2000 +0100
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 ToolApplicationModel subclass:#ImageEditor
 	instanceVariableNames:'imageEditView colorMapMode editMode mouseKeyColorMode
 		selectedColorIndex postOpenAction'
-	classVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:'LastDirectory'
@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@
-                  #label: 'Grid Magnification...'
+                  #label: 'Grid Magnification Limit...'
                   #translateLabel: true
                   #value: #doChangeGridMagnification
                   #activeHelpKey: #settingsGridMagnification
@@ -2525,12 +2525,6 @@
     "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 02:01:15 / cg"
-    "change grid magnification"
-    imageEditView changeGridMagnification
     "find all borders and cut them off"
@@ -2636,7 +2630,22 @@
     "magnifies current image"
-    imageEditView magnifyImage.   
+    |box newSize image|
+    image := imageEditView image.
+    box := EnterBox new.
+    box title:(resources string:'Images new size:').
+    box okText:(resources string:'OK').
+    box abortText:(resources string:'Cancel').
+    box initialText:image extent printString.
+    box showAtPointer.
+    (box accepted 
+    and: [(newSize := Object readFromString:(box contents) onError:nil) notNil])
+    ifTrue:[
+        imageEditView magnifyImageTo:newSize.
+    ].
     self updateInfoLabel
@@ -2663,17 +2672,42 @@
-    "resizes current image"
-    imageEditView resizeImage.   
-    self updateInfoLabel
+    "resizes the current image"
+    |box newSize image|
+    image := imageEditView image.
+    box := EnterBox new.
+    box title:(resources string:'Images new size:').
+    box okText:(resources string:'OK').
+    box abortText:(resources string:'Cancel').
+    box initialText:image extent printString.
+    box showAtPointer.
+    (box accepted 
+    and: [(newSize := Object readFromString:(box contents) onError:nil) notNil])
+    ifTrue:[
+        imageEditView resizeImageTo:newSize.
+    ].
     "rotates current image"
-    imageEditView rotateImage.
-    self updateInfoLabel
+    |box rotation|
+    box := EnterBox new.
+    box title:(resources string:'Rotate by (degrees, clockwise):').
+    box okText:(resources string:'OK').
+    box abortText:(resources string:'Cancel').
+    box initialText: '0'.
+    box showAtPointer.
+    (box accepted and: [(rotation := Object readFromString: box contents onError:nil) notNil])
+    ifTrue:[
+        imageEditView rotateImageBy:rotation.
+        self updateInfoLabel
+    ].
@@ -2703,13 +2737,32 @@
     "opens a dialog for loading an image from a file"
-    |img|
-    self loadFromFile:
-        (FileSelectionBrowser
-            request: 'Load Image From'
-            fileName: ((img := self image) notNil ifTrue: [img fileName] ifFalse: [nil])
-            withFileFilters: FileSelectionBrowser loadImageFileNameFilters)
+    |img file dir filters|
+    img := self image.
+    img notNil ifTrue: [
+        file := img fileName
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        dir := LastDirectory
+    ].
+    filters := FileSelectionBrowser loadImageFileNameFilters.
+    file notNil ifTrue:[
+        file := FileSelectionBrowser
+                    request:'Load Image From'
+                    fileName:file
+                    withFileFilters:filters.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        file := FileSelectionBrowser
+                    request:'Load Image From'
+                    inDirectory:dir
+                    withFileFilters:filters.
+    ].
+    file notNil ifTrue:[
+        LastDirectory := file asFilename directoryName.
+        self loadFromFile:file
+    ]
@@ -2847,6 +2900,32 @@
     TextBox openOn:img storeString
 ! !
+!ImageEditor methodsFor:'user actions - settings'!
+    "change grid magnification"
+    |box oldGridLimit newGridLimit|
+    oldGridLimit := imageEditView class gridMagnificationLimit asPoint.
+    box := EnterBox new.
+    box title:(resources string:'Grid Magnification Limit:').
+    box okText:(resources string:'OK').
+    box abortText:(resources string:'Cancel').
+    box initialText:(oldGridLimit x printString).
+    box showAtPointer.
+    (box accepted 
+    and: [(newGridLimit := Number readFromString:(box contents) onError:[2]) notNil]
+    ) ifTrue:[
+        newGridLimit := (99 min: (2 max:newGridLimit)) asPoint.
+        imageEditView class gridMagnificationLimit:newGridLimit.
+        imageEditView invalidate
+    ]
+! !
 !ImageEditor class methodsFor:'documentation'!