changeset 3258 8285b3ec6d3d
parent 3254 c3a22fdc3759
child 3294 29f61473d4a5
--- a/	Fri Mar 25 22:51:02 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Mar 25 22:52:33 2016 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
 "{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"
 "{ NameSpace: Tools }"
@@ -1228,10 +1226,15 @@
     "/ what a hack
     (moduleInfoOrHandle isKindOf: ObjectMemory::BinaryModuleDescriptor) ifTrue:[
         classes := moduleInfoOrHandle classNames collect:[:nm | Smalltalk classNamed:nm].
-        UserPreferences systemBrowserClass 
-            browseClasses:classes
-            label:(resources string:'Classes in %1' with:moduleInfoOrHandle libraryName).
-        "/ Q: what about extensions ?
+        UserPreferences systemBrowserClass
+            perform:#openOnPackage: with:(moduleInfoOrHandle package)
+            ifNotUnderstood:[
+                "/ Q: what about extensions ?
+                UserPreferences systemBrowserClass
+                    browseClasses:classes
+                    label:(resources string:'Classes in %1' with:moduleInfoOrHandle libraryName).
+            ]
     ] ifFalse:[
         moduleInfoOrHandle isMethodHandle ifTrue:[
             method := moduleInfoOrHandle method.
@@ -1314,17 +1317,18 @@
-    |package|
-    package := Dialog request:'Name of Package (module:directory)'.
-    package isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    [
-        self withWaitCursorDo:[
-            Smalltalk loadPackage:package.
-        ].
-    ] on:PackageLoadError do:[:ex|
-        Dialog information:'Package not loaded: ', ex description.
-    ].
+    AbstractLauncherApplication::PackageLoadDialog openModal.
+"/    |package|
+"/    package := Dialog request:'Name of Package (module:directory)'.
+"/    package isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+"/    [
+"/        self withWaitCursorDo:[
+"/            Smalltalk loadPackage:package.
+"/        ].
+"/    ] on:PackageLoadError do:[:ex|
+"/        Dialog information:'Package not loaded: ', ex description.
+"/    ].
     self updateModuleList