changeset 3863 e13a7d334bb1
parent 3857 87004a92aba2
--- a/	Fri Feb 21 19:17:27 2020 +0100
+++ b/	Sun Feb 23 16:30:35 2020 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
  COPYRIGHT (c) 2018 by eXept Software AG
               All Rights Reserved
@@ -2485,9 +2483,9 @@
             ] ifFalse:[ ('\.:?=,!! ' includes:oldKey last) ifTrue:[
                 newKey := oldKey copyButLast:1.
             ] ifFalse:[ ((oldKey first == $() and:[ oldKey last == $) ]) ifTrue:[
-                newKey := oldKey copyFrom:2 to:oldKey size - 1
+                newKey := oldKey copyButFirstAndLast
             ] ifFalse:[ ((oldKey first == $[) and:[ oldKey last == $] ]) ifTrue:[
-                newKey := oldKey copyFrom:2 to:oldKey size - 1
+                newKey := oldKey copyButFirstAndLast
             ] ifFalse:[
                 newKey :=oldKey
@@ -3050,7 +3048,7 @@
             selectedAssociation value sameAs: association value] ifNone:[collection add: association].
     selectedTranslation := Dialog
-        choose:'Choose one if you consider it´s usefull to translate:
+        choose:'Choose one if you consider it´s usefull to translate:
         '<', key, '>  ', (self currentExampleLanguageText ifNil:[''])
         fromList: (similarTranslationsAssociations collect:[:each |  '<', each key, '>  ', each value])
@@ -3612,8 +3610,8 @@
     self addLanguage:#'de'.
     self addLanguage:#'fr'.
-    self at:'open' language:#'de' put:'öffnen'.
-    self at:'close' language:#'de' put:'schließen'.
+    self at:'open' language:#'de' put:'öffnen'.
+    self at:'close' language:#'de' put:'schließen'.
     self at:'yes' language:#'de' put:'ja'.
     self at:'no' language:#'de' put:'nein'.
     self at:'cancel' language:#'de' put:'abbrechen'.