changeset 3785 eb827930328b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Oct 14 14:48:45 2019 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
+ApplicationModel subclass:#ShowMeHowItWorksRunner
+	instanceVariableNames:'showMe script root listModel listHolder listSelectionHolder
+		actionQueue'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Interface-Help'
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    documentation to be added.
+    class:
+        <a short class summary here, describing what instances represent>
+    responsibilities:    
+        <describing what my main role is>
+    collaborators:    
+        <describing with whom and how I talk to>
+    API:
+        <public api and main messages>
+    example:
+        <a one-line examples on how to use - can also be in a separate example method>
+    implementation:
+        <implementation points>
+    [author:]
+        exept MBP
+    [instance variables:]
+    [class variables:]
+    [see also:]
+ Notice that everything between [exBegin] and [exEnd] is extracted by the html-doc generator
+ to create nicely formatted and clickable executable examples in the generated html-doc.
+ (see the browser's class-documentation menu items for more)
+ opening the application:
+                                                        [exBegin]
+    ShowMeHowItWorksRunner open
+                                                        [exEnd]
+ opening the application on some model:
+                                                        [exBegin]
+    ShowMeHowItWorksRunner openOn:aModel
+                                                        [exEnd]
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner class methodsFor:'help specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIHelpTool may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIHelpTool openOnClass:ShowMeHowItWorksRunner
+    "
+    <resource: #help>
+    ^ super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
+'Delete the current action from the sequence'
+'Edit the current action'
+'Add a new action to the sequence'
+'Pause the presentation'
+'Run/Continue the presentation'
+'Execute the next action'
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:ShowMeHowItWorksRunner andSelector:#windowSpec
+     ShowMeHowItWorksRunner new openInterface:#windowSpec
+     ShowMeHowItWorksRunner open
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^ 
+    #(FullSpec
+       name: windowSpec
+       uuid: '0c43911e-ee7c-11e9-b0b5-10ddb1cc5928'
+       window: 
+      (WindowSpec
+         label: 'ShowMeHowItWorksRunner'
+         name: 'ShowMeHowItWorksRunner'
+         uuid: 'e69fd518-ee7a-11e9-b0b5-10ddb1cc5928'
+         min: (Point 10 10) bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 573 132) menu: mainMenu
+      ) component: 
+      (SpecCollection
+         collection: (
+          (MenuPanelSpec
+             name: 'ToolBar1'
+             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 36 0) uuid: 'e69fd9a0-ee7a-11e9-b0b5-10ddb1cc5928'
+             menu: toolbarMenu
+             textDefault: true
+          )
+          (ViewSpec
+             name: 'Box1'
+             layout: (LayoutFrame 1 0 36 0 0 1 -26 1) uuid: 'e69fdd06-ee7a-11e9-b0b5-10ddb1cc5928'
+             level: 1
+             component: 
+            (SpecCollection
+               collection: (
+                (LabelSpec
+                   label: 'Hello World'
+                   name: 'Contents'
+                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1) uuid: 'e69fdf54-ee7a-11e9-b0b5-10ddb1cc5928'
+                   translateLabel: true
+                )
+              )
+            )
+          )
+          (ViewSpec
+             name: 'Box2'
+             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 -26 1 0 1 0 1) uuid: 'e69fe242-ee7a-11e9-b0b5-10ddb1cc5928'
+             level: 1
+             component: 
+            (SpecCollection
+               collection: (
+                (LabelSpec
+                   label: 'InfoLabel'
+                   name: 'Label2'
+                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 -26 1 -1 1 0 1) uuid: 'e69fe3fa-ee7a-11e9-b0b5-10ddb1cc5928'
+                   level: -1
+                   translateLabel: true
+                   labelChannel: infoLabelHolder
+                   adjust: left
+                )
+              )
+            )
+          )
+        )
+      )
+    )
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner class methodsFor:'menu specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated by the CodeGeneratorTool."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ShowMeHowItWorksRunner andSelector:#mainMenu
+    "
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^ #(Menu (MenuItem label: 'File' submenu: (Menu (MenuItem label: 'New' itemValue: menuNew) (MenuItem label: '-') (MenuItem label: 'Open...' itemValue: menuOpen) (MenuItem label: '-') (MenuItem label: 'Save' itemValue: menuSave) (MenuItem label: 'Save As...' itemValue: menuSaveAs) (MenuItem label: '-') (MenuItem label: 'Exit' itemValue: closeRequest))) (MenuItem label: 'MENU_Help' startGroup: right submenu: (Menu (MenuItem label: 'Documentation' itemValue: openDocumentation) (MenuItem label: '-') (MenuItem label: 'About this Application...' itemValue: openAboutThisApplication))))
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ShowMeHowItWorksRunner andSelector:#toolbarMenu
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ShowMeHowItWorksRunner toolbarMenu)) startUp
+    "
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^ 
+     #(Menu 
+       (MenuItem
+          activeHelpKey: menuRun
+          label: 'Run'
+          itemValue: menuRun
+          labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'Expecco::ExpeccoIconLibrary' startExecutionIcon) isButton: true
+       ) 
+       (MenuItem
+          activeHelpKey: menuPause
+          label: 'Pause'
+          itemValue: menuPause
+          labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'Expecco::ExpeccoIconLibrary' pauseExecutionIcon)
+       ) 
+       (MenuItem
+          activeHelpKey: menuStep
+          label: 'Step'
+          itemValue: menuStep
+          labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'Expecco::ExpeccoIconLibrary' stepExecutionIcon)
+       ) 
+       (MenuItem
+          activeHelpKey: menuInsertAction
+          label: 'InsertAction'
+          itemValue: menuInsertAction
+          startGroup: right
+          labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'Expecco::ExpeccoIconLibrary' addActionIcon)
+       ) 
+       (MenuItem
+          activeHelpKey: menuDeleteAction
+          label: 'DeleteAction'
+          itemValue: menuDeleteAction
+          startGroup: right
+          labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'Expecco::ExpeccoIconLibrary' removeActionIcon)
+       ) 
+       (MenuItem
+          activeHelpKey: menuEditAction
+          label: 'EditAction'
+          itemValue: menuEditAction
+          startGroup: right
+          labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary edit16x16Icon)
+       )
+     )
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner class methodsFor:'startup'!
+    ^ self new
+        showMe:showMeInstance;
+        open;
+        yourself
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ showMe
+    showMe := something.
+    self updateCurrentAction.
+    self halt.
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner methodsFor:'initialization & release'!
+    "This is a hook method generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when your app/dialog-window is really closed.
+     See also #closeDownViews, which is invoked before and may suppress the close
+     or ask the user for confirmation."
+    "/ change the code below as required ...
+    "/ This should cleanup any leftover resources
+    "/ (for example, temporary files)
+    "/ super closeRequest will initiate the closeDown
+    "/ add your code here
+    "/ do not remove the one below ...
+    ^ super closeDownViews
+    "This is a hook method generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when your app/dialog-window is about to be
+     closed (this method has a chance to suppress the close).
+     See also #closeDownViews, which is invoked when the close is really done."
+    "/ change the code below as required ...
+    "/ Closing can be suppressed, by simply returning.
+    "/ The 'super closeRequest' at the end will initiate the real closeDown
+    self hasUnsavedChanges ifTrue:[
+        (self confirm:(resources string:'Close without saving ?')) ifFalse:[
+            ^ self
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ super closeRequest
+    "This is a hook method generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked during the initialization of your app/dialog,
+     after all of the visual components have been built,
+     but BEFORE the top window is made visible.
+     Add any app-specific actions here (reading files, setting up values etc.)
+     See also #postOpenWith:, which is invoked after opening."
+    "/ add any code here ...
+    ^ super postBuildWith:aBuilder
+    "This is a hook method generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked right after the applications window has been opened.
+     Add any app-specific actions here (starting background processes etc.).
+     See also #postBuildWith:, which is invoked before opening."
+    "/ add any code here ...
+    ^ super postOpenWith:aBuilder
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner methodsFor:'menu actions'!
+    "This method was generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when the menu-item 'save/saveAs' is selected."
+    "/ change below and add any actions as required here ...
+    self warn:'no action for ''save/saveAs'' defined.'.
+    "This method was generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when the menu-item 'new' is selected."
+    "/ change below and add any actions as required here ...
+    self warn:'no action for ''new'' defined.'.
+    "This method was generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when the menu-item 'open' is selected."
+    "/ change below and add any actions as required here ...
+    self warn:'no action for ''open'' defined.'.
+    "This method was generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when the menu-item 'reload' is selected."
+    "/ change below and add any actions as required here ...
+    self warn:'no action for ''reload'' defined.'.
+    "This method was generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when the menu-item 'save' is selected."
+    "/ change below and add any actions as required here ...
+    self warn:'no action for ''save'' defined.'.
+    "This method was generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when the menu-item 'saveAs' is selected."
+    "/ change below as required... (see examples in Dialog class for more options)
+    Dialog
+        requestSaveFileName:(resources string:'Save')
+        default:'foo.txt'
+        fromDirectory:nil
+        action:[:fileName | self doSaveAs:fileName]
+        appendAction:nil.
+    "This method was generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when the menu-item 'help-about' is selected."
+    "/ could open a customized aboutBox here ...
+    super openAboutThisApplication
+    "This method was generated by the Browser/CodeGeneratorTool.
+     It will be invoked when the menu-item 'help-documentation' is selected."
+    "/ change below as required ...
+    "/ to open an HTML viewer on some document (under 'doc/online/<language>/' ):
+    self openDocumentationFile:'TOP.html'.
+    "/ add application-specific help files under the 'doc/online/<language>/help/appName'
+    "/ directory, and open a viewer with:
+    "/ self openDocumentationFile:'help/<MyApplication>/TOP.html'.
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner methodsFor:'private queries'!
+    "Return true, if any unsaved changes are present
+     (i.e. the contents needs to be saved or else will be lost)"
+    "/ add real code as required (or remove the halt and always return false)...
+    "/ self halt:'check this code'.
+    ^ false.
+! !
+!ShowMeHowItWorksRunner class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !