author tz
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 15:26:35 +0100
changeset 465 1b55cc13793b
parent 461 aed297a2d395
child 468 bb4e776b9210
permissions -rw-r--r--
do only save if modified

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG / Thomas Zwick
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

ToolApplicationModel subclass:#ImageEditor
	instanceVariableNames:'colorMapMode selectedColorIndex postOpenAction'

!ImageEditor class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG / Thomas Zwick
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    By the Image Editor you are able to create, design, modify or just inspect images.

    [start with:]
        ImageEditor open
        ImageEditor openOnClass:ImageEditor andSelector:#newImageIcon

    [see also:]
        ImageEditView Image

        Thomas Zwick
! !

!ImageEditor class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

openModalOnClass: aClass andSelector: aSelector

    "self openModalOnClass: self andSelector: #newImageIcon"

    |imageEditor className resourceClassName resourceSelector|                      
    imageEditor := self new.
    aClass isClass ifTrue: [className := aClass name].
    aClass isString ifTrue: [className := aClass].      

    imageEditor postOpenAction: [imageEditor loadFromOrPrepareForMessage: className, ' ', aSelector].
    imageEditor openModal.

    resourceClassName := imageEditor valueOfResourceClass value.
    resourceSelector := imageEditor valueOfResourceSelector value.

    (className asString ~= resourceClassName) | (aSelector asString ~= resourceSelector)
        ifTrue: [^resourceClassName, ' ', resourceSelector]

openOnClass: aClass andSelector: aSelector

    "self openOnClass: self andSelector: #newImageIcon"

    ^self open loadFromMessage: aClass name, ' ', aSelector

openOnFile: image

    "self openOnFile: 'bitmaps/SmalltalkX.xbm'"

    ^self open loadFromFile: image

openOnImage: image

    "self openOnImage: self stxIcon"

    ^self open loadFromImage: image
! !

!ImageEditor class methodsFor:'accessing'!


    (colorMap := OrderedCollection new)
        add: Color black;
        add: Color white;
        add: Color red;
        add: Color green;
        add: Color blue;
        add: Color cyan;
        add: Color yellow;
        add: Color magenta;
        add: (Color red: 50 green: 0 blue: 0);
        add: (Color red: 0 green: 50 blue: 0);
        add: (Color red: 0 green: 0 blue: 50);
        add: (Color red: 0 green: 50 blue: 50);
        add: (Color red: 50 green: 50 blue: 0);
        add: (Color red: 50 green: 0 blue: 50);
        add: Color gray;
        add: Color lightGray.                                
    0 to: 5 do:
        0 to: 5 do:         
            0 to: 5 do:                             
                colorMap add: (Color red: (r*100//5) ceiling green: (g*100//5) ceiling blue: (b*100//5) ceiling)

    1 to: 25 do:
        colorMap add: (Color gray: (g*100//26) ceiling)

    ^Dictionary new
        at: '8-plane' put: colorMap;
        at: '8-plane + mask' put: colorMap;
        at: '4-plane' put: (colorMap copyFrom: 1 to: 16);
        at: '4-plane + mask' put: (colorMap copyFrom: 1 to: 16);
        at: '2-plane' put: (colorMap copyFrom: 1 to: 4);
        at: '2-plane + mask' put: (colorMap copyFrom: 1 to: 4);
        at: '1-plane' put: (colorMap copyFrom: 1 to: 2);
        at: '1-plane + mask' put: (colorMap copyFrom: 1 to: 2);


    ^#('24x24' '16x16' '32x32')
! !

!ImageEditor class methodsFor:'help specs'!

    "return a dictionary filled with helpKey -> helptext associations.
     These are used by the activeHelp tool."

    UIHelpTool openOnClass:ImageEditor    

  ^ super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(

'Increases or reduces size of color map of the image.'

'Switches to mode drawing boxes.'

'Switches to mode copying areas.'

'Switches to mode filling areas around selected point.'

'Switches to mode drawing filled boxes.'

'Switches to mode pasting areas at selected point.'

'Switches to mode drawing points.'

'Flips horizontally the image.'

'Flips vertically the image.'

'Opens a dialog to magnify the image.'

'Convertes colors of image by negating them.'

'Opens a dialog to resize the image with preserving the old image.'

'Opens a dialog to rotate the image in degrees.'

'Undoes last action.'

'Opens the System Browser on the class and the selector.'

'Opens a dialog for selecting an image resource method.'

'Opens a dialog for opening the resource dialog on a superclass.'

'Opens a dialog for selecting an image file.'

'Opens a dialog with choices of size and color depth.'

'Print the image on a postscript printer.'

'Opens dialog to save the image on a file.'

'Saves the image on selected file name.'

'Opens dialog to save the mask of the image on a file.'

'Saves current image into selected class and selector.'

'Opens dialog to save the image on a class and a selector.'

'File name of the image.'

'Class implementing the image method.'

'Selector of the class returning the image.'

! !

!ImageEditor class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X MenuEditor"

    "do not manually edit this - the builder may not be able to
     handle the specification if its corrupted."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ImageEditor andSelector:#menu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ImageEditor menu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

                #'label:' 'About'
                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever #ImageEditor #icon)
                #'submenuChannel:' #menuAbout
                #'label:' 'File'
                #'translateLabel:' true
                          #'label:' 'New...'
                          #'value:' #newImage
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileNewImage
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Load From File...'
                          #'value:' #loadFromFile
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileLoadFromFile
                          #'label:' 'Load From Class...'
                          #'value:' #loadFromClass
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileLoadFromClass
                          #'label:' 'Load From Class With Superclass...'
                          #'translateLabel:' true
                          #'value:' #loadFromClassWithSuperclass
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileLoadFromClassWithSuperclass
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Save'
                          #'value:' #saveImageFile
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileSaveFile
                          #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' 'Save As...'
                          #'value:' #saveImageFileAs
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileSaveAs
                          #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' 'Save Mask As...'
                          #'value:' #saveImageMaskFileAs
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileSaveMaskAs
                          #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Save Method'
                          #'value:' #saveMethod
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileSaveMethod
                          #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' 'Save Method As...'
                          #'value:' #saveMethodAs
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileSaveMethodAs
                          #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Print'
                          #'value:' #print
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #filePrint
                          #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Browse Class'
                          #'value:' #browseClass
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileBrowseClass
                          #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Exit'
                          #'translateLabel:' true
                          #'value:' #closeRequest
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileExit
                    ) nil
                #'label:' 'Edit'
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' 'Undo'
                          #'value:' #undo
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #editUndo
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Flip - Vertical'
                          #'value:' #flipVertical
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #editFlipVertical
                          #'label:' 'Flip - Horizontal'
                          #'value:' #flipHorizontal
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #editFlipHorizontal
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Resize...'
                          #'value:' #resizeImage
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #editResize
                          #'label:' 'Magnify...'
                          #'value:' #magnifyImage
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #editMagnifyImage
                          #'label:' 'Rotate...'
                          #'value:' #rotateImage
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #editRotate
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' 'Negative'
                          #'value:' #negativeImage
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #editNegate
                    ) nil
                #'label:' 'Color Map'
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                          #'label:' '8-Plane'
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #colorMap
                          #'argument:' '8-plane'
                          #'indication:' #'colorMapMode:value:'
                          #'label:' '4-Plane'
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #colorMap
                          #'argument:' '4-plane'
                          #'indication:' #'colorMapMode:value:'
                          #'label:' '2-Plane'
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #colorMap
                          #'argument:' '2-plane'
                          #'indication:' #'colorMapMode:value:'
                          #'label:' '1-Plane'
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #colorMap
                          #'argument:' '1-plane'
                          #'indication:' #'colorMapMode:value:'
                          #'label:' '-'
                          #'label:' '8-Plane + Mask'
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #colorMap
                          #'argument:' '8-plane + mask'
                          #'indication:' #'colorMapMode:value:'
                          #'label:' '4-Plane + Mask'
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #colorMap
                          #'argument:' '4-plane + mask'
                          #'indication:' #'colorMapMode:value:'
                          #'label:' '2-Plane + Mask'
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #colorMap
                          #'argument:' '2-plane + mask'
                          #'indication:' #'colorMapMode:value:'
                          #'label:' '1-Plane + Mask'
                          #'activeHelpKey:' #colorMap
                          #'argument:' '1-plane + mask'
                          #'indication:' #'colorMapMode:value:'
                    ) nil
                #'label:' 'History'
                #'submenuChannel:' #menuHistory
                #'label:' 'Help'
                #'submenuChannel:' #menuHelp
          ) nil

    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X MenuEditor"

    "do not manually edit this - the builder may not be able to
     handle the specification if its corrupted."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ImageEditor andSelector:#menuColorAssignment
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ImageEditor menuColorAssignment)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

                #'label:' 'left'
                #'nameKey:' #leftMouseKeyButton
                #'argument:' '1'
                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #leftMouseKeyIcon)
                #'indication:' #'mouseKeyColorMode:value:'
                #'label:' 'right'
                #'nameKey:' #rightMouseKeyButton
                #'argument:' '2'
                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #rightMouseKeyIcon)
                #'indication:' #'mouseKeyColorMode:value:'
          ) nil

    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X MenuEditor"

    "do not manually edit this - the builder may not be able to
     handle the specification if its corrupted."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ImageEditor andSelector:#menuToolbar
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ImageEditor menuToolbar)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

                #'label:' 'newImage'
                #'isButton:' true
                #'value:' #newImage
                #'activeHelpKey:' #fileNewImage
                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #newImageIcon)
                #'label:' 'loadFromClass'
                #'isButton:' true
                #'value:' #loadFromClass
                #'activeHelpKey:' #fileLoadFromClass
                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #loadFromClassIcon)
                #'label:' 'loadFromFile'
                #'isButton:' true
                #'value:' #loadFromFile
                #'activeHelpKey:' #fileLoadFromFile
                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #loadFromFileIcon)
                #'label:' '-'
                #'label:' 'saveMethod'
                #'isButton:' true
                #'value:' #saveMethod
                #'activeHelpKey:' #fileSaveMethod
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #saveAsMethodIcon)
                #'label:' 'saveFile'
                #'isButton:' true
                #'value:' #saveImageFile
                #'activeHelpKey:' #fileSaveFile
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #saveIcon)
                #'label:' '-'
                #'label:' 'Point'
                #'activeHelpKey:' #drawModePoint
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                #'argument:' 'point'
                #'indication:' #'editMode:value:'
                #'label:' 'Box'
                #'activeHelpKey:' #drawModeBox
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                #'argument:' 'box'
                #'indication:' #'editMode:value:'
                #'label:' 'Filled Box'
                #'activeHelpKey:' #drawModeFilledBox
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                #'argument:' 'filledBox'
                #'indication:' #'editMode:value:'
                #'label:' 'Fill'
                #'activeHelpKey:' #drawModeFill
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                #'argument:' 'fill'
                #'indication:' #'editMode:value:'
                #'label:' 'Copy'
                #'activeHelpKey:' #drawModeCopy
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                #'argument:' 'copy'
                #'indication:' #'editMode:value:'
                #'label:' 'Paste'
                #'activeHelpKey:' #drawModePaste
                #'enabled:' #imageIsLoaded
                #'argument:' 'paste'
                #'indication:' #'editMode:value:'
          ) nil

    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"

    "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to
     handle the specification if its corrupted."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:ImageEditor andSelector:#windowSpec
     ImageEditor new openInterface:#windowSpec
    "ImageEditor open"

    <resource: #canvas>

              #'name:' 'Image Editor'
              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 230 0 403 0 729 0 748 0)
              #'label:' 'Image Editor'
              #'min:' #(#Point 400 320)
              #'max:' #(#Point 1152 900)
              #'bounds:' #(#Rectangle 230 403 730 749)
              #'menu:' #menu
              #'usePreferredExtent:' false
                    #'name:' 'menuToolbarView'
                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 32 0)
                    #'menu:' #menuToolbar
                    #'style:' #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman 10)
                    #'showSeparatingLines:' true
                    #'name:' 'variableHorizontalPanel1'
                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -22 1.0)
                              #'name:' 'view1'
                                        #'name:' 'framedBox1'
                                        #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 3 0.0 110 0 65 0)
                                                  #'name:' 'magnifyDownButton'
                                                  #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 13 0 20 0 35 0 42 0)
                                                  #'model:' #magnifyDown
                                                  #'enableChannel:' #imageIsLoaded
                                                  #'isTriggerOnDown:' true
                                                  #'direction:' #left
                                                  #'name:' 'magnifyUpButton'
                                                  #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 73 0 20 0 95 0 42 0)
                                                  #'model:' #magnifyUp
                                                  #'enableChannel:' #imageIsLoaded
                                                  #'isTriggerOnDown:' true
                                                  #'direction:' #right
                                                  #'name:' 'magnificationInputField'
                                                  #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 36 0 20 0.0 72 0 42 0)
                                                  #'enableChannel:' #imageIsLoaded
                                                  #'model:' #valueOfMagnification
                                                  #'type:' #number
                                                  #'acceptOnReturn:' false
                                                  #'acceptOnTab:' false
                                                  #'numChars:' 2
                                        #'label:' 'Magnification'
                                        #'labelPosition:' #topLeft
                                        #'style:' #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman 12)
                                        #'name:' 'framedBox2'
                                        #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 68 0 0 1.0 -66 1)
                                                  #'name:' 'colorDataSetView'
                                                  #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 11 0.0 19 0.0 20 1.0 -10 1.0)
                                                  #'model:' #selectionOfColor
                                                  #'style:' #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman 12)
                                                  #'hasHorizontalScrollBar:' true
                                                  #'hasVerticalScrollBar:' true
                                                  #'miniScrollerHorizontal:' true
                                                  #'miniScrollerVertical:' true
                                                  #'dataList:' #listOfColors
                                                  #'has3Dsepartors:' true
                                                  #'verticalSpacing:' 1
                                                        #'rendererType:' #rowSelector
                                                        #'backgroundSelector:' #yourself
                                                        #'label:' 'Red'
                                                        #'model:' #rowRedByte
                                                        #'canSelect:' false
                                                        #'label:' 'Green'
                                                        #'model:' #rowGreenByte
                                                        #'canSelect:' false
                                                        #'label:' 'Blue'
                                                        #'model:' #rowBlueByte
                                                        #'canSelect:' false
                                                  #'name:' 'menuColorAssignmentPanel'
                                                  #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 11 0 -10 1 18 1 17 1)
                                                  #'enableChannel:' #imageIsLoaded
                                                  #'menu:' #menuColorAssignment
                                                  #'style:' #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman 10)
                                        #'label:' 'Color Map'
                                        #'labelPosition:' #topLeft
                                        #'style:' #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman 12)
                                        #'name:' 'verticalPanelView1'
                                        #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 -68 1 83 0 0 1.0)
                                                  #'name:' 'classNameLabel'
                                                  #'label:' 'Class:'
                                                  #'adjust:' #right
                                                  #'extent:' #(#Point 82 21)
                                                  #'name:' 'selectorLabel'
                                                  #'label:' 'Selector:'
                                                  #'adjust:' #right
                                                  #'extent:' #(#Point 82 20)
                                                  #'name:' 'fileNameLabel'
                                                  #'label:' 'File Name:'
                                                  #'adjust:' #right
                                                  #'extent:' #(#Point 82 21)
                                        #'horizontalLayout:' #fit
                                        #'verticalLayout:' #fit
                                        #'horizontalSpace:' 3
                                        #'verticalSpace:' 3
                                        #'name:' 'verticalPanelView2'
                                        #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 85 0.0 -68 1 -6 1 0 1.0)
                                                  #'name:' 'resourceClassInputField'
                                                  #'activeHelpKey:' #inputFieldOfClass
                                                  #'model:' #valueOfResourceClass
                                                  #'immediateAccept:' false
                                                  #'extent:' #(#Point 129 21)
                                                  #'name:' 'resourceSelectorInputField'
                                                  #'activeHelpKey:' #inputFieldOfSelector
                                                  #'model:' #valueOfResourceSelector
                                                  #'immediateAccept:' false
                                                  #'acceptOnTab:' false
                                                  #'extent:' #(#Point 129 20)
                                                  #'name:' 'fileNameInputField'
                                                  #'activeHelpKey:' #inputFieldFileName
                                                  #'model:' #valueOfFileName
                                                  #'immediateAccept:' false
                                                  #'acceptOnTab:' false
                                                  #'extent:' #(#Point 129 21)
                                        #'horizontalLayout:' #fit
                                        #'verticalLayout:' #fit
                                        #'horizontalSpace:' 3
                                        #'verticalSpace:' 3
                                        #'name:' 'imagePreView'
                                        #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 111 0.0 9 0.0 -6 1 60 0)
                                        #'hasHorizontalScrollBar:' true
                                        #'hasVerticalScrollBar:' true
                                        #'miniScrollerHorizontal:' true
                                        #'miniScrollerVertical:' true
                                        #'component:' #ImageView
                                        #'hasBorder:' true
                              #'level:' -1
                              #'name:' 'view2'
                                        #'name:' 'imageEditView'
                                        #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 2 0.0 2 0.0 -2 1.0 1 1.0)
                                        #'hasHorizontalScrollBar:' true
                                        #'hasVerticalScrollBar:' true
                                        #'component:' #ImageEditView
                                        #'hasBorder:' false
                              #'level:' -1
                    #'handles:' #(#Any 0.45082 1.0)
                    #'name:' 'infoLabel'
                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -22 1 -170 1 0 1.0)
                    #'labelChannel:' #valueOfInfoLabel
                    #'level:' 1
                    #'adjust:' #left
                    #'name:' 'timeLabel'
                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame -80 1 -22 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                    #'labelChannel:' #valueOfTimeLabel
                    #'level:' 1
                    #'adjust:' #right
                    #'name:' 'coordLabel'
                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame -170 1 -22 1 -80 1 0 1.0)
                    #'labelChannel:' #valueOfCoordLabel
                    #'level:' 1
                    #'adjust:' #left

    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"

    "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to
     handle the specification if its corrupted."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:ImageEditor andSelector:#windowSpecForNewImage
     ImageEditor new openInterface:#windowSpecForNewImage

    <resource: #canvas>

              #'name:' 'New Image'
              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 194 0 152 0 461 0 248 0)
              #'label:' 'New Image'
              #'min:' #(#Point 10 10)
              #'max:' #(#Point 1152 900)
              #'bounds:' #(#Rectangle 194 152 462 249)
              #'usePreferredExtent:' false
                    #'name:' 'View'
                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -38 1.0)
                              #'name:' 'framedBox1'
                              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.4 55 0)
                                        #'name:' 'defaultSizesComboBox'
                                        #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 15 0.0 16 0.0 15 1.0 16 1.0)
                                        #'model:' #selectionOfSize
                                        #'type:' #string
                                        #'comboList:' #listOfDefaultSizes
                              #'label:' 'Size'
                              #'labelPosition:' #topLeft
                              #'style:' #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman 12)
                              #'name:' 'framedBox2'
                              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.4 1 0.0 -1 1.0 55 0)
                                        #'name:' 'colorMapComboBox'
                                        #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 15 0.0 16 0.0 15 1.0 16 1.0)
                                        #'model:' #selectionOfColorMap
                                        #'comboList:' #listOfColorMaps
                                        #'useIndex:' false
                              #'label:' 'Color Map'
                              #'labelPosition:' #topLeft
                              #'style:' #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman 12)
                    #'level:' 1
                    #'name:' 'horizontalPanelView1'
                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -38 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                              #'name:' 'actionButton2'
                              #'label:' 'Cancel'
                              #'model:' #cancel
                              #'extent:' #(#Point 100 22)
                              #'name:' 'actionButton1'
                              #'label:' 'OK'
                              #'model:' #accept
                              #'isDefault:' true
                              #'extent:' #(#Point 100 22)
                    #'horizontalLayout:' #center
                    #'verticalLayout:' #center
                    #'horizontalSpace:' 2
                    #'verticalSpace:' 1
! !

!ImageEditor class methodsFor:'resources'!

    "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#leftMouseKeyIcon"

    <resource: #image>
    ^(Depth2Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 69 0 0 161 69 0 0 161 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 21 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color black); add:(Color white); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); yourself)); mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[0 0 0 0 15 240 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 15 240 7 224 0 0]) ; yourself); yourself

    "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#loadFromClassIcon"

    <resource: #image>
    ^(Depth4Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(4 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 30 17 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 30 225 17 17 15 68 71 119 74 71 215 17 17 17 17 15 68 71 119 164 173 125 255 254 17 17 15 68 71 119 74 71 215 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 57 54 198 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 147 156 108 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 57 54 198 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 40 37 181 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 130 139 91 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 40 37 181 255 254 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 254 17 17 15 17 241 255 31 241 31 17 254 17 17 15 31 241 241 241 241 255 31 254 17 17 15 31 241 241 17 241 31 17 254 17 17 15 31 241 241 241 255 31 241 254 17 17 15 17 241 17 241 241 31 17 254 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 254 17 17 254 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9962 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:49.9962); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9962 blue:49.9962); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:49.9962 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:0.0 blue:49.9962); add:(Color grey:49.9962); add:(Color grey:66.9978); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[127 255 128 127 255 192 127 255 224 127 255 240 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248]) ; yourself); yourself!

    "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#loadFromFileIcon"

    <resource: #image>
    ^(Depth4Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(4 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 30 17 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 30 225 17 17 15 68 71 119 74 71 215 17 17 17 17 15 68 71 119 164 173 125 255 254 17 17 15 68 71 119 74 71 215 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 57 54 198 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 147 156 108 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 57 54 198 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 40 37 181 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 130 139 91 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 40 37 181 255 254 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 254 17 17 15 17 31 31 241 255 241 17 254 17 17 15 31 255 31 241 255 241 255 254 17 17 15 17 255 31 241 255 241 31 254 17 17 15 31 255 31 241 255 241 255 254 17 17 15 31 255 31 241 17 241 17 254 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 254 17 17 254 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9962 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:49.9962); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9962 blue:49.9962); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:49.9962 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:0.0 blue:49.9962); add:(Color grey:49.9962); add:(Color grey:66.9978); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[127 255 128 127 255 192 127 255 224 127 255 240 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248]) ; yourself); yourself!

    "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#newImageIcon"

    <resource: #image>
    ^(Depth4Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(4 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 30 17 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 30 225 17 17 15 68 71 119 74 71 215 17 17 17 17 15 68 71 119 164 173 125 255 254 17 17 15 68 71 119 74 71 215 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 57 54 198 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 147 156 108 255 254 17 17 15 51 54 102 57 54 198 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 40 37 181 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 130 139 91 255 254 17 17 15 34 37 85 40 37 181 255 254 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 254 17 17 15 31 241 241 17 241 241 241 254 17 17 15 17 241 241 255 241 241 241 254 17 17 15 17 17 241 31 241 241 241 254 17 17 15 31 17 241 255 241 241 241 254 17 17 15 31 241 241 17 255 31 31 254 17 17 15 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 254 17 17 254 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 238 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9962 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:49.9962); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9962 blue:49.9962); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:49.9962 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:0.0 blue:49.9962); add:(Color grey:49.9962); add:(Color grey:66.9978); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[127 255 128 127 255 192 127 255 224 127 255 240 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248 127 255 248]) ; yourself); yourself!

    "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#rightMouseKeyIcon"

    <resource: #image>
    ^(Depth2Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 138 0 0 82 138 0 0 82 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 85 85 0 0 21 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color black); add:(Color white); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); yourself)); mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[0 0 0 0 15 240 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 31 248 15 240 7 224 0 0]) ; yourself); yourself

    "ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#saveAsMethodIcon"

    <resource: #image>
    ^(Depth4Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(4 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 30 225 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 20 68 119 116 164 125 126 30 17 17 17 20 68 119 122 74 215 209 225 17 17 17 20 68 119 116 164 125 126 30 17 17 17 19 51 102 99 147 108 96 240 17 17 17 19 51 102 105 57 198 207 15 17 17 17 19 51 102 99 147 108 96 240 17 17 17 18 34 85 82 130 91 94 238 17 17 17 18 34 85 88 40 181 190 238 17 17 17 18 34 85 82 130 91 94 238]) ; colorMap:((OrderedCollection new add:(Color white); add:(Color black); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:100.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:100.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:100.0 green:0.0 blue:100.0); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:0.0 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9962 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:0.0 green:0.0 blue:49.9962); add:(Color red:0.0 green:49.9962 blue:49.9962); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:49.9962 blue:0.0); add:(Color red:49.9962 green:0.0 blue:49.9962); add:(Color grey:49.9962); add:(Color grey:66.9978); add:(Color black); yourself)); mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(#[0 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 35 51 128 36 74 64 36 74 64 19 50 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 255 252 1 255 252 1 255 252 1 255 252 1 255 252 1 255 252 1 255 252 1 255 252 1 255 252]) ; yourself); yourself! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'accessing'!


    ^self imageEditView image

postOpenAction: anAction

    postOpenAction := anAction
! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'accessing - views'!


    ^builder componentAt: #fileNameInputField


    ^(builder componentAt: #imageEditView) subViews first 


    ^(builder componentAt: #imagePreView) subViews first 


    ^builder componentAt: #resourceClassInputField


    ^builder componentAt: #resourceSelectorInputField
! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'aspects'!


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#imageIsLoaded) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#imageIsLoaded put:(holder :=  false asValue).
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#listOfColors) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#listOfColors put:(holder :=  List new).
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#selectionOfColor) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#selectionOfColor put:(
        holder := AspectAdaptor new subject:self; forAspect:#selectedColorIndex).
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfCoordLabel) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#valueOfCoordLabel put:(holder :=  ValueHolder new).
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfFileName) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#valueOfFileName put:(holder :=  '' asValue).
        holder addDependent: self
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfMagnification) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#valueOfMagnification put:(
        holder := AspectAdaptor new subject:self; forAspect:#magnification)
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfResourceClass) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#valueOfResourceClass put: (holder := '' asValue).
        holder addDependent: self
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfResourceSelector) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#valueOfResourceSelector put: (holder := '' asValue).
        holder addDependent: self
    ^ holder
! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'change & update'!

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    something == #value
        (changedObject = self valueOfResourceClass)
            |s what m|
            s := self resourceClassInputField contents withoutSpaces.
            what := Smalltalk classnameCompletion:s.
            self resourceClassInputField contents:what first.
            (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
                Display beep
        (changedObject = self valueOfResourceClass) | (changedObject = self valueOfResourceSelector)
            self loadFromMessage: self resourceClassInputField contents, ' ', self resourceSelectorInputField contents
        (changedObject = self valueOfFileName)
            self loadFromFile: self fileNameInputField contents

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'menu modes'!

colorMapMode: aMode

    ^colorMapMode = aMode

colorMapMode: aMode value: aValue

    |depth newColorMap newImage image newColors realColorMap oldFileName| 

    newColorMap := self class listOfColorMaps at: aMode.
    depth := (newColorMap size log: 2) asInteger. 
    newImage := (Image implementorForDepth: depth) new.  
    oldFileName := self image fileName.
    Object errorSignal handle:
        Object errorSignal handle:
            ^self warn: 'Convertation failed!!'
            self image colorsFromX:0 y:0 toX:(self image width-1) y:(self image height-1) do:
            [:x :y :clr |
                (newColorMap includes: clr)
                    ifTrue: [self image colorAtX:x y:y put:clr]
                    ifFalse: [self image colorAtX:x y:y put: self image colorMap first]
            image := newImage fromImage: self image.
        image := newImage fromImage: self image
    (String fromString: aMode) reverse readStream nextWord reverse = 'mask'
        image mask isNil
            image mask: (Depth1Image fromImage: (image asThresholdMonochromeImage: 0.1)). 
        image mask: nil.
    realColorMap := OrderedCollection new.
    image realColorMap do:
        (realColorMap includes: clr) ifFalse: [realColorMap add: clr]
    newColors := realColorMap copyFrom: 1 to: (newColorMap size min: realColorMap size).
    newColorMap do:
        ((newColors size < newColorMap size) and: [(newColors includes: clr) not]) 
            newColors add: clr
    image colorMap: newColors.
    colorMapMode := aMode.
    (self imageEditView image: image) notNil
        self image fileName: oldFileName.
        self listOfColors contents: image colorMap.
        self findColorMapMode.
        self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory.

editMode: aMode

    ^self imageEditView editMode = aMode

editMode: aMode value: aValue

    self imageEditView editMode: aMode

mouseKeyColorMode: aMode

    ^self imageEditView mouseKeyColorMode = aMode

mouseKeyColorMode: aMode value: aValue

    self imageEditView mouseKeyColorMode: aMode.

    self selectionOfColor value: (self listOfColors indexOf: self imageEditView selectedColor).
! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'private'!


    self image depth > 8 ifTrue: [colorMapMode := ''. self listOfColors removeAll. ^nil].
    colorMapMode := self image depth printString, '-plane'.
    self listOfColors isEmpty
         self colorMapMode: colorMapMode value: nil
    self imageEditView selectColor: (Array with: (self listOfColors at: 1) with: (self listOfColors at: 2)).
    self image mask notNil
        colorMapMode := colorMapMode, ' + mask'.
        self listOfColors addFirst: (Color basicNew setColorId:0).
        self imageEditView selectColor: (Array with: (self listOfColors at: 2) with: (self listOfColors at: 1)).
    self selectionOfColor value: 0.
    self selectionOfColor value: (self listOfColors indexOf: self imageEditView selectedColor).

sortColorColumn: aColumn



    self imageIsLoaded value: false.
    self listOfColors removeAll.
    self imagePreView image: nil



    self image colorMap isNil ifTrue: [usedColors := '?'] ifFalse: [usedColors := self image usedColors size].
    self valueOfInfoLabel value:
        self image width printString, 'x',
        self image height printString, 'x',
        (2 raisedTo: self image depth) printString,
        (self image mask notNil ifTrue: [' (mask + '] ifFalse: ['(']),
        usedColors printString,
        ' used colors)'



    self valueOfResourceSelector removeDependent: self.
    self valueOfResourceSelector value: self imageEditView resourceSelector.
    self valueOfResourceSelector addDependent: self.

    self valueOfResourceClass removeDependent: self.
    self imageEditView resourceClass notNil
        ifTrue: [self valueOfResourceClass value: self imageEditView resourceClass]
        ifFalse: [self valueOfResourceClass value: ''].
    self valueOfResourceClass addDependent: self.



    self imageIsLoaded value: self image notNil.

    self image isNil ifTrue: [^nil].

    self updateInfoLabel.
    self imageEditView coordInfoBlock: [:value| self valueOfCoordLabel value: value].

    self valueOfFileName removeDependent: self.
    self valueOfFileName value: self image fileName.
    self valueOfFileName addDependent: self.

    self updateInputFields.

    self imageEditView resourceMessage asCollectionOfWords size = 2
        ifTrue: [self addToHistory: self imageEditView resourceMessage -> #loadFromMessage:].

    self image fileName notNil
        ifTrue: [self addToHistory: self image fileName -> #loadFromFile:].

! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'selection'!


    (builder componentAt: #imageEditView) isNil ifTrue: [^1].
    ^self imageEditView magnification x

magnification: aValue

    magnification := aValue asInteger asPoint.
    (magnification = self imageEditView magnification) | (magnification = (0@0)) ifTrue: [^nil].
    self imageEditView magnification: magnification



selectedColorIndex: anIndex

    selectedColorIndex := anIndex.    
    self imageEditView selectedColor: (self listOfColors at: anIndex ifAbsent: [^nil])

! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'startup / release'!


    self imageEditView checkModified ifTrue:[super closeRequest]



    super open.

    self imageEditView masterApplication: self.

    self resourceClassInputField entryCompletionBlock:
        what := Smalltalk classnameCompletion: value withoutSpaces.
        self resourceClassInputField contents:what first.
        (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            Display beep


    self imageEditView masterApplication: self.
    postOpenAction notNil ifTrue: [postOpenAction value].
    super postOpenWith:aBuilder.


    self imageEditView checkModified ifTrue:[super reOpen]

! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'user actions - editing'!


    SystemBrowser openInClass: (Smalltalk at: self imageEditView resourceClass ifAbsent: [^nil]) class selector: self imageEditView resourceSelector


    self imageEditView flipHorizontal


    self imageEditView flipVertical


    self valueOfMagnification value > 1
        self valueOfMagnification value: self valueOfMagnification value - 1


    self imageEditView magnifyImage.   
    self updateInfoLabel


    self valueOfMagnification value < 99
        self valueOfMagnification value: self valueOfMagnification value + 1


    self imageEditView negativeImage.
    self listOfColors removeAll.
    self findColorMapMode.     


    self imageEditView resizeImage.   
    self updateInfoLabel


    self imageEditView rotateImage.
    self updateInfoLabel


    self imageEditView undo
! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'user actions - loading'!


    self loadFromInClassesOf: #Object.


    box := EnterBox new.
    box title:'Name of superclass:'.
    box okText:'OK'.
    box abortText:'Cancel'.
    box initialText: 'ApplicationModel'.
    box showAtPointer.
    box accepted
        self loadFromInClassesOf: box contents asSymbol



    self loadFromFile:
            request: 'Load Image From' 
            fileFilters: FileSelectionBrowser loadImageFileNameFilters)

loadFromFile: aFileName

    (self imageEditView loadFromFile: aFileName) notNil
        self image notNil
            self image colorMap notNil
                self listOfColors contents: self image usedColors asSet.
                self listOfColors removeAll.
            self findColorMapMode.     
            self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory.
            self updateForNoneImage

loadFromImage: image

    self imageEditView image: image.
    self image notNil
        self image colorMap notNil
            self listOfColors contents: self image usedColors asSet asOrderedCollection.
            self listOfColors removeAll.
        self findColorMapMode.
        self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory.
        self updateForNoneImage

loadFromInClassesOf: aSuperclassOrSymbol

    (self imageEditView loadFromInClassesOf: aSuperclassOrSymbol) notNil
        self image notNil
            self listOfColors contents: self image usedColors asSet asOrderedCollection.
            self findColorMapMode.
            self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory.
            self updateForNoneImage

loadFromMessage: aMessage

    (self imageEditView loadFromMessage: aMessage) notNil
        self image notNil
            self listOfColors contents: self image usedColors asSet asOrderedCollection.
            self findColorMapMode.
            self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory.
            self updateForNoneImage

loadFromOrPrepareForMessage: aMessage

    (self imageEditView loadFromMessage: aMessage) notNil
        self listOfColors contents: self image usedColors asSet asOrderedCollection.
        self findColorMapMode.
        self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory.
        self imageEditView resourceMessage: aMessage.
        self updateInputFields.


    aspects  := IdentityDictionary new
        at:#listOfSizes put: self class listOfDefaultSizes asValue;
        at:#listOfColorMaps put: self class listOfColorMaps keys asSortedCollection asValue;
        at:#selectionOfSize put: self class listOfDefaultSizes first copy asValue;
        at:#selectionOfColorMap put: self class listOfColorMaps keys asSortedCollection first asValue;

    (self openDialogInterface:#windowSpecForNewImage withBindings:aspects)
        |width height cMap imageClass image|
        width := 128 min: (Integer readFromString: ((aspects at:#selectionOfSize) value upTo: $x) onError:[24]).
        height := 128 min: (Integer readFromString: ((aspects at:#selectionOfSize) value copy reverse upTo: $x) reverse onError:[24]).

        cMap := (self class listOfColorMaps at: (colorMapMode := (aspects at:#selectionOfColorMap) value)).
        imageClass := Image implementorForDepth: ((cMap size log: 2) asInteger).
        image := imageClass width: width height: height fromArray: (ByteArray new: width*height).

        (colorMapMode copy reverse readStream nextWord reverse = 'mask')
            image mask: (Depth1Image width: width height: height depth: 1 fromArray: (ByteArray new: width*height)) clearMaskedPixels.
        image colorMap: cMap.
        image fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height with:Color white.
        (self imageEditView image: image) notNil
            self listOfColors contents: cMap.
            self findColorMapMode.
            self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory
! !

!ImageEditor methodsFor:'user actions - saving'!


    self imageEditView print


    self imageEditView saveImageFileAs: self fileNameInputField contents


    self imageEditView saveImageFileAs.
    self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory


    self imageEditView saveImageMaskFileAs


    (self imageEditView 
        resourceSelector: self resourceSelectorInputField contents;
        resourceClass: self resourceClassInputField contents;
        saveMethod) notNil
        self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory


    self imageEditView saveMethodAs notNil
        self updateInputFieldsAndLabelsAndHistory
! !

!ImageEditor class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !