author Claus Gittinger <>
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 13:17:22 +0200
changeset 1417 28d6026fe30c
parent 1416 eec0911414fe
child 1419 f808d17ff6f5
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

'From Smalltalk/X, Version:4.1.1 on 24-Okt-2000 at 12:50:47'                    !

"{ Package: 'cg:private' }"

Object subclass:#SnapShotImageMemory
	instanceVariableNames:'image stream msb ptrSize intSize intTag spaceInfos symbolEntries
		globalEntries addrToObjectMapping'

Object subclass:#ImageHeader
	instanceVariableNames:'memory classRef bits byteSize'

Object subclass:#SpaceInfo
	instanceVariableNames:'start end size flags imageBase'

SnapShotImageMemory::ImageHeader variableSubclass:#ImageObject

SnapShotImageMemory::ImageObject variableSubclass:#ImageClassObject

SnapShotImageMemory::ImageHeader variableByteSubclass:#ImageByteObject

!SnapShotImageMemory class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ self new for:aFilename
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory class methodsFor:'private'!

    ^ anOOP == 0

    ^ (anOOP bitTest:1) not

    ^ anOOP bitTest:1
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'globalEntries' (automatically generated)"

    ^ globalEntries!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'globalEntries' (automatically generated)"

    globalEntries := something.!


    ^ image


    image := something.

    "return the value of the instance variable 'ptrSize' (automatically generated)"

    ^ ptrSize!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'ptrSize' (automatically generated)"

    ptrSize := something.! !

!SnapShotImageMemory methodsFor:'object access'!

    |byte imgAddr|

    imgAddr := self imageAddressOf:addr.
    stream position:imgAddr.
    byte := stream next.
    ^ byte

    |addr classPtr size bits o classRef nInsts|

    (baseAddr bitAnd:3) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[self halt].

    o := addrToObjectMapping at:baseAddr ifAbsent:nil.
    o notNil ifTrue:[^ o].

    addr := baseAddr.
    classPtr := self fetchPointerAt:addr.
    addr := addr + ptrSize.
    size := self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr.
    addr := addr + ptrSize.
    bits := self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr.
    addr := addr + ptrSize.

    nInsts := (size - (intSize *3)) // intSize.
    o := ImageClassObject new:nInsts.
    addrToObjectMapping at:baseAddr put:o.

    (self class isPointerOOP:classPtr) ifFalse:[
        self halt

    classRef := self fetchClassObjectAt:classPtr.

    o classRef:classRef.
size > 8000 ifTrue:[self halt].
    o byteSize:size.
    o bits:bits.

    1 to:nInsts do:[:idx |
        o at:idx put:(self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr).
"/        o at:idx put:(self fetchObjectAt:(self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr)).
        addr := addr + ptrSize.
    o memory:self.
    ^ o

    |addr classPtr classRef size bits o nBytes nInsts flags imgAddr|

    baseAddr == 0 ifTrue:[^ nil].
    (baseAddr bitAnd:1) == 1 ifTrue:[(baseAddr bitTest:16r80000000) ifTrue:[
                                         ^ (baseAddr - 16r100000000) bitShift32:-1
                                     ] ifFalse:[   
                                         ^ baseAddr bitShift32:-1
    (baseAddr bitAnd:3) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[self halt].

    o := addrToObjectMapping at:baseAddr ifAbsent:nil.
    o notNil ifTrue:[^ o].

    addr := baseAddr.
    classPtr := self fetchPointerAt:addr.
    addr := addr + ptrSize.
    size := self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr.
    addr := addr + ptrSize.
    bits := self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr.
    addr := addr + ptrSize.

    (self class isPointerOOP:classPtr) ifFalse:[
        self halt

    classRef := self fetchClassObjectAt:classPtr.

    flags := classRef flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType.
    (flags = Behavior flagBytes) ifTrue:[ 
        nBytes := (size - (intSize * 3)).
        o := ImageByteObject new:nBytes.
        o classRef:classRef.
size > 8000 ifTrue:[self halt].
        o byteSize:size.
        o bits:bits.

        imgAddr := self imageAddressOf:addr.
        stream position:imgAddr.

        1 to:nBytes do:[:idx |
            o at:idx put:(stream next).
            addr := addr + 1.

"/Transcript show:'#'.
"/Transcript show:((ByteArray new:nBytes-1) replaceFrom:1 to:nBytes-1 with:o startingAt:1) asString.
"/Transcript cr.

    ] ifFalse:[
        (flags = Behavior flagNotIndexed) ifFalse:[ 
            (flags ~= Behavior flagPointers) ifTrue:[
                (flags ~= Behavior flagWeakPointers) ifTrue:[
                    self halt 

        nInsts := (size - (intSize * 3)) // intSize.
        (classRef flags bitTest:Behavior flagBehavior)
        "/ classRef isImageBehavior 
            o := ImageClassObject new:nInsts.
        ] ifFalse:[
            o := ImageObject new:nInsts.
        o classRef:classRef.
size > 8000 ifTrue:[self halt].
        o byteSize:size.
        o bits:bits.
        addrToObjectMapping at:baseAddr put:o.

        1 to:nInsts do:[:idx |
            o at:idx put:(self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr).
"/            o at:idx put:(self fetchObjectAt:(self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr)).
            addr := addr + ptrSize.
    o memory:self.
    ^ o

    ^ self fetchUnboxedIntegerAt:addr

    |ptr imgAddr|

    (addr bitAnd:3) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[self halt].

    imgAddr := self imageAddressOf:addr.
    stream position:imgAddr.
    ptr := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
    ^ ptr

    spaceInfos do:[:eachSpace |
        |byte imgAddr|

        addr >= eachSpace start ifTrue:[
            addr <= eachSpace end ifTrue:[
                imgAddr := eachSpace imageBase + (addr - eachSpace start).
                ^ imgAddr
    self halt:'image address error'.
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory methodsFor:'private'!

    self allGlobalKeysDo:[:eachKey |

        val := self at:eachKey.
        val isBehavior ifTrue:[
            aBlock value:val
        ] ifFalse:[
            self halt.

    globalEntries isNil ifTrue:[
        self readHeader.
        self readGlobals.


    (aStringRef isImageBytes) ifFalse:[self halt].

    nBytes := aStringRef byteSize - (intSize * 3).
    ^ ((ByteArray new:nBytes-1) replaceFrom:1 to:nBytes-1 with:aStringRef startingAt:1) asString.

    stream := aFilename asFilename readStream binary.
    addrToObjectMapping := IdentityDictionary new.

    addrToObjectMapping at:(ObjectMemory addressOf:false) put:false.
    addrToObjectMapping at:(ObjectMemory addressOf:true) put:true.


    (aClassRef isImageBehavior) ifFalse:[self halt].
    ((aClassRef byteSize // intSize) - 3) < Class instSize ifTrue:[self halt.].

    nameSlot := aClassRef at:7.
    nameSlot isInteger ifTrue:[
        nameSlot := self fetchObjectAt:nameSlot
    nameSlot isImageSymbol ifFalse:[self halt].
    ^ 'Class: ' , (self printStringOfSymbol:nameSlot)

    |s nBytes|

    anObjectRef isNil ifTrue:[^ 'nil'].
    (anObjectRef isInteger) ifTrue:[^ anObjectRef printString].
    (anObjectRef == true ) ifTrue:[^ anObjectRef printString].
    (anObjectRef == false) ifTrue:[^ anObjectRef printString].

    (anObjectRef isImageSymbol) ifTrue:[^ self printStringOfSymbol:anObjectRef].
    (anObjectRef isImageBehavior) ifTrue:[^ self printStringOfClass:anObjectRef].

    ^ 'obj(' , anObjectRef printString , ')'


    (aStringRef isString) ifFalse:[self halt].
    ^ self fetchStringFor:aStringRef.


    (aSymbolRef isImageSymbol) ifFalse:[self halt].
^ self fetchStringFor:aSymbolRef.
"/    nBytes := aSymbolRef size - (intSize * 3).
"/    ^ ((ByteArray new:nBytes-1) replaceFrom:1 to:nBytes-1 with:aSymbolRef startingAt:1) asString.

        |refPointer theSymbolPtr theSymbolRef theValuePtr theValueRef pos|

        globalEntries := OrderedCollection new.
            refPointer := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            theSymbolPtr := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            theValuePtr := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            theSymbolPtr ~~ 0
        ] whileTrue:[
            globalEntries add:(theSymbolPtr -> theValuePtr).
        globalEntries := globalEntries asArray.

"/ globalEntries inspect.
        pos := stream position.
        globalEntries do:[:item |
            theSymbolPtr := item key.
            theValuePtr := item value.
            theSymbolRef := self fetchObjectAt:theSymbolPtr.

"/            Transcript show:(self printStringOfSymbol:theSymbolRef).
"/            Transcript show:'->'.

            theValueRef := self fetchObjectAt:theValuePtr.
"/            Transcript show:(self printStringOfObject:theValueRef).
"/            Transcript cr.

            item key:theSymbolRef.
            item value:theValueRef.
        stream position:pos.

         (self for:'stmeas.img') readHeader

        |order magic version timeStamp snapID last_util_addr hiText_addr flags 
         lowData hiData charSlots charTableSlots fixMemStart fixMemEnd 
         symMemStart symMemEnd vmDataAddr sharedMethodCode sharedBlockCode 
         nContexts contextSpace nRegistered symbolsSeqNr nSpaces 
         classNameSize spaceSize|

        stream next:256.        "/ skip execCmd

        msb := false.
        order := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.        
        order = 16r076543210 ifTrue:[
        ] ifFalse:[
            order = 16r01234567 ifTrue:[
                msb := true.
            ] ifFalse:[
                self error:'unhandled byteorder'
        magic := (stream next:8) asString.
        magic ~= 'ST/X-IMG' ifTrue:[
            self error:'not an st/x image'
        version := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.        
        timeStamp := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.        
        ptrSize := stream nextByte.        
        ptrSize ~~ 4 ifTrue:[
            self error:'unhandled ptr format'
        stream next:7.    "/ filler    
        intSize := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.        
        intSize == 9 ifTrue:[
            intSize := 4.
            intTag := 1.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self error:'unhandled int format'
        snapID := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.        
        last_util_addr := stream next:intSize.        
        hiText_addr := stream next:intSize.        
        flags := stream next:intSize.        
        stream next:8.    "/ info, debug & filler    

        lowData := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
        hiData := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.

        charSlots := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
        charTableSlots := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.

        version >= 8 ifTrue:[
            fixMemStart := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            fixMemEnd := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            symMemStart := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            symMemEnd := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            vmDataAddr := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
        stream next:(128 * intSize).    "/ skip sharedMethodCode ptrs
        stream next:(128 * intSize).    "/ skip sharedBlockCode ptrs

        nContexts := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
        contextSpace := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
        nRegistered := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.

        version >= 8 ifTrue:[
            version >= 9 ifTrue:[
                symbolsSeqNr := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
                stream next:(intSize * 31).
            ] ifFalse:[
                stream next:(intSize * 32).

        nSpaces := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
        spaceInfos := (1 to:nSpaces) collect:[:idx | SpaceInfo new].
        1 to:nSpaces do:[:i |
            (spaceInfos at:i) flags:(stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb).
        nSpaces+1 to:32 do:[:i | stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb].

        1 to:nSpaces do:[:i |
            (spaceInfos at:i) start:(stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb).
        nSpaces+1 to:32 do:[:i | stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb].

        1 to:nSpaces do:[:i |
            (spaceInfos at:i) size:(stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb).
        nSpaces+1 to:32 do:[:i | stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb].

        version >= 8 ifTrue:[
            stream position:(stream class zeroPosition).
            stream skip:4096.

        1 to:nSpaces do:[:i |
            (spaceInfos at:i) end:((spaceInfos at:i) start + (spaceInfos at:i) size - 1).
        1 to:nSpaces do:[:i |
            (spaceInfos at:i) imageBase:(stream position).
            spaceSize := (spaceInfos at:i) size.
            stream skip:spaceSize.

        "/ registration

        self readRegistrationEntries.
        Transcript showCR:'reading symbols...'.
        self readSymbolEntries.
        self readUGlobalEntries.
        Transcript showCR:'reading globals...'.
        self readGlobalEntries.

"/struct basicImageHeader {
"/        char            h_execCmd[256];
"/        int             h_orderWord;
"/        char            h_magic[8];
"/        int             h_version;
"/        int             h_timeStamp;
"/        char            h_ptrSize;
"/        char            h_filler1[7];
"/        int             h_intSize;
"/        int             h_snapID;
"/        INT             h_last_util_addr;
"/        INT             h_hiText_addr;
"/        INT             h_flags;
"/        char            h_infoPrinting;
"/        char            h_debugPrinting;
"/        char            h_filler2[6];
"/        /*
"/         * these are to verify compatibility of the image with
"/         * myself ...
"/         * this is now obsolete.
"/         */
"/        INT             h_lowData, h_hiData;
"/        /*
"/         * base address of character- and characterTable slots
"/         */
"/        INT             h_charSlots;
"/        INT             h_charTableSlots;
"/        /*
"/         * the fixBase (VMDATA address)
"/         */
"/        INT             h_fixMemStart;
"/        INT             h_fixMemEnd;
"/        INT             h_symMemStart;
"/        INT             h_symMemEnd;
"/        INT             h_vmDataAddr;
"/        INT             h_sharedMethodCode[128];
"/        INT             h_sharedBlockCode[128];
"/        /*      
"/         * space needed to restore contexts
"/         */
"/        INT             h_nContexts;
"/        INT             h_contextSpace;
"/        /*
"/         * number of class registration info records
"/         */
"/        INT             h_nRegistered;
"/        /*
"/         * reserved slots, for future versions
"/         * (can add additional info, without affecting position of following stuff)
"/         * If you add slots, you MUST DECREMENT the fillcount.
"/         */
"/# if HEADER_VERSION >= 9
"/        INT             h_symbolsSeqNr;
"/        INT             h_reserved[31];
"/# else
"/        INT             h_reserved[32];
"/# endif
"/        /*
"/         * number of spaces, base and size of each
"/         */
"/        INT             h_nSpaces;
"/        INT             h_spaceFlags[MAXSPACES];
"/        INT             h_spaceBase[MAXSPACES];
"/        INT             h_spaceSize[MAXSPACES];
"/        /*
"/         * here come nSpaces object spaces
"/         */
"/        /*
"/         * here comes registration info
"/         */
"/        /*
"/         * here come nSymbols symbolEntries
"/         * followed by a zero/zero entry
"/         */
"/        /*
"/         * here come nGlobal globalEntries
"/         * followed by a zero/zero entry
"/         */
"/        /*
"/         * here come nUnnamedGlobal globalEntries
"/         * followed by a zero/zero entry
"/         */
"/        /*
"/         * here come stack contexts
"/         */


            classNameSize := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            classNameSize ~~ 0
        ] whileTrue:[
            |className flags moduleTimestamp signature nMethods nBlocks oldLitRefs nLitRefs
             oldConstTable nConsts|

            className := (stream next:classNameSize) asString.
            stream next. "/ 0-byte
            flags := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            moduleTimestamp := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.   
            signature := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.   
            nMethods := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.   
            nMethods timesRepeat:[ stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb ].
            nBlocks := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.   
            nBlocks timesRepeat:[ stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb ].
            oldLitRefs := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.  
            nLitRefs := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            nLitRefs timesRepeat:[ stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb ].
            stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb. "/ 0-litRef
            oldConstTable := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.  
            nConsts := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            nConsts timesRepeat:[ stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb ].

            Transcript showCR:className.

        |refPointer theSymbolPtr theSymbolRef pos|

        symbolEntries := OrderedCollection new.

            refPointer := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            theSymbolPtr := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            theSymbolPtr ~~ 0
        ] whileTrue:[
            symbolEntries add:theSymbolPtr.
        symbolEntries := symbolEntries asArray.

        pos := stream position.
        symbolEntries := symbolEntries collect:[:theSymbolPtr |
            theSymbolRef := self fetchObjectAt:theSymbolPtr.
            theSymbolRef isImageSymbol ifFalse:[
                self halt
        stream position:pos

        |refPointer theValue|

            refPointer := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            theValue := stream nextUnsignedLongMSB:msb.
            refPointer ~~ 0
        ] whileTrue
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory::ImageHeader methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'bits' (automatically generated)"

    ^ bits!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'bits' (automatically generated)"

    bits := something.!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'size' (automatically generated)"

    ^ byteSize

    "set the value of the instance variable 'size' (automatically generated)"

something > 8000 ifTrue:[self halt].
    byteSize := something.

    "return the value of the instance variable 'classRef' (automatically generated)"

    ^ classRef!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'classRef' (automatically generated)"

    classRef := something.!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'memory' (automatically generated)"

    ^ memory!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'memory' (automatically generated)"

    memory := something.! !

!SnapShotImageMemory::ImageHeader methodsFor:'queries'!

    |categoryPtr categoryRef category|

    self isMethodOrLazyMethod ifTrue:[
        categoryPtr := self at:6.
        categoryRef := memory fetchObjectAt:categoryPtr.
        category := memory fetchStringFor:categoryRef.
        ^ category
self halt.


    flags := classRef flags.
    ^ flags bitTest:Behavior flagBehavior  


    flags := classRef flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType.
    ^ flags = Behavior flagBytes 


    flags := classRef flags.
    ^ flags bitTest:Behavior flagMethod 


    flags := classRef flags.
    ^ flags bitTest:Behavior flagSymbol 

    ^ false

    ^ classRef name = 'Method'

    ^ classRef name = 'MethodDictionary'

    classRef name = 'LazyMethod' ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ classRef name = 'Method'

    ^ classRef name = 'String'
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory::SpaceInfo methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'end' (automatically generated)"

    ^ end!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'end' (automatically generated)"

    end := something.!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'flags' (automatically generated)"

    ^ flags!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'flags' (automatically generated)"

    flags := something.!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'imageBase' (automatically generated)"

    ^ imageBase!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'imageBase' (automatically generated)"

    imageBase := something.!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'size' (automatically generated)"

    ^ size!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'size' (automatically generated)"

    size := something.!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'start' (automatically generated)"

    ^ start!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'start' (automatically generated)"

    start := something.! !

!SnapShotImageMemory::ImageObject methodsFor:'object protocol'!

at:aSelector ifAbsent:exceptionValue
    |symPtr symRef mthdPtr mthdRef s|

    self isMethodDictionary ifTrue:[
        1 to:self size by:2 do:[:idx |
            symPtr := self at:idx.
            symRef := memory fetchObjectAt:symPtr.
            symRef isImageSymbol ifFalse:[self halt].
            s := memory fetchStringFor:symRef.
            mthdPtr := self at:idx + 1.
            mthdRef := memory fetchObjectAt:mthdPtr.
            ^ mthdRef.
    ^ exceptionValue value

    |mthdPtr mthdRef|

    self isMethodDictionary ifTrue:[
        2 to:self size by:2 do:[:idx |
            mthdPtr := self at:idx.
            mthdRef := memory fetchObjectAt:mthdPtr.
            aBlock value:mthdRef.

    ^ false

    |symPtr symRef mthdPtr mthdRef s|

    self isMethodDictionary ifTrue:[
        1 to:self size by:2 do:[:idx |
            symPtr := self at:idx.
            symRef := memory fetchObjectAt:symPtr.
            symRef isImageSymbol ifFalse:[self halt].
            s := memory fetchStringFor:symRef.
            mthdPtr := self at:idx + 1.
            mthdRef := memory fetchObjectAt:mthdPtr.
            aBlock value:s asSymbol value:mthdRef.

    ^ selector

    ^ nil

    |sourcePosition source aStream junk|

    self isMethod ifTrue:[
        sourcePosition := self at:(Method instVarOffsetOf:'sourcePosition').
        source := self at:(Method instVarOffsetOf:'source').
        source := memory fetchObjectAt:source.
        source isString ifFalse:[
            self halt.
        source := memory printStringOfString:source.
        sourcePosition isNil ifTrue:[
            self halt.
            ^ source
        sourcePosition := memory fetchObjectAt:sourcePosition.

        aStream := self sourceStream.
        aStream notNil ifTrue:[
            Stream positionErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
                ^ nil
            ] do:[
                aStream position:sourcePosition abs.
            junk := aStream nextChunk.

            aStream close.
            ^ junk
    self halt.

    |sourcePosition source aStream fileName junk who 
     myClass mgr className sep dir mod package|

    self isMethod ifTrue:[
        sourcePosition := self at:(Method instVarOffsetOf:'sourcePosition').
        source := self at:(Method instVarOffsetOf:'source').
        source := memory fetchObjectAt:source.
        source isString ifTrue:[
            source := memory printStringOfString:source.
        sourcePosition notNil ifTrue:[
            sourcePosition := memory fetchObjectAt:sourcePosition.

        source isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
        sourcePosition isNil ifTrue:[^ source readStream].

        sourcePosition < 0 ifTrue:[
            aStream := source asFilename readStream.
            aStream notNil ifTrue:[
                ^ aStream

            fileName := Smalltalk getSourceFileName:source.
            fileName notNil ifTrue:[
                aStream := fileName asFilename readStream.
                aStream notNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ aStream

        "/ if there is no SourceManager, look in local standard places first
        (mgr := Smalltalk at:#SourceCodeManager) isNil ifTrue:[
            aStream := self localSourceStream.
            aStream notNil ifTrue:[
                ^ aStream

        "/ nope - ask my class for the source (this also invokes the SCMgr)
        myClass := self mclass.

        package := self package.
        (package notNil and:[package ~= myClass package]) ifTrue:[
            mgr notNil ifTrue:[
                "/ try to get the source using my package information ...
                sep := package indexOfAny:'/\:'.
                sep ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    mod := package copyTo:sep - 1.
                    dir := package copyFrom:sep + 1.
                    aStream := mgr streamForClass:nil fileName:source revision:nil directory:dir module:mod cache:true.
                    aStream notNil ifTrue:[
                        ^ aStream

        aStream := myClass sourceStreamFor:source.
        aStream notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ aStream

        "/ nope - look in standard places 
        "/ (if there is a source-code manager - otherwise, we already did that)
        mgr notNil ifTrue:[
            aStream := self localSourceStream.
            aStream notNil ifTrue:[
                ^ aStream

        "/ final chance: try current directory
        aStream isNil ifTrue:[
            aStream := source asFilename readStream.
            aStream notNil ifTrue:[
                ^ aStream

        (who isNil and:[source notNil]) ifTrue:[
            "/ mhmh - seems to be a method which used to be in some
            "/ class, but has been overwritten by another or removed.
            "/ (i.e. it has no containing class anyMore)
            "/ try to guess the class from the sourceFileName.
            "/ and retry.
            className := Smalltalk classNameForFile:source.
            className knownAsSymbol ifTrue:[
                myClass := Smalltalk at:className asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
                myClass notNil ifTrue:[
                    aStream := myClass sourceStreamFor:source.
                    aStream notNil ifTrue:[
                        ^ aStream

        ^ nil
    self halt.
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory::ImageClassObject methodsFor:'accessing - slots'!

    |categoryRef category|

    categoryRef := self categorySlot.
    categoryRef isInteger ifTrue:[
        categoryRef := memory fetchObjectAt:categoryRef.
    categoryRef notNil ifTrue:[
        category := memory fetchStringFor:categoryRef.
    ^ category

    ^ self at:8

    ^ self at:12

    |classVarNamesRef classVarNames s|

    classVarNamesRef := self classVarsSlot.
    classVarNamesRef isInteger ifTrue:[
        classVarNamesRef := memory fetchObjectAt:classVarNamesRef.
    classVarNamesRef notNil ifTrue:[
        classVarNamesRef isImageBytes ifTrue:[
            "/ a string
            classVarNames := memory fetchStringFor:classVarNamesRef.
            classVarNames := classVarNames asCollectionOfWords.
        ] ifFalse:[
            classVarNames := Array new:(classVarNamesRef size).
            1 to:classVarNames size do:[:idx |
                s := classVarNamesRef at:idx.
                s := memory fetchObjectAt:s.
                s isImageBytes ifFalse:[self halt].
                s := memory fetchStringFor:s.
                classVarNames at:idx put:s.
    ^ classVarNames

    ^ self at:9

    |commentRef comment|

    commentRef := self commentSlot.
    commentRef isInteger ifTrue:[
        commentRef := memory fetchObjectAt:commentRef.
    commentRef notNil ifTrue:[
        comment := memory fetchStringFor:commentRef.
    ^ comment

    ^ self at:10


    flags := self flagsSlot.

    (SnapShotImageMemory isSmallIntegerOOP:flags) ifFalse:[
        self halt
    ^ flags bitShift:-1.

    ^ self at:2

    ^ self at:5

    |instVarNamesRef instVarNames s|

    instVarNamesRef := self instVarsSlot.
    instVarNamesRef isInteger ifTrue:[
        instVarNamesRef := memory fetchObjectAt:instVarNamesRef.
    instVarNamesRef notNil ifTrue:[
        instVarNamesRef isImageBytes ifTrue:[
            "/ a string
            instVarNames := memory fetchStringFor:instVarNamesRef.
            instVarNames := instVarNames asCollectionOfWords.
        ] ifFalse:[
            instVarNames := Array new:(instVarNamesRef size).
            1 to:instVarNames size do:[:idx |
                s := instVarNamesRef at:idx.
                s := memory fetchObjectAt:s.
                s isImageBytes ifFalse:[self halt].
                s := memory fetchStringFor:s.
                instVarNames at:idx put:s.
    ^ instVarNames

    ^ self at:6

    |methodDictionaryRef methodDictionary|

    methodDictionaryRef := self methodDictionarySlot.
    methodDictionaryRef isInteger ifTrue:[
        methodDictionaryRef == 0 ifTrue:[^ nil].
        methodDictionary := memory fetchObjectAt:methodDictionaryRef.
    ^ methodDictionary

    ^ self at:3

    |nameRef name|

    nameRef := self nameSlot.
    nameRef isInteger ifTrue:[
        nameRef := memory fetchObjectAt:nameRef.
    nameRef notNil ifTrue:[
        name := memory fetchStringFor:nameRef.
    nameRef notNil ifTrue:[
        name := name asSymbol.
    ^ name

    ^ self at:7

    ^ self at:13

    ^ self at:14

    |superClassRef superClass|

    superClassRef := self superclassSlot.
    superClassRef isInteger ifTrue:[
        superClass := memory fetchObjectAt:superClassRef.
    ^ superClass

    ^ self at:1
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory::ImageClassObject methodsFor:'class protocol'!

basicFileOutDefinitionOn:aStream withNameSpace:forceNameSpace withPackage:showPackage
    "append an expression on aStream, which defines myself."

    |s owner ns nsName fullName superName cls topOwner
     syntaxHilighting superclass category|

    superclass := self superclass.
    category := self category.

    UserPreferences isNil ifTrue:[
        syntaxHilighting := false
    ] ifFalse:[
        syntaxHilighting := UserPreferences current syntaxColoring.

    owner := self owningClass.

    owner isNil ifTrue:[
        ns := self nameSpace.
    ] ifFalse:[
        ns := self topOwningClass nameSpace
    fullName := Class fileOutNameSpaceQuerySignal query == true.

    (showPackage and:[owner isNil]) ifTrue:[
        aStream nextPutAll:'"{ Package: '''.
        aStream nextPutAll:self package asString.
        aStream nextPutAll:''' }"'; cr; cr.

    ((owner isNil and:[fullName not])
    or:[owner notNil and:[forceNameSpace and:[fullName not]]]) ifTrue:[
        (ns notNil and:[ns ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
            nsName := ns name.
            (nsName includes:$:) ifTrue:[
                nsName := '''' , nsName , ''''
"/            aStream nextPutLine:'"{ NameSpace: ' , nsName , ' }"'; cr.
            aStream nextPutAll:'"{ NameSpace: '.
            syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream bold].
            aStream nextPutAll:nsName.
            syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream normal].
            aStream nextPutAll:' }"'; cr; cr.

    "take care of nil-superclass"
    superclass isNil ifTrue:[
        s := 'nil'
    ] ifFalse:[
        fullName ifTrue:[
            superclass == owner ifTrue:[
                s := superclass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
            ] ifFalse:[
                s := superclass name
        ] ifFalse:[
            (ns == superclass nameSpace 
            and:[superclass owningClass isNil]) ifTrue:[
                "/ superclass is in the same namespace;
                "/ still prepend namespace prefix, to avoid
                "/ confusing stc, which needs that information ...
                s := superclass nameWithoutPrefix
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ a very special (rare) situation:
                "/ my superclass resides in another nameSpace,
                "/ but there is something else named like this
                "/ to be found in my nameSpace (or a private class)

                superName := superclass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix asSymbol.
                cls := self privateClassesAt:superName.
                cls isNil ifTrue:[
                    (topOwner := self topOwningClass) isNil ifTrue:[
                        ns := self nameSpace.
                        ns notNil ifTrue:[
                            cls := ns privateClassesAt:superName
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            "/ self error:'unexpected nil namespace'
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        cls := topOwner nameSpace at:superName.
                (cls notNil and:[cls ~~ superclass]) ifTrue:[
                    s := superclass nameSpace name , '::' , superName
                ] ifFalse:[
                    "/ no class with that name found in my namespace ...
                    "/ if the superclass resides in Smalltalk,
                    "/ suppress prefix; otherwise, use full prefix.
                    (superclass nameSpace notNil 
                    and:[superclass nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
                        (owner notNil 
                        and:[owner nameSpace == superclass owningClass nameSpace])
                            s := superclass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            s := superclass name
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        s := superName

    syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream bold].
    aStream nextPutAll:s.   "/ superclass
    syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream normal].
    aStream space.
    self basicFileOutInstvarTypeKeywordOn:aStream.

    (fullName and:[owner isNil]) ifTrue:[
        aStream nextPutAll:'#'''.
        syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream bold].
        aStream nextPutAll:(self name).
        syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream normal].
        aStream nextPutAll:''''.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aStream nextPut:$#.
        syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream bold].
        aStream nextPutAll:(self nameWithoutPrefix).
        syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream normal].

    aStream crtab. 
    aStream nextPutAll:'instanceVariableNames:'''.
    syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream bold].
    self printInstVarNamesOn:aStream indent:16.
    syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream normal].
    aStream nextPutAll:''''.

    aStream crtab.
    aStream nextPutAll:'classVariableNames:'''.
    syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream bold].
    self printClassVarNamesOn:aStream indent:16.
    syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream normal].
    aStream nextPutAll:''''.

    aStream crtab.
    aStream nextPutAll:'poolDictionaries:'''''.

    aStream crtab.
    owner isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ a public class
        aStream nextPutAll:'category:'.
        category isNil ifTrue:[
            s := ''''''
        ] ifFalse:[
            s := category asString storeString
        aStream nextPutAll:s.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ a private class
        aStream nextPutAll:'privateIn:'.
        syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream bold].
"/        fullName ifTrue:[
"/            s := owner name.
"/        ] ifFalse:[
"/            s := owner nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
"/        ].
        s := owner nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
        aStream nextPutAll:s.
        syntaxHilighting ifTrue:[aStream normal].
    aStream cr

    "Created: / 4.1.1997 / 20:38:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 10:59:50 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.3.1999 / 18:15:46 / stefan"

    "a helper for fileOutDefinition"

    |isVar s superclass|

    superclass := self superclass.
    superclass isNil ifTrue:[
        isVar := self isVariable
    ] ifFalse:[
        "I cant remember what this is for ?"
        isVar := (self isVariable and:[superclass isVariable not])

    aStream nextPutAll:(self firstDefinitionSelectorPart).

    "Created: 11.10.1996 / 18:57:29 / cg"


    ^ self compiledMethodAt:aSelector ifAbsent:nil

compiledMethodAt:aSelector ifAbsent:exceptionValue

    dict := self methodDictionary.
    dict isNil ifTrue:[
        ('Behavior [warning]: nil methodDictionary in ' , self name printString) errorPrintCR.
        ^ exceptionValue value

    ^ dict at:aSelector ifAbsent:exceptionValue

    ^ Object evaluatorClass

    "return the first part of the selector with which I was (can be) defined in my superclass"

    self isVariable ifFalse:[
        ^ #'subclass:'
    self isBytes ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableByteSubclass:'
    self isLongs ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableLongSubclass:'
    self isFloats ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableFloatSubclass:'
    self isDoubles ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableDoubleSubclass:'
    self isWords ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableWordSubclass:'
    self isSignedWords ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableSignedWordSubclass:'
    self isSignedLongs ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableSignedLongSubclass:'
    self isSignedLongLongs ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableSignedLongLongSubclass:'
    self isLongLongs ifTrue:[
        ^ #'variableLongLongSubclass:'
    ^ #'variableSubclass:'

    |nm owner|

    nm := self nameWithoutPrefix.
    (owner := self owningClass) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ nm

    ^ (owner nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix , '::' , nm)

    |nm idx|

    nm := self name.
    idx := nm lastIndexOf:$:.
    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ nm
    ^ nm copyFrom:idx+1.

printClassVarNamesOn:aStream indent:indent
    "print the class variable names indented and breaking at line end"

    self printNameArray:(self classVarNames) on:aStream indent:indent

    "print my class hierarchy on aStream - return indent
     recursively calls itself to print superclass and use returned indent
     for my description - used in the browser"

    |indent nm superclass|

    superclass := self superclass.
    indent := 0.
    (superclass notNil) ifTrue:[
        indent := (superclass printHierarchyAnswerIndentOn:aStream) + 2
    aStream spaces:indent.
    nm := self printNameInHierarchy.
    aStream nextPutAll:nm; nextPutAll:' ('.
    self printInstVarNamesOn:aStream indent:(indent + nm size + 2).
    aStream nextPutLine:')'.
    ^ indent

    self printHierarchyAnswerIndentOn:aStream

printInstVarNamesOn:aStream indent:indent
    "print the instance variable names indented and breaking at line end"

    self printNameArray:(self instVarNames) on:aStream indent:indent

    "Created: 22.3.1997 / 14:12:00 / cg"

printNameArray:anArray on:aStream indent:indent
    "print an array of strings separated by spaces; when the stream
     defines a lineLength, break when this limit is reached; indent
     every line; used to printOut instance variable names"

    |thisName nextName arraySize lenMax pos mustBreak line spaces|

    arraySize := anArray size.
    arraySize ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        pos := indent.
        lenMax := aStream lineLength.
        thisName := anArray at:1.
        line := ''.
        1 to:arraySize do:[:index |
            line := line , thisName.
            pos := pos + thisName size.
            (index == arraySize) ifFalse:[
                nextName := anArray at:(index + 1).
                mustBreak := false.
                (lenMax > 0) ifTrue:[
                    ((pos + nextName size) > lenMax) ifTrue:[
                        mustBreak := true
                mustBreak ifTrue:[
                    aStream nextPutLine:line withTabs.
                    spaces isNil ifTrue:[
                        spaces := String new:indent
                    line := spaces.
                    pos := indent
                ] ifFalse:[
                    line := line , ' '.
                    pos := pos + 1
                thisName := nextName
        aStream nextPutAll:line withTabs

    "Modified: 9.11.1996 / 00:12:06 / cg"
    "Created: 22.3.1997 / 14:12:12 / cg"

    ^ self name


    nmSym := (self name , '::' , aClassNameStringOrSymbol) asSymbolIfInterned.
    nmSym isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ no such symbol - there cannot be a corresponding private class
        ^ nil

    ^ memory at:nmSym.

    ^ SourceCodeManager

    ^ Object syntaxHighlighterClass


    aBlock value:self.
    sc := self superclass.
    sc notNil ifTrue:[
        sc withAllSuperclassesDo:aBlock.
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory::ImageClassObject methodsFor:'queries'!


    newList := Set new.
    self methodDictionary do:[:aMethod |

        cat := aMethod category.
        cat isNil ifTrue:[
            cat := '* no category *'
        newList add:cat
    ^ newList

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagBytes.

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagDoubles.

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagFloats.

    ^ self superclass name ~= 'Autoload'

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagLongLongs.

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagLongs.

    ^ self size == (Metaclass instSize * memory ptrSize).
"/    ^ classRef classRef name = 'Metaclass'

    ^ classRef isPrivateMeta 

    ^ classRef name = 'PrivateMetaclass'

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagSignedLongLongs.

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagSignedLongs.

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagSignedWords.

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) ~= 0.

    ^ (self flags bitAnd:Behavior maskIndexType) == Behavior flagWords.

    |env name idx nsName|

"/    (env := self environment) notNil ifTrue:[^ env].
    name := self name.
    idx := name lastIndexOf:$:.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        (name at:idx-1) == $: ifTrue:[
            nsName := name copyTo:(idx - 2).
            env := Smalltalk at:nsName asSymbol.
    ^ env

    |ownerPtr owner|

    classRef isPrivateMeta ifFalse:[^ nil].
    ownerPtr := classRef at:8.
    owner := memory fetchClassObjectAt:ownerPtr.
    ^ owner

    ^ true


    classRef isPrivateMeta ifTrue:[
        owner := self owningClass.
        [owner classRef isPrivateMeta] whileTrue:[
            owner := owner owningClass
        ^ owner
    ] ifFalse:[
        ^ nil
    ^ self halt.

    ^ false 
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory::ImageByteObject methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ byteSize
! !

!SnapShotImageMemory class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !