author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Tue, 30 Jul 2013 09:49:42 +0200
changeset 3038 52374621e04b
parent 37 758be6e05f1d
permissions -rw-r--r--
class: UIPainterView comment/format in: #fullSpecFor: changed: #generateWindowSpec #specFor: fixed a stupid bug (which has been there for a long time), which generated completely wrong UI specs iff a view has a viewclass specified which contains subviews (such as a Box, with an ImageView class in the ViewTreeInspector). Then the same viewspec was reinserted multiple times (for each of its subviews).

This directory contains additional high level graphical development tools;
currently, a new multipane inspector is found here.

These are normally not needed for final applications.

Depending on the configuration and capabilities of your Operating-
System, the resulting classlibrary is either:

	libtool2.a     - an archive

	libtool2.obj   - a prelinked object library

	libtool2.so    - a shared object

the library includes init code (libtool2_Init) for all of its components.

Things you can do here:

    make                compile all classes, producing libtool2

    make objs           compile all object files

    make install        compile all and install in DESTLIBDIR

    make qinstall       only install - assumes binaries are up-to-date 

    make check          syntax check only over all .st files

    make <file>.o       compile <file>.st to object-file

    make <file>.c       compile <file>.st to c intermediate

    make clean

    make clobber