author Claus Gittinger <>
Sun, 01 Feb 2015 14:16:33 +0100
changeset 3178 58100b56595d
parent 2131 493983865076
permissions -rw-r--r--
class: MenuEditor fixed the following redraw bug in ModelListView (which is already fixed in SelectionInListView): if a colored item is shown with selection, the color attribute should be removed (or relaxed), to avoid drawing the label invisible. I.e. if the text color is blue or grey, and the selection bg is blue. we should draw white-on-blue, instead of blue/grey on blue. For this to work, the info whether drawing a selection must be passed down through the renderer to the item's draw routine.

"{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"

Object subclass:#SnapShotImage
	instanceVariableNames:'memory globals cachedBehaviors'

!SnapShotImage class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    I simulate a Smalltalk environment as present in a snapshot image.
    My protocol mimics the NameSpace (i.e. class-environment) protocol,
    and I can be used as a Browsers environment, in order to open a
    browser into an old snapShot image (st.img - file).

    I am not used directly; instead, via the SystemBrowsers entry:
        SystemBrowser openOnSnapShotImage:'/export/home/cg/work/stx/projects/smalltalk/st.img'

        SystemBrowser openOnSnapShotImage:'st.img'

    This enables a standard browser to peek into a snapshot image... (well, almost)

        Claus Gittinger

    |i m|

    i := self for:'st.img'.
    m := i memory.
    m  fetchObjectAt:16r38000000
! !

!SnapShotImage class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ self new for:aFilename
! !

!SnapShotImage methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ memory
! !

!SnapShotImage methodsFor:'private'!

    globals := IdentityDictionary new.
    memory globalEntries do:[:eachEntry |
        |nameSymRef valRef nameSym value|

        nameSymRef := eachEntry key.
        valRef := eachEntry value.
        nameSymRef isImageSymbol ifFalse:[self halt].

        nameSym := (memory printStringOfSymbol:nameSymRef) asSymbol.
        globals at:nameSym put:valRef

    memory := SnapShotImageMemory for:aFilename.
    memory image:self.
    memory readHeader
! !

!SnapShotImage methodsFor:'smalltalk protocol'!

    cachedBehaviors isNil ifTrue:[
        cachedBehaviors := OrderedCollection new.

        self keysAndValuesDo:[:key :valRef |
            valRef isInteger ifFalse:[
                valRef ~~ true ifTrue:[
                    valRef ~~ false ifTrue:[
                        valRef notNil ifTrue:[
                            valRef isImageBehavior ifTrue:[
                                cachedBehaviors add:valRef
    cachedBehaviors do:aBlock


    coll := OrderedCollection new.
    self allClassesInCategory:aCategory do:[:aClass |
        coll add:aClass
    ^ coll

allClassesInCategory:aCategory do:aBlock
    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for all classes in the aCategory;
     The order of the classes is not defined."

    aCategory notNil ifTrue:[
        self allClassesDo:[:aClass |
            aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
                (aClass category = aCategory) ifTrue:[
                    aBlock value:aClass

    globals isNil ifTrue:[
        self fetchGlobals
    ^ globals at:aKey ifAbsent:nil

at:aKey ifAbsent:exceptionValue
    globals isNil ifTrue:[
        self fetchGlobals
    ^ globals at:aKey ifAbsent:exceptionValue

    "return the class with name aString, or nil if absent.
     To get to the metaClass, append ' class' to the string."

    |cls sym meta|

    "be careful, to not invent new symbols ..."
    sym := aString asSymbol.
    cls := self at:sym ifAbsent:[].
    cls isBehavior ifTrue:[^ cls].

    (aString endsWith:' class') ifTrue:[

        meta := self classNamed:(aString copyWithoutLast:6).
        meta notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ meta class
    ^ nil

    ^ true

    "Created: / 19-10-2006 / 01:06:31 / cg"

    ^ true

    globals isNil ifTrue:[
        self fetchGlobals
    globals keysAndValuesDo:aTwoArgBlock

    globals isNil ifTrue:[
        self fetchGlobals
    globals keysDo:aTwoArgBlock
! !

!SnapShotImage class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !