author Stefan Vogel <>
Tue, 11 May 2010 17:57:45 +0200
changeset 2786 8f522043f93d
parent 2710 0ce76feb3f91
child 2823 cd54d69eec13
permissions -rw-r--r--
automatic checkIn

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2008 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"

FlyByHelp subclass:#FlyByWindowInformation
	instanceVariableNames:'lastApplication lastView cleanupAction finishSemaphore finished'

!FlyByWindowInformation class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2008 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    self shownInformationOfViewUnderMouseUntilButtonIsPressed

    self start waitUntilFinished

     self shownInformationOfViewUnderMouseUntilButtonIsPressed
! !

!FlyByWindowInformation methodsFor:'accessing'!

    cleanupAction := something.

    ^ lastApplication

    ^ lastView
! !

!FlyByWindowInformation methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ 1000
! !

!FlyByWindowInformation methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMotion:buttonAndModifierState x:x y:y view:aView
    finished == true ifTrue:[^ self].

    super buttonMotion:buttonAndModifierState x:x y:y view:aView.
    ^ true

buttonPress:button x:x y:y view:aView
    self stop.
    ^ true

handleMouseIn:aView x:x y:y
    finished == true ifTrue:[^ self].
    super handleMouseIn:aView x:x y:y

keyPress:key x:x y:y view:aView
    |obj action lcKey|

    key == #Escape ifTrue:[
        self stop.
        ^ true

    key == $? ifTrue:[
            WindowTreeView openOn:(lastView topView) initialSelection:lastView.
        ] fork.
        self stop.
        ^ true.

    key isCharacter ifTrue:[
        lcKey := key asLowercase.

        lcKey == $a ifTrue:[
            obj := lastApplication
        lcKey == $o ifTrue:[
            obj := lastView model
        lcKey == $m ifTrue:[
            obj := lastApplication masterApplication
        lcKey == $v ifTrue:[
            obj := lastView
        lcKey == $t ifTrue:[
            obj := lastView topView
        obj notNil ifTrue:[
            key isLowercase ifTrue:[
                action := [ obj inspect ].
            ] ifFalse:[
                action := [ obj browse ].
            action forkAt:8.

    ^ true
! !

!FlyByWindowInformation methodsFor:'help texts'!

helpTextFor:aView at:aPointOrNil
    "generate the text to be shown as popup-flyby info"

    lastView := aView.
    lastApplication := aView application.

    ^ String streamContents:[:s |
        |topViewToInspect applicationToInspect masterApplicationToInspect modelToInspect

        genComponentNameForApplication := [:app :s |
                (app notNil 
                and:[ app builder notNil ]) ifTrue:[
                    |components v|

                    components := app builder namedComponents.

                    v := aView.
                    [   (components includes:v) not
                        and:[v container notNil]
                    ] whileTrue:[
                        v := v container.
                    (components includes:v) ifTrue:[

                        k := components keyAtValue:v.
                        v == aView ifTrue:[
                            s nextPutLine:('   Component: ' , k).
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            s nextPutLine:('   Subview of Component: ' , k).

        aView topView ~~ aView ifTrue:[
            topViewToInspect := aView topView.
        lastApplication notNil ifTrue:[
            applicationToInspect := lastApplication.
            masterApplicationToInspect := lastApplication masterApplication.
            masterApplicationToInspect == applicationToInspect ifTrue:[
                masterApplicationToInspect := nil
        aView model notNil ifTrue:[
            modelToInspect := aView model.
            ((modelToInspect == applicationToInspect)
            or:[ modelToInspect == masterApplicationToInspect ]) ifTrue:[
                modelToInspect := nil.

        s nextPutLine:('View: ' , aView class name, ' "',aView name printString,'"').
        modelToInspect notNil ifTrue:[
            s nextPutLine:('Model: ' , modelToInspect class name).
        topViewToInspect notNil ifTrue:[
            s nextPutLine:('Topview: ' , topViewToInspect class name).
        masterApplicationToInspect notNil ifTrue:[
            s nextPutLine:('Masterapplication: ' , masterApplicationToInspect class name).
            genComponentNameForApplication value:masterApplicationToInspect value:s.
        applicationToInspect notNil ifTrue:[
            s nextPutLine:('Application: ' , applicationToInspect class name).
            genComponentNameForApplication value:applicationToInspect value:s.

        "/ identity it as component

        s cr.
        s nextPutLine:'Press:'.
        s nextPutLine:'    ? to show the viewtree'.
        s nextPutLine:'    v to inspect view (V to browse)'.
        modelToInspect notNil ifTrue:[
            s nextPutLine:'    o to inspect model (O to browse)'.
        topViewToInspect notNil ifTrue:[
            s nextPutLine:'    t to inspect topView (T to browse)'.
        applicationToInspect notNil ifTrue:[
            s nextPutLine:'    a to inspect application (A to browse)'.
            masterApplicationToInspect notNil ifTrue:[
                s nextPutLine:'    m to inspect masterApplication (M to browse)'.
        s nextPutAll:'ESC or button to leave flyBy-info mode.'.

     self shownInformationOfViewUnderMouseUntilButtonIsPressed
! !

!FlyByWindowInformation methodsFor:'private'!

    ^ false
! !

!FlyByWindowInformation methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ true
! !

!FlyByWindowInformation methodsFor:'start & stop'!

initiateHelpFor:aView at:aPointOrNil
    self initiateHelpFor:aView at:aPointOrNil now:true

initiateHelpFor:aView at:aPointOrNil now:showItNow
    finished == true ifTrue:[^ self].
    super initiateHelpFor:aView at:aPointOrNil now:showItNow


    finished == true ifTrue:[^ self].

    l := FlyByHelp currentHelpListener.
    l notNil ifTrue:[
        FlyByHelp stop.
        cleanupAction := [ FlyByHelp start ].
    finishSemaphore := Semaphore new.
    finished := false.
    super start.

    finished := true.
    super stop.
    cleanupAction value.
    finishSemaphore notNil ifTrue:[
        finishSemaphore signalIf.

    finishSemaphore wait.
! !

!FlyByWindowInformation class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'
! !