author Claus Gittinger <>
Mon, 05 Nov 2001 18:26:34 +0100
changeset 1523 a8fe5e15220b
parent 1522 f67b97bc683a
child 1525 c91fbd9f8338
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

"{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"

ApplicationModel subclass:#MethodFinderWindow
	instanceVariableNames:'argumentsEditor messageAnswerEditor receiverEditor receiver
		resultSelectors arg2BoxVisible arg1BoxVisible arg4BoxVisible
		arg3BoxVisible argCountHolder argCountList argument1Editor
		argument2Editor argument3Editor argument4Editor resultSelected

!MethodFinderWindow class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:MethodFinderWindow andSelector:#windowSpec
     MethodFinderWindow new openInterface:#windowSpec
     MethodFinderWindow open

    <resource: #canvas>

        #name: #windowSpec
          #label: 'MethodFinder'
          #name: 'MethodFinder'
          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
          #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 47 818 718)
          #collection: #(
              #name: 'allowedArgments'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.201912 4 0 0 0.364397 22 0)
              #model: #argCountHolder
              #comboList: #argCountList
              #useIndex: true
              #label: 'Search'
              #name: 'Button1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.426523 132 0 0 0.575866 154 0)
              #translateLabel: true
              #tabable: true
              #model: #search
              #label: 'Clear'
              #name: 'Button2'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.258065 132 0 0 0.407407 154 0)
              #translateLabel: true
              #model: #clear
              #name: 'List1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 161 0 0 0.6 0 0.5)
              #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
              #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
              #autoHideScrollBars: true
              #valueChangeSelector: #updateImplementorsOf:
              #useIndex: true
              #sequenceList: #resultHolder
              #name: 'List2'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.6 0 0 0 1 0 0.5)
              #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
              #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
              #autoHideScrollBars: true
              #doubleClickSelector: #openBrowserOn:
              #useIndex: false
              #sequenceList: #classOfResultHolder
              #name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 6 0 26 0 0 0.6 129 0)
              #horizontalLayout: #fit
              #verticalLayout: #fit
              #horizontalSpace: 3
              #verticalSpace: 3
                #collection: #(
                    #name: 'ReceiverEditor'
                    #tabable: true
                    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                    #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                    #autoHideScrollBars: true
                    #extent: #(#Point 156 103)
                    #postBuildCallback: #receiverWidgetCreated:
                    #name: 'VerticalPanel1'
                    #horizontalLayout: #fit
                    #verticalLayout: #fit
                    #horizontalSpace: 3
                    #verticalSpace: 3
                      #collection: #(
                          #name: 'Box1'
                          #visibilityChannel: #arg1BoxVisible
                            #collection: #(
                                #name: 'Arg1Editor'
                                #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                                #tabable: true
                                #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                                #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                                #autoHideScrollBars: true
                                #postBuildCallback: #argument1WidgetCreated:
                          #extent: #(#Point 156 32)
                          #name: 'Box2'
                          #visibilityChannel: #arg2BoxVisible
                            #collection: #(
                                #name: 'TextEditor5'
                                #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                                #tabable: true
                                #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                                #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                                #autoHideScrollBars: true
                                #postBuildCallback: #argument2WidgetCreated:
                          #extent: #(#Point 156 33)
                          #name: 'Box3'
                          #visibilityChannel: #arg3BoxVisible
                            #collection: #(
                                #name: 'TextEditor6'
                                #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                                #tabable: true
                                #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                                #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                                #autoHideScrollBars: true
                                #postBuildCallback: #argument3WidgetCreated:
                          #extent: #(#Point 156 32)
                    #extent: #(#Point 156 103)
                    #name: 'AnswerEditor'
                    #tabable: true
                    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                    #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                    #autoHideScrollBars: true
                    #extent: #(#Point 157 103)
                    #postBuildCallback: #messageAnswerWidgetCreated:
              #label: 'MessageAnswer'
              #name: 'MessageAnswerLabel'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 325 0 2 0 475 0 25 0)
              #translateLabel: true
              #adjust: #left
              #label: 'Reciever'
              #name: 'RecieverLabel'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 7 0 3 0 126 0 26 0)
              #translateLabel: true
              #adjust: #left
              #name: 'TextEditor4'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0.5 0 1 0 1)
              #model: #provideHelpComment
              #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
              #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
              #name: 'Workspace1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 1)
              #model: #resultSelected
              #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
              #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
              #postBuildCallback: #lookAtResultEditor:
! !

!MethodFinderWindow methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'receiver' (automatically generated)"

    ^ receiver copy
! !

!MethodFinderWindow methodsFor:'actions'!

     | tempArguments argCounter tempArgument1Editor tempArgument2Editor tempArgument3Editor tempArgument4Editor
associationKey associationValue|


tempArgument1Editor:= (self cleanInputs: argument1Editor contents).
tempArgument2Editor:=  (self cleanInputs: argument2Editor contents).
tempArgument3Editor:= (self cleanInputs: argument3Editor contents).

tempArgument1Editor = '' ifFalse:[argCounter:=argCounter +1].
tempArgument2Editor = '' ifFalse:[argCounter:=argCounter +1].
tempArgument3Editor = '' ifFalse:[argCounter:=argCounter +1].

argCounter:= (argCounter min: (self argCountHolder value -1)).
tempArguments:= OrderedDictionary new:argCounter. 

(argCounter value >= 1) 
                ifTrue:[associationValue:= (Compiler evaluate: tempArgument1Editor).
                        ((self isExpression:tempArgument1Editor) or:[ associationValue isNil]) ifTrue:[                  "looks if an expression is typed in"
                                        associationKey:=associationValue printString]

                        tempArguments add: associationKey-> associationValue.
(argCounter value >= 2) 
                ifTrue:[ associationValue:= (Compiler evaluate: tempArgument2Editor).
                        (((self isExpression:tempArgument2Editor) or:[ associationValue isNil])) ifTrue:[                  "looks if an expression is typed in"
                                        associationKey:=associationValue printString]

                        tempArguments add: associationKey-> associationValue].

(argCounter value >= 3)
                ifTrue:[ associationValue:= (Compiler evaluate: tempArgument3Editor).
                        ((self isExpression:tempArgument3Editor) or:[ associationValue isNil]) ifTrue:[                  "looks if an expression is typed in"
                                        associationKey:=associationValue printString]

                        tempArguments add: associationKey-> associationValue].


    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below performs no action"

    "*** (except for some feedback on the Transcript)"

    "*** Please change as required and accept in the browser."

    "action to be added ..."

    receiverEditor contents:nil.
    argument1Editor contents:nil.
    argument2Editor contents:nil.
    argument3Editor contents:nil.
    messageAnswerEditor contents:nil.
    self resultHolder value:nil.
    Transcript showCR:self class name , ': action for reset ...'

isExpression: aString

(aString includesSubString:': ') ifTrue:[^true].
(aString includesSubString:'+') ifTrue:[^true].
(aString includesSubString:'-') ifTrue:[^true].
(aString includesSubString:'*') ifTrue:[^true].
(aString includesSubString:'/') ifTrue:[^true].
(aString includesSubString:'>') ifTrue:[^true].
(aString includesSubString:'<') ifTrue:[^true].
(aString includesSubString:' new') ifTrue:[^true].
(aString includesSubString:'[') &  (aString includesSubString:']') & (aString includesSubString:'.')
(aString includesSubString:'.') ifTrue:[^true].


lookAtMessage:  anArgument
    "Opens browser on theArgument of a specific class. anArgument being a string with the
       Class and the selector upon which the browser is to be opened."

    |aClass aSelector x theArgument|
   self halt.



    |   aCleanedAnswerString   compiledAnswer  |

aCleanedAnswerString:=self cleanInputs: (messageAnswerEditor contents). 

compiledAnswer:=Compiler evaluate: aCleanedAnswerString.
((self isExpression:aCleanedAnswerString) or:[compiledAnswer isNil]) ifTrue:[
                        aCleanedAnswerString:=compiledAnswer printString].


    "Opens browser on theArgument of a specific class. anArgument being a string with the
       Class and the selector upon which the browser is to be opened."

    |aClass aSelector x theArgument|

    anArgument isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
    (anArgument at:1) == $* ifTrue:[
	theArgument := anArgument copyFrom:2
    ] ifFalse:[
	theArgument := anArgument
    aClass := theArgument copyUpTo:(Character space).
    x := aClass size + 2.
    aSelector := theArgument copyFrom:x.
    aClass := Smalltalk classNamed:aClass.
    SystemBrowser openInClass:(aClass) selector:(aSelector asSymbol)    "/ Compiler evaluate: (aClass asSymbol). 

    |   aCleanedRecieverString   compiledReceiver  |

aCleanedRecieverString:=self cleanInputs: (receiverEditor contents). 

compiledReceiver:=Compiler evaluate: aCleanedRecieverString.

((self isExpression:aCleanedRecieverString) or:[compiledReceiver isNil]) ifTrue:[
                        aCleanedRecieverString:=compiledReceiver printString].

| tempReceiver tempAnswer tempArguments anArray resultArray receiverWithArgument mf|

self resultHolder value: nil.               "reset the result list"
self classOfResultHolder value: nil.        "reset the implementorOf list"

tempArguments:=self argumentEditorsContents.
tempReceiver :=self receiverEditorContents .  
tempAnswer:= self messageAnswerEditorContents.   

"self cleanInputRec:tempReceiver arg:tempArguments ans:tempAnswer."

anArray:=Array new:2.  "creates an array which is to be used as input for the method finder."

receiverWithArgument:=self mergReciever: (tempReceiver value) WithArgument: (tempArguments values).

anArray at:1 put:receiverWithArgument;
        at:2 put: tempAnswer value.             

"an array now holds the following array #(#(receiver argument) answer) or #(#(reciever) answer). which should
be suitable input for the method finder."
self halt.
mf:= MethodFinder new.
resultArray:= mf load: anArray; findMessage. 

((resultArray at:  1 )includesSubString: 'no single') ifTrue:[
                                self warn: (resultArray at:  1 ).

"the following then replaces data1 and data2 created by the method finder to the appropriate arguments"
resultArray keysAndValuesDo:[:key :value |   | newValue | 
      newValue:= value replString: 'data1' withString:(tempReceiver key).
(tempArguments size) >= 1 ifTrue:[
      newValue:= newValue replString: 'data2' withString:(tempArguments keyAt:1)].

(tempArguments size) > 1 ifTrue:[
      newValue:= newValue replString: 'data3' withString:(tempArguments keyAt:2).].

(tempArguments size) > 2 ifTrue:[
      newValue:= newValue replString: 'data4' withString:(tempArguments keyAt:3).].

                        "    newValue:= value replString: 'data3' withString:(self messageAnswer key). " 

      newValue:=newValue, ' --> ', (tempAnswer key).

      resultArray at: key put: newValue.


self resultHolder value: resultArray.
resultSelectors:= mf selectors.   "used to find implementors so we do not have to "
receiver:=tempReceiver            "search the string for the selector found. Stored as an ordered collection"

    "  Request the implementors of the selected arguments "
      |methods classList aNumber|

        self updateWorkSpace: anInteger .
       (anInteger isNil) ifTrue:[^self].
      anInteger isNil ifTrue:[aNumber:=1]
      methods _ SystemBrowser findImplementorsOf: (resultSelectors at:aNumber) in:Smalltalk allClasses ignoreCase:false.
      classList _ methods asOrderedCollection collect:[:m | m mclass name , ' ' , m selector].

      classList:=(self markMatchingClasses:(resultSelectors at:aNumber) classesWithSelector:classList).

    self classOfResultHolder value: classList.

updateWorkSpace: anInteger

      anInteger isNil ifTrue:[^self].
   resultSelected:= (self resultHolder value at:anInteger). 
        lookAtResultEditor replace:(resultSelected).
! !

!MethodFinderWindow methodsFor:'aspects'!

    arg1BoxVisible isNil ifTrue:[
        arg1BoxVisible := BlockValue
                              with:[:vh | vh value >= 2 ]
                              argument:(self argCountHolder)
    ^ arg1BoxVisible.

    arg2BoxVisible isNil ifTrue:[
        arg2BoxVisible := BlockValue
                              with:[:vh | vh value >= 3 ]
                              argument:(self argCountHolder)
    ^ arg2BoxVisible.

    arg3BoxVisible isNil ifTrue:[
        arg3BoxVisible := BlockValue
                              with:[:vh | vh value >= 4 ]
                              argument:(self argCountHolder)
    ^ arg3BoxVisible.

    arg4BoxVisible isNil ifTrue:[
        arg4BoxVisible := BlockValue
                              with:[:vh | vh value >= 5 ]
                              argument:(self argCountHolder)
    ^ arg4BoxVisible.

    argCountHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        argCountHolder := 2 asValue.
    ^ argCountHolder.

    argCountList isNil ifTrue:[
        argCountList := #('0 arguments' '1 argument' '2 arguments' '3 arguments') asValue  
    ^ argCountList.

    "Stores a valueHolder for "


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classOfResultHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := ValueHolder new.
	builder aspectAt:#classOfResultHolder put:holder
    ^ holder

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."
    "*** (and replace this comment by something more useful ;-)"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#resultHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := ValueHolder new.
	builder aspectAt:#resultHolder put:holder.
"/ if your app needs to be notified of changes, uncomment one of the lines below:
"/        holder addDependent:self.
"/        holder onChangeSend:#resultHolderChanged to:self.
    ^ holder.
! !

!MethodFinderWindow methodsFor:'callBacks'!

argument1WidgetCreated: aWidget
        argument1Editor := aWidget scrolledView.

argument2WidgetCreated: aWidget

        argument2Editor := aWidget scrolledView.

argument3WidgetCreated: aWidget

        argument3Editor := aWidget scrolledView.

argumentsWidgetCreated: aWidget

        argumentsEditor := aWidget scrolledView.

lookAtResultEditor: aWidget

          lookAtResultEditor := aWidget scrolledView.

messageAnswerWidgetCreated: aWidget

	messageAnswerEditor := aWidget scrolledView.

 self halt.

receiverWidgetCreated: aWidget

        receiverEditor := aWidget scrolledView.
! !

!MethodFinderWindow methodsFor:'controlInput'!

cleanInputs: aDirtyString
        "Find an remove common mistakes.  Complain when ill formed."
       | aStringToBeCleaned rs position|


(aStringToBeCleaned endsWith:(Character cr)) ifTrue:[
                        aStringToBeCleaned:=aStringToBeCleaned copyFrom:1 to: (aStringToBeCleaned size -1).].
aStringToBeCleaned:= aStringToBeCleaned withoutSeparators.

rs:=ReadStream on: aStringToBeCleaned.
[rs upToAll: '#true'.  rs atEnd] whileFalse: [
                        position:= rs position. 
                        aStringToBeCleaned:=aStringToBeCleaned copyReplaceFrom: position to: position with: ''. "remove #"
                        rs:=ReadStream on: aStringToBeCleaned.

rs:=ReadStream on: aStringToBeCleaned.
[rs upToAll: '#false'.  rs atEnd] whileFalse: [
                        position:= rs position. 
                        aStringToBeCleaned:=aStringToBeCleaned copyReplaceFrom: position to: position with: ''. "remove #"
                        rs:=ReadStream on: aStringToBeCleaned.
                        rs:=ReadStream on: aStringToBeCleaned. ].

[rs upToAll: '#nil'.  rs atEnd] whileFalse: [
                        position:= rs position. 
                        aStringToBeCleaned:=aStringToBeCleaned copyReplaceFrom: position to: position with: ''. "remove #"
                        rs:=ReadStream on: aStringToBeCleaned.  ].

	"If an example is used, mark classes matching the example instance with an asterisk."

	| unmarkedClassList firstPartOfSelector receiverString receiver |

	"Only 'example' queries can be marked."

	unmarkedClassList _ resultSelectors copy.

	unmarkedClassList do:
		[:classAndMethod | | class |
		class _ Compiler evaluate:
				((ReadStream on: classAndMethod) upToAll: firstPartOfSelector).
		(receiver class == class) ifTrue:
			[resultSelectors add: '*', classAndMethod.
			resultSelectors remove: classAndMethod]].

      resultSelectors sort:[:a :b | |rawA rawB|
		    rawA := (a startsWith:'*') ifTrue:[a copyFrom:2] ifFalse:[a].
		    rawB := (b startsWith:'*') ifTrue:[b copyFrom:2] ifFalse:[b].
		    rawA > rawB.  ]

markMatchingClasses: aSelector  classesWithSelector:anOrderedCollection
	"If an example is used, mark classes matching the example instance with an asterisk."

	| unmarkedClassList firstPartOfSelector |

	"Only 'example' queries can be marked."
	unmarkedClassList _ anOrderedCollection copy.

	unmarkedClassList do:
		[:classAndMethod | | class |
		class _ Compiler evaluate:
				((ReadStream on: classAndMethod) upToAll: aSelector).
		(receiver value class == class) ifTrue:
			[unmarkedClassList add: '*', classAndMethod.
			unmarkedClassList remove: classAndMethod]].

      unmarkedClassList sort:[:a :b | |rawA rawB|
		    rawA := (a startsWith:'*') ifTrue:[a copyFrom:2] ifFalse:[a].
		    rawB := (b startsWith:'*') ifTrue:[b copyFrom:2] ifFalse:[b].
		    rawA > rawB.  ].

mergReciever: aReceiver WithArgument: arguments

| tempReceiver tempArguments receiverWithArgument|

  tempReceiver:= aReceiver.
 tempArguments :=  arguments.

(tempArguments isEmpty or:[(tempArguments) isNil])
                ifTrue:[  receiverWithArgument:=Array new:1."no argument"
                          receiverWithArgument at:1 put: tempReceiver.     
        (tempArguments size = 1)
                        ifTrue:[ receiverWithArgument:=Array new:2.
                                  receiverWithArgument at:1 put: tempReceiver.      
                                  receiverWithArgument at:2 put: (tempArguments at:1)
                                ].  "a receiver with an argument"

        (tempArguments size = 2)
                        ifTrue:[ receiverWithArgument:=Array new:3.
                                  receiverWithArgument at:1 put: tempReceiver.      
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:2 put: (tempArguments at:1)).
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:3 put: (tempArguments at:2))
                                ].  "a receiver with an argument"
        (tempArguments size = 3)
                        ifTrue:[ receiverWithArgument:=Array new:4.
                                  receiverWithArgument at:1 put: tempReceiver.      
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:2 put: (tempArguments at:1)).
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:3 put: (tempArguments at:2)).
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:4 put: (tempArguments at:3)).

                                ].  "a receiver with an argument"
        (tempArguments size = 4)
                        ifTrue:[ receiverWithArgument:=Array new:5.
                                  receiverWithArgument at:1 put: tempReceiver.      
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:2 put: (tempArguments at:1)).
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:3 put: (tempArguments at:2)).
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:4 put: (tempArguments at:3)).
                                  (receiverWithArgument at:5 put: (tempArguments at:4)).

                                ].  "a receiver with an argument"

! !

!MethodFinderWindow class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !