author Claus Gittinger <>
Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:14:54 +0100
changeset 3402 f5ef58c6082b
parent 3269 89f1fa01ac49
child 3607 d724b67c3588
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
#BUGFIX by cg class: UIHelpTool changed: #loadFromClass: care for helpPairs being present: do not clobber helpSpec/flyByHelpSpec. Only treat them as valid, if they have the #help resource

@REM -------
@REM make using Borland bcc32
@REM type bmake, and wait...
@REM do not edit - automatically generated from ProjectDefinition
@REM -------

make.exe -N -f bc.mak  %DEFINES% %*