cg@2071: " cg@3351: COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gitinger / 2006 by eXept Software AG cg@3351: All Rights Reserved cg@2071: cg@2071: This software is furnished under a license and may be used cg@2071: only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the cg@2071: inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not cg@2071: be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any cg@2071: other person. No title to or ownership of the software is cg@2071: hereby transferred. cg@2071: " cg@2068: "{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }" cg@2068: cg@3177: "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }" cg@3177: cg@2068: LibraryDefinition subclass:#stx_libtool2 cg@2381: instanceVariableNames:'' cg@2381: classVariableNames:'' cg@2381: poolDictionaries:'' cg@2381: category:'* Projects & Packages *' cg@2068: ! cg@2068: cg@2071: !stx_libtool2 class methodsFor:'documentation'! cg@2071: cg@2071: copyright cg@2071: " cg@3351: COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gitinger / 2006 by eXept Software AG cg@3351: All Rights Reserved cg@2071: cg@2071: This software is furnished under a license and may be used cg@2071: only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the cg@2071: inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not cg@2071: be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any cg@2071: other person. No title to or ownership of the software is cg@2071: hereby transferred. cg@2071: " cg@2071: ! cg@2071: cg@2071: documentation cg@2071: " cg@3177: Package documentation: cg@3177: cg@3190: This library contains additional advanced ST/X development tools. cg@3347: This includes new improved browser, additional analysis, monitoring and profiling tools, cg@3347: UI builders etc. cg@3190: cg@3190: Typically, these tools are not needed in end-user (standAlone) applications. cg@2071: " cg@2071: ! ! cg@2068: boris@2145: !stx_libtool2 class methodsFor:'description'! boris@2145: sv@2172: excludedFromPreRequisites sv@2786: "list all packages which should be ignored in the automatic sv@2786: preRequisites scan. See #preRequisites for more." sv@2786: sv@2172: ^ #( sv@2786: #'stx:clients/Demos' "WindowTreeView - referenced by FlyByWindowInformation>>keyPress:x:y:view: " sv@2786: #'stx:goodies/webServer' "HTTPServer - referenced by UIPainter>>doInstallAsWebPage " sv@2966: #'exept:httpPortal' "WebApplicationModel - referenced by UIPainter>>canInstallAsWebPage " sv@2966: #'stx:goodies/communication' "HTTPInterface - referenced by ImageEditor>>doLoadFromURL " sv@3154: #'stx:libview3' "LineSegmentMorph - referenced by UIObjectView class>>isHorizontalResizable: " sv@2172: ) sv@2172: ! sv@2172: sv@2966: mandatoryPreRequisites sv@2966: "list all required mandatory packages. sv@2966: Packages are mandatory, if they contain superclasses of the package's classes sv@2966: or classes which are extended by this package. sv@2786: This list can be maintained manually or (better) generated and sv@2966: updated by scanning the superclass hierarchies sv@2966: (the browser has a menu function for that) sv@2966: However, often too much is found, and you may want to explicitely sv@2966: exclude individual packages in the #excludedFromPreRequisites method." sv@2786: boris@2145: ^ #( sv@2966: #'stx:libbasic' "Array - superclass of DataSetBuilder::Row " sv@2966: #'stx:libview' "GraphicsContext - superclass of UIGalleryView::Palette " sv@2966: #'stx:libview2' "ResourceSpecEditor - superclass of TabListEditor " sv@2966: #'stx:libwidg' "ListView - superclass of UIPainter::TreeView " sv@2966: #'stx:libwidg2' "HierarchicalItem - superclass of MenuEditor::RegularMenuItem " sv@2966: ) sv@2966: ! sv@2966: sv@2966: referencedPreRequisites sv@2966: "list all packages containing classes referenced by the packages's members. sv@2966: This list can be maintained manually or (better) generated and sv@2966: updated by looking for global variable accesses sv@2966: (the browser has a menu function for that) sv@2966: However, often too much is found, and you may want to explicitely sv@2966: exclude individual packages in the #excludedFromPreRequisites method." sv@2966: sv@2966: ^ #( sv@2966: #'stx:libbasic2' "TextStream - referenced by Tools::ProjectBuilder>>build " sv@2966: #'stx:libbasic3' "CVSSourceCodeManager - referenced by Tools::ObjectModuleInformation>>showInfoForClassLib: " sv@2966: #'stx:libcomp' "ObjectFileLoader - referenced by Tools::ObjectModuleInformation>>postBuildWith: " sv@2966: #'stx:libhtml' "HTMLDocumentView - referenced by MethodFinderWindow>>openHTMLDocumentation " sv@2966: #'stx:libtool' "SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool - referenced by MenuEditor>>doGenerateAspectMethods " sv@2966: #'stx:libui' "HorizontalPanelViewSpec - referenced by UIPainterView>>groupSelectionWithLayout: " boris@2145: ) boris@2145: ! ! boris@2145: cg@2068: !stx_libtool2 class methodsFor:'description - compilation'! cg@2068: cg@2577: additionalBaseAddressDefinition_bc_dot_mak cg@2577: "this is an optional definition, which (if present) may speed up the dll-loading a little cg@2577: on win32 systems." cg@2577: cg@2068: ^ ' sv@2149: # see stdHeader_bc for LIBTOOL2_BASE cg@2577: LIB_BASE=$(LIBTOOL2_BASE) cg@2068: ' cg@3163: ! cg@3163: cg@3163: stcWarningOptions cg@3163: ^ '-warnNonStandard -warnUnused' cg@2068: ! ! cg@2068: cg@2068: !stx_libtool2 class methodsFor:'description - contents'! cg@2068: cg@2068: classNamesAndAttributes cg@2755: "lists the classes which are to be included in the project. cg@2755: Each entry in the list may be: a single class-name (symbol), cg@2755: or an array-literal consisting of class name and attributes. cg@2755: Attributes are: #autoload or # where os is one of win32, unix,..." cg@2755: cg@2068: ^ #( cg@2643: " or ( attributes...) in load order" cg@2643: ColorEditDialog cg@2643: DataSetBuilder cg@2806: DirectoryView sv@2786: FlyByWindowInformation cg@2643: (HierarchicalListEditor autoload) cg@2643: ImageEditor cg@2643: MenuEditor cg@2738: MethodFinderWindow cg@2643: (MethodSelectionBrowser autoload) cg@2643: (ProjectBrowser autoload) cg@2643: (STXInstaller autoload) cg@2643: SelectionBrowser cg@2643: (ShellView autoload) cg@2643: (SnapShotImage autoload) cg@2643: (SnapShotImageMemory autoload) cg@2643: TabListEditor cg@2643: (#'Tools::InternationalLanguageTranslationEditor' autoload) sv@2786: (#'Tools::NewInspectorList' autoload) sv@2786: (#'Tools::NewInspectorListView' autoload) sv@2786: (#'Tools::NewInspectorPanelView' autoload) sv@2786: (#'Tools::NewInspectorView' autoload) sv@2786: #'Tools::ObjectModuleInformation' sv@2786: #'Tools::ProjectBuilder' sv@2786: #'Tools::ProjectBuilderAssistantApplication' cg@2643: (#'Tools::ProjectDefinitionEditor' autoload) sv@2786: (#'Tools::ViewTreeInspectorApplication' autoload) cg@2643: UIGalleryView cg@2643: UIHelpTool cg@2643: UILayoutTool sv@2786: UIListEditor cg@2643: UIObjectView cg@2643: UIPainter cg@2643: UISelectionPanel cg@2643: UISpecificationTool cg@2643: #'stx_libtool2' cg@2643: FileSelectionBrowser cg@2643: ResourceSelectionBrowser cg@2643: UIPainterView cg@2068: ) cg@2068: ! cg@2068: cg@2068: extensionMethodNames sv@2786: "lists the extension methods which are to be included in the project. cg@3208: Entries are pairwise elements, consisting of class-name and selector." sv@2786: cg@2068: ^ #( cg@3208: Image edit cg@2068: ) cg@2068: ! ! cg@2068: cg@2068: !stx_libtool2 class methodsFor:'description - project information'! cg@2068: cg@2068: companyName cg@2068: "Return a companyname which will appear in .rc" cg@2068: cg@3350: ^ 'Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG' cg@3350: cg@3350: "Modified: / 18-11-2016 / 11:48:00 / cg" cg@2068: ! cg@2068: cg@2068: description cg@2068: "Return a description string which will appear in nt.def / bc.def" cg@2068: cg@2474: ^ 'Smalltalk/X Additional Tools' cg@2068: ! cg@2068: cg@2068: legalCopyright cg@2068: "Return a copyright string which will appear in .rc" cg@2068: cg@3352: ^ 'Copyright Claus Gittinger 1988\nCopyright eXept Software AG 2012' cg@2194: cg@3352: "Modified: / 18-11-2016 / 12:18:55 / cg" sv@2966: ! sv@2966: sv@2966: productName sv@2966: "Return a product name which will appear in .rc" sv@2966: sv@2966: ^ 'Smalltalk/X' cg@2068: ! ! cg@2068: cg@2068: !stx_libtool2 class methodsFor:'documentation'! cg@2068: cg@2068: version cg@2068: ^ '$Header$' cg@2610: ! cg@2610: cg@2610: version_CVS cg@2610: ^ '$Header$' cg@2068: ! ! sv@2966: