diff -r 4c173871788a -r d10363a83240 UIPainter.st --- a/UIPainter.st Fri Jul 02 11:10:07 2004 +0200 +++ b/UIPainter.st Mon Jul 12 15:53:00 2004 +0200 @@ -457,10 +457,10 @@ 'Opens a dialog to undo modifications.' #spreadSelectionHor -'Sets the horizontal spaces between the selected widgets as the same.' +'Sets the horizontal spaces between the selected widgets to the same value.' #spreadSelectionVer -'Sets the vertical spaces between the selected widgets as the same.' +'Sets the vertical spaces between the selected widgets to the same value.' #testGeometryTestMode 'Toggles geometry test mode (to define ratios of variable panels and top-window dimension).' @@ -642,6 +642,138 @@ ^Icon constantNamed:#'UIPainter iconAlignTB' ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@A@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@E@E@E@G@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@H@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@A@G@G@G@@@G@G@G@@@G@G@D@@@@@@@@@@B*****(@B*****(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@C@@@@O??0O??0G'''' G''''!!G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' G''''!!G''''!!G''& G'''' O??0O??2@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself] +! + +iconCenterH + "This resource specification was automatically generated + by the ImageEditor of ST/X." + + "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted, + the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification." + + " + self iconCenterH inspect + ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#iconCenterH + Icon flushCachedIcons + " + + + + ^Icon + constantNamed:#'UIPainter class iconCenterH' + ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:' +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@J@B @@(@J@B @@(UZUR @@(?:?R @@(@J@B @@(@J@B @@(@J@B @@@@J@@@@@EUZUU@@@O?:?=@@@@@J@@@@@(@J@B @@(@J@B @ +@(@J@B @@(EZUB@@@(O:=B @@(@J@B @@(@J@B @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@C@@A?>@A?>@A?>@A?>@@C@@@C@@G?? G?? G?? G??#@C@@@C@C@?<@@? + + ^Icon + constantNamed:#'UIPainter class iconCenterHInFrame' + ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:' +@@@@@@@@J******@H@@@@@B@HL@@@CB@H8UUUR2@HH???RB@H8@@@B2@HH@@@BB@H8@@@B2@H@@@@@B@HEUUUUB@HO???=B@H@@@@@B@H8@@@@2@HH@@@@B@ +H8@@@@2@HHEUUBB@H8O?=B2@HL@@@CB@H@@@@@B@J******@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@_??8P@@HW??(U?>(U?>(U?>(T@@(T@@(W??(W??(W??(W??+T@@(T@@+T?<(T?<)T?<(W??(P@@H_??9@@@@') ; yourself); yourself] +! + +iconCenterV + "This resource specification was automatically generated + by the ImageEditor of ST/X." + + "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted, + the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification." + + " + self iconCenterV inspect + ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#iconCenterV + Icon flushCachedIcons + " + + + + ^Icon + constantNamed:#'UIPainter class iconCenterV' + ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:' +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B**@J*(@B**MJ*(@@@@M@@@@@@@M@M@@@M@M@M@@@M@M@M@@@M@M@M@@B*****(@B*****(@@M@M@M@@@M@M@M@@@E@M@M@@ +@@@M@E@@@@@M@@@@B**EJ*(@B(*@J*(@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@G @@G @@G'' G''''!!G'''' G'''' G'''' O??0O??0G'''' G'''' G'''' G'''' @G''#@G @@G C@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; yourself); yourself] +! + +iconCenterVInFrame + "This resource specification was automatically generated + by the ImageEditor of ST/X." + + "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted, + the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification." + + " + self iconCenterVInFrame inspect + ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#iconCenterVInFrame + Icon flushCachedIcons + " + + + + ^Icon + constantNamed:#'UIPainter class iconCenterVInFrame' + ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:' +@@@@@@@@J******@H@@@@@B@HL3@L3B@H:*GJ*2@H@@G@@B@HG@G@@B@HG@G@GB@HG@G@GB@HG@G@GB@HG@G@GB@HG@G@GB@HG@G@GB@HG@G@GB@HG@G@EB@ +HE@G@@B@H@@G@@B@H:*E@J2@HL3@L3B@H@@@@@B@J******@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@B_??9P@@HW??(TG (W'' (W''''*W''''(W''''*W'''')W''''(W'''')W''''+W''''*W''''*W''''(W'' )TG (W??(P@@H_??8@@@@') ; yourself); yourself] +! + +iconDistributeH + "This resource specification was automatically generated + by the ImageEditor of ST/X." + + "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted, + the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification." + + " + self iconDistributeH inspect + ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#iconDistributeH + Icon flushCachedIcons + " + + + + ^Icon + constantNamed:#'UIPainter class iconDistributeH' + ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:' +@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*B@JB @@**@J* @@J*@J*@@@HB@HB@@@HB@HB@@AP@E@@@@@@@@@@@@E@@E@@E@G@@G@@G@G@@G@@G@G@@G@@G@G@@G@@G@ +G@@G@@G@G@@G@@G@GB*GJ G@GB*GJ G@G@@G@@G@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@BHQ@BHQ@C8_@BHQCBHQA@@@C + + ^Icon + constantNamed:#'UIPainter class iconDistributeV' + ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:' +@@@@@@@@AUUU@@@@C??=D@@@@@@@DB @@@@@B* @@(@@@J @@(@@@J@@@(@@@J@@@(@@B* @@@@@@@@@AUUUD@@@C??=D@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@B* @@(@@@J @ +@(@@@J@@@@@@@J@@@@@@B* @@@@@@B @AUUU@@@@C??=@@@@@@@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 0 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 22; height: 22; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'_? @_? @_? @_? @@@O @@B@@@B@@@B@@@O _? @_? @_? @_? C@@O @@BC@@B@@@BA@@O _? @_? @_? A_? @') ; yourself); yourself] ! ! !UIPainter class methodsFor:'interface specs'! @@ -1339,115 +1471,115 @@ - ^ - - #(#Menu - - #( - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Left' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #alignSelectionLeft - #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeft - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignL 'Left') - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Right' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #alignSelectionRight - #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionRight - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignR 'Right') - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Left && Right' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight - #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionLeftAndRight - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignLR 'Left & Right') - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Top' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #alignSelectionTop - #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTop - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignT 'Top') - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Bottom' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #alignSelectionBottom - #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionBottom - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignB 'Bottom') - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Top && Bottom' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom - #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionTopAndBottom - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #UIPainter #iconAlignTB 'Top & Bottom') - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: '-' - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Centered Horizontal' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #alignSelectionCenterHor - #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionCenterHor - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Centered Vertical' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #alignSelectionCenterVer - #activeHelpKey: #alignSelectionCenterVer - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: '-' - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Center Horizontal in Frame' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #centerSelectionHor - #activeHelpKey: #centerSelectionHor - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Center Vertical in Frame' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #centerSelectionVer - #activeHelpKey: #centerSelectionVer - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: '-' - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Spread Horizontal' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #spreadSelectionHor - #activeHelpKey: #spreadSelectionHor - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - ) - #(#MenuItem - #label: 'Spread Vertical' - #translateLabel: true - #value: #spreadSelectionVer - #activeHelpKey: #spreadSelectionVer - #enabled: #canMoveOrAlignSelection - ) - ) nil - nil + ^ + #(Menu + ( + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: alignSelectionLeft + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Left' + itemValue: alignSelectionLeft + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconAlignL 'Left') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: alignSelectionRight + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Right' + itemValue: alignSelectionRight + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconAlignR 'Right') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: alignSelectionLeftAndRight + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Left && Right' + itemValue: alignSelectionLeftAndRight + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconAlignLR 'Left & Right') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: alignSelectionTop + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Top' + itemValue: alignSelectionTop + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconAlignT 'Top') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: alignSelectionBottom + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Bottom' + itemValue: alignSelectionBottom + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconAlignB 'Bottom') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: alignSelectionTopAndBottom + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Top && Bottom' + itemValue: alignSelectionTopAndBottom + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconAlignTB 'Top & Bottom') + ) + (MenuItem + label: '-' + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: alignSelectionCenterHor + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Center Horizontal' + itemValue: alignSelectionCenterHor + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconCenterH '') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: centerSelectionHor + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Center Horizontal in Frame' + itemValue: centerSelectionHor + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconCenterHInFrame '') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: alignSelectionCenterVer + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Center Vertical' + itemValue: alignSelectionCenterVer + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconCenterV '') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: centerSelectionVer + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Center Vertical in Frame' + itemValue: centerSelectionVer + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconCenterVInFrame '') + ) + (MenuItem + label: '-' + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: spreadSelectionHor + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Distribute Horizontal' + itemValue: spreadSelectionHor + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconDistributeH '') + ) + (MenuItem + activeHelpKey: spreadSelectionVer + enabled: canMoveOrAlignSelection + label: 'Distribute Vertical' + itemValue: spreadSelectionVer + translateLabel: true + labelImage: (ResourceRetriever UIPainter iconDistributeV '') + ) + ) + nil + nil ) - - "Modified: / 20.5.1998 / 01:42:57 / cg" ! menuEdit