intitial checkin
Mon, 13 Jan 1997 17:46:56 +0100
changeset 34 0f083a268b66
parent 33 eeb1fd7f92aa
child 35 6f1565819b63
intitial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Jan 13 17:46:56 1997 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+"{ NameSpace: NewInspector }"
+SelectionInListView subclass:#InspectorListView
+	instanceVariableNames:'actionHolder listHolder includesSelf'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Inspector'
+!InspectorListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+        |top slv a|
+        a := OrderedCollection new.
+        a add:1.
+        top := StandardSystemView new
+                label:'select';
+                extent:200@200.
+        slv := ScrollableView for:self in:top.
+        slv origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
+        slv := slv scrolledView.
+        slv inspect:top.
+        slv action:[:el|Transcript showCR:(el printString)].
+        top open
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'accessing actions'!
+    "set the single click action block.
+     If non-nil, that one is evaluated on single click, passing the
+     selected instance as argument
+    "
+    actionHolder := aOneArgAction
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'accessing attributes'!
+    ^ includesSelf
+    includesSelf := aBool
+    ^ listHolder inspectedObject
+    "returns true if view is empty
+    "
+    ^ listHolder size == 0
+    ^ listHolder
+    "returns true if view is empty
+    "
+    ^ listHolder size ~~ 0
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'accessing contents'!
+    "set the lists contents from a list
+    "
+    listHolder := aListHolder.
+    listHolder includesSelf:includesSelf.
+    super list:(listHolder instanceNames).
+    self setSelection:(listHolder selection).
+    "update contents from other view
+    "
+    self updateFromList:(aInspectorListView listHolder)
+    "set the lists contents dependant on the object
+    "
+    self updateList:(listHolder inspectedObject) selection:selection.
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'actions'!
+accept:aText notifying:aView
+    "on error #Error is returned otherwise the inspected object instance
+    "
+    |res|
+    res := listHolder accept:aText notifying:aView.
+    res ~~ #Error ifTrue:[
+        super list:(listHolder instanceNames).
+        self setSelection:(listHolder selection)
+    ].
+    ^ res
+doIt:aCode notifying:aView
+    "on success the value returned from parser is returned otherwise #Error
+    "
+    |res|
+    res := listHolder doIt:aCode notifying:aView.
+    res ~~ #Error ifTrue:[
+        super list:(listHolder instanceNames).
+        self setSelection:(listHolder selection)
+    ].
+    ^ res
+    "inspect an object
+    "
+    ^ self inspect:anObject selection:nil
+inspect:anObject selection:aNumber
+    "inspect an object and set the selection
+    "
+    aNumber notNil ifTrue:[
+        selection := aNumber
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (listHolder inspectedObject) ~~ anObject ifTrue:[
+            selection := nil
+        ]
+    ].
+    self updateList:anObject selection:selection
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'drawing'!
+drawVisibleLineSelected:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
+    "redraw a single line as selected."
+    |nr| 
+    (nr := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr) notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
+    ].
+    ^ super drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
+    "draw a right arrow for visible line"
+    |nr|
+    nr := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
+    (listHolder instanceTypeAt:nr) == #directory ifTrue:[
+        self drawRightArrowInVisibleLine:visLineNr
+    ]
+redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr
+    "redefined to look for directory in every line
+    "
+    super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr.
+    startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr do:[:visLineNr|
+        self redrawArrowVisibleLine:visLineNr
+    ]
+    "if the line is one for a directory, draw a right arrow
+    "
+    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr.
+    self  redrawArrowVisibleLine:visLineNr.
+    |nr|
+    (listHolder instanceTypeAt:nr) == #directory ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    ^ super visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr
+widthForScrollBetween:firstLine and:lastLine
+    "return the width in pixels for a scroll between firstLine and lastLine
+     - return full width here since there might be directory marks
+    "
+    ^ (width - margin - margin)
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'event handling'!
+    "redraw marks"
+    super sizeChanged:how.
+    shown ifTrue:[self invalidate]
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "initialization
+    "
+    super initialize.
+    ignoreReselect := false.
+    includesSelf   := false.
+    actionHolder   := [:el|].
+    listHolder     := InspectorList for:nil.
+    actionBlock := [:dummy|
+        self setSelection:selection.
+        actionHolder value:(self selectedInstanceVar)
+    ].
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'private'!
+updateList:inspObject selection:aSelection
+    "set the lists contents dependant on the object
+    "
+    listHolder := InspectorList for:inspObject.
+    listHolder includesSelf:includesSelf.
+    super list:(listHolder instanceNames).
+    aSelection notNil ifTrue:[
+        self setSelection:aSelection
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        includesSelf ifTrue:[
+            self setSelection:1
+        ]
+    ]
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'selections'!
+    "returns the name assigned to the selected instance or nil
+    "
+    ^ listHolder instanceNameAt:selection
+    "returns the type of the selected instance or nil
+     known types are: #directory #normal or:#self
+    "
+    ^ listHolder instanceTypeAt:selection
+    "returns the value assigned to the selected instance or nil
+    "
+    ^ listHolder instanceVarAt:selection
+    "select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil
+    "
+    |type|
+    aNumberOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+        type := listHolder instanceTypeAt:aNumberOrNil.
+        listHolder selection:aNumberOrNil.
+        type == #grow ifTrue:[
+            super list:(listHolder instanceNames)
+        ]
+    ].
+    super setSelection:aNumberOrNil
+! !
+!InspectorListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Jan 13 17:46:56 1997 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+"{ NameSpace: NewInspector }"
+SelectionInListView subclass:#InspectorListView
+	instanceVariableNames:'actionHolder listHolder includesSelf'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Inspector'
+!InspectorListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+        |top slv a|
+        a := OrderedCollection new.
+        a add:1.
+        top := StandardSystemView new
+                label:'select';
+                extent:200@200.
+        slv := ScrollableView for:self in:top.
+        slv origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
+        slv := slv scrolledView.
+        slv inspect:top.
+        slv action:[:el|Transcript showCR:(el printString)].
+        top open
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'accessing actions'!
+    "set the single click action block.
+     If non-nil, that one is evaluated on single click, passing the
+     selected instance as argument
+    "
+    actionHolder := aOneArgAction
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'accessing attributes'!
+    ^ includesSelf
+    includesSelf := aBool
+    ^ listHolder inspectedObject
+    "returns true if view is empty
+    "
+    ^ listHolder size == 0
+    ^ listHolder
+    "returns true if view is empty
+    "
+    ^ listHolder size ~~ 0
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'accessing contents'!
+    "set the lists contents from a list
+    "
+    listHolder := aListHolder.
+    listHolder includesSelf:includesSelf.
+    super list:(listHolder instanceNames).
+    self setSelection:(listHolder selection).
+    "update contents from other view
+    "
+    self updateFromList:(aInspectorListView listHolder)
+    "set the lists contents dependant on the object
+    "
+    self updateList:(listHolder inspectedObject) selection:selection.
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'actions'!
+accept:aText notifying:aView
+    "on error #Error is returned otherwise the inspected object instance
+    "
+    |res|
+    res := listHolder accept:aText notifying:aView.
+    res ~~ #Error ifTrue:[
+        super list:(listHolder instanceNames).
+        self setSelection:(listHolder selection)
+    ].
+    ^ res
+doIt:aCode notifying:aView
+    "on success the value returned from parser is returned otherwise #Error
+    "
+    |res|
+    res := listHolder doIt:aCode notifying:aView.
+    res ~~ #Error ifTrue:[
+        super list:(listHolder instanceNames).
+        self setSelection:(listHolder selection)
+    ].
+    ^ res
+    "inspect an object
+    "
+    ^ self inspect:anObject selection:nil
+inspect:anObject selection:aNumber
+    "inspect an object and set the selection
+    "
+    aNumber notNil ifTrue:[
+        selection := aNumber
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (listHolder inspectedObject) ~~ anObject ifTrue:[
+            selection := nil
+        ]
+    ].
+    self updateList:anObject selection:selection
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'drawing'!
+drawVisibleLineSelected:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
+    "redraw a single line as selected."
+    |nr| 
+    (nr := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr) notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
+    ].
+    ^ super drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
+    "draw a right arrow for visible line"
+    |nr|
+    nr := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
+    (listHolder instanceTypeAt:nr) == #directory ifTrue:[
+        self drawRightArrowInVisibleLine:visLineNr
+    ]
+redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr
+    "redefined to look for directory in every line
+    "
+    super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr.
+    startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr do:[:visLineNr|
+        self redrawArrowVisibleLine:visLineNr
+    ]
+    "if the line is one for a directory, draw a right arrow
+    "
+    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr.
+    self  redrawArrowVisibleLine:visLineNr.
+    |nr|
+    (listHolder instanceTypeAt:nr) == #directory ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    ^ super visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr
+widthForScrollBetween:firstLine and:lastLine
+    "return the width in pixels for a scroll between firstLine and lastLine
+     - return full width here since there might be directory marks
+    "
+    ^ (width - margin - margin)
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'event handling'!
+    "redraw marks"
+    super sizeChanged:how.
+    shown ifTrue:[self invalidate]
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "initialization
+    "
+    super initialize.
+    ignoreReselect := false.
+    includesSelf   := false.
+    actionHolder   := [:el|].
+    listHolder     := InspectorList for:nil.
+    actionBlock := [:dummy|
+        self setSelection:selection.
+        actionHolder value:(self selectedInstanceVar)
+    ].
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'private'!
+updateList:inspObject selection:aSelection
+    "set the lists contents dependant on the object
+    "
+    listHolder := InspectorList for:inspObject.
+    listHolder includesSelf:includesSelf.
+    super list:(listHolder instanceNames).
+    aSelection notNil ifTrue:[
+        self setSelection:aSelection
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        includesSelf ifTrue:[
+            self setSelection:1
+        ]
+    ]
+! !
+!InspectorListView methodsFor:'selections'!
+    "returns the name assigned to the selected instance or nil
+    "
+    ^ listHolder instanceNameAt:selection
+    "returns the type of the selected instance or nil
+     known types are: #directory #normal or:#self
+    "
+    ^ listHolder instanceTypeAt:selection
+    "returns the value assigned to the selected instance or nil
+    "
+    ^ listHolder instanceVarAt:selection
+    "select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil
+    "
+    |type|
+    aNumberOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+        type := listHolder instanceTypeAt:aNumberOrNil.
+        listHolder selection:aNumberOrNil.
+        type == #grow ifTrue:[
+            super list:(listHolder instanceNames)
+        ]
+    ].
+    super setSelection:aNumberOrNil
+! !
+!InspectorListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !