*** empty log message ***
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 16:16:03 +0100
changeset 719 2e2d0dcbaaa7
parent 718 c2e814032029
child 720 7f228c9cde2e
*** empty log message ***
--- a/HTMLBrowser.st	Tue Mar 10 15:50:17 1998 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-ToolApplicationModel subclass:#HTMLBrowser
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Browsers'
-HTMLBrowser class instanceVariableNames:'lastFileName'
- The following class instance variables are inherited by this class:
-	ToolApplicationModel - history clipboard showHelp
-	ApplicationModel - ClassResources
-	Model - 
-	Object - 
-!HTMLBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    The future HTML Browser.
-    [author:]
-         Thomas Zwick, eXept Software AG
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser class methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    ^lastFileName
-lastFileName: aFileName
-    ^lastFileName := aFileName
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser class methodsFor:'history'!
-    ^25
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
-    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"
-    "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to
-     handle the specification if its corrupted."
-    "
-     UIPainter new openOnClass:HTMLBrowser andSelector:#windowSpec
-     HTMLBrowser new openInterface:#windowSpec
-    "
-    "HTMLBrowser open"
-    <resource: #canvas>
-    ^
-       #(#FullSpec
-          #'window:' 
-           #(#WindowSpec
-              #'name:' 'HTML Browser'
-              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 385 0 376 0 684 0 675 0)
-              #'label:' 'HTML Browser'
-              #'min:' #(#Point 10 10)
-              #'max:' #(#Point 1152 864)
-              #'bounds:' #(#Rectangle 385 376 685 676)
-              #'menu:' #menu
-              #'usePreferredExtent:' false
-          )
-          #'component:' 
-           #(#SpecCollection
-              #'collection:' 
-               #(
-                 #(#MenuPanelSpec
-                    #'name:' 'menuToolbarView'
-                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 32 0)
-                    #'menu:' #menuToolbar
-                    #'showSeparatingLines:' true
-                )
-                 #(#HTMLViewSpec
-                    #'name:' 'htmlView'
-                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -26 1.0)
-                    #'model:' #valueOfHTMLDocument
-                    #'hasHorizontalScrollBar:' true
-                    #'hasVerticalScrollBar:' true
-                )
-                 #(#UISubSpecification
-                    #'name:' 'uISubSpecification1'
-                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -24 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
-                    #'majorKey:' #ToolApplicationModel
-                    #'minorKey:' #windowSpecForInfoBarWithClock
-                )
-              )
-          )
-      )
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs'!
-    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X MenuEditor"
-    "do not manually edit this - the builder may not be able to
-     handle the specification if its corrupted."
-    "
-     MenuEditor new openOnClass:HTMLBrowser andSelector:#menu
-     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(HTMLBrowser menu)) startUp
-    "
-    <resource: #menu>
-    ^
-       #(#Menu
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'About'
-                #'activeHelpKey:' #about
-                #'accessCharacterPosition:' 1
-                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #menuIcon)
-                #'submenuChannel:' #menuAbout
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'File'
-                #'translateLabel:' true
-                #'activeHelpKey:' #file
-                #'submenu:' 
-                 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #'label:' 'Load...'
-                          #'translateLabel:' true
-                          #'value:' #doLoad
-                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileLoad
-                          #'enabled:' #isStandAlone
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #'label:' '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #'label:' 'Print'
-                          #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                          #'argument:' #'menu_print'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #'label:' '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #'label:' 'Exit'
-                          #'translateLabel:' true
-                          #'value:' #closeRequest
-                          #'activeHelpKey:' #fileExit
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Navigate'
-                #'submenuChannel:' #menuNavigate
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Misc'
-                #'submenu:' 
-                 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #'label:' 'Source...'
-                          #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                          #'argument:' #'menu_source'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #'label:' '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #'label:' 'Settings...'
-                          #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                          #'argument:' #'menu_settings'
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'History'
-                #'activeHelpKey:' #history
-                #'submenuChannel:' #menuHistory
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Help'
-                #'startGroup:' #right
-                #'activeHelpKey:' #help
-                #'submenuChannel:' #menuHelp
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
-      )
-    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X MenuEditor"
-    "do not manually edit this - the builder may not be able to
-     handle the specification if its corrupted."
-    "
-     MenuEditor new openOnClass:HTMLBrowser andSelector:#menuNavigate
-     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(HTMLBrowser menuNavigate)) startUp
-    "
-    <resource: #menu>
-    ^
-       #(#Menu
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Next'
-                #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                #'enabled:' #valueOfCanNavigateToNext
-                #'argument:' '1'
-                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #rightIcon 'Next')
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Previous'
-                #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                #'enabled:' #valueOfCanNavigateToPrevious
-                #'argument:' '-1'
-                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #leftIcon 'Previous')
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' '-'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Home'
-                #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                #'argument:' #'menu_home'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Back'
-                #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                #'argument:' #'menu_back'
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Reload'
-                #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                #'argument:' #'menu_reload'
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
-      )
-    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X MenuEditor"
-    "do not manually edit this - the builder may not be able to
-     handle the specification if its corrupted."
-    "
-     MenuEditor new openOnClass:HTMLBrowser andSelector:#menuToolbar
-     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(HTMLBrowser menuToolbar)) startUp
-    "
-    <resource: #menu>
-    ^
-       #(#Menu
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Load'
-                #'isButton:' true
-                #'value:' #doLoad
-                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #loadIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' ''
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Next'
-                #'isButton:' true
-                #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                #'enabled:' #valueOfCanNavigateToNext
-                #'argument:' '1'
-                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #rightIcon)
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #'label:' 'Previous'
-                #'isButton:' true
-                #'value:' #'doPerform:'
-                #'enabled:' #valueOfCanNavigateToPrevious
-                #'argument:' '-1'
-                #'labelImage:' #(#ResourceRetriever nil #leftIcon)
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
-      )
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser methodsFor:'accessing - views'!
-    ^(builder componentAt: #htmlView) scrolledView
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser methodsFor:'aspects'!
-    |holder|
-    (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfCanNavigateToNext) isNil ifTrue:[
-        builder aspectAt:#valueOfCanNavigateToNext put:(holder :=  false asValue).
-    ].
-    ^ holder
-    |holder|
-    (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfCanNavigateToPrevious) isNil ifTrue:[
-        builder aspectAt:#valueOfCanNavigateToPrevious put:(holder :=  false asValue).
-    ].
-    ^ holder
-    |holder|
-    (holder := builder bindingAt:#valueOfHTMLDocument) isNil ifTrue:[
-        builder aspectAt:#valueOfHTMLDocument put:(holder :=  ValueHolder new).
-    ].
-    ^ holder
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser methodsFor:'help'!
-    self doPerform: #menu_help
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser methodsFor:'startup / release'!
-    self loadFromFile: self class lastFileName.
-    self htmlViewDoc history addAll: self historyEntries.
-    self updateChannels.
-    super postOpenWith:aBuilder.
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser methodsFor:'user actions'!
-    self loadFromFile: 
-        (FileSelectionBrowser request: 'Load a HTML File' fileFilters: #('.htm' '*.html'))
-doPerform: what
-    (self htmlViewDoc respondsTo: what)     
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        self htmlViewDoc perform: what.
-        self valueOfHTMLDocument value: self htmlViewDoc currentURL.
-        self class lastFileName: self htmlViewDoc currentURL
-    ]
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        self valueOfHTMLDocument value: 
-            (self class lastFileName: (self htmlViewDoc history at: 
-                (self htmlViewDoc history indexOf: self valueOfHTMLDocument value) + what asInteger ifAbsent: [self class lastFileName])).
-    ].
-    self updateChannels
-loadFromFile: aFileName
-    self valueOfHTMLDocument value: aFileName.
-    aFileName notNil 
-    ifTrue: 
-    [
-        self class lastFileName: aFileName
-    ].
-    self updateChannels
-    |htmlViewDoc|
-    htmlViewDoc := self htmlViewDoc.
-    (htmlViewDoc history at: 
-    (htmlViewDoc history indexOf: self valueOfHTMLDocument value) + 1 
-    ifAbsent: nil) isNil
-        ifTrue: [self valueOfCanNavigateToNext value: false]
-        ifFalse: [self valueOfCanNavigateToNext value: true].
-    (htmlViewDoc history at: 
-    (htmlViewDoc history indexOf: self valueOfHTMLDocument value) - 1 
-    ifAbsent: nil) isNil
-        ifTrue: [self valueOfCanNavigateToPrevious value: false]
-        ifFalse: [self valueOfCanNavigateToPrevious value: true].
-    "self emptyHistory."
-    htmlViewDoc history do: [:url| self addToHistory: url -> #loadFromFile:].
-! !
-!HTMLBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header$'
-! !