*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 00:11:07 +0200
changeset 1186 4cea2d4e9dbc
parent 1185 6c14008722e9
child 1187 e413149dabe6
*** empty log message ***
--- a/UIPainter.st	Fri Jul 09 21:30:32 1999 +0200
+++ b/UIPainter.st	Sat Jul 10 00:11:07 1999 +0200
@@ -689,165 +689,161 @@
-        #name: #windowSpec
-        #window: 
+	#name: #windowSpec
+	#window: 
-          #label: 'GUI Painter'
-          #name: 'GUI Painter'
-          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 220 0 200 0 827 0 722 0)
-          #min: #(#Point 560 460)
-          #max: #(#Point 1160 870)
-          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 220 200 828 723)
-          #menu: #menu
-        )
-        #component: 
+	  #label: 'GUI Painter'
+	  #name: 'GUI Painter'
+	  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 220 0 200 0 827 0 722 0)
+	  #min: #(#Point 560 460)
+	  #max: #(#Point 1160 870)
+	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 220 200 828 723)
+	  #menu: #menu
+	)
+	#component: 
-          #collection: #(
-           #(#MenuPanelSpec
-              #name: 'menuToolbarView'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 32 0)
-              #tabable: true
-              #menu: #menuToolbar
-            )
-           #(#VariableHorizontalPanelSpec
-              #name: 'hpanel'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -26 1.0)
-              #level: 1
-              #handles: #(#Any 0.318868 1.0)
-              #component: 
-             #(#SpecCollection
-                #collection: #(
-                 #(#ArbitraryComponentSpec
-                    #name: 'treeView'
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #menu: #menuEdit
-                    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
-                    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
-                    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
-                    #miniScrollerVertical: true
-                    #hasBorder: false
-                    #component: #treeView
-                  )
-                 #(#ViewSpec
-                    #name: 'specHolderView'
-                    #borderWidth: 1
-                    #component: 
-                   #(#SpecCollection
-                      #collection: #(
-                       #(#MenuPanelSpec
-                          #name: 'menuToolbar2View'
-                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -1 0.0 -2 0 -1 1.0 30 0)
-                          #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                          #tabable: true
-                          #menu: #menuToolbar2
-                        )
-                       #(#NoteBookViewSpec
-                          #name: 'noteBook'
-                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -30 1.0)
-                          #enableChannel: #enableChannel
-                          #tabable: true
-                          #model: #tabModel
-                          #menu: #tabList
-                          #canvas: #noteBookView
-                        )
-                       #(#HorizontalPanelViewSpec
-                          #name: 'horizontalPanelView1'
-                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -163 1 -1 0 -35 1.0 28 0)
-                          #horizontalLayout: #fit
-                          #verticalLayout: #fit
-                          #horizontalSpace: 0
-                          #verticalSpace: 0
-                          #component: 
-                         #(#SpecCollection
-                            #collection: #(
-                             #(#ArrowButtonSpec
-                                #name: 'MoveLeftButton'
-                                #activeHelpKey: #changePositionLeft
-                                #tabable: true
-                                #model: #moveSelectionLeft
-                                #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                #isTriggerOnDown: true
-                                #actionValue: ''
-                                #direction: #left
-                                #useDefaultExtent: true
-                              )
-                             #(#ArrowButtonSpec
-                                #name: 'MoveRightButton'
-                                #activeHelpKey: #changePositionRight
-                                #model: #moveSelectionRight
-                                #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                #isTriggerOnDown: true
-                                #actionValue: ''
-                                #direction: #right
-                                #useDefaultExtent: true
-                              )
-                             #(#ArrowButtonSpec
-                                #name: 'MoveDownButton'
-                                #activeHelpKey: #changePositionDown
-                                #model: #moveSelectionDown
-                                #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                #isTriggerOnDown: true
-                                #actionValue: ''
-                                #direction: #down
-                                #useDefaultExtent: true
-                              )
-                             #(#ArrowButtonSpec
-                                #name: 'MoveUpButton'
-                                #activeHelpKey: #changePositionUp
-                                #model: #moveSelectionUp
-                                #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
-                                #isTriggerOnDown: true
-                                #actionValue: ''
-                                #direction: #up
-                                #useDefaultExtent: true
-                              )
-                             )
+	  #collection: #(
+	   #(#MenuPanelSpec
+	      #name: 'menuToolbarView'
+	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 32 0)
+	      #tabable: true
+	      #menu: #menuToolbar
+	    )
+	   #(#VariableHorizontalPanelSpec
+	      #name: 'hpanel'
+	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -26 1.0)
+	      #level: 1
+	      #handles: #(#Any 0.318868 1.0)
+	      #component: 
+	     #(#SpecCollection
+		#collection: #(
+		 #(#ArbitraryComponentSpec
+		    #name: 'treeView'
+		    #tabable: true
+		    #menu: #menuEdit
+		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
+		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
+		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
+		    #miniScrollerVertical: true
+		    #hasBorder: false
+		    #component: #treeView
+		  )
+		 #(#ViewSpec
+		    #name: 'specHolderView'
+		    #borderWidth: 1
+		    #component: 
+		   #(#SpecCollection
+		      #collection: #(
+		       #(#MenuPanelSpec
+			  #name: 'menuToolbar2View'
+			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -1 0.0 -2 0 -1 1.0 30 0)
+			  #enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+			  #tabable: true
+			  #menu: #menuToolbar2
+			)
+		       #(#NoteBookViewSpec
+			  #name: 'noteBook'
+			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -30 1.0)
+			  #enableChannel: #enableChannel
+			  #tabable: true
+			  #model: #tabModel
+			  #menu: #tabList
+			  #canvas: #noteBookView
+			)
+		       #(#HorizontalPanelViewSpec
+			  #name: 'horizontalPanelView1'
+			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -163 1 -1 0 -35 1.0 28 0)
+			  #horizontalLayout: #fit
+			  #verticalLayout: #fit
+			  #horizontalSpace: 0
+			  #verticalSpace: 0
+			  #component: 
+			 #(#SpecCollection
+			    #collection: #(
+			     #(#ArrowButtonSpec
+				#name: 'MoveLeftButton'
+				#activeHelpKey: #changePositionLeft
+				#tabable: true
+				#model: #moveSelectionLeft
+				#enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+				#isTriggerOnDown: true
+				#direction: #left
+				#useDefaultExtent: true
+			      )
+			     #(#ArrowButtonSpec
+				#name: 'MoveRightButton'
+				#activeHelpKey: #changePositionRight
+				#model: #moveSelectionRight
+				#enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+				#isTriggerOnDown: true
+				#direction: #right
+				#useDefaultExtent: true
+			      )
+			     #(#ArrowButtonSpec
+				#name: 'MoveDownButton'
+				#activeHelpKey: #changePositionDown
+				#model: #moveSelectionDown
+				#enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+				#isTriggerOnDown: true
+				#direction: #down
+				#useDefaultExtent: true
+			      )
+			     #(#ArrowButtonSpec
+				#name: 'MoveUpButton'
+				#activeHelpKey: #changePositionUp
+				#model: #moveSelectionUp
+				#enableChannel: #canMoveOrAlignSelection
+				#isTriggerOnDown: true
+				#direction: #up
+				#useDefaultExtent: true
+			      )
+			     )
-                          )
-                        )
-                       #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                          #label: 'helpIcon'
-                          #name: 'openWidgetDocumentationButton'
-                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -28 1 -1 0 0 1 28 0)
-                          #activeHelpKey: #editOpenSpecDocumentation
-                          #hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
-                          #model: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
-                        )
-                       #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                          #label: 'Cancel'
-                          #name: 'cancelButton'
-                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 2 0 -26 1 -1 0.5 -2 1)
-                          #activeHelpKey: #commitCancel
-                          #tabable: true
-                          #model: #cancel
-                          #enableChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                        )
-                       #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                          #label: 'OK'
-                          #name: 'acceptButton'
-                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.5 -26 1 -2 1 -2 1)
-                          #activeHelpKey: #commitOK
-                          #tabable: true
-                          #model: #accept
-                          #enableChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                        )
-                       )
+			  )
+			)
+		       #(#ActionButtonSpec
+			  #label: 'helpIcon'
+			  #name: 'openWidgetDocumentationButton'
+			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -28 1 -1 0 0 1 28 0)
+			  #activeHelpKey: #editOpenSpecDocumentation
+			  #hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
+			  #model: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
+			)
+		       #(#ActionButtonSpec
+			  #label: 'Cancel'
+			  #name: 'cancelButton'
+			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 2 0 -26 1 -1 0.5 -2 1)
+			  #activeHelpKey: #commitCancel
+			  #tabable: true
+			  #model: #cancel
+			  #enableChannel: #modifiedChannel
+			)
+		       #(#ActionButtonSpec
+			  #label: 'OK'
+			  #name: 'acceptButton'
+			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.5 -26 1 -2 1 -2 1)
+			  #activeHelpKey: #commitOK
+			  #tabable: true
+			  #model: #accept
+			  #enableChannel: #modifiedChannel
+			)
+		       )
-                    )
-                  )
-                 )
+		    )
+		  )
+		 )
-              )
-            )
-           #(#UISubSpecification
-              #name: 'infoBarSubSpec'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -24 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
-              #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
-              #minorKey: #windowSpecForInfoBar
-            )
-           )
+	      )
+	    )
+	   #(#UISubSpecification
+	      #name: 'infoBarSubSpec'
+	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -24 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
+	      #majorKey: #ToolApplicationModel
+	      #minorKey: #windowSpecForInfoBar
+	    )
+	   )
-        )
+	)
 ! !
@@ -871,223 +867,223 @@
-           #(
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'About'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #about
-                #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #menuIcon)
-                #submenuChannel: #menuAbout
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'File'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #file
-                #enabled: #enableChannel
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+	   #(
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'About'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #about
+		#labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever nil #menuIcon)
+		#submenuChannel: #menuAbout
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'File'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #file
+		#enabled: #enableChannel
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'New'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doNew
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileNew
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Load...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doLoad
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileLoad
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Load Subspec...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doLoadSubspec
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileLoadSubspec
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Save'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doSave
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileSave
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Save As...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doSaveAs
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileSaveAs
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Define Class And Selector...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doDefineClassAndSelector
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileSaveAs
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Pick A Window Spec...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doPickAView
-                          #activeHelpKey: #filePickAnInterface
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Show Window Spec'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doWindowSpec
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileShowWindowSpec
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Browse Class'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doBrowseClass
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileBrowseClass
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Browse Aspect Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doBrowseAspectMethods
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileBrowseAspectMethods
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Exit'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #closeRequest
-                          #activeHelpKey: #fileExit
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Edit'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #edit
-                #submenuChannel: #menuEdit
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Align'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #align
-                #submenuChannel: #menuAlign
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Generate'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #generate
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'New'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doNew
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileNew
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Load...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doLoad
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileLoad
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Load Subspec...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doLoadSubspec
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileLoadSubspec
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Save'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doSave
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileSave
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Save As...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doSaveAs
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileSaveAs
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Define Class And Selector...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doDefineClassAndSelector
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileSaveAs
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Pick A Window Spec...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doPickAView
+			  #activeHelpKey: #filePickAnInterface
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Show Window Spec'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doWindowSpec
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileShowWindowSpec
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Browse Class'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doBrowseClass
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileBrowseClass
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Browse Aspect Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doBrowseAspectMethods
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileBrowseAspectMethods
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Exit'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #closeRequest
+			  #activeHelpKey: #fileExit
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Edit'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #edit
+		#submenuChannel: #menuEdit
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Align'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #align
+		#submenuChannel: #menuAlign
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Generate'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #generate
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Aspect Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doGenerateAspectMethods
-                          #activeHelpKey: #generateAspectMethods
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Menu Stub Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doGenerateMenuMethods
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Hook Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doGenerateHookMethods
-                          #activeHelpKey: #generateHookMethods
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Test'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #test
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Aspect Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doGenerateAspectMethods
+			  #activeHelpKey: #generateAspectMethods
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Menu Stub Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doGenerateMenuMethods
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Hook Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doGenerateHookMethods
+			  #activeHelpKey: #generateHookMethods
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Test'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #test
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Start Application'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doStartApplication
-                          #activeHelpKey: #testStartApplication
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Geometry Test Mode'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #testGeometryTestMode
-                          #indication: #testMode:
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Settings'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #settings
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Start Application'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doStartApplication
+			  #activeHelpKey: #testStartApplication
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Geometry Test Mode'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #testGeometryTestMode
+			  #indication: #testMode:
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Settings'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #settings
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Canvas'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsCanvas
-                          #indication: #painterShown
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Gallery'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsGallery
-                          #indication: #galleryShown
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Redefine Aspect Methods'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsRedefineAspectMethods
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                          #indication: #redefineAspectMethods:
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Aspects As Instances'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsAspectsAsInstances
-                          #enabled: #hasSpecClass
-                          #indication: #generateAspectsAsInstanceVariables:
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Canvas'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsCanvas
+			  #indication: #painterShown
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Gallery'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsGallery
+			  #indication: #galleryShown
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Redefine Aspect Methods'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsRedefineAspectMethods
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+			  #indication: #redefineAspectMethods:
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Aspects As Instances'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsAspectsAsInstances
+			  #enabled: #hasSpecClass
+			  #indication: #generateAspectsAsInstanceVariables:
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
 "/                       #(#MenuItem
 "/                          #label: 'Fonts'
 "/                          #submenuChannel: #menuFont
@@ -1095,103 +1091,103 @@
 "/                       #(#MenuItem
 "/                          #label: '-'
 "/                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Undo Manager...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openUndoMenu
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsUndoManager
-                          #enabled: #hasUndoHistory
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Grid Manager...'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doDefineGrid
-                          #activeHelpKey: #settingsGridManager
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'History'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #activeHelpKey: #history
-                #submenuChannel: #menuHistory
-            )
-             #(#MenuItem
-                #label: 'Help'
-                #translateLabel: true
-                #startGroup: #right
-                #activeHelpKey: #help
-                #submenu: 
-                 #(#Menu
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Undo Manager...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openUndoMenu
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsUndoManager
+			  #enabled: #hasUndoHistory
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Grid Manager...'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doDefineGrid
+			  #activeHelpKey: #settingsGridManager
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'History'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#activeHelpKey: #history
+		#submenuChannel: #menuHistory
+	    )
+	     #(#MenuItem
+		#label: 'Help'
+		#translateLabel: true
+		#startGroup: #right
+		#activeHelpKey: #help
+		#submenu: 
+		 #(#Menu
-                     #(
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Tutorial'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpTutorial
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/TOP.html'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Functions'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpFunctions
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/Functions.html'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Examples'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpExamples
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/Examples.html'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Help Tool'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpHelpTool
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/HelpTool.html'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Layout Tool'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #openHTMLDocument:
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpLayoutTool
-                          #argument: 'tools/uipainter/LayoutTool.html'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Selected Widget'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #value: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpSelectedWidget
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: '-'
-                      )
-                       #(#MenuItem
-                          #label: 'Show Help Texts'
-                          #translateLabel: true
-                          #activeHelpKey: #helpShowHelp
-                          #indication: #showingHelp:
-                      )
-                    ) nil
-                    nil
-                )
-            )
-          ) nil
-          nil
+		     #(
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Tutorial'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpTutorial
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/TOP.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Functions'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpFunctions
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/Functions.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Examples'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpExamples
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/Examples.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Help Tool'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpHelpTool
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/HelpTool.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Layout Tool'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #openHTMLDocument:
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpLayoutTool
+			  #argument: 'tools/uipainter/LayoutTool.html'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Selected Widget'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #value: #doOpenWidgetDocumentation
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpSelectedWidget
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: '-'
+		      )
+		       #(#MenuItem
+			  #label: 'Show Help Texts'
+			  #translateLabel: true
+			  #activeHelpKey: #helpShowHelp
+			  #indication: #showingHelp:
+		      )
+		    ) nil
+		    nil
+		)
+	    )
+	  ) nil
+	  nil
     "Modified: / 23.8.1998 / 16:09:22 / cg"
@@ -1862,34 +1858,34 @@
     |noteBook modifiedChannel helpTool layoutTool specTool|
     (noteBook := builder bindingAt:#noteBookView) isNil ifTrue:[
-        noteBook   := View new.
-        layoutTool := UILayoutTool new.
-        helpTool   := UIHelpTool   new.
-        helpTool buildFromClass:specClass.
-        specTool   := UISpecificationTool new.
-        modifiedChannel    := self modifiedChannel.
-        layoutTool masterApplication:self.
-        specTool   masterApplication:self.
-        helpTool   masterApplication:self.
-        layoutCanvas := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
-        helpCanvas   := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
-        specCanvas   := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
-        layoutCanvas client:layoutTool.
-        helpCanvas   client:helpTool.
-        specTool builder:(specCanvas client:specTool).
-        layoutTool masterApplication:self.
-        specTool   masterApplication:self.
-        helpTool   masterApplication:self.
-        layoutTool modifiedHolder:modifiedChannel.
-        helpTool   modifiedHolder:modifiedChannel.
-        specTool   modifiedHolder:modifiedChannel.
-        builder aspectAt:#noteBookView put:noteBook.
+	noteBook   := View new.
+	layoutTool := UILayoutTool new.
+	helpTool   := UIHelpTool   new.
+	helpTool buildFromClass:specClass.
+	specTool   := UISpecificationTool new.
+	modifiedChannel    := self modifiedChannel.
+	layoutTool masterApplication:self.
+	specTool   masterApplication:self.
+	helpTool   masterApplication:self.
+	layoutCanvas := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
+	helpCanvas   := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
+	specCanvas   := SubCanvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:noteBook.
+	layoutCanvas client:layoutTool.
+	helpCanvas   client:helpTool.
+	specTool builder:(specCanvas client:specTool).
+	layoutTool masterApplication:self.
+	specTool   masterApplication:self.
+	helpTool   masterApplication:self.
+	layoutTool modifiedHolder:modifiedChannel.
+	helpTool   modifiedHolder:modifiedChannel.
+	specTool   modifiedHolder:modifiedChannel.
+	builder aspectAt:#noteBookView put:noteBook.
     ^ noteBook
@@ -1956,13 +1952,13 @@
     |cls loadedFromClass loadedFromSpec editor tableColumnsOrSelector|
     (cls := self resolveName:specClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-        self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self].
-        cls := self resolveName:specClass.
+	self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self].
+	cls := self resolveName:specClass.
     self modifiedChannel value ifTrue:[
-        (self confirm:'Accept changes made to spec ?') ifTrue:[
-            self accept
-        ]
+	(self confirm:'Accept changes made to spec ?') ifTrue:[
+	    self accept
+	]
     loadedFromSpec := loadedFromClass := false.
@@ -1972,34 +1968,34 @@
     editor rowClassName:(self specTool specification rowClassName).
     ((tableColumnsOrSelector := self specTool specification columnHolder) notNil and: 
     [cls class implements: tableColumnsOrSelector]) ifTrue: [
-        editor openModalOnClass: cls andSelector: tableColumnsOrSelector.
-        loadedFromClass := true.
+	editor openModalOnClass: cls andSelector: tableColumnsOrSelector.
+	loadedFromClass := true.
     ] ifFalse: [       
-        (tableColumnsOrSelector := self specTool specification columns) isNil ifTrue: [
-            editor openModal
-        ] ifFalse: [         
-            editor openModalOnResourceSpec:tableColumnsOrSelector.
-            loadedFromSpec := true
-        ].
+	(tableColumnsOrSelector := self specTool specification columns) isNil ifTrue: [
+	    editor openModal
+	] ifFalse: [         
+	    editor openModalOnResourceSpec:tableColumnsOrSelector.
+	    loadedFromSpec := true
+	].
     loadedFromClass ifTrue: [
-        self specTool specification columns:nil.
-        self specTool specification rowClassName:nil.
-        self modifiedChannel value:true.
-        self accept.
+	self specTool specification columns:nil.
+	self specTool specification rowClassName:nil.
+	self modifiedChannel value:true.
+	self accept.
     (loadedFromSpec not and: [editor hasSaved and:[editor specSelector ~= tableColumnsOrSelector]]) ifTrue:[
-        self specTool specification columnHolder:editor specSelector.
-        self modifiedChannel value:true.
-        self accept.
-        ^self
+	self specTool specification columnHolder:editor specSelector.
+	self modifiedChannel value:true.
+	self accept.
+	^self
     loadedFromClass ifFalse: [
-        self specTool specification columns:(editor columns).
-        self specTool specification rowClassName:(editor rowClassName).
-        self modifiedChannel value: editor modified.
+	self specTool specification columns:(editor columns).
+	self specTool specification rowClassName:(editor rowClassName).
+	self modifiedChannel value: editor modified.
@@ -2011,49 +2007,49 @@
     |cls selectorOrMenu editor selectedSpec spec|
     (cls := self resolveName:specClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-        self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self].
-        cls := self resolveName:specClass.
+	self askForSaving ifFalse: [^self].
+	cls := self resolveName:specClass.
     cls notNil ifTrue:[
-        spec := self specTool specification.
-        self modifiedChannel value ifTrue:[
-            (self confirm:'Accept changes made to spec ?') ifTrue:[
-                self accept
-            ]
-        ].
-        (selectorOrMenu := spec menuSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
-            selectorOrMenu := selectorOrMenu asSymbol
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ cg: q&d hack ...
-            (selectedSpec := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
-                Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
-                    selectorOrMenu := nil.
-                ] do:[
-                    selectorOrMenu := selectedSpec view asMenu.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        editor := MenuEditor new.
-        editor masterApplication:self.
-        editor specClass: cls.
-        editor useHelpTool: self helpTool. 
-        selectorOrMenu class ~~ Menu
-            ifTrue:  [editor openModalOnClass:cls andSelector:selectorOrMenu]
-            ifFalse: [editor openModalOnMenu:selectorOrMenu].
-        self helpTool updateList.
+	spec := self specTool specification.
+	self modifiedChannel value ifTrue:[
+	    (self confirm:'Accept changes made to spec ?') ifTrue:[
+		self accept
+	    ]
+	].
+	(selectorOrMenu := spec menuSelector) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    selectorOrMenu := selectorOrMenu asSymbol
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "/ cg: q&d hack ...
+	    (selectedSpec := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
+		Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
+		    selectorOrMenu := nil.
+		] do:[
+		    selectorOrMenu := selectedSpec view asMenu.
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	editor := MenuEditor new.
+	editor masterApplication:self.
+	editor specClass: cls.
+	editor useHelpTool: self helpTool. 
+	selectorOrMenu class ~~ Menu
+	    ifTrue:  [editor openModalOnClass:cls andSelector:selectorOrMenu]
+	    ifFalse: [editor openModalOnMenu:selectorOrMenu].
+	self helpTool updateList.
 "/        editor specSelector ~= selectorOrMenu ifTrue:[
-            editor hasSaved ifTrue:[
-                spec menuSelector:editor specSelector.
-                self modifiedChannel value:true.
-                self accept
+	    editor hasSaved ifTrue:[
+		spec menuSelector:editor specSelector.
+		self modifiedChannel value:true.
+		self accept
 "/            ]
-        ].
+	].
     "Modified: / 16.7.1998 / 18:16:42 / cg"
@@ -2165,15 +2161,15 @@
     |property spec|
     (property := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
-        spec := property spec copy.
-        self specTool specification:spec.
-        self setViewInLayoutTool:(property view) spec:spec.
-        self modifiedChannel value:false
+	spec := property spec copy.
+	self specTool specification:spec.
+	self setViewInLayoutTool:(property view) spec:spec.
+	self modifiedChannel value:false
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self layoutTool layoutView notNil ifTrue:[
-            self modifiedChannel value:false.
-            self treeSelection
-        ]
+	self layoutTool layoutView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self modifiedChannel value:false.
+	    self treeSelection
+	]
@@ -2183,30 +2179,30 @@
     someObject == treeView model ifTrue:[
-        (something == #selection
-        or:[something == #selectionIndex]) ifTrue:[self treeSelection].
+	(something == #selection
+	or:[something == #selectionIndex]) ifTrue:[self treeSelection].
       ^ self
     someObject == self galleryShown ifTrue:[
-        "/ galleryShown toggle changed
-        window := selectionPanel window.
-        (someObject value) ifTrue:[
-            self raiseUIView:window
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self hideUIView:window
-        ].
+	"/ galleryShown toggle changed
+	window := selectionPanel window.
+	(someObject value) ifTrue:[
+	    self raiseUIView:window
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self hideUIView:window
+	].
       ^ self
     someObject == self painterShown ifTrue:[
-        "/ canvasShown toggle changed
-        window := self painter topView.
-        (someObject value) ifTrue:[
-            self raiseUIView:window
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self hideUIView:window
-        ].
+	"/ canvasShown toggle changed
+	window := self painter topView.
+	(someObject value) ifTrue:[
+	    self raiseUIView:window
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self hideUIView:window
+	].
       ^ self
@@ -2227,18 +2223,18 @@
     treeView notNil
-        treeSelection := treeView selection.
-        "/ the top-node cannot be cut, copied or pasted.
-        canCutOrCopy := treeSelection size >= 1 and:[treeSelection first ~~ 1].
-        clipboard := self getSelection.
-        clipboard isCollection ifTrue:[clipboard notEmpty ifTrue:[sel := clipboard first]]
-                              ifFalse:[sel := clipboard].
-        canPaste := (sel isKindOf:UISpecification) and: 
-                    [treeSelection size  = 1 
-                    and:[treeSelection first == 1 
-                    or: [self canPasteInto: treeView selectedNode contents view]]]
+	treeSelection := treeView selection.
+	"/ the top-node cannot be cut, copied or pasted.
+	canCutOrCopy := treeSelection size >= 1 and:[treeSelection first ~~ 1].
+	clipboard := self getSelection.
+	clipboard isCollection ifTrue:[clipboard notEmpty ifTrue:[sel := clipboard first]]
+			      ifFalse:[sel := clipboard].
+	canPaste := (sel isKindOf:UISpecification) and: 
+		    [treeSelection size  = 1 
+		    and:[treeSelection first == 1 
+		    or: [self canPasteInto: treeView selectedNode contents view]]]
     self valueOfCanCut value: canCutOrCopy.
@@ -2351,61 +2347,61 @@
     cls := self resolveName:specClass.
     cls isNil ifTrue:[
-        superclass := self resolveName:specSuperclass.
-        superclass isNil ifTrue:[
-            self warn:'No class named ' , specSuperclass , ' exists!!'.
-            ^ false.
-        ].
-        (self confirm:'Create class ' , specClass asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
-            cls := superclass 
-                        subclass:(specClass asSymbol)
-                        instanceVariableNames:''
-                        classVariableNames:''
-                        poolDictionaries:''
-                        category:'Applications'.
-            cls name ~= specClass ifTrue:[
-                self information:'Created new class is ' , cls name.
-                specClass := cls name
-            ].
-            ^ true.
-        ].
-        ^ false.
+	superclass := self resolveName:specSuperclass.
+	superclass isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self warn:'No class named ' , specSuperclass , ' exists!!'.
+	    ^ false.
+	].
+	(self confirm:'Create class ' , specClass asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
+	    cls := superclass 
+			subclass:(specClass asSymbol)
+			instanceVariableNames:''
+			classVariableNames:''
+			poolDictionaries:''
+			category:'Applications'.
+	    cls name ~= specClass ifTrue:[
+		self information:'Created new class is ' , cls name.
+		specClass := cls name
+	    ].
+	    ^ true.
+	].
+	^ false.
     cls isBehavior ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'A global named ' , specClass , ' exists, but it is no class.'.
-        ^ false.
+	self warn:'A global named ' , specClass , ' exists, but it is no class.'.
+	^ false.
     specSuperclass isBehavior ifFalse:[
-        specSuperclass isEmpty ifFalse:[
-            superclass := self resolveName:specSuperclass
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            specSuperclass := nil.
-        ]
+	specSuperclass isEmpty ifFalse:[
+	    superclass := self resolveName:specSuperclass
+	] ifTrue:[
+	    specSuperclass := nil.
+	]
     ] ifTrue:[
-        superclass := specSuperclass
+	superclass := specSuperclass
     specSuperclass notNil ifTrue:[
-        superclass isNil ifTrue:[
-            self warn:'No class named ' , specSuperclass , ' exists!!'.
-            ^ false.
-        ].
-        (cls isSubclassOf:superclass) ifFalse:[
-            self information:('A global named ' , specClass , ' exists,\' ,
-                              'but is not a subclass of ' , superclass name , '.\\' ,
-                              'Check and try again if that is not what you want.') withCRs.
-        ]
+	superclass isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self warn:'No class named ' , specSuperclass , ' exists!!'.
+	    ^ false.
+	].
+	(cls isSubclassOf:superclass) ifFalse:[
+	    self information:('A global named ' , specClass , ' exists,\' ,
+			      'but is not a subclass of ' , superclass name , '.\\' ,
+			      'Check and try again if that is not what you want.') withCRs.
+	]
     superclass isNil ifTrue:[
-        cls notNil ifTrue:[
-            specSuperclass := cls superclass name
-        ]
+	cls notNil ifTrue:[
+	    specSuperclass := cls superclass name
+	]
     ^ true
@@ -2497,7 +2493,7 @@
     self painter topView == aView ifTrue:[
-        type := #Extent
+	type := #Extent
     self layoutTool layoutView:aView type:type spec:aSpec
@@ -2634,62 +2630,62 @@
     |view list spec slices size property tabComponent|
     self isModified ifTrue:[
-        (self confirm:'Accept modifications in section ' , tabSelection printString asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
-            self accept
-        ]
+	(self confirm:'Accept modifications in section ' , tabSelection printString asBoldText, '?') ifTrue:[
+	    self accept
+	]
     treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue:[
-        spec := treeView canvasSpec.
-        view := self painter topView.
+	spec := treeView canvasSpec.
+	view := self painter topView.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        (property := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
-            treeView canResizeSelectedWidget ifTrue:[
-                view := property view.
-            ].
-            spec := property spec copy.
-        ]
+	(property := treeView propertySelected) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    treeView canResizeSelectedWidget ifTrue:[
+		view := property view.
+	    ].
+	    spec := property spec copy.
+	]
     tabComponent := builder componentAt:#noteBook.
     self setViewInLayoutTool:view spec:spec.
     self specTool specification:spec.
     spec notNil ifTrue:[
-        self helpTool helpKey:(spec activeHelpKey).
-        slices := spec class slices.
-        size   := slices size.
-        view notNil ifTrue:[
-            self treeView isCanvasSelected 
-            ifFalse:
-            [
-                list := Array new:(size + 2).
-                list at:(size + 2) put:(UILayoutTool label).
-            ]
-            ifTrue:
-            [
-                list := Array new:(size + 1).
-                list at:(size + 1) put:(UILayoutTool label).
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            list := Array new:(size + 1).
-        ].
-        1 to:size do:[:i| list at:i put:((slices at:i) first asString)].
-        self treeView isCanvasSelected ifFalse: [list at:(size + 1) put:(UIHelpTool label)].
-        self tabList value:list.
-        self showHelp:spec class name for:self.
-        tabComponent enabled:true.
-        (tabSelection := tabComponent selection) isNil ifTrue:[
-            tabComponent setSelection:(tabSelection := list first)
-        ].
-        self raiseTabView
+	self helpTool helpKey:(spec activeHelpKey).
+	slices := spec class slices.
+	size   := slices size.
+	view notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self treeView isCanvasSelected 
+	    ifFalse:
+	    [
+		list := Array new:(size + 2).
+		list at:(size + 2) put:(UILayoutTool label).
+	    ]
+	    ifTrue:
+	    [
+		list := Array new:(size + 1).
+		list at:(size + 1) put:(UILayoutTool label).
+	    ].
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    list := Array new:(size + 1).
+	].
+	1 to:size do:[:i| list at:i put:((slices at:i) first asString)].
+	self treeView isCanvasSelected ifFalse: [list at:(size + 1) put:(UIHelpTool label)].
+	self tabList value:list.
+	self showHelp:spec class name for:self.
+	tabComponent enabled:true.
+	(tabSelection := tabComponent selection) isNil ifTrue:[
+	    tabComponent setSelection:(tabSelection := list first)
+	].
+	self raiseTabView
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self helpTool helpKey:nil.
-        tabComponent enabled:false.
-        self defaultInfoLabel.
+	self helpTool helpKey:nil.
+	tabComponent enabled:false.
+	self defaultInfoLabel.
     self modifiedChannel value:false.
@@ -2806,24 +2802,24 @@
     aspects := IdentityDictionary new.
     aspects at:#classNameChannel put:(
-        (specClass notNil ifTrue:[specClass]
-                         ifFalse:['NewApplication']) asValue
+	(specClass notNil ifTrue:[specClass]
+			 ifFalse:['NewApplication']) asValue
     specSuperclass isNil ifTrue:[
-        specClass notNil ifTrue:[
-            (cls := self resolveName:specClass) notNil ifTrue:[
-                specSuperclass := cls superclass name.
-            ]
-        ]
+	specClass notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (cls := self resolveName:specClass) notNil ifTrue:[
+		specSuperclass := cls superclass name.
+	    ]
+	]
     aspects at:#superclassNameChannel put:(
-        (specSuperclass notNil ifTrue:[specSuperclass]
-                         ifFalse:['ApplicationModel']) asValue
+	(specSuperclass notNil ifTrue:[specSuperclass]
+			 ifFalse:['ApplicationModel']) asValue
     aspects at:#superclassNameDefaults put:#('ApplicationModel' 'SimpleDialog') asValue.
     aspects at:#methodNameChannel put:(
-        (specSelector notNil ifTrue:[specSelector asValue]
-                            ifFalse:[#windowSpec]) asValue
+	(specSelector notNil ifTrue:[specSelector asValue]
+			    ifFalse:[#windowSpec]) asValue
     "/ the canvas ...
@@ -2907,7 +2903,7 @@
     cls := specClass.
     cls isString ifTrue:[
-        cls := Smalltalk at:(cls string asSymbol)
+	cls := Smalltalk at:(cls string asSymbol)
     sel := specSelector.
     specSelector := nil.
@@ -2925,11 +2921,11 @@
     painter clear.
     cls notNil ifTrue:[
-        self setClass:cls selector:sel.
-        (cls respondsTo:sel) ifTrue:[  
-            painter setupFromSpec:(cls perform:sel).
-        ]
+	self setClass:cls selector:sel.
+	(cls respondsTo:sel) ifTrue:[  
+	    painter setupFromSpec:(cls perform:sel).
+	]
     treeView selection: #(1).
@@ -2950,38 +2946,38 @@
     spec := self specTool specification.
     self isLayoutToolSelected ifTrue:[
-        layoutTool := self layoutTool.
-        (layout := layoutTool layout) notNil ifTrue:[
-            layoutTool layoutType == #Extent ifTrue:[
-                layoutView := layoutTool layoutView.
-                layoutView == painter topView ifTrue:[
-                    layoutView extent:layout
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    spec useDefaultExtent:(layoutTool aspectFor:#useDefaultExtent) value.
-                    spec useDefaultExtent ifTrue:[
-                        "/ temporarily unfreeze the widgets size
-                        "/ (but remember, the old setting, which is actually
-                        "/ controlled by the resizeForLabel attribute)
-                        t := layoutView sizeFixed.
-                        layoutView sizeFixed:false.
-                        layout := layoutView preferredExtent.    
-                        layoutView sizeFixed:t.
-                    ].
-                    painter setExtent:layout.
-                    painter updateFromSpec:spec.
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                painter setLayout:layout
-            ]
-        ]
+	layoutTool := self layoutTool.
+	(layout := layoutTool layout) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    layoutTool layoutType == #Extent ifTrue:[
+		layoutView := layoutTool layoutView.
+		layoutView == painter topView ifTrue:[
+		    layoutView extent:layout
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    spec useDefaultExtent:(layoutTool aspectFor:#useDefaultExtent) value.
+		    spec useDefaultExtent ifTrue:[
+			"/ temporarily unfreeze the widgets size
+			"/ (but remember, the old setting, which is actually
+			"/ controlled by the resizeForLabel attribute)
+			t := layoutView sizeFixed.
+			layoutView sizeFixed:false.
+			layout := layoutView preferredExtent.    
+			layoutView sizeFixed:t.
+		    ].
+		    painter setExtent:layout.
+		    painter updateFromSpec:spec.
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		painter setLayout:layout
+	    ]
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self isHelpToolSelected ifTrue:[
-            self helpTool accept.      
-            spec activeHelpKey:self helpTool helpKey.
-        ].      
-        painter updateFromSpec:spec
+	self isHelpToolSelected ifTrue:[
+	    self helpTool accept.      
+	    spec activeHelpKey:self helpTool helpKey.
+	].      
+	painter updateFromSpec:spec
     modified := false.
@@ -3026,25 +3022,25 @@
     |spec key view|
     self isModified ifTrue:[
-        (spec := self painter specForSelection) notNil ifTrue:[
-            key := spec activeHelpKey.
-        ].
-        self helpTool helpKey:key.
-        treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue: [
-            spec := treeView canvasSpec.
-        ].
-        self specTool specification:spec.
-        view := self layoutTool layoutView.
-        self setViewInLayoutTool:view spec:spec.
-        spec class == DataSetSpec ifTrue:[
-            view notNil ifTrue:[
-                view columnDescriptors:(spec columns)
-            ]
-        ].        
-        self modifiedChannel value:false.
-        modified := false
+	(spec := self painter specForSelection) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    key := spec activeHelpKey.
+	].
+	self helpTool helpKey:key.
+	treeView isCanvasSelected ifTrue: [
+	    spec := treeView canvasSpec.
+	].
+	self specTool specification:spec.
+	view := self layoutTool layoutView.
+	self setViewInLayoutTool:view spec:spec.
+	spec class == DataSetSpec ifTrue:[
+	    view notNil ifTrue:[
+		view columnDescriptors:(spec columns)
+	    ]
+	].        
+	self modifiedChannel value:false.
+	modified := false
@@ -3147,7 +3143,7 @@
     bindings at:#vspace      put:((gridPara at:2) asValue).
     (self openDialogInterface:#dialogSpecForDefiningGridParameters withBindings:bindings) ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     hspace := (bindings at:#hspace) value ? 5.
@@ -3336,12 +3332,12 @@
     self askForSectionModification.
     self hasSpecClassAndSelector ifFalse:[
-        self doDefineClassAndSelector isNil ifTrue: [^nil]
+	self doDefineClassAndSelector isNil ifTrue: [^nil]
     (specClass notNil and: [(cls := Smalltalk at: specClass asSymbol) isClass]) ifFalse:[   
-        self warn:('Oops - cannot save - class not found: ' , specClass).
-        ^nil
+	self warn:('Oops - cannot save - class not found: ' , specClass).
+	^nil
 "/    specClass notNil ifTrue:[
@@ -3372,9 +3368,9 @@
     painter := self painter.
-        className:specClass
-        superclassName:specSuperclass
-        selector:specSelector.
+	className:specClass
+	superclassName:specSuperclass
+	selector:specSelector.
     code := painter generateWindowSpecMethodSource withCRs.
@@ -3389,7 +3385,7 @@
     painter resetModification.
     (cls class implements: specSelector) ifTrue:[
-        self addToHistory: (specClass, ' ', specSelector) -> #loadFromMessage:.
+	self addToHistory: (specClass, ' ', specSelector) -> #loadFromMessage:.
@@ -3428,25 +3424,25 @@
     |cls application|
     self hasSpecClassAndSelector ifFalse:[
-        self doSave isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
+	self doSave isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
     ] ifTrue: [
-        self askForSectionModification.    
-        (modified or: [self painter isModified or: [self helpTool modified]])
-        ifTrue:
-        [
-            ((YesNoBox title:'Window Spec was modified!!')        
-                noText:'Cancel';
-                yesText:'Save it and start';
-                showAtPointer;
-                accepted) ifFalse: [^nil].
-            self doSave isNil ifTrue: [^nil]
-        ]
+	self askForSectionModification.    
+	(modified or: [self painter isModified or: [self helpTool modified]])
+	ifTrue:
+	[
+	    ((YesNoBox title:'Window Spec was modified!!')        
+		noText:'Cancel';
+		yesText:'Save it and start';
+		showAtPointer;
+		accepted) ifFalse: [^nil].
+	    self doSave isNil ifTrue: [^nil]
+	]
     cls := self resolveName:specClass.
     cls isNil ifTrue:[
-        self warn:'Oops cannot start application - no class:' , specClass.
-        ^ nil
+	self warn:'Oops cannot start application - no class:' , specClass.
+	^ nil
     ((application := cls new) respondsTo:#openInterface:) ifFalse:[
         ^ self warn:('The application does not respond to the ''openInterface:'' message.\\(maybe the spec is supposed to be used as subApplication/subCanvas)') withCRs.
@@ -3637,8 +3633,8 @@
     windowSpec := nil.
     self canvas subViews copy do:[:aView|
-        "/ care to not destroy the transparent input view
-        (aView isInputOnly) ifFalse:[aView destroy]
+	"/ care to not destroy the transparent input view
+	(aView isInputOnly) ifFalse:[aView destroy]
     model root name: UIPainter defaultNameOfCanvas asBoldText.
     model removeAllOtherThanRoot.
@@ -3670,12 +3666,12 @@
     fullSpec name:specNameSymbol.
     fullSpec fromBuilder:(self canvas topView)
-              components:(SpecCollection new collection:aSpecArray).
+	      components:(SpecCollection new collection:aSpecArray).
     windowSpec notNil ifTrue:[
-        winSpec := fullSpec window.
-        winSpec copyValuesFromSpec:windowSpec.
-        winSpec name: winSpec label.
+	winSpec := fullSpec window.
+	winSpec copyValuesFromSpec:windowSpec.
+	winSpec name: winSpec label.
     ^ fullSpec literalArrayEncoding.