authorStefan Vogel <>
Wed, 12 May 2010 10:56:16 +0200
changeset 2788 5ea743a4ac48
parent 2787 21778700b5a4
child 2789 4f5e12eb7525
changed: #selectedModulesProjectDefinitionClass #showInfoForClassLib: #showInfoForVM Disable "unload package" menu entry if package cannot be unloaded
--- a/	Tue May 11 18:17:07 2010 +0200
+++ b/	Wed May 12 10:56:16 2010 +0200
@@ -887,10 +887,13 @@
-    " selected a lib-package; fill bottom list with class-info "
+    "selected a lib-package; fill bottom list with class-info"
+    |rows projectDefinitionClass mgr canUnload canUnloadPackage|
-    |rows libraryName defClassName libraryDefinition mgr defClassNames 
-     canUnload canUnloadPackage|
+    self middleLabelHolder value:'Components:'.
+    projectDefinitionClass := self selectedModulesProjectDefinitionClass.
     self canBrowseSelectedModule value:true.
@@ -899,63 +902,39 @@
     canUnload := info dynamic and:[self readOnly not].
     self canUnloadSelectedModule value:canUnload.
-    canUnloadPackage := canUnload and:[ self selectedModulesProjectDefinitionClass notNil ].
+    canUnloadPackage := canUnload 
+                and:[projectDefinitionClass notNil
+                and:[projectDefinitionClass projectIsLoaded]].
     self canUnloadSelectedModulesPackage value:canUnloadPackage.
-    self middleLabelHolder value:'Contains Components:'.
-    "/ try to figure out, what the definitionClass is inside that module.
-    "/ in the future, we should always find one there, however, old libs or
-    "/ special libraries (hand built) might be without a projectDefinition.
-    defClassNames := (info classNames ? #()) 
-                        select:[:nm |                
-                            |cls| 
-                            cls := Smalltalk classNamed:nm.
-                            cls isBehavior and:[ cls isProjectDefinition ]].
-    defClassNames size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        libraryName := defClassNames first
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "/ fallback - some heuristics...
-        libraryName := info libraryName.
-        (libraryName notNil and:[ libraryName startsWith:'lib' ]) ifTrue:[
-            defClassName := libraryName copyFrom:4
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/ self halt.
-        ].
-    ].
-    defClassName notNil ifTrue:[
-        libraryDefinition := Smalltalk classNamed:defClassName.
-    ].
     classNamesShown := self shownClassNamesFor:info.
-    rows := classNamesShown collect:[:cName |
+    rows := classNamesShown collect:[:eachClassName |
                     |cls entry rev listEntry revisionInfo versionString dateString|
                     listEntry := InfoRow new.
-                    listEntry name:cName.
+                    listEntry name:eachClassName.
-                    cls := Smalltalk classNamed:cName.
+                    cls := Smalltalk classNamed:eachClassName.
                     cls isNil ifTrue:[
-                        (self isExtensionName:cName) ifFalse:[
-                            versionString := '(class removed)'.
-                        ] ifTrue:[
-                            libraryDefinition notNil ifTrue:[
-                                mgr := libraryDefinition sourceCodeManager.
-                                versionString := libraryDefinition perform:(mgr nameOfVersionMethodForExtensions) ifNotUnderstood:nil.
+                        (self isExtensionName:eachClassName) ifTrue:[
+                            projectDefinitionClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                                mgr := projectDefinitionClass sourceCodeManager.
+                                versionString := projectDefinitionClass perform:(mgr nameOfVersionMethodForExtensions) ifNotUnderstood:nil.
                                 versionString notNil ifTrue:[
                                     versionString := '(bin: ',(mgr revisionInfoFromString:versionString) revision,')'.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            versionString := '(class removed)'.
                     ] ifFalse:[
                         rev := cls binaryRevision.
                         rev notNil ifTrue:[
-                            cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
+                            cls isLoaded ifTrue:[
+                                entry :='(bin: ' , rev.
+                            ] ifFalse:[
                                 entry := '(stub for: ' , rev.
-                            ] ifTrue:[
-                                entry :='(bin: ' , rev.
                             cls revision ~= rev ifTrue:[
                                 entry := entry , ' / src: ' , (cls revision printString)
@@ -969,11 +948,11 @@
                         revisionInfo := cls revisionInfo.
                         revisionInfo notNil ifTrue:[
-                            dateString := (revisionInfo at:#date)
+                            dateString := revisionInfo at:#date.
                     listEntry version:versionString.
-                    listEntry date:dateString
+                    listEntry date:dateString.
     classInfoShown := rows.
@@ -1080,42 +1059,41 @@
-    " show file versions of vm info in lower view. "
+    "show file versions of vm info in lower view."
     self canBrowseSelectedModule value:false.
-    self middleLabelHolder value:'Contains Components:'.
+    self middleLabelHolder value:'VM Components:'.
-    l := (ObjectMemory getVMIdentificationStrings).
-    l := l select:[:entry | entry includesString:'$Header'].
-    l := l select:[:entry | entry includesString:',v'].
-    l := l collect:[:entry |
-        |i1 i2 file revision date listEntry|
+    l := ObjectMemory getVMIdentificationStrings
+            select:[:entry | (entry includesString:'$Header') 
+                                    and:[entry includesString:',v']]
+            thenCollect:[:entry |
+                |i1 i2 file revision date listEntry|
-        listEntry := InfoRow new.
+                listEntry := InfoRow new.
-        i1 := entry indexOfSubCollection:'librun'.
-        i1 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            i2 := entry indexOfSubCollection:',v' startingAt:i1.
-            i2 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                file := entry copyFrom:i1+7 to:(i2-1).
-                listEntry name:file.
+                i1 := entry indexOfSubCollection:'librun'.
+                i1 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                    i2 := entry indexOfSubCollection:',v' startingAt:i1.
+                    i2 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                        file := entry copyFrom:i1+7 to:(i2-1).
+                        listEntry name:file.
-                i1 := i2+3.
-                i2 := entry indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:i1.
-                revision := entry copyFrom:i1 to:(i2-1).
-                listEntry version:revision.
+                        i1 := i2+3.
+                        i2 := entry indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:i1.
+                        revision := entry copyFrom:i1 to:(i2-1).
+                        listEntry version:revision.
-                i1 := i2+1.
-                i2 := entry indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:i1.
-                date := entry copyFrom:i1 to:(i2-1).
-                listEntry date:date.
+                        i1 := i2+1.
+                        i2 := entry indexOfSeparatorStartingAt:i1.
+                        date := entry copyFrom:i1 to:(i2-1).
+                        listEntry date:date.
+                    ].
+                ].
+                listEntry.
-        ].
-        listEntry.
-    ].
     vmInfoShown := l.
     self infoTable1ListHolder value:l.
@@ -1306,15 +1284,28 @@
-    | info classNames classes definitionClasses|
+    "try to figure out, what the definitionClass is inside that module.
+     in the future, we should always find one there, however, old libs or
+     special libraries (hand built) might be without a projectDefinition."
+    |info classNames definitionClasses libraryName|
     info := self selectedModuleInfo.
     classNames := (self shownClassNamesFor:info) asSortedCollection.
-    classes := classNames collect:[:nm | Smalltalk classNamed:nm].
-    definitionClasses := classes select:[:cls | cls isProjectDefinition].
+    definitionClasses := classNames ? #()
+                                collect:[:nm | Smalltalk classNamed:nm]
+                                thenSelect:[:cls | cls isProjectDefinition].
     definitionClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
         ^ definitionClasses first
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "/ 0 or more definition classes - fall back - some heuristics...
+        libraryName := info libraryName.  "maybe something like 'libstx_libbasic'"
+        (libraryName notNil and:[ libraryName startsWith:'lib' ]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ Smalltalk classNamed:(libraryName copyFrom:4).
+        ].
     ^ nil