help texts
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Fri, 20 Jan 2006 16:27:10 +0100
changeset 1956 65cc475656d3
parent 1955 91610d2b87f7
child 1957 cd30f8cd59f8
help texts
--- a/	Fri Jan 20 16:25:04 2006 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jan 20 16:27:10 2006 +0100
@@ -63,701 +63,6 @@
 ! !
-!UISpecificationTool class methodsFor:'help specs'!
-    "This resource specification was automatically generated
-     by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."
-    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
-     the UIHelpTool may not be able to read the specification."
-    "
-     UIHelpTool openOnClass:UISpecificationTool    
-    "
-    <resource: #help>
-    ^ super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
-'0 or 1-arg message, sent when text is accepted (arg is text).'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a triggerValue to force accept.'
-'Accept even if text is unchanged.'
-'Enable sending of the entered string to the model with every key press.'
-'Enable sending of the entered string to the model when field is left via a keyboard action.'
-'Enable sending of the entered string to the model when the field looses its input focus.'
-'Enable sending of the entered string to the model when field is left via a mouse motion.'
-'Enable sending of the entered string to the model when the RETURN key is pressed.'
-'Enable sending of the entered string to the model when the TAB key is pressed.'
-'Message sent to the application when the widget is activated.'
-'Optional argument passed with the action message.'
-'DoIt is allowed (Danger - User can execute Smalltalk expressions).'
-'Paste the complete appletTAGs HTML text here (i.e. all from <applet> up to and including the </applet>). Press parse to extract all parameters from it.'
-'Parse the appletTAG and fill the parameters directory from it.'
-'Message sent to ask the application for the view instance; or, if uppercase, the name of the view class.'
-'The name of a zip-file archive, if the class(es) are to be loaded from a zip-archive.'
-'Defines the direction of the arrow.'
-'AutoHide mode (always / never / controlled by ViewStyle).'
-'Enable auto-repeat of the action as long as the button is pressed (Must be Trigger-on-Down).'
-'Enable horizontal auto-scrollability to show the selection.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a background color holder.'
-'Defines the background color of the widget.'
-'Defines the 3D level of the separating bar between views.'
-'Defines the width of the separating bar between views (in pixels).'
-'Show a default (-return) bitmap after the label.'
-'Make the widget dependent on each row (i.e. rows send change messages).'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a boolean holder which enables the widget.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the boolean state.'
-'Defines the width of the border (in pixels).'
-'Value stored into the model when the button is pressed.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for the widget placed into the notebook.'
-'An optional argument passed with the message.'
-'Inset of canvas; a Point or Integer; leave blank for default.'
-'Message sent after opening the canvas.'
-'Center icons horizontally.'
-'Value holder on a chart description.'
-'Label string shown with the chart.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the client application to be opened.'
-'Message sent to ask the master application for an application instance; (default: the master application itself).'
-'The URL of the directory, where the classFile-file resides. If the classFile is located on the local machine, use\ file:/<fullPath>\ where fullPath is an absolute pathname. If its to be accessed via http, use\ http:/<host>/<relativePath>\ where relativePath is the path relative to the http''s top diretory on that host.'
-'The name of the java classFile which contains the applets code. For example: ''ArcTest.class'''
-'Name of a method in the application which returns a column adaptor.'
-'Opens a Table Columns Builder.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the list of the column descriptions.'
-'Recompute layout when any component changes its size.'
-'Method in the application returning a typeconverter.'
-'Create a new appModel instance for the subCanvas (Client & clientHolder must be empty).'
-'Create a new builder instance for the subCanvas (subApp will use its own aspects).'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the double-clicked item.'
-'Default label (used, if nothing selected).'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder of the html document itself.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder of the URL of the document.'
-'Message sent upon double click.'
-'Message sent when the down(right)-button is pressed.'
-'1-arg (the dropSource) message, to get the list of Objects displayed during dragging'
-'1-arg (the dropSource) message, to get the list of DropObjects'
-'Optional 1-arg (dropContext) message, to give feedBack of a finished drag operation'
-'Optional 2-arg (dropSource and view) message, called to start your own drag handler'
-'Optional user defined argument stored in the DropSource'
-'Boolean aspect which controls box-display.'
-'Boolean aspect which controls normals-display.'
-'Optional user defined argument stored in the DropTarget'
-'1-arg (dropContext) message, to ask if drop is allowed'
-'Optional 1-arg (dropContext) message, sent when entering the widget'
-'Optional 1-arg (dropContext) message, sent when leaving the widget'
-'Optional 1-arg (dropContext) message, sent while moving over the widget'
-'1-arg (dropContext) message, to drop the collection of DropObjects'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a boolean holder which enables the widget.'
-'Message sent with end of thumb motion.'
-'If on, and the window is opened modal, the ESC-Key acts like a Cancel-action'
-'The name of the item class used to create the entries into the hierarchical list.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the root directories path name.'
-'Resize the last row to fit the width of the widget.'
-'Defines the font used by the widget.'
-'If on, the background color is recursively set in all sub components.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a foreground color holder.'
-'Defines the foreground color of the widget.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the label list.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for the selected label.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder which gets the windowSpec of the selected widget.'
-'Message sent to ask the application for a list of resource spec selectors.'
-'range end x'
-'range start x'
-'range step x'
-'range end y'
-'range start y'
-'range step y'
-'The postion of the handle (Default means: as specified by viewStyle).'
-'Enable 3D-look row/column separators.'
-'Draw a border around the widget - ignored in 3D view styles (ST80 compatibility).'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a root item holder.'
-'Opens a Hierarchical List Editor on the application class and the defined selector.'
-'Defines how selected items are highlighted'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a boolean to toggle visibility.'
-'Defines how sub components are arranged horizontally.'
-'Use a mini-scroller as horizontal scrollbar.'
-'Enable horizontal scrollability.'
-'Horizontal space between sub components (in pixels).'
-'Unique symbolic name (ID) of the widget.'
-'Ignore user reselecting the same item.'
-'Message sent upon indicator click'
-'Widget is initially disabled.'
-'Widget is initially invisible.'
-'Unique symbolic name (ID) for the group of the entry field.'
-'Enable/disable multiple selections.'
-'If on, the widget is displayed opaque; if off, its transparent.'
-'If on, the button triggers its action when pressed. If off, it triggers on release.'
-'Method in the application to return a block retrieveing nodes (lazy) children.'
-'Method in the application to return a block retrieveing a nodes (lazy) contents.'
-'Method in the application to return a block retrieveing nodes (lazy) icon.'
-'Method in the application to return a block retrieveing nodes (lazy) label.'
-'If on, the view is unmapped when switching; otherwise, its destroyed.'
-'Defines the step used with cursor keys.'
-'The label of the widget.'
-'Specifies how the labels logo is positioned within the Label.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a labelString holder.'
-'Label is actually the selector if a message providing an image-label.'
-'Defines the position of the label.'
-'Defines the lamps color.'
-'Level of the 3D-border (in pixels); take widgets default, if left empty.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for the list holder.'
-'Name of the class which provides the window spec. If empty, the application itself is used.'
-'Maximum number of characters in the field.'
-'Those two fields specify the windows maximum size. The user will not be allowed to resize it to a larger size.'
-'An optional maximum value (if fieldType = numberInRange)'
-'The maximum width of the applications topWindow.'
-'The maximum height of the applications topWindow.'
-'Open a Menu Editor on the menu.'
-'Aspect selector or binding providing the menu spec.'
-'Aspect selector or binding providing the receiver of menu messages.'
-'Message sent when the middle button is pressed.'
-'An optional minimum value (if fieldType = numberInRange)'
-'The minimum width of the applications topWindow.'
-'The minimum height of the applications topWindow.'
-'Message sent to ask the class (major) for the window spec (default: #windowSpec).'
-'Aspect selector or binding providing the model of the widget.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder for the modified-flag.'
-'Enable automatic update whenever the directory is modified.'
-'Time in seconds between updates (if monitoring is enabled).'
-'Enable/disable automatic movement of the row containing the selected tab item.'
-'Arrange tabs vertically, with only one tab item per row.'
-'Opens a GUI Builder on the defined class and selector.'
-'Defines the orientation (horizontal or vertical).'
-'Adds a name-value pair to the appletParameter collection.'
-'Lists defined parameters.'
-'The name of the appletParameter.'
-'Removes that appletParameter.'
-'The value of the appletParameter.'
-'1-arg message sent after creation of this widget (arg is widget).'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the indicators value.'
-'Aspect selector or binding providing the radioButton group-model.'
-'Value passed to the radioButton group-model.'
-'Make the contents be readOnly.'
-'Defines the shape of the widget.'
-'Enable/disable automatic resize after a label change.'
-'Message sent to ask the application for a directory of keys and icons to register on the device'
-'If on, and the window is opened modal, the Return/Enter-Key acts like an Accept-action'
-'Message sent when an empty list entry is detected.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the scrollers value.'
-'Message sent to validate a selection (not selectable if false is returned).'
-'Text is initially selected.'
-'Select item under mouse before opening the menu (always / never / controlled by ViewStyle).'
-'Select whole row, if unselectable column is selected.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the selection.'
-'Defines the line color of the 1D-separator.'
-'Pick the maximum extent from the canvases current extent.'
-'Pick the minimum extent from the canvases current extent.'
-'Display a bounding box.'
-'Show/hide directory indicators for non-empty directories.'
-'Show/hide the indicator for the most left item.'
-'Show resize-handles (Default means: as specified by viewStyle).'
-'Show/hide the indicators.'
-'Editor is showing code - enables additional menu functions (comment/uncomment etc.).'
-'Show/hide column labels.'
-'Show/hide the colored lamp.'
-'Show/hide connecting lines between tree items.'
-'Display normals.'
-'Show/hide the percentage display.'
-'Show/hide the root item.'
-'Show/hide separated lines.'
-'Size the widget to include space for the default-(return) bitmap.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder on the sliders value.'
-'Show a quick-resize snap handle'
-'Aspect selector or binding for holding the selector returning a window specification.'
-'Defines the ranges minimum.'
-'Message sent with start of thumb motion.'
-'Defines the step within the range.'
-'Defines the ranges maximum.'
-'Enable/disable the expand-all function'
-'Tab into the widget; if off, TAB skips over the widgets fields'
-'Inset of tab label; a Point or Integer; leave blank for default.'
-'Message sent to ask the application for a list of tab-item-labels.'
-'3D Level (in pixels) of frame and tabs; take widgets default if left empty'
-'Margin (in pixels) between tabs and canvas; take widgets default if left empty'
-'Margin (in pixels) between tabs and outer frame; take widgets default if left empty'
-'Defines the side for the arrangement of the tab items.'
-'Defines the type of the border style of the tab items (Windows style vs. Mac style).'
-'Widget can be reached by pressing the TAB key.'
-'Message sent when the end was reached by tabbing.'
-'Message sent when the beginning was reached by tabbing.'
-'Aspect selector or binding providing the model of the widget; (string-valued, unless a type/converter is given).'
-'Translate the label via the resource mechanism to a national language string.'
-'Defines how the entry string is converted to an object which is passed to the model.'
-'Message sent when the up(left)-button is pressed.'
-'If on, default icons are drawn for each item which donot provide its own icon.'
-'If on, use the items index as selection; if off, use the items value.'
-'If on, the window computes its preferred extent; if off, the layout-sections value is used.'
-'Message sent to the application to validate double click (no action if false is returned).'
-'Message sent to the application to validate expand on double click (no expand if false is returned).'
-'Message sent to the application when the selection has changed.'
-'Defines how sub components are vertically arranged.'
-'Use a mini-scroller as vertical scrollbar.'
-'Enable vertical scrollability.'
-'Vertical space between the sub components (in pixels).'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a holder provides the view to be embedded.'
-'Aspect selector or binding for a boolean holder which makes the widget visible.'
-'Which views visibility is toggled by the valueHolder.'
-'Message sent to ask the application for an icon image for the top window.'
-'Label of the top window.'
-'Aspect providing x-Rotation value.'
-'Aspect providing x-Translation value.'
-'Aspect providing y-Rotation value.'
-'Aspect providing y-Translation value.'
-'Aspect providing z-Rotation value.'
-'Aspect providing z-Translation value.'
-! !
 !UISpecificationTool class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
@@ -960,6 +265,25 @@
     "Modified: / 16.7.1998 / 19:25:59 / cg"
 ! !
+!UISpecificationTool methodsFor:'help'!
+    "activeHelp interface: return some help text for a key.
+     Redefined to ask the current components Spec first."
+    |helpText|
+    "/ first, ask the spec
+    helpText := (specification helpSpec) at:aKey ifAbsent:nil.
+"/ DEBUG:    helpText isNil ifTrue:[^ 'No help for key: ', aKey ].
+    helpText isNil ifTrue:[
+        helpText := super basicHelpTextForKey:aKey.
+    ].
+"/ DEBUG:    ^ aKey , ': ' , helpText
+    ^ helpText
+! !
 !UISpecificationTool methodsFor:'initialization'!