*** empty log message ***
Thu, 09 Jan 2003 09:21:55 +0100
changeset 1670 72af7609bb08
parent 1669 e6ea33c843a0
child 1671 493e0430518e
*** empty log message ***
--- a/UIHelpTool.st	Wed Jan 08 13:16:05 2003 +0100
+++ b/UIHelpTool.st	Thu Jan 09 09:21:55 2003 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 HierarchicalItem subclass:#KeyItem
-	instanceVariableNames:'helpKey helpText modified'
+	instanceVariableNames:'helpKey helpText modified icon'
@@ -705,40 +705,41 @@
     list := OrderedCollection new.
     (specClass isClass and:[specClass isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
-	lastContents := nil.
-	resource := specClass name, ' ', specSelector.
-	self addToHistory:(Association key:resource value:#'loadFromMessage:').
+        lastContents := nil.
+        resource := specClass name, ' ', specSelector.
+        self addToHistory:(Association key:resource value:#'loadFromMessage:').
-	specClass withAllSuperclasses reverse do:[:aClass| |value name|
-	    lastContents isNil ifTrue:[
-		aClass == ApplicationModel ifTrue:[ 
-		    lastContents := IdentityDictionary new
-		].
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		root := ClassItem onClass:aClass.
+        specClass withAllSuperclasses reverse do:[:aClass| |value name|
+            lastContents isNil ifTrue:[
+                aClass == ApplicationModel ifTrue:[ 
+                    lastContents := IdentityDictionary new
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                root := ClassItem onClass:aClass.
-		(aClass class includesSelector:specSelector) ifTrue:[
-		    value := aClass perform:specSelector.
+                (aClass class includesSelector:specSelector) ifTrue:[
+                    value := aClass perform:specSelector.
-		    value keysAndValuesDo:[:k :v| |cval|
-			cval := lastContents at:k ifAbsent:self.
-			cval = v ifFalse:[ root add:(KeyItem helpKey:k helpText:v) ].
-		    ].
-		    lastContents := value.
-		].
-		root sort:[:a :b| a label < b label ].
-		root modified:false.
-		list add:root.
-	    ]
-	]
+                    value keysAndValuesDo:[:k :v| |cval|
+                        cval := lastContents at:k ifAbsent:self.
+                        cval = v ifFalse:[ root add:(KeyItem helpKey:k helpText:v) ].
+                    ].
+                    lastContents := value.
+                ].
+                root sort:[:a :b| a label < b label ].
+                root modified:false.
+                list add:root.
+            ]
+        ]
     list isEmpty ifTrue:[
-	list add:(ClassItem onClass:nil)
+        list add:(ClassItem onClass:nil)
     self withoutModifyDo:[
-	classItemList contents:list.
-	classItemModel value:(list last)
+        classItemList contents:list.
+        self updateIcons.
+        classItemModel value:(list last)
@@ -956,6 +957,45 @@
 	^ true
     ^ false
+    "update all icons (redefinitions below above or both)
+    "
+    |iconBelow iconAbove iconAboveAndBelow isBehind redefinedAbove redefinedBelow icon|
+    "/ if only one class exists, its not possible to have redefinitions
+    classItemList size > 1 ifFalse:[ ^ self ].
+    iconBelow         := SystemBrowser medium_methodRedefinedBelowIcon.
+    iconAbove         := SystemBrowser medium_methodInheritedFromAboveIcon.
+    iconAboveAndBelow := SystemBrowser medium_methodInheritedFromAboveAndRedefinedBelowIcon.
+    classItemList do:[:runClass|
+        runClass do:[:aKeyItem|
+            isBehind := redefinedBelow := redefinedAbove := false.
+            classItemList do:[:testClass|
+                testClass == runClass ifTrue:[
+                    isBehind := true
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (testClass detectItemWithKey:(aKeyItem helpKey)) notNil ifTrue:[
+                        isBehind ifTrue:[ redefinedBelow := true ]
+                                ifFalse:[ redefinedAbove := true ].
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            redefinedBelow ifTrue:[
+                redefinedAbove ifTrue:[ icon := iconAboveAndBelow ]
+                              ifFalse:[ icon := iconBelow ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                redefinedAbove ifTrue:[ icon := iconAbove ]
+                              ifFalse:[ icon := nil ]
+            ].
+            aKeyItem icon:icon.
+        ]
+    ].
 ! !
 !UIHelpTool methodsFor:'startup & release'!
@@ -1033,10 +1073,11 @@
     helpItem := root detectItemWithKey:helpKey.
     helpItem isNil ifTrue:[
-	helpItem := KeyItem helpKey:helpKey helpText:(helpTextView contents).
-	root add:helpItem sortBlock:[:a :b| a label < b label ].
+        helpItem := KeyItem helpKey:helpKey helpText:(helpTextView contents).
+        root add:helpItem sortBlock:[:a :b| a label < b label ].
+        self updateIcons.
     ] ifFalse:[
-	helpItem helpText:(helpTextView contents).
+        helpItem helpText:(helpTextView contents).
     contentsModifiedChannel value:false.
@@ -1070,7 +1111,11 @@
     item := keyItemModel value.
-    item notNil ifTrue:[ item remove ].    
+    item notNil ifTrue:[
+        item remove.
+        item icon notNil ifTrue:[ self updateIcons ].
+    ].    
     editModel value:nil.
@@ -1358,7 +1403,15 @@
     "returns the display icon (always nil)
-    ^ nil
+    ^ icon
+    icon ~= anIcon ifTrue:[
+        icon := anIcon.
+        self changed:#icon.
+    ].