initial checkin
Fri, 21 Sep 2007 13:45:33 +0200
changeset 2177 87bb1815460b
parent 2176 eef25c370979
child 2178 d970c06282d7
initial checkin
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Sep 21 13:45:33 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1564 @@
+"{ Package: 'stx:libtool2' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Tools }"
+ApplicationModel subclass:#ViewTreeApplication
+	instanceVariableNames:'model treeView hasSingleSelectionHolder clickedItem clickedPoint
+		motionAction infoChannel testModeChannel process
+		followFocusChannel'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'A-Views-Support'
+Object subclass:#MenuDesc
+	instanceVariableNames:'title value action'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:ViewTreeApplication
+!ViewTreeApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+     Small application showing a ViewTreeModel use.
+     It displays a hierarchical list of a selected TopView and
+     all its contained subViews.
+     Useful to have a look at subcomponents - to see how views
+     are structured.
+    [Instance variables:]
+        model           <ViewTreeModel>      the used ViewTreeModel
+        clickedItem     <ViewTreeItem>       item under the clickedPoint (motion action)
+        clickedPoint    <Point>              point where the motion action started from.
+        motionAction    <Action>             (oneArg-) action called durring buttonMotion.
+    [author:]
+        Claus Atzkern
+    [see also:]
+        ViewTreeModel
+        ViewTreeItem
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication class methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "add myself to the launcher menu
+    "
+    self installInLauncher.
+    "add myself to the launcher menu
+    "
+    |menuItem icon|
+    NewLauncher isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    icon := ToolbarIconLibrary inspectLocals20x20Icon magnifiedTo:28@28.
+    menuItem := MenuItem new 
+                    label: 'View Inspector';
+                    value: [ ViewTreeApplication open];
+                    isButton: true;
+                    icon: icon;
+                    nameKey: #viewInspect.
+    menuItem startGroup:#right.
+    NewLauncher addMenuItem:menuItem in:'toolbar'
+                   position:#( #before #help)
+                      space:false.
+self installInLauncher
+self removeFromLauncher
+    "add myself to the launcher menu
+    "
+    self installInLauncher.
+self installInLauncher
+self removeFromLauncher
+    "remove myself from the launcher menu
+    "
+    NewLauncher isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    NewLauncher removeUserTool:#viewInspect
+self installInLauncher
+self removeFromLauncher
+    "class is about to be unloaded - remove myself from the launcher menu
+    "
+    self removeFromLauncher.
+    super unload.
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:ViewTreeApplication andSelector:#windowSpec
+     ViewTreeApplication new openInterface:#windowSpec
+     ViewTreeApplication open
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^ 
+     #(FullSpec
+        name: windowSpec
+        window: 
+       (WindowSpec
+          label: 'ViewTreeInspector'
+          name: 'ViewTreeInspector'
+          min: (Point 10 10)
+          max: (Point 1024 9999)
+          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 325 654)
+          menu: menu
+        )
+        component: 
+       (SpecCollection
+          collection: (
+           (MenuPanelSpec
+              name: 'toolbarMenu'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 32 0)
+              menu: toolbarMenu
+              textDefault: true
+            )
+           (HierarchicalListViewSpec
+              name: 'List'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 32 0.0 0 1.0 -24 1.0)
+              level: 1
+              model: model
+              menu: middleButtonMenu
+              hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
+              hasVerticalScrollBar: true
+              miniScrollerHorizontal: true
+              miniScrollerVertical: false
+              backgroundColor: (Color 49.999237048905 49.999237048905 100.0)
+              listModel: listOfItems
+              multipleSelectOk: true
+              useIndex: false
+              highlightMode: label
+              doubleClickSelector: doubleClicked:
+              valueChangeSelector: selectionChanged
+              showLeftIndicators: false
+              indicatorSelector: indicatorClicked:
+              useDefaultIcons: false
+              postBuildCallback: postBuildTree:
+            )
+           (LabelSpec
+              name: 'infoChannel'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -24 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
+              level: 1
+              translateLabel: true
+              labelChannel: infoChannel
+              adjust: left
+            )
+           )
+        )
+      )
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication class methodsFor:'menu specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ViewTreeApplication andSelector:#menu
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ViewTreeApplication menu)) startUp
+    "
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^ 
+     #(Menu
+        (
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'File'
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenu: 
+           (Menu
+              (
+               (MenuItem
+                  label: 'Pick a View'
+                  itemValue: doPickViews
+                  translateLabel: true
+                )
+               (MenuItem
+                  enabled: hasPickedView
+                  label: 'Release Picked View'
+                  itemValue: doUnpick
+                  translateLabel: true
+                )
+               (MenuItem
+                  label: '-'
+                )
+               (MenuItem
+                  label: 'Exit'
+                  itemValue: closeRequest
+                  translateLabel: true
+                )
+               )
+              nil
+              nil
+            )
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: ''
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            enabled: hasSingleSelectionHolder
+            label: 'Menu'
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenuChannel: middleButtonMenu
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Components'
+            translateLabel: true
+            startGroup: right
+            submenuChannel: submenuComponents:
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Applications'
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenuChannel: submenuApplications:
+          )
+         )
+        nil
+        nil
+      )
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ViewTreeApplication andSelector:#middleButtonMenu
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ViewTreeApplication middleButtonMenu)) startUp
+    "
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^ 
+     #(Menu
+        (
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Geometry'
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenuChannel: submenuGeometry:
+            keepLinkedMenu: true
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Interface'
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenuChannel: submenuInterface:
+            keepLinkedMenu: true
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Visibility'
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenuChannel: submenuVisibility:
+            keepLinkedMenu: true
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: '-'
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Browse View Class'
+            itemValue: doBrowse:
+            translateLabel: true
+            argument: view
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Browse Model Class'
+            itemValue: doBrowse:
+            translateLabel: true
+            isVisible: hasModel
+            argument: model
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Browse Application Class'
+            itemValue: doBrowse:
+            translateLabel: true
+            isVisible: hasApplication
+            argument: application
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Browse Controller Class'
+            itemValue: doBrowse:
+            translateLabel: true
+            isVisible: hasController
+            argument: controller
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: '-'
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Inspect View'
+            itemValue: doInspect:
+            translateLabel: true
+            argument: view
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Inspect Window Group'
+            itemValue: doInspect:
+            translateLabel: true
+            argument: group
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Inspect Model'
+            itemValue: doInspect:
+            translateLabel: true
+            isVisible: hasModel
+            argument: model
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Inspect Application'
+            itemValue: doInspect:
+            translateLabel: true
+            isVisible: hasApplication
+            argument: application
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Inspect Controller'
+            itemValue: doInspect:
+            translateLabel: true
+            isVisible: hasController
+            argument: controller
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: '-'
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Flash'
+            itemValue: doFlash
+            translateLabel: true
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: '-'
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Destroy'
+            itemValue: doDestroy
+            translateLabel: true
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: '-'
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Instance Variables'
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenuChannel: submenuInspector:
+            keepLinkedMenu: true
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: '='
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: ''
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            enabled: selectedComponentHasChildren
+            label: 'Applications'
+            nameKey: single
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenuChannel: submenuApplications:
+            keepLinkedMenu: true
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            enabled: selectedComponentHasChildren
+            label: 'Components'
+            nameKey: single
+            translateLabel: true
+            submenuChannel: submenuComponents:
+            keepLinkedMenu: true
+          )
+         )
+        nil
+        nil
+      )
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ViewTreeApplication andSelector:#toolbarMenu
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ViewTreeApplication toolbarMenu)) startUp
+    "
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^ 
+     #(Menu
+        (
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Test Mode'
+            translateLabel: true
+            indication: testModeChannel
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            enabled: testModeChannel
+            label: 'Follow Focus'
+            translateLabel: true
+            indication: followFocusChannel
+          )
+         (MenuItem
+            label: 'Select On Click'
+            translateLabel: true
+            indication: selectOnClickHolder
+          )
+         )
+        nil
+        nil
+      )
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'actions'!
+    self doInspect:#view.
+    |item sensor|
+    item := model listOfItems at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil.
+    item notNil ifTrue:[
+        (     (sensor := self window sensor) notNil
+         and:[(sensor ctrlDown or:[sensor shiftDown])]
+        ) ifTrue:[
+            item recursiveToggleExpand
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            item toggleExpand
+        ]
+    ].
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'aspects'!
+    "boolean holder, which indicates whether selection changed dependend on the focus view
+    "
+    ^ followFocusChannel
+    "boolean holder, true if one item is selected
+    "
+    ^ hasSingleSelectionHolder
+    "channel, which keeps a printable information
+    "
+    ^ infoChannel
+    "returns the hierarchical list of items
+    "
+    ^ model listOfItems
+    "returns my selection model, a ViewTreeModel
+    "
+    ^ model
+    "boolean holder, which indicates whether the selection will change on click
+    "
+    ^ model selectOnClickHolder
+    "boolean holder, which indicates whether running in test or edit mode (eat input events)
+    "
+    ^ testModeChannel
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'change & update'!
+    "called if the selection changed
+    "
+    |info view item|
+    item := model selectedItem.
+    item notNil ifTrue:[ |state|
+        view := item widget.
+        view id isNil ifTrue:[
+            state := 'no ID'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            view shown ifTrue:[
+                state := 'visible'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                state := 'invisible'
+            ].
+        ].
+        info := '%1 [%2] - %3' bindWith:(view class name)
+                                   with:(view name ? '') with:state allBold.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        info := ''
+    ].
+    hasSingleSelectionHolder value:(view notNil).
+    infoChannel value:info.
+update:something with:someArgument from:aModel
+    aModel == testModeChannel ifTrue:[
+        model testMode:(testModeChannel value).
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    super update:something with:someArgument from:aModel.
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'event processing'!
+    "handle a button motion event
+    "
+    |click|
+    motionAction notNil ifTrue:[
+        click := ev view sensor mousePoint.
+        click = clickedPoint ifFalse:[
+            (clickedItem isNil or:[(click dist:clickedPoint) > 5.0]) ifTrue:[
+                motionAction value:click
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "handle a buttopn press event
+    "
+    |sensor lastRectangle|
+    sensor      := model rootView sensor.
+    clickedItem := model listOfItems detectItemRespondsToView:(ev view).
+    (sensor ctrlDown or:[sensor shiftDown]) ifTrue:[
+        clickedItem notNil ifTrue:[
+            self selectOnClickHolder value ifTrue:[
+                model toggleSelectItem:clickedItem
+            ].
+        ].
+        clickedItem := motionAction := nil.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        clickedPoint  := ev view sensor mousePoint.
+        lastRectangle := nil.
+        motionAction :=[:p| |rootView|
+            rootView    := model rootView device rootView.
+            clickedItem := nil.
+            rootView xoring:[
+                lastRectangle notNil ifTrue:[ rootView displayRectangle:lastRectangle ]
+                                    ifFalse:[ rootView clippedByChildren:false ].
+                p isNil ifTrue:[
+                    rootView clippedByChildren:true.
+                    motionAction := nil.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    lastRectangle := Rectangle origin:(clickedPoint min:p) corner:(clickedPoint max:p).
+                    rootView displayRectangle:lastRectangle.
+                ].
+                rootView flush.
+            ].
+            lastRectangle
+        ]
+    ]
+    "handle a button release event
+    "
+    |rootView rectangle newItems widget origin|
+    motionAction isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+    clickedItem notNil ifTrue:[ ^ model selectItem:clickedItem ].
+    (rectangle := motionAction value:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
+        rootView  := model rootView device rootView.
+        newItems := OrderedCollection new.
+        model rootItem recursiveDo:[:anItem|
+            widget := anItem widget.
+            origin := widget originRelativeTo:rootView.
+            (rectangle containsRect:(Rectangle origin:origin extent:(widget extent))) ifTrue:[
+                newItems add:anItem.
+            ]
+        ].
+        model value:newItems.
+    ].
+    "process an event
+    "
+    |button menu|
+    anEvent isKeyPressEvent ifTrue:[ ^ self processKeyPressEvent:anEvent ].
+    anEvent isButtonEvent  ifFalse:[ ^ self ].
+    button := anEvent button.
+    (button == 2 or:[button == #menu]) ifTrue:[
+        motionAction isNil ifTrue:[
+            anEvent isButtonPressEvent ifTrue:[
+                self selectOnClickHolder value ifTrue:[
+                    menu := self middleButtonMenu value.
+                    menu notNil ifTrue:[
+                        menu := MenuPanel menu:(Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:menu)
+                                      receiver:self.
+                        menu startUp.
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            clickedItem := nil.
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    anEvent isButtonPressEvent  ifTrue:[ ^ self processButtonPressEvent:anEvent  ].
+    anEvent isButtonMotionEvent ifTrue:[ ^ self processButtonMotionEvent:anEvent ].
+    anEvent isButtonReleaseEvent ifTrue:[
+        self selectOnClickHolder value ifTrue:[
+            self processButtonReleaseEvent:anEvent
+        ].
+    ].
+    clickedItem := motionAction := nil.
+    anEvent type == #'buttonMultiPress:x:y:' ifTrue:[
+        self selectOnClickHolder value ifTrue:[
+            self doInspect:#view.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "process an key press event
+    "
+    |item prnt idx key max next|
+    key := anEvent key.
+    key isSymbol ifFalse:[^ self].
+    key == #Delete    ifTrue:[ ^ self doDestroy ].
+    key == #InspectIt ifTrue:[ ^ self doInspect:#view ].
+    (   key == #CursorUp
+    or:[key == #CursorDown
+    or:[key == #CursorLeft
+    or:[key == #CursorRight]]]
+    ) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    item := model selectedItem.
+    item isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ model selectedItem:(model first ? model rootItem)
+    ].
+    prnt := item parent.
+    prnt isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ is the root item
+        (key == #CursorUp or:[key == #CursorLeft]) ifTrue:[item := model listOfItems last]
+                                                  ifFalse:[item := item at:1 ifAbsent:item].
+      ^ model selectedItem:item
+    ].
+    key == #CursorLeft ifTrue:[ ^ model selectedItem:prnt ].
+    key == #CursorRight ifTrue:[
+        next := item at:1 ifAbsent:nil.
+        next notNil ifTrue:[ model selectedItem:next ].
+      ^ self
+    ].
+    max := prnt size.
+    key == #CursorUp ifTrue:[
+        idx := prnt identityIndexOf:item.
+        idx == 1 ifTrue:[idx := max + 1].
+        model selectedItem:(prnt at:idx - 1).
+      ^ self.
+    ].
+    key == #CursorDown ifTrue:[
+        idx := prnt identityIndexOf:item.
+        idx == max ifTrue:[idx := 0].
+        model selectedItem:(prnt at:idx + 1).
+      ^ self.
+    ].
+    "process a mapped event
+    "
+    |parent anchor|
+    parent := self listOfItems detectItemRespondsToView:aView.
+    parent isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+    NotFoundSignal handle:[:ex|
+        "contained subvies used by spec are not yet created;
+         thus we have to wait until last used subview is build
+        "
+        anchor := nil.
+    ] do:[
+        anchor := parent class buildViewsFrom:(parent widget).
+    ].
+    anchor notNil ifTrue:[
+        parent updateFromChildren:anchor children.
+    ].
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'initialization & release'!
+    "release the grapped application
+    "
+    process := nil.
+    super closeDownViews.
+    self doUnpick.
+    "setup my model and channels
+    "
+    super initialize.
+    infoChannel              := ''    asValue.
+    hasSingleSelectionHolder := false asValue.
+    followFocusChannel       := false asValue.
+    model := ViewTreeModel new.
+    model inputEventAction:[:ev| self processEvent:ev ].
+    model mappedViewAction:[:vw| self processMappedView:vw ].
+    model application:self.
+    testModeChannel := model testMode asValue.
+    testModeChannel addDependent:self.
+    treeView := aTree scrolledView.
+    treeView hasConstantHeight:true.
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'menu queries'!
+    "returns true if the current selected view has an application
+    "
+    |view|
+    view := self selectedView.
+  ^ (view notNil and:[view application notNil])
+    "returns true if the current selected item's view has a controller
+     other than nil or the view itself
+    "
+    |view controller|
+    view := self selectedView.
+    view notNil ifTrue:[
+        controller := view controller.
+      ^ (controller notNil and:[controller ~~ view])
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "returns true if the current selected view has a model
+    "
+    |view|
+    view := self selectedView.
+  ^ (view notNil and:[view model notNil])
+    "returns true if a view is picked
+    "
+    ^ model rootItem notNil
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'menu specs'!
+    "returns the middleButton menu for the single selected item or nil
+    "
+    ^ [ model selectedItem notNil ifTrue:[self class middleButtonMenu]
+                                 ifFalse:[nil]
+      ]
+    |applications menu item list addBlock|
+    item := aMenu selection nameKey == #single ifTrue:[model selectedItem]
+                                              ifFalse:[model rootItem].
+    item isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    applications := IdentityDictionary new.
+    addBlock := [:el| |cls ctr|
+        cls := self resolveApplicationClassFor:el.
+        cls notNil ifTrue:[
+            ctr := applications at:cls ifAbsent:0.
+            applications at:cls put:(ctr + 1).
+        ].
+    ].
+    item recursiveDo:addBlock.
+    addBlock value:item.
+    applications isEmpty ifTrue:[^ nil ].
+    list := SortedCollection sortBlock:[:a :b| a title < b title ].
+    applications keysAndValuesDo:[:cls :ctr|
+       list add:(MenuDesc title:(cls name)
+                          value:(ctr printString)
+                         action:[self doSelectNextOfApplicationClass:cls startingIn:item]
+                 ).
+    ].
+    menu := MenuDesc buildFromList:list onGC:aMenu.
+    menu do:[:el|
+        el hideMenuOnActivated:false
+    ].
+    ^ menu
+    |widgets list total menu item|
+    item := aMenu selection nameKey == #single ifTrue:[model selectedItem]
+                                              ifFalse:[model rootItem].
+    item isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    widgets := IdentityDictionary new.
+    total   := 0.
+    item recursiveDo:[:el| |cls ctr|
+        cls := el widget.
+        cls notNil ifTrue:[
+            cls := cls class.
+            ctr := widgets at:cls ifAbsent:0.
+            widgets at:cls put:(ctr + 1).
+            total := total + 1.
+        ].
+    ].
+    total == 0 ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    list := SortedCollection sortBlock:[:a :b| a title < b title ].
+    widgets keysAndValuesDo:[:cls :ctr|
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:(cls name)
+                           value:(ctr printString)
+                          action:[self doSelectNextOfClass:cls startingIn:item]
+                 ).
+    ].
+    list := list asOrderedCollection.
+    list add:(MenuDesc separator).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'Total' value:(total printString)).
+    menu := MenuDesc buildFromList:list onGC:aMenu.
+    menu do:[:el|
+        el hideMenuOnActivated:false
+    ].
+    ^ menu
+    "builds and returns the geometry submenu
+    "
+    |view point inst list x y|
+    view := self selectedView.
+    view isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    list := OrderedCollection new.
+    "/ origin
+    point := view relativeOrigin.
+    point isNil ifTrue:[ point := view origin ].
+    x := view left.
+    y := view top.
+    (x == point x and:[y == point y]) ifTrue:[ inst := point ]
+                                     ifFalse:[ inst := '%1 --> (%2@%3)' bindWith:point with:x with:y ].
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'origin' value:inst).
+    "/ corner
+    point := view relativeCorner.
+    point isNil ifTrue:[ point := view corner ].
+    x := view right.
+    y := view bottom.
+    (x == point x and:[y == point y]) ifTrue:[ inst := point ]
+                                     ifFalse:[ inst := '%1 --> (%2@%3)' bindWith:point with:x with:y ].
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'corner' value:inst).
+    "/ extent
+    (point := view relativeExtent) isNil ifTrue:[point := view extent].
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'extent' value:point).
+    "/ preferred extent
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'pref. extent' value:(view preferredExtent)).
+    list add:(MenuDesc separator).
+    "/ view insets
+    inst := 'l:%1  r:%2  t:%3  b:%4' bindWith:(view leftInset)
+                                         with:(view rightInset)
+                                         with:(view topInset)
+                                         with:(view bottomInset).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'insets'      value:inst).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'borderWidth' value:(view borderWidth)).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'level'       value:(view level)).
+    list add:(MenuDesc separator).
+    (inst := view layout) notNil ifTrue:[ inst := inst displayString ].
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'layout' value:inst).
+    (inst := view transformation) notNil ifTrue:[ inst := inst displayString ].
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'transformation' value:inst).
+  ^ MenuDesc buildFromList:list onGC:aMenu
+    "builds and returns the inspector submenu
+    "
+    |view list n names label value|
+    view := self selectedView.
+    view isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    n := view class instSize.
+    n > 0 ifFalse:[^ nil ].
+    list  := OrderedCollection new:n.
+    names := view class allInstVarNames.
+    1 to:n do:[:i| |action|
+        label := (names at:i) printString.
+        value := view instVarAt:i.
+        value isNil ifTrue:[
+            value  := '------'.
+            action := nil.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            value  := value displayString contractAtEndTo:40.
+            action := [(view instVarAt:i) inspect].
+        ].
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:label value:value action:action).
+    ].
+    ^ MenuDesc buildFromList:list onGC:aMenu
+    "builds and returns the interface submenu
+    "
+    |view label inst value list|
+    view := self selectedView.
+    view isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    list := OrderedCollection new.
+    inst  := view controller.
+    value := nil.
+    inst isNil ifTrue:[
+        label := nil
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        inst == view ifTrue:[ label := '== view itself' ]
+                    ifFalse:[ label := inst displayString.
+                              value := [view controller inspect].
+                            ].
+    ].
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'controller' value:label action:value).
+    inst := view delegate.
+    inst notNil ifTrue:[
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:'delegate' value:(inst displayString) action:[ view delegate inspect ]).
+    ].
+    inst := view application.
+    inst notNil ifTrue:[ |topAppl|
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:'application' value:inst action:[ view application inspect ]).
+        topAppl := inst topApplication.
+        (topAppl notNil and:[topAppl ~~ inst]) ifTrue:[
+            list add:(MenuDesc title:'topApplication' value:topAppl action:[ inst topApplication inspect ]).
+        ].
+    ].
+    list add:(MenuDesc separator).
+    (view respondsTo:#'model:') ifTrue:[
+        inst := model.
+        inst isNil ifTrue:[ label := value := nil ]
+                  ifFalse:[ label := inst displayString.
+                            value := [ view model inspect ].
+                          ].
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:'model' value:label action:value).
+        (inst notNil and:[view respondsTo:#modelInterface]) ifTrue:[
+            view modelInterface keysAndValuesDo:[:key : val|
+                val isNil ifTrue:[ label := nil ]
+                         ifFalse:[ label := val displayString ].
+                list add:(MenuDesc title:('      - ', key) value:label ).
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    (view respondsTo:#enableChannel) ifTrue:[
+        inst := view enableChannel.
+        inst isNil ifTrue:[ label := value := nil ]
+                  ifFalse:[ label := inst displayString.
+                            value := [ view enableChannel inspect ].
+                          ].
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:'enableChannel' value:label action:value).
+    ].
+    list last isSeparator ifFalse:[ list add:(MenuDesc separator) ].
+    (view respondsTo:#listHolder) ifTrue:[
+        inst := view listHolder.
+        inst isNil ifTrue:[ label := value := nil ]
+                  ifFalse:[ label := inst class printString.
+                            value := [ view listHolder inspect ].
+                          ].
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:'listHolder' value:label action:value).
+    ].
+    (view respondsTo:#list) ifTrue:[
+        inst := view list.
+        inst isNil ifTrue:[ label := value := nil ]
+                  ifFalse:[ label := '%1 [%2]' bindWith:(inst class printString) with:(inst size).
+                            value := [ view list inspect ].
+                          ].
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:'list' value:label action:value).
+    ].
+    list last isSeparator ifTrue:[ list removeLast ].
+  ^ MenuDesc buildFromList:list onGC:aMenu
+    "builds and returns the geometry submenu
+    "
+    |view list value|
+    view := self selectedView.
+    view isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    list := OrderedCollection new.
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'device'     value:(view device printString)).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'drawableId' value:(view id)).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'gcId'       value:(view gcId)).
+    list add:(MenuDesc separator).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'shown'    value:(view shown)).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'realized' value:(view realized)).
+    list add:(MenuDesc separator).
+    list add:(MenuDesc title:'hiddenOnRealize' value:(view isHiddenOnRealize)).
+    (value := view visibilityChannel) isNil ifTrue:[
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:'visibilityChannel' value:'------').
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        list add:(MenuDesc title:'visibilityChannel'
+                           value:(value displayString)
+                          action:[view visibilityChannel inspect]).
+    ].
+  ^ MenuDesc buildFromList:list onGC:aMenu
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'private'!
+    |rootView focusItem focusView|
+    rootView := model rootView.
+    (rootView notNil and:[rootView shown]) ifTrue:[
+        focusView := rootView windowGroup focusView.
+    ].
+    focusView isNil ifTrue:[^ self ].
+    focusItem := model selectedItem.
+    (focusItem notNil and:[focusItem widget == focusView]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    focusItem := model listOfItems recursiveDetect:[:el| el widget == focusView ].
+    focusItem notNil ifTrue:[
+        model selectItem:focusItem.
+    ].        
+    |theProcess|
+    aRootItemOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
+        process := nil.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "/ expand tree to level 3
+        aRootItemOrNil do:[:aRootChild|
+            aRootChild do:[:aSubChild| aSubChild expand ].
+            aRootChild expand.
+        ].
+        aRootItemOrNil expand.
+        process isNil ifTrue:[
+            theProcess := process :=
+                Process for:[   |update|
+                                update := false.
+                               [process == theProcess] whileTrue:[
+                                    Delay waitForSeconds:0.5.
+                                    (treeView notNil and:[process == theProcess and:[treeView shown]]) ifTrue:[
+                                        (self isInTestmode and:[followFocusChannel value == true]) ifTrue:[
+                                            self selectFocusView.
+                                        ].
+                                        update ifTrue:[
+                                            self updateShownStatus.
+                                        ].
+                                        update := update not.
+                                    ].
+                                ].
+                             ] priority:8.
+            theProcess name:'ViewTreeApplication::Follow Focus'.
+            theProcess resume.
+        ].
+    ].
+    model rootItem:aRootItemOrNil.
+    |rootItem min max visState listIdx visY0 visY1 height damage|
+    rootItem := model rootItem.
+    (rootItem notNil and:[rootItem widget shown]) ifFalse:[^ self].
+    max := 0.
+    min := 9999999.
+    rootItem recursiveEachVisibleItemDo:[:anItem|
+        visState := (anItem widget shown).
+        visState ~~ anItem isDrawnShown ifTrue:[
+            anItem isDrawnShown:visState.
+            listIdx := treeView identityIndexOf:anItem.
+            listIdx > 0 ifTrue:[    
+                max := max max:listIdx.
+                min := min min:listIdx.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    max < min ifTrue:[^ self].
+    max := max + 1.
+    visY0  := (treeView yVisibleOfLine:min) max:0.
+    visY1  := (treeView yVisibleOfLine:max) min:(treeView height).
+    height := visY1 - visY0.
+    height > 2 ifTrue:[
+        treeView shown ifTrue:[
+            damage := Rectangle left:0 top:visY0 width:(treeView width) height:height.
+            treeView invalidateDeviceRectangle:damage repairNow:false.
+        ].
+    ].
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "returns true if running in test mode - no events eaten
+    "
+    ^ testModeChannel value == true
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'selection'!
+    "returns the selected view or nil
+    "
+    |item|
+    item := model selectedItem.
+    item notNil ifTrue:[ ^ item widget ].
+  ^ nil
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'testing'!
+    aTreeItem isApplicationClass ifTrue:[
+       ^ aTreeItem applicationClass
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    |item|
+    item := model selectedItem.
+    ^ (item notNil and:[item hasChildren])
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication methodsFor:'user operations'!
+    "open browser on:
+        #view           browse class
+        #model          browse model class
+        #application    browse application class
+        #controller     browse controller class
+    "
+    |view inst|
+    view := self selectedView.
+    view isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+             what == #view        ifTrue:[ inst := view ]
+    ifFalse:[what == #model       ifTrue:[ inst := view model ]
+    ifFalse:[what == #application ifTrue:[ inst := view application ]
+    ifFalse:[what == #controller  ifTrue:[ inst := view controller ]
+    ifFalse:[
+        ^ self
+    ]]]].
+    inst notNil ifTrue:[
+        inst class browserClass openInClass:(inst class) selector:nil
+    ].
+    "destroy the current selected view
+    "
+    |item parent|
+    item := model selectedItem.
+    item isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self].
+    parent := item parent.
+    parent isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ the root
+        model withSelectionHiddenDo:[item deleteAll].
+      ^ self
+    ].
+    model withSelectionHiddenDo:[
+        |idx nsel|
+        idx := parent identityIndexOf:item.
+        idx == parent size ifTrue:[
+            nsel := parent at:(idx - 1) ifAbsent:parent
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            nsel := parent at:(idx + 1)
+        ].
+        model setValue:nil.
+        item delete.
+        parent isLayoutContainer ifTrue:[
+            parent widget sizeChanged:nil
+        ].
+        model value:nsel.
+    ].
+    "flash the selected view
+    "
+    |view|
+    view := self selectedView.
+    view isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self].
+    view shown ifTrue:[
+        model withSelectionHiddenDo:[
+            view perform:#flash ifNotUnderstood:nil.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "open inspector on:
+        #view           inspect class
+        #group          inspect windowGroup
+        #model          inspect model
+        #application    inspect application
+        #controller     inspect controller
+    "
+    |inst|
+    inst := self selectedView.
+    inst isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+             what == #group       ifTrue:[ inst := inst windowGroup ]
+    ifFalse:[what == #model       ifTrue:[ inst := inst model ]
+    ifFalse:[what == #application ifTrue:[ inst := inst application ]
+    ifFalse:[what == #controller  ifTrue:[ inst := inst controller  ]]]].
+    inst notNil ifTrue:[ inst inspect ].
+    "pick a window's topView
+    "
+    |window|
+    self doUnpick.
+    window := Screen current viewFromUser.
+    window isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    window := window topView.
+    (    window == Screen current rootView
+     or:[window == self window topView]
+    ) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self setRootItem:(ViewTreeItem buildViewsFrom:window).
+doSelectNextOfApplicationClass:aClass startingIn:anItem
+    |startItem firstFound searchNext|
+    startItem  := model last.
+    searchNext := startItem notNil.        
+    firstFound := nil.
+    anItem recursiveDo:[:el|
+        el == startItem ifTrue:[
+            searchNext := false
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (self resolveApplicationClassFor:el) == aClass ifTrue:[
+                searchNext ifFalse:[^ model selectItem:el].
+                firstFound isNil ifTrue:[
+                    firstFound := el
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    firstFound notNil ifTrue:[
+        self window beep.
+        model selectItem:firstFound
+    ].
+doSelectNextOfClass:aClass startingIn:anItem
+    |startItem firstFound searchNext|
+    startItem  := model last.
+    searchNext := startItem notNil.        
+    firstFound := nil.
+    anItem recursiveDo:[:el|
+        el == startItem ifTrue:[
+            searchNext := false
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            el widget class == aClass ifTrue:[
+                searchNext ifFalse:[^ model selectItem:el].
+                firstFound isNil ifTrue:[
+                    firstFound := el
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    firstFound notNil ifTrue:[
+        self window beep.
+        model selectItem:firstFound
+    ].
+    "release current picked window and contained subwindows
+    "
+    self setRootItem:nil.
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication::MenuDesc class methodsFor:'building'!
+buildFromList:aList onGC:aMenu
+    |tabSpec menu w menuPanel|
+    w := 0.
+    aList do:[:el| w := w max:(el widthOn:aMenu) ].
+    tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
+    tabSpec unit:#pixel.
+    tabSpec positions:#(0     1.5 ).
+    tabSpec align:#(#left #left).
+    w := w + 15.
+    tabSpec positions:(Array with:0 with:w).
+    menu := Menu new.
+    aList do:[:el|
+        menu addItem:(el asMenuItemWithTabulatorSpecification:tabSpec).
+    ].
+    menuPanel := MenuPanel menu:menu.
+    ^ menuPanel
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication::MenuDesc class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    ^ self new
+title:aTitle value:aValue
+    ^ self title:aTitle value:aValue action:nil
+title:aTitle value:aValue action:anAction
+    ^ self new title:aTitle value:aValue action:anAction
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication::MenuDesc methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ title
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication::MenuDesc methodsFor:'building'!
+    |array|
+    title isNil ifTrue:[ ^ MenuItem label:value ].     "/ separator
+    array := Array with:(title, ':') with:'------'.
+    value notNil ifTrue:[
+        array at:2 put:(value printString, ' ')
+    ].
+  ^ MenuItem label:(MultiColListEntry fromStrings:array tabulatorSpecification:aTabSpec)
+             value:action
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication::MenuDesc methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+title:aTitle value:aValue action:anAction
+    "test for separator
+    "
+    title  := aTitle withoutSeparators.
+    action := anAction.
+    aValue notNil ifTrue:[
+        value := aValue printString.
+        value size > 70 ifTrue:[
+            value := value copyFrom:1 to:70.
+            value := value, '...'
+        ]
+    ].
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication::MenuDesc methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ title isNil
+    title isNil ifTrue:[^ 5].  "/ separator
+  ^ title widthOn:aGC
+! !
+!ViewTreeApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header$'
+! !
+ViewTreeApplication initialize!