use an ApplicationSubView instead of a View for a UIHelpTool
Tue, 08 Feb 2000 17:10:58 +0100
changeset 1335 b80f8c8ec3d6
parent 1334 36c1ee53aede
child 1336 3c84dc6f8d4b
use an ApplicationSubView instead of a View for a UIHelpTool
--- a/	Tue Feb 08 10:29:46 2000 +0100
+++ b/	Tue Feb 08 17:10:58 2000 +0100
@@ -20,13 +20,6 @@
-SelectionInTreeView subclass:#TreeView
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:''
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	privateIn:MenuEditor
 Object subclass:#Item
 	instanceVariableNames:'activeHelpKey enabled label value nameKey indication shortcutKey
 		accessCharacterPos retriever icon iconAndLabel submenuChannel
@@ -37,6 +30,13 @@
+SelectionInTreeView subclass:#TreeView
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:MenuEditor
 !MenuEditor class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -2284,8 +2284,9 @@
         helpTool := UIHelpTool new createBuilder.
         helpTool masterApplication:self.
         helpTool modifiedHolder: self valueOfEnablingCommitButtons.
-        helpView := View new client:helpTool.
+        helpView := ApplicationSubView new client:helpTool.
         helpTool builder window:helpView.
+        helpTool masterApplication:self.
         listOfCanvas at:#help put:helpTool.
     ^ helpTool
@@ -2699,6 +2700,345 @@
     modified := true.
 ! !
+!MenuEditor::Item class methodsFor:'constants'!
+    "get the list of available separator types"
+    ^#('blank' 'single line' 'double line')
+    "get the list of menu spec values of the corresponding separator types"
+   ^ #(
+        ( #blank        ''  )
+        ( #single       '-' )
+        ( #double       '=' )
+      )
+! !
+!MenuEditor::Item class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    implements the contents assigned to a TreeItem. An instance
+    is associated with one item and keeps all its information
+    [see also:]
+        TreeItem
+        MenuEditor
+    [author:]
+        Claus Atzkern
+! !
+!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "get the help key of the menu item"
+    ^activeHelpKey
+    "set the help key of the menu item"
+    activeHelpKey := aKey
+    "get the value of the menu item"
+    ^label
+    "set the value of the menu item"
+    label := something ? '-'
+    "get the separator type assigned to item or nil"
+    label size > 1 
+    ifFalse:
+    [
+        label size  == 0  ifTrue:[^#blank].
+        label first == $- ifTrue:[^#single].
+        label first == $= ifTrue:[^#double].
+    ].    
+    ^nil
+    "set the startGroup attribute"
+    startGroup := aSymbolOrNil
+    "Created: / 23.8.1998 / 15:56:03 / cg"
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'submenuChannel' (automatically generated)"
+    ^submenuChannel
+    "get the submenuChannel"
+    submenuChannel := aChannel
+    "set/clear the translate to national-language flag"
+    translateLabel := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 6.6.1998 / 17:23:33 / cg"
+    "set the value attribute"
+    value := aSymbol
+    "Created: / 23.8.1998 / 16:02:10 / cg"
+! !
+!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'building'!
+    "read the values of the aspects into my values"
+    |name|
+    self isSeparator 
+    ifFalse:
+    [
+        name  := label.
+        label := (aspects at:#label) value.
+        (label isNil or:[self isSeparator]) ifTrue:[
+            (aspects at:#label) value:(label := name)
+        ].
+        enabled            := (aspects at:#enabled) value.
+        value              := (aspects at:#value) value.
+        nameKey            := (aspects at:#nameKey) value.
+        indication         := (aspects at:#indication) value.
+        choice             := (aspects at:#choice) value.
+        choiceValue        := (aspects at:#choiceValue) value.
+        shortcutKey        := (aspects at:#shortcutKey) value.
+        startGroup         := (aspects at:#startGroup) value.
+        accessCharacterPos := (aspects at:#accessCharacterPos) value.
+        argument           := (aspects at:#argument) value.
+        translateLabel     := (aspects at:#translateLabel) value.
+        isButton           := (aspects at:#isButton) value.
+        auxValue           := (aspects at:#auxValue) value.
+        argument isString ifTrue:[
+            argument size > 1 ifTrue:[
+                (argument at:1) == $# ifTrue:[
+                    argument := (argument copyFrom:2) asSymbol
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        submenuChannel    := (aspects at:#submenuChannel) value.
+        retriever         := (aspects at:#retriever) value.
+        icon              := (aspects at:#icon) value.
+        iconAndLabel      := (aspects at:#iconAndLabel) value.
+    ]
+    ifTrue:
+    [
+        name  := (aspects at:#seperatorSelection) selectionIndex.
+        label := (self class separatorSlices at:name) last.
+    ].
+    isVisible := (aspects at:#isVisible) value.
+    hideMenuOnActivated := (aspects at:#hideMenuOnActivated) value.
+    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 15:36:38 / cg"
+    "read the attributes of anItem into my values"
+    |rtv|
+    self label:(anItem rawLabel).
+    activeHelpKey := anItem activeHelpKey.
+    (enabled := anItem enabled) isSymbol ifFalse:[
+        enabled := nil
+    ].
+    (value := anItem value) isSymbol ifFalse:[
+        value := nil.
+    ].
+    (indication := anItem indication) isSymbol ifFalse:[
+        indication := nil
+    ].
+    (choice := anItem choice) isSymbol ifFalse:[
+        choice := nil
+    ].
+    choiceValue         := anItem choiceValue.
+    nameKey             := anItem nameKey.
+    shortcutKey         := anItem shortcutKeyCharacter.
+    startGroup          := anItem startGroup.
+    accessCharacterPos  := anItem accessCharacterPosition.
+    argument            := anItem argument.
+    submenuChannel      := anItem submenuChannel.
+    translateLabel      := anItem translateLabel.
+    isButton            := anItem isButton.
+    isVisible           := anItem isVisible.
+    hideMenuOnActivated := anItem hideMenuOnActivated.
+    auxValue            := anItem auxValue.
+    (((rtv := anItem adornment) notNil)
+    and:[(rtv := rtv labelImage) isKindOf:ResourceRetriever])
+    ifTrue:
+    [
+        retriever := rtv className.
+        icon      := rtv selector.
+        (iconAndLabel := rtv labelText notNil) ifTrue:[
+            label := rtv labelText.
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 29.9.1998 / 11:18:25 / cg"
+! !
+!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'conversion'!
+    "converts self to a menu item"
+    |item rcv|
+    item := MenuItem labeled:label.
+    item isVisible:isVisible.
+    item hideMenuOnActivated:hideMenuOnActivated.
+    self isSeparator ifFalse:[    
+        item activeHelpKey:activeHelpKey.
+        item enabled:enabled.
+        item accessCharacterPosition:accessCharacterPos.
+        item argument:argument.
+        item submenuChannel:submenuChannel.
+        item nameKey:nameKey.
+        item shortcutKeyCharacter:shortcutKey.
+        item startGroup:startGroup.
+        item value:value.
+        item indication:indication.
+        item choice:choice.
+        item choiceValue:choiceValue.
+        item translateLabel: translateLabel.
+        item isButton: isButton.
+        item auxValue: auxValue.
+        icon notNil ifTrue:[
+            rcv := ResourceRetriever new.
+            rcv className:retriever.
+            rcv selector:icon.
+            iconAndLabel == true ifTrue:[
+                rcv labelText:label
+            ].
+            item labelImage:rcv
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^item
+    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 15:36:35 / cg"
+    "put my values into the values of aspects"
+    |type|
+    (type := self separatorType) notNil ifTrue: [
+        type := self class separatorSlices findFirst:[:el| el first == type ].
+        (aspects at:#seperatorSelection) selectionIndex:type.
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        (aspects at:#label)                value:label.
+        (aspects at:#enabled)              value:enabled.
+        (aspects at:#value)                value:value.
+        (aspects at:#nameKey)              value:nameKey.
+        (aspects at:#indication)           value:indication.
+        (aspects at:#choice)               value:choice.
+        (aspects at:#choiceValue)          value:choiceValue.
+        (aspects at:#shortcutKey)          value:shortcutKey.
+        (aspects at:#startGroup)           value:startGroup.
+        (aspects at:#accessCharacterPos)   value:accessCharacterPos.
+        (aspects at:#translateLabel)       value:translateLabel.
+        (aspects at:#submenuChannel)       value:submenuChannel.
+        (aspects at:#retriever)            value:retriever.
+        (aspects at:#icon)                 value:icon.
+        (aspects at:#iconAndLabel)         value:iconAndLabel.
+        (aspects at:#isButton)             value:isButton.
+        (aspects at:#auxValue)             value:auxValue.
+        (aspects at:#argument)
+            value:(argument isSymbol
+                        ifTrue: ['#', argument] 
+                        ifFalse:[argument]).
+    ].
+    (aspects at:#isVisible) value:isVisible.
+    (aspects at:#hideMenuOnActivated) value:hideMenuOnActivated.
+    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 15:37:29 / cg"
+! !
+!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'queries'!
+iconFor: aNode
+    "get the icon of the menu item for the tree view"
+    (aNode hasChildren or: [aNode parent isNil])
+    ifTrue:
+    [
+        ^MenuEditor submenuImage
+    ]
+    ifFalse:
+    [
+        submenuChannel notNil 
+        ifTrue:
+        [
+            ^MenuEditor linkSubmenuImage
+        ]
+        ifFalse:
+        [
+            self isSeparator 
+                ifTrue:  [^MenuEditor menuSeparatorImage]
+                ifFalse: [^MenuEditor menuItemImage]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "return true if item is a seperator"
+    ^self separatorType notNil
+    "get the label of the menu item for the tree view"
+    ^label
+" asBoldText, 
+        (value notNil ifTrue: [': [', 
+                value ,
+                (argument isString ifTrue: [' ', (Text string: argument emphasis: #italic)] ifFalse: ['']),
+                 ']'] ifFalse: [''])
+! !
 !MenuEditor::TreeView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -3164,345 +3504,6 @@
     app updateChannels
 ! !
-!MenuEditor::Item class methodsFor:'constants'!
-    "get the list of available separator types"
-    ^#('blank' 'single line' 'double line')
-    "get the list of menu spec values of the corresponding separator types"
-   ^ #(
-        ( #blank        ''  )
-        ( #single       '-' )
-        ( #double       '=' )
-      )
-! !
-!MenuEditor::Item class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    implements the contents assigned to a TreeItem. An instance
-    is associated with one item and keeps all its information
-    [see also:]
-        TreeItem
-        MenuEditor
-    [author:]
-        Claus Atzkern
-! !
-!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "get the help key of the menu item"
-    ^activeHelpKey
-    "set the help key of the menu item"
-    activeHelpKey := aKey
-    "get the value of the menu item"
-    ^label
-    "set the value of the menu item"
-    label := something ? '-'
-    "get the separator type assigned to item or nil"
-    label size > 1 
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        label size  == 0  ifTrue:[^#blank].
-        label first == $- ifTrue:[^#single].
-        label first == $= ifTrue:[^#double].
-    ].    
-    ^nil
-    "set the startGroup attribute"
-    startGroup := aSymbolOrNil
-    "Created: / 23.8.1998 / 15:56:03 / cg"
-    "return the value of the instance variable 'submenuChannel' (automatically generated)"
-    ^submenuChannel
-    "get the submenuChannel"
-    submenuChannel := aChannel
-    "set/clear the translate to national-language flag"
-    translateLabel := aBoolean
-    "Created: / 6.6.1998 / 17:23:33 / cg"
-    "set the value attribute"
-    value := aSymbol
-    "Created: / 23.8.1998 / 16:02:10 / cg"
-! !
-!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'building'!
-    "read the values of the aspects into my values"
-    |name|
-    self isSeparator 
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        name  := label.
-        label := (aspects at:#label) value.
-        (label isNil or:[self isSeparator]) ifTrue:[
-            (aspects at:#label) value:(label := name)
-        ].
-        enabled            := (aspects at:#enabled) value.
-        value              := (aspects at:#value) value.
-        nameKey            := (aspects at:#nameKey) value.
-        indication         := (aspects at:#indication) value.
-        choice             := (aspects at:#choice) value.
-        choiceValue        := (aspects at:#choiceValue) value.
-        shortcutKey        := (aspects at:#shortcutKey) value.
-        startGroup         := (aspects at:#startGroup) value.
-        accessCharacterPos := (aspects at:#accessCharacterPos) value.
-        argument           := (aspects at:#argument) value.
-        translateLabel     := (aspects at:#translateLabel) value.
-        isButton           := (aspects at:#isButton) value.
-        auxValue           := (aspects at:#auxValue) value.
-        argument isString ifTrue:[
-            argument size > 1 ifTrue:[
-                (argument at:1) == $# ifTrue:[
-                    argument := (argument copyFrom:2) asSymbol
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        submenuChannel    := (aspects at:#submenuChannel) value.
-        retriever         := (aspects at:#retriever) value.
-        icon              := (aspects at:#icon) value.
-        iconAndLabel      := (aspects at:#iconAndLabel) value.
-    ]
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        name  := (aspects at:#seperatorSelection) selectionIndex.
-        label := (self class separatorSlices at:name) last.
-    ].
-    isVisible := (aspects at:#isVisible) value.
-    hideMenuOnActivated := (aspects at:#hideMenuOnActivated) value.
-    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 15:36:38 / cg"
-    "read the attributes of anItem into my values"
-    |rtv|
-    self label:(anItem rawLabel).
-    activeHelpKey := anItem activeHelpKey.
-    (enabled := anItem enabled) isSymbol ifFalse:[
-        enabled := nil
-    ].
-    (value := anItem value) isSymbol ifFalse:[
-        value := nil.
-    ].
-    (indication := anItem indication) isSymbol ifFalse:[
-        indication := nil
-    ].
-    (choice := anItem choice) isSymbol ifFalse:[
-        choice := nil
-    ].
-    choiceValue         := anItem choiceValue.
-    nameKey             := anItem nameKey.
-    shortcutKey         := anItem shortcutKeyCharacter.
-    startGroup          := anItem startGroup.
-    accessCharacterPos  := anItem accessCharacterPosition.
-    argument            := anItem argument.
-    submenuChannel      := anItem submenuChannel.
-    translateLabel      := anItem translateLabel.
-    isButton            := anItem isButton.
-    isVisible           := anItem isVisible.
-    hideMenuOnActivated := anItem hideMenuOnActivated.
-    auxValue            := anItem auxValue.
-    (((rtv := anItem adornment) notNil)
-    and:[(rtv := rtv labelImage) isKindOf:ResourceRetriever])
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        retriever := rtv className.
-        icon      := rtv selector.
-        (iconAndLabel := rtv labelText notNil) ifTrue:[
-            label := rtv labelText.
-        ]
-    ]
-    "Modified: / 29.9.1998 / 11:18:25 / cg"
-! !
-!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'conversion'!
-    "converts self to a menu item"
-    |item rcv|
-    item := MenuItem labeled:label.
-    item isVisible:isVisible.
-    item hideMenuOnActivated:hideMenuOnActivated.
-    self isSeparator ifFalse:[    
-        item activeHelpKey:activeHelpKey.
-        item enabled:enabled.
-        item accessCharacterPosition:accessCharacterPos.
-        item argument:argument.
-        item submenuChannel:submenuChannel.
-        item nameKey:nameKey.
-        item shortcutKeyCharacter:shortcutKey.
-        item startGroup:startGroup.
-        item value:value.
-        item indication:indication.
-        item choice:choice.
-        item choiceValue:choiceValue.
-        item translateLabel: translateLabel.
-        item isButton: isButton.
-        item auxValue: auxValue.
-        icon notNil ifTrue:[
-            rcv := ResourceRetriever new.
-            rcv className:retriever.
-            rcv selector:icon.
-            iconAndLabel == true ifTrue:[
-                rcv labelText:label
-            ].
-            item labelImage:rcv
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^item
-    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 15:36:35 / cg"
-    "put my values into the values of aspects"
-    |type|
-    (type := self separatorType) notNil ifTrue: [
-        type := self class separatorSlices findFirst:[:el| el first == type ].
-        (aspects at:#seperatorSelection) selectionIndex:type.
-    ] ifFalse: [
-        (aspects at:#label)                value:label.
-        (aspects at:#enabled)              value:enabled.
-        (aspects at:#value)                value:value.
-        (aspects at:#nameKey)              value:nameKey.
-        (aspects at:#indication)           value:indication.
-        (aspects at:#choice)               value:choice.
-        (aspects at:#choiceValue)          value:choiceValue.
-        (aspects at:#shortcutKey)          value:shortcutKey.
-        (aspects at:#startGroup)           value:startGroup.
-        (aspects at:#accessCharacterPos)   value:accessCharacterPos.
-        (aspects at:#translateLabel)       value:translateLabel.
-        (aspects at:#submenuChannel)       value:submenuChannel.
-        (aspects at:#retriever)            value:retriever.
-        (aspects at:#icon)                 value:icon.
-        (aspects at:#iconAndLabel)         value:iconAndLabel.
-        (aspects at:#isButton)             value:isButton.
-        (aspects at:#auxValue)             value:auxValue.
-        (aspects at:#argument)
-            value:(argument isSymbol
-                        ifTrue: ['#', argument] 
-                        ifFalse:[argument]).
-    ].
-    (aspects at:#isVisible) value:isVisible.
-    (aspects at:#hideMenuOnActivated) value:hideMenuOnActivated.
-    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 15:37:29 / cg"
-! !
-!MenuEditor::Item methodsFor:'queries'!
-iconFor: aNode
-    "get the icon of the menu item for the tree view"
-    (aNode hasChildren or: [aNode parent isNil])
-    ifTrue:
-    [
-        ^MenuEditor submenuImage
-    ]
-    ifFalse:
-    [
-        submenuChannel notNil 
-        ifTrue:
-        [
-            ^MenuEditor linkSubmenuImage
-        ]
-        ifFalse:
-        [
-            self isSeparator 
-                ifTrue:  [^MenuEditor menuSeparatorImage]
-                ifFalse: [^MenuEditor menuItemImage]
-        ]
-    ]
-    "return true if item is a seperator"
-    ^self separatorType notNil
-    "get the label of the menu item for the tree view"
-    ^label
-" asBoldText, 
-        (value notNil ifTrue: [': [', 
-                value ,
-                (argument isString ifTrue: [' ', (Text string: argument emphasis: #italic)] ifFalse: ['']),
-                 ']'] ifFalse: [''])
-! !
 !MenuEditor class methodsFor:'documentation'!