do not overwrite defaultFin windowSpec
authorClaus Gittinger <>
Sat, 05 Feb 2000 15:26:13 +0100
changeset 1332 ba34b85c14d8
parent 1331 fa88e14d026d
child 1333 d4012bd05057
do not overwrite defaultFin windowSpec (looks ugly under win32).
--- a/	Sat Feb 05 15:15:38 2000 +0100
+++ b/	Sat Feb 05 15:26:13 2000 +0100
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@
-ApplicationModel subclass:#LayoutOrigin
+ApplicationModel subclass:#Rectangle
-ApplicationModel subclass:#LayoutFrame
+ApplicationModel subclass:#AlignmentOrigin
-ApplicationModel subclass:#Rectangle
+ApplicationModel subclass:#LayoutOrigin
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@
-ApplicationModel subclass:#AlignmentOrigin
+ApplicationModel subclass:#Extent
-ApplicationModel subclass:#Extent
+ApplicationModel subclass:#LayoutFrame
@@ -474,7 +474,6 @@
               #tabable: true
               #model: #noteBookModel
               #menu: #noteBookList
-              #style: #(#FontDescription #helvetica #medium #roman #'10')
               #direction: #bottom
               #canvas: #layoutCanvasHolder
               #keepCanvasAlive: true
@@ -483,6 +482,8 @@
+    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 15:37:02 / cg"
 ! !
 !UILayoutTool methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -819,16 +820,558 @@
                 appl createBuilder.
                 view client:appl.
                 appl window:view.
-                modifiedHolder value:true.
                 toolsDictionary at:key put:appl.
             ] ifFalse:[
                 view := appl window
-            ]
+            ].
+            modifiedHolder value:true.
         currentTool := appl.
         self layoutCanvasHolder value:view.
     self update
+    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 22:31:41 / cg"
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::Rectangle class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:UILayoutTool::Rectangle andSelector:#windowSpec
+     UILayoutTool::Rectangle new openInterface:#windowSpec
+     UILayoutTool::Rectangle open
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^
+       #(#FullSpec
+          #window: 
+           #(#WindowSpec
+              #name: 'UILayoutTool-Rectangle'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 291 0 130 0 632 0 328 0)
+              #label: 'UILayoutTool-Rectangle'
+              #min: #(#Point 10 10)
+              #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
+              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 291 130 633 329)
+              #usePreferredExtent: false
+          )
+          #component: 
+           #(#SpecCollection
+              #collection: 
+               #(
+                 #(#UISubSpecification
+                    #name: 'subSpecification'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 6 0 0 1.0 96 0)
+                    #majorKey: #UILayoutTool
+                    #minorKey: #layoutPointSpec
+                )
+                 #(#FramedBoxSpec
+                    #name: 'FramedBox'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 99 0 0 1.0 194 0)
+                    #component: 
+                     #(#SpecCollection
+                        #collection: 
+                         #(
+                           #(#LabelSpec
+                              #name: 'labelCornerY'
+                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 83 0 16 0 1 0)
+                              #label: 'Right:'
+                              #adjust: #left
+                          )
+                           #(#InputFieldSpec
+                              #name: 'fieldCornerX'
+                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 85 0 13 0 135 0 35 0)
+                              #activeHelpKey: #cornerX
+                              #tabable: true
+                              #model: #rightOffset
+                              #group: #inputGroup
+                              #type: #numberOrNil
+                              #acceptOnLostFocus: true
+                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
+                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
+                          )
+                           #(#LabelSpec
+                              #name: 'labelCornerX'
+                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 83 0 41 0 1 0)
+                              #label: 'Bottom:'
+                              #adjust: #left
+                          )
+                           #(#InputFieldSpec
+                              #name: 'fieldCornerY'
+                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 85 0 38 0 135 0 60 0)
+                              #activeHelpKey: #cornerY
+                              #tabable: true
+                              #model: #bottomOffset
+                              #group: #inputGroup
+                              #type: #numberOrNil
+                              #acceptOnLostFocus: true
+                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
+                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
+                          )
+                        )
+                    )
+                    #label: 'Corner'
+                    #labelPosition: #topLeft
+                )
+              )
+          )
+      )
+    "Modified: / 13.8.1998 / 19:59:16 / cg"
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::Rectangle methodsFor:'accessing'!
+fetch:aView spec:aSpec
+    "fetch rectangle
+    "
+    |origin corner|
+    origin := aView computeOrigin.
+    corner := aView computeCorner.
+    (self aspectFor:#leftOffset)   value:(origin x).
+    (self aspectFor:#rightOffset)  value:(corner x).
+    (self aspectFor:#topOffset)    value:(origin y).
+    (self aspectFor:#bottomOffset) value:(corner y).
+    "returns current layout as rectangle
+    "
+  ^ Smalltalk::Rectangle left:(((self aspectFor:#leftOffset)   value) ? 0)
+                          top:(((self aspectFor:#topOffset)    value) ? 0)
+                        right:(((self aspectFor:#rightOffset)  value) ? 0)
+                       bottom:(((self aspectFor:#bottomOffset) value) ? 0)
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin class methodsFor:'help specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIHelpTool may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIHelpTool openOnClass:UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin    
+    "
+    <resource: #help>
+    ^super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
+'Aligns the selected widget bottomCenter to location.'
+'Aligns the selected widget bottomLeft to location.'
+'Aligns the selected widget bottomRight to location.'
+'Aligns the selected widget center to location.'
+'Horizontal inset to the location point of the selected widget.'
+'Aligns the selected widget leftCenter to location.'
+'Aligns the selected widget rightCenter to location.'
+'Aligns the selected widget topCenter to location.'
+'Aligns the selected widget topLeft to location.'
+'Aligns the selected widget topRight to location.'
+'Vertical inset to the location point of the widget.'
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin andSelector:#windowSpec
+     UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin new openInterface:#windowSpec
+     UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin open
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^ 
+     #(#FullSpec
+        #name: #windowSpec
+        #window: 
+       #(#WindowSpec
+          #label: 'UILayoutTool-AlignmentOrigin'
+          #name: 'UILayoutTool-AlignmentOrigin'
+          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
+          #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
+          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 42 231 447 438)
+        )
+        #component: 
+       #(#SpecCollection
+          #collection: #(
+           #(#UISubSpecification
+              #name: 'layoutOriginSpec'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 6 0 0 1.0 111 0)
+              #majorKey: #UILayoutTool
+              #minorKey: #layoutOriginSpec
+            )
+           #(#FramedBoxSpec
+              #label: 'Alignment'
+              #name: 'FramedBox'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 113 0 0 1.0 208 0)
+              #labelPosition: #topLeft
+              #component: 
+             #(#SpecCollection
+                #collection: #(
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #label: 'Horizontal:'
+                    #name: 'alignHLabel'
+                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 88 0 17 0 1 0)
+                    #adjust: #right
+                  )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'leftAlignmentFractionField'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 90 0 14 0 147 0 36 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignHorizontal
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #leftAlignmentFraction
+                    #group: #inputGroup
+                    #type: #numberOrNil
+                    #acceptOnLostFocus: true
+                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
+                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
+                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+                  )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #label: 'Vertical:'
+                    #name: 'alignVLabel'
+                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 88 0 43 0 1 0)
+                    #adjust: #right
+                  )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'topAlignmentFractionField'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 90 0 40 0 147 0 62 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignVertical
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #topAlignmentFraction
+                    #group: #inputGroup
+                    #type: #numberOrNil
+                    #acceptOnLostFocus: true
+                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
+                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
+                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+                  )
+                 #(#DividerSpec
+                    #name: 'separator1'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 204 0 19 0 245 0 22 0)
+                  )
+                 #(#DividerSpec
+                    #name: 'separator2'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 204 0 55 0 245 0 58 0)
+                  )
+                 #(#DividerSpec
+                    #name: 'separator3'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 196 0 28 0 199 0 50 0)
+                    #orientation: #vertical
+                  )
+                 #(#DividerSpec
+                    #name: 'separator4'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 250 0 28 0 253 0 50 0)
+                    #orientation: #vertical
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignTopLeft'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 190 0 14 0 204 0 28 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignTopLeft
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignTopLeft
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignTopCenter'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 217 0 14 0 231 0 28 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignTopCenter
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignTopCenter
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignTopRight'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 245 0 14 0 259 0 28 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignTopRight
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignTopRight
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignLeftCenter'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 190 0 32 0 204 0 46 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignLeftCenter
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignLeftCenter
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignCenter'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 217 0 32 0 231 0 46 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignCenter
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignCenter
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignRightCenter'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 245 0 32 0 259 0 46 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignRightCenter
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignRightCenter
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignBottomLeft'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 190 0 50 0 204 0 64 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignBottomLeft
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignBottomLeft
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignBottomCenter'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 217 0 50 0 231 0 64 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignBottomCenter
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignBottomCenter
+                  )
+                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'alignBottomRight'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 245 0 50 0 259 0 64 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #alignBottomRight
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #alignBottomRight
+                  )
+                 )
+              )
+            )
+           )
+        )
+      )
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin methodsFor:'accessing'!
+fetch:aView spec:aSpec
+    "fetch alignmentOrigin
+    "
+    |layout type 
+     leftAlignmentFractionHolder topAlignmentFractionHolder
+     leftOffsetHolder leftFractionHolder topOffsetHolder topFractionHolder|
+    type   := UIPainterView layoutType:aView.
+    layout := aView geometryLayout.
+    leftOffsetHolder := (self aspectFor:#leftOffset).
+    leftFractionHolder := (self aspectFor:#leftFraction).
+    topOffsetHolder := (self aspectFor:#topOffset).
+    topFractionHolder := (self aspectFor:#topFraction).
+    leftAlignmentFractionHolder := (self aspectFor:#leftAlignmentFraction).
+    topAlignmentFractionHolder := (self aspectFor:#topAlignmentFraction).
+    layout isLayout ifTrue:[
+        leftOffsetHolder   value:(layout leftOffset).
+        leftFractionHolder value:(layout leftFraction).
+        topOffsetHolder    value:(layout topOffset).
+        topFractionHolder  value:(layout topFraction).
+        type == #AlignmentOrigin ifTrue:[
+            leftAlignmentFractionHolder value:(layout leftAlignmentFraction).
+            topAlignmentFractionHolder  value:(layout topAlignmentFraction).
+          ^ self
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        layout := aView computeOrigin.
+        leftOffsetHolder   value:(layout x).
+        leftFractionHolder value:0.
+        topOffsetHolder    value:(layout y).
+        topFractionHolder  value:0.
+    ].
+    leftAlignmentFractionHolder value:0.
+    topAlignmentFractionHolder  value:0.
+    "returns current layout as alignmentOrigin
+    "
+    |layout|
+    layout  := Smalltalk::AlignmentOrigin new.
+    layout   leftOffset:((self aspectFor:#leftOffset)   value) ? 0.
+    layout    topOffset:((self aspectFor:#topOffset)    value) ? 0.
+    layout leftFraction:((self aspectFor:#leftFraction) value) ? 0.
+    layout  topFraction:((self aspectFor:#topFraction)  value) ? 0.
+    layout leftAlignmentFraction:((self aspectFor:#leftAlignmentFraction) value) ? 0.
+    layout  topAlignmentFraction:((self aspectFor:#topAlignmentFraction)  value) ? 0.
+  ^ layout
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin methodsFor:'alignment'!
+    self makeAlignLeft:0.5 top:1
+    self makeAlignLeft:0 top:1
+    self makeAlignLeft:1 top:1
+    self makeAlignLeft:0.5 top:0.5
+    self makeAlignLeft:0 top:0.5
+    self makeAlignLeft:1 top:0.5
+    self makeAlignLeft:0.5 top:0
+    self makeAlignLeft:0 top:0
+    self makeAlignLeft:1 top:0
+makeAlignLeft:leftAlignmentFraction top:topAlignmentFraction
+    |lAF tAF lO tO ext lAHolder tAHolder lOHolder tOHolder|
+    lAF     := (lAHolder := self aspectFor:#leftAlignmentFraction) value ? 0.
+    tAF     := (tAHolder := self aspectFor:#topAlignmentFraction)  value ? 0.
+    ext     := (self aspectFor:#layoutView) computeExtent.
+    lAHolder value:leftAlignmentFraction.
+    tAHolder  value:topAlignmentFraction.
+    lO := (lOHolder := self aspectFor:#leftOffset) value ? 0.
+    tO := (tOHolder := self aspectFor:#topOffset)  value ? 0.
+    lO := lO + (ext x * (leftAlignmentFraction - lAF)).
+    tO := tO + (ext y * (topAlignmentFraction  - tAF)).
+    lOHolder value:(lO rounded).
+    tOHolder value:(tO rounded).
+    self makeAlignLeft:1 top:0
 ! !
 !UILayoutTool::LayoutOrigin class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
@@ -909,6 +1452,233 @@
 ! !
+!UILayoutTool::Point class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:UILayoutTool::Point andSelector:#windowSpec
+     UILayoutTool::Point new openInterface:#windowSpec
+     UILayoutTool::Point open
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^
+       #(#FullSpec
+          #window: 
+           #(#WindowSpec
+              #name: 'UILayoutTool-Point'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 324 0 410 0 618 0 547 0)
+              #label: 'UILayoutTool-Point'
+              #min: #(#Point 10 10)
+              #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
+              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 324 410 619 548)
+              #usePreferredExtent: false
+          )
+          #component: 
+           #(#SpecCollection
+              #collection: 
+               #(
+                 #(#UISubSpecification
+                    #name: 'layoutPointSpec'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 6 0 0 1.0 100 0)
+                    #majorKey: #UILayoutTool
+                    #minorKey: #layoutPointSpec
+                )
+              )
+          )
+      )
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::Point methodsFor:'accessing'!
+fetch:aView spec:aSpec
+    "fetch point
+    "
+    |origin|
+    origin  := aView computeOrigin.
+    (self aspectFor:#leftOffset) value:(origin x).
+    (self aspectFor:#topOffset)  value:(origin y).
+    "returns current layout as point
+    "
+  ^ Smalltalk::Point x:(((self aspectFor:#leftOffset) value) ? 0)
+                     y:(((self aspectFor:#topOffset)  value) ? 0)
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::Extent class methodsFor:'help specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIHelpTool may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIHelpTool openOnClass:UILayoutTool::Extent    
+    "
+    <resource: #help>
+    ^super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
+'Horizontal extent of the selected widget.'
+'Vertical extent of the selected widget.'
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::Extent class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:UILayoutTool::Extent andSelector:#windowSpec
+     UILayoutTool::Extent new openInterface:#windowSpec
+     UILayoutTool::Extent open
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^ 
+     #(#FullSpec
+        #name: #windowSpec
+        #window: 
+       #(#WindowSpec
+          #label: 'UILayoutTool-Extent'
+          #name: 'UILayoutTool-Extent'
+          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
+          #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
+          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 506 24 832 173)
+        )
+        #component: 
+       #(#SpecCollection
+          #collection: #(
+           #(#FramedBoxSpec
+              #label: 'Extent'
+              #name: 'FramedBox'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 6 0.0 0 1.0 137 0)
+              #labelPosition: #topLeft
+              #component: 
+             #(#SpecCollection
+                #collection: #(
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #label: 'Width:'
+                    #name: 'labelWidth'
+                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 89 0 24 0 1 0.5)
+                    #adjust: #right
+                  )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'fieldLeftOffset'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 90 0 13 0 140 0 35 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #hrzExtent
+                    #enableChannel: #notUsingDefaultExtent
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #leftOffset
+                    #group: #inputGroup
+                    #type: #numberOrNil
+                    #acceptOnLostFocus: true
+                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
+                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
+                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+                  )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #label: 'Height:'
+                    #name: 'labelHeight'
+                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 89 0 49 0 1 0.5)
+                    #adjust: #right
+                  )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #name: 'fieldRightOffset'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 90 0 38 0 140 0 60 0)
+                    #activeHelpKey: #vrtExtent
+                    #enableChannel: #notUsingDefaultExtent
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #rightOffset
+                    #group: #inputGroup
+                    #type: #numberOrNil
+                    #acceptOnLostFocus: true
+                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
+                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
+                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+                  )
+                 #(#CheckBoxSpec
+                    #attributes: 
+                   #(#tabable
+                      true
+                    )
+                    #label: 'Use Widgets Default Extent'
+                    #name: 'useDefaultExtentCheckBox'
+                    #layout: #(#Point 5 74)
+                    #enableChannel: #defaultExtentEnabled
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #useDefaultExtent
+                    #translateLabel: true
+                  )
+                 )
+              )
+            )
+           )
+        )
+      )
+! !
+!UILayoutTool::Extent methodsFor:'accessing'!
+fetch:aView spec:aSpec
+    "fetch extent
+    "
+    |extent|
+    extent  := aView computeExtent.
+    (self aspectFor:#leftOffset)  value:(extent x).
+    (self aspectFor:#rightOffset) value:(extent y).
+    (self aspectFor:#useDefaultExtent) value:aSpec useDefaultExtent 
+    "returns current extent
+    "
+  ^ Smalltalk::Point x:(((self aspectFor:#leftOffset)   value) ? 0)
+                     y:(((self aspectFor:#rightOffset)  value) ? 0)
+! !
 !UILayoutTool::LayoutFrame class methodsFor:'help specs'!
@@ -1613,773 +2383,6 @@
         bottom:0.5       offset:0
 ! !
-!UILayoutTool::Rectangle class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
-    "This resource specification was automatically generated
-     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
-    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
-     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
-    "
-     UIPainter new openOnClass:UILayoutTool::Rectangle andSelector:#windowSpec
-     UILayoutTool::Rectangle new openInterface:#windowSpec
-     UILayoutTool::Rectangle open
-    "
-    <resource: #canvas>
-    ^
-       #(#FullSpec
-          #window: 
-           #(#WindowSpec
-              #name: 'UILayoutTool-Rectangle'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 291 0 130 0 632 0 328 0)
-              #label: 'UILayoutTool-Rectangle'
-              #min: #(#Point 10 10)
-              #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
-              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 291 130 633 329)
-              #usePreferredExtent: false
-          )
-          #component: 
-           #(#SpecCollection
-              #collection: 
-               #(
-                 #(#UISubSpecification
-                    #name: 'subSpecification'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 6 0 0 1.0 96 0)
-                    #majorKey: #UILayoutTool
-                    #minorKey: #layoutPointSpec
-                )
-                 #(#FramedBoxSpec
-                    #name: 'FramedBox'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 99 0 0 1.0 194 0)
-                    #component: 
-                     #(#SpecCollection
-                        #collection: 
-                         #(
-                           #(#LabelSpec
-                              #name: 'labelCornerY'
-                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 83 0 16 0 1 0)
-                              #label: 'Right:'
-                              #adjust: #left
-                          )
-                           #(#InputFieldSpec
-                              #name: 'fieldCornerX'
-                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 85 0 13 0 135 0 35 0)
-                              #activeHelpKey: #cornerX
-                              #tabable: true
-                              #model: #rightOffset
-                              #group: #inputGroup
-                              #type: #numberOrNil
-                              #acceptOnLostFocus: true
-                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
-                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                          )
-                           #(#LabelSpec
-                              #name: 'labelCornerX'
-                              #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 83 0 41 0 1 0)
-                              #label: 'Bottom:'
-                              #adjust: #left
-                          )
-                           #(#InputFieldSpec
-                              #name: 'fieldCornerY'
-                              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 85 0 38 0 135 0 60 0)
-                              #activeHelpKey: #cornerY
-                              #tabable: true
-                              #model: #bottomOffset
-                              #group: #inputGroup
-                              #type: #numberOrNil
-                              #acceptOnLostFocus: true
-                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
-                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                          )
-                        )
-                    )
-                    #label: 'Corner'
-                    #labelPosition: #topLeft
-                )
-              )
-          )
-      )
-    "Modified: / 13.8.1998 / 19:59:16 / cg"
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::Rectangle methodsFor:'accessing'!
-fetch:aView spec:aSpec
-    "fetch rectangle
-    "
-    |origin corner|
-    origin := aView computeOrigin.
-    corner := aView computeCorner.
-    (self aspectFor:#leftOffset)   value:(origin x).
-    (self aspectFor:#rightOffset)  value:(corner x).
-    (self aspectFor:#topOffset)    value:(origin y).
-    (self aspectFor:#bottomOffset) value:(corner y).
-    "returns current layout as rectangle
-    "
-  ^ Smalltalk::Rectangle left:(((self aspectFor:#leftOffset)   value) ? 0)
-                          top:(((self aspectFor:#topOffset)    value) ? 0)
-                        right:(((self aspectFor:#rightOffset)  value) ? 0)
-                       bottom:(((self aspectFor:#bottomOffset) value) ? 0)
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::Point class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
-    "This resource specification was automatically generated
-     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
-    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
-     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
-    "
-     UIPainter new openOnClass:UILayoutTool::Point andSelector:#windowSpec
-     UILayoutTool::Point new openInterface:#windowSpec
-     UILayoutTool::Point open
-    "
-    <resource: #canvas>
-    ^
-       #(#FullSpec
-          #window: 
-           #(#WindowSpec
-              #name: 'UILayoutTool-Point'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 324 0 410 0 618 0 547 0)
-              #label: 'UILayoutTool-Point'
-              #min: #(#Point 10 10)
-              #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
-              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 324 410 619 548)
-              #usePreferredExtent: false
-          )
-          #component: 
-           #(#SpecCollection
-              #collection: 
-               #(
-                 #(#UISubSpecification
-                    #name: 'layoutPointSpec'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 6 0 0 1.0 100 0)
-                    #majorKey: #UILayoutTool
-                    #minorKey: #layoutPointSpec
-                )
-              )
-          )
-      )
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::Point methodsFor:'accessing'!
-fetch:aView spec:aSpec
-    "fetch point
-    "
-    |origin|
-    origin  := aView computeOrigin.
-    (self aspectFor:#leftOffset) value:(origin x).
-    (self aspectFor:#topOffset)  value:(origin y).
-    "returns current layout as point
-    "
-  ^ Smalltalk::Point x:(((self aspectFor:#leftOffset) value) ? 0)
-                     y:(((self aspectFor:#topOffset)  value) ? 0)
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin class methodsFor:'help specs'!
-    "This resource specification was automatically generated
-     by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."
-    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
-     the UIHelpTool may not be able to read the specification."
-    "
-     UIHelpTool openOnClass:UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin    
-    "
-    <resource: #help>
-    ^super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
-'Aligns the selected widget bottomCenter to location.'
-'Aligns the selected widget bottomLeft to location.'
-'Aligns the selected widget bottomRight to location.'
-'Aligns the selected widget center to location.'
-'Horizontal inset to the location point of the selected widget.'
-'Aligns the selected widget leftCenter to location.'
-'Aligns the selected widget rightCenter to location.'
-'Aligns the selected widget topCenter to location.'
-'Aligns the selected widget topLeft to location.'
-'Aligns the selected widget topRight to location.'
-'Vertical inset to the location point of the widget.'
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
-    "This resource specification was automatically generated
-     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
-    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
-     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
-    "
-     UIPainter new openOnClass:UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin andSelector:#windowSpec
-     UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin new openInterface:#windowSpec
-     UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin open
-    "
-    <resource: #canvas>
-    ^ 
-     #(#FullSpec
-        #name: #windowSpec
-        #window: 
-       #(#WindowSpec
-          #label: 'UILayoutTool-AlignmentOrigin'
-          #name: 'UILayoutTool-AlignmentOrigin'
-          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
-          #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
-          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 42 231 447 438)
-        )
-        #component: 
-       #(#SpecCollection
-          #collection: #(
-           #(#UISubSpecification
-              #name: 'layoutOriginSpec'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 6 0 0 1.0 111 0)
-              #majorKey: #UILayoutTool
-              #minorKey: #layoutOriginSpec
-            )
-           #(#FramedBoxSpec
-              #label: 'Alignment'
-              #name: 'FramedBox'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 1 0.0 113 0 0 1.0 208 0)
-              #labelPosition: #topLeft
-              #component: 
-             #(#SpecCollection
-                #collection: #(
-                 #(#LabelSpec
-                    #label: 'Horizontal:'
-                    #name: 'alignHLabel'
-                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 88 0 17 0 1 0)
-                    #adjust: #right
-                  )
-                 #(#InputFieldSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'leftAlignmentFractionField'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 90 0 14 0 147 0 36 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignHorizontal
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #leftAlignmentFraction
-                    #group: #inputGroup
-                    #type: #numberOrNil
-                    #acceptOnLostFocus: true
-                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
-                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-                  )
-                 #(#LabelSpec
-                    #label: 'Vertical:'
-                    #name: 'alignVLabel'
-                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 88 0 43 0 1 0)
-                    #adjust: #right
-                  )
-                 #(#InputFieldSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'topAlignmentFractionField'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 90 0 40 0 147 0 62 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignVertical
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #topAlignmentFraction
-                    #group: #inputGroup
-                    #type: #numberOrNil
-                    #acceptOnLostFocus: true
-                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
-                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-                  )
-                 #(#DividerSpec
-                    #name: 'separator1'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 204 0 19 0 245 0 22 0)
-                  )
-                 #(#DividerSpec
-                    #name: 'separator2'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 204 0 55 0 245 0 58 0)
-                  )
-                 #(#DividerSpec
-                    #name: 'separator3'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 196 0 28 0 199 0 50 0)
-                    #orientation: #vertical
-                  )
-                 #(#DividerSpec
-                    #name: 'separator4'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 250 0 28 0 253 0 50 0)
-                    #orientation: #vertical
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignTopLeft'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 190 0 14 0 204 0 28 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignTopLeft
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignTopLeft
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignTopCenter'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 217 0 14 0 231 0 28 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignTopCenter
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignTopCenter
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignTopRight'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 245 0 14 0 259 0 28 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignTopRight
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignTopRight
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignLeftCenter'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 190 0 32 0 204 0 46 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignLeftCenter
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignLeftCenter
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignCenter'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 217 0 32 0 231 0 46 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignCenter
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignCenter
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignRightCenter'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 245 0 32 0 259 0 46 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignRightCenter
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignRightCenter
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignBottomLeft'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 190 0 50 0 204 0 64 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignBottomLeft
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignBottomLeft
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignBottomCenter'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 217 0 50 0 231 0 64 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignBottomCenter
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignBottomCenter
-                  )
-                 #(#ActionButtonSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'alignBottomRight'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 245 0 50 0 259 0 64 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #alignBottomRight
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #alignBottomRight
-                  )
-                 )
-              )
-            )
-           )
-        )
-      )
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin methodsFor:'accessing'!
-fetch:aView spec:aSpec
-    "fetch alignmentOrigin
-    "
-    |layout type 
-     leftAlignmentFractionHolder topAlignmentFractionHolder
-     leftOffsetHolder leftFractionHolder topOffsetHolder topFractionHolder|
-    type   := UIPainterView layoutType:aView.
-    layout := aView geometryLayout.
-    leftOffsetHolder := (self aspectFor:#leftOffset).
-    leftFractionHolder := (self aspectFor:#leftFraction).
-    topOffsetHolder := (self aspectFor:#topOffset).
-    topFractionHolder := (self aspectFor:#topFraction).
-    leftAlignmentFractionHolder := (self aspectFor:#leftAlignmentFraction).
-    topAlignmentFractionHolder := (self aspectFor:#topAlignmentFraction).
-    layout isLayout ifTrue:[
-        leftOffsetHolder   value:(layout leftOffset).
-        leftFractionHolder value:(layout leftFraction).
-        topOffsetHolder    value:(layout topOffset).
-        topFractionHolder  value:(layout topFraction).
-        type == #AlignmentOrigin ifTrue:[
-            leftAlignmentFractionHolder value:(layout leftAlignmentFraction).
-            topAlignmentFractionHolder  value:(layout topAlignmentFraction).
-          ^ self
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        layout := aView computeOrigin.
-        leftOffsetHolder   value:(layout x).
-        leftFractionHolder value:0.
-        topOffsetHolder    value:(layout y).
-        topFractionHolder  value:0.
-    ].
-    leftAlignmentFractionHolder value:0.
-    topAlignmentFractionHolder  value:0.
-    "returns current layout as alignmentOrigin
-    "
-    |layout|
-    layout  := Smalltalk::AlignmentOrigin new.
-    layout   leftOffset:((self aspectFor:#leftOffset)   value) ? 0.
-    layout    topOffset:((self aspectFor:#topOffset)    value) ? 0.
-    layout leftFraction:((self aspectFor:#leftFraction) value) ? 0.
-    layout  topFraction:((self aspectFor:#topFraction)  value) ? 0.
-    layout leftAlignmentFraction:((self aspectFor:#leftAlignmentFraction) value) ? 0.
-    layout  topAlignmentFraction:((self aspectFor:#topAlignmentFraction)  value) ? 0.
-  ^ layout
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::AlignmentOrigin methodsFor:'alignment'!
-    self makeAlignLeft:0.5 top:1
-    self makeAlignLeft:0 top:1
-    self makeAlignLeft:1 top:1
-    self makeAlignLeft:0.5 top:0.5
-    self makeAlignLeft:0 top:0.5
-    self makeAlignLeft:1 top:0.5
-    self makeAlignLeft:0.5 top:0
-    self makeAlignLeft:0 top:0
-    self makeAlignLeft:1 top:0
-makeAlignLeft:leftAlignmentFraction top:topAlignmentFraction
-    |lAF tAF lO tO ext lAHolder tAHolder lOHolder tOHolder|
-    lAF     := (lAHolder := self aspectFor:#leftAlignmentFraction) value ? 0.
-    tAF     := (tAHolder := self aspectFor:#topAlignmentFraction)  value ? 0.
-    ext     := (self aspectFor:#layoutView) computeExtent.
-    lAHolder value:leftAlignmentFraction.
-    tAHolder  value:topAlignmentFraction.
-    lO := (lOHolder := self aspectFor:#leftOffset) value ? 0.
-    tO := (tOHolder := self aspectFor:#topOffset)  value ? 0.
-    lO := lO + (ext x * (leftAlignmentFraction - lAF)).
-    tO := tO + (ext y * (topAlignmentFraction  - tAF)).
-    lOHolder value:(lO rounded).
-    tOHolder value:(tO rounded).
-    self makeAlignLeft:1 top:0
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::Extent class methodsFor:'help specs'!
-    "This resource specification was automatically generated
-     by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."
-    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
-     the UIHelpTool may not be able to read the specification."
-    "
-     UIHelpTool openOnClass:UILayoutTool::Extent    
-    "
-    <resource: #help>
-    ^super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(
-'Horizontal extent of the selected widget.'
-'Vertical extent of the selected widget.'
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::Extent class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
-    "This resource specification was automatically generated
-     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
-    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
-     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
-    "
-     UIPainter new openOnClass:UILayoutTool::Extent andSelector:#windowSpec
-     UILayoutTool::Extent new openInterface:#windowSpec
-     UILayoutTool::Extent open
-    "
-    <resource: #canvas>
-    ^ 
-     #(#FullSpec
-        #name: #windowSpec
-        #window: 
-       #(#WindowSpec
-          #label: 'UILayoutTool-Extent'
-          #name: 'UILayoutTool-Extent'
-          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
-          #max: #(#Point 1152 900)
-          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 506 24 832 173)
-        )
-        #component: 
-       #(#SpecCollection
-          #collection: #(
-           #(#FramedBoxSpec
-              #label: 'Extent'
-              #name: 'FramedBox'
-              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 6 0.0 0 1.0 137 0)
-              #labelPosition: #topLeft
-              #component: 
-             #(#SpecCollection
-                #collection: #(
-                 #(#LabelSpec
-                    #label: 'Width:'
-                    #name: 'labelWidth'
-                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 89 0 24 0 1 0.5)
-                    #adjust: #right
-                  )
-                 #(#InputFieldSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'fieldLeftOffset'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 90 0 13 0 140 0 35 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #hrzExtent
-                    #enableChannel: #notUsingDefaultExtent
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #leftOffset
-                    #group: #inputGroup
-                    #type: #numberOrNil
-                    #acceptOnLostFocus: true
-                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
-                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-                  )
-                 #(#LabelSpec
-                    #label: 'Height:'
-                    #name: 'labelHeight'
-                    #layout: #(#AlignmentOrigin 89 0 49 0 1 0.5)
-                    #adjust: #right
-                  )
-                 #(#InputFieldSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #name: 'fieldRightOffset'
-                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 90 0 38 0 140 0 60 0)
-                    #activeHelpKey: #vrtExtent
-                    #enableChannel: #notUsingDefaultExtent
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #rightOffset
-                    #group: #inputGroup
-                    #type: #numberOrNil
-                    #acceptOnLostFocus: true
-                    #acceptChannel: #acceptChannel
-                    #modifiedChannel: #modifiedChannel
-                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
-                  )
-                 #(#CheckBoxSpec
-                    #attributes: 
-                   #(#tabable
-                      true
-                    )
-                    #label: 'Use Widgets Default Extent'
-                    #name: 'useDefaultExtentCheckBox'
-                    #layout: #(#Point 5 74)
-                    #enableChannel: #defaultExtentEnabled
-                    #tabable: true
-                    #model: #useDefaultExtent
-                    #translateLabel: true
-                  )
-                 )
-              )
-            )
-           )
-        )
-      )
-! !
-!UILayoutTool::Extent methodsFor:'accessing'!
-fetch:aView spec:aSpec
-    "fetch extent
-    "
-    |extent|
-    extent  := aView computeExtent.
-    (self aspectFor:#leftOffset)  value:(extent x).
-    (self aspectFor:#rightOffset) value:(extent y).
-    (self aspectFor:#useDefaultExtent) value:aSpec useDefaultExtent 
-    "returns current extent
-    "
-  ^ Smalltalk::Point x:(((self aspectFor:#leftOffset)   value) ? 0)
-                     y:(((self aspectFor:#rightOffset)  value) ? 0)
-! !
 !UILayoutTool class methodsFor:'documentation'!